Example #1
        private static void EnqueueResponseChain(ConnectionState state, List <SMB2Command> responseChain)
            byte[] signingKey = null;
            if (state is SMB2ConnectionState)
                // Note: multiple sessions MAY be multiplexed on the same connection, so theoretically
                // we could have compounding unrelated requests from different sessions.
                // In practice however this is not a real problem.
                ulong sessionID = responseChain[0].Header.SessionID;
                if (sessionID != 0)
                    SMB2Session session = ((SMB2ConnectionState)state).GetSession(sessionID);
                    if (session != null)
                        signingKey = session.SigningKey;

            SessionMessagePacket packet      = new SessionMessagePacket();
            SMB2Dialect          smb2Dialect = (signingKey != null) ? ToSMB2Dialect(state.Dialect) : SMB2Dialect.SMB2xx;

            packet.Trailer = SMB2Command.GetCommandChainBytes(responseChain, signingKey, smb2Dialect);
            state.LogToServer(Severity.Verbose, "SMB2 response chain queued: Response count: {0}, First response: {1}, Packet length: {2}", responseChain.Count, responseChain[0].CommandName.ToString(), packet.Length);