/// <summary> /// Remove all elements of the table. /// </summary> public static void Clear <TKey, TValue>(SimpleTable <TKey, TValue> table) { for (int i = 0; i < table.Capacity; i++) { var entry = table.Entries[i]; if (entry == null) { continue; } table.Entries[i] = null; entry.Key = default(TKey); entry.Value = default(TValue); entry.HashCode = -1; SList.Add(table.EntryPool, entry); while (entry.Next != null) { entry = entry.Next; entry.Key = default(TKey); entry.Value = default(TValue); entry.HashCode = -1; SList.Add(table.EntryPool, entry); } } table.Count = 0; }
private static Window CreateWindow(WindowState defaultState) { var references = DataHolder.GUIReferences; var windowObj = NGUITools.AddChild(DataHolder.GUIReferences.WindowsParent, references.WindowPrefab); var windowComponent = windowObj.GetComponent <WindowComponent>(); windowComponent.ControlBar.DragObject.contentRect = windowComponent.WindowWidget; windowComponent.ControlBar.DragObject.panelRegion = DataHolder.GUIReferences.MainPanel; var window = new Window(); window.WindowId = WindowIds++; window.SceneWindow = windowComponent; SetWindowState(window, defaultState); windowObj.SetActive(true); SList.Add(CurrentlyOpenWindows, window); windowComponent.Widgets = SList.Create <UIWidget>(3); windowComponent.Panels = SList.Create <UIPanel>(3); Focus(windowComponent); return(window); }
public static HashDir CreateDir(HashDir parent, string name) { var hashDir = new HashDir(); hashDir.DirId = MathUtil.GetStringHash(name); hashDir.Name = name; hashDir.Childs = SList.Create <HashDir>(1); hashDir.ChildsDirId = SList.Create <int>(1); hashDir.Files = SList.Create <HashFile>(1); hashDir.FilesId = SList.Create <int>(1); hashDir.ParentDir = parent; if (parent != null) { hashDir.ParentDirId = parent.DirId; SList.Add(parent.Childs, hashDir); SList.Add(parent.ChildsDirId, hashDir.DirId); } else { hashDir.ParentDirId = -1; } CacheDirFullPath(hashDir); return(hashDir); }
public int AddBlock() { var t = new DataBlock <T>(); int id = list.Add(t); return(id); }
private void AddButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Check()) { MessageBox.Show("Не все поля заполнены"); return; } string min = "", max = ""; min = alist[acomboBox.SelectedIndex].Born.Split('.')[2]; max = alist[acomboBox.SelectedIndex].Die.Split('.')[2]; if (Convert.ToInt32(ytextBox.Text) < Convert.ToInt32(min) || Convert.ToInt32(ytextBox.Text) > Convert.ToInt32(max)) { MessageBox.Show("Год не входит в рамки жизни автора"); return; } double id = 0; slist.Read(); if (slist.Length == 0) { temp = new Source(slist.RemoveSpaces(ntextBox.Text), alist[acomboBox.SelectedIndex], ytextBox.Text, slist.RemoveSpaces(inftextBox.Text), id); } else { id = slist[slist.Length - 1].Id + 1; temp = new Source(slist.RemoveSpaces(ntextBox.Text), alist[acomboBox.SelectedIndex], ytextBox.Text, slist.RemoveSpaces(inftextBox.Text), id); } slist.Add(temp); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; slist.Write(); Clear(); Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates and returns a file from the given serialized data. /// </summary> public static HashFile GetFileFromSerializedData(SerializedHashFile serializedFile) { var file = new HashFile(); file.FileId = serializedFile.FileId; file.Name = serializedFile.Name; file.ParentDirId = serializedFile.ParentDirId; file.Status = serializedFile.Status; file.Password = serializedFile.Password; file.Condition = serializedFile.Condition; file.UserPermission = SList.Create <ClassPair <string, AccessPermission> >(serializedFile.UserPermission.Length); for (int i = 0; i < serializedFile.UserPermission.Length; i++) { var permission = serializedFile.UserPermission[i]; var user = permission.Key; var pair = new ClassPair <string, AccessPermission>(); pair.Key = user.UserName; pair.Value = permission.Value; SList.Add(file.UserPermission, pair); } return(file); }
public static TextTableLine CreateLine( string nameColumnText, string typeColumnText, string statusColumnText, Color color, int textModifiers) { var nameColumnItem = CreateColumn(nameColumnText, .6f, color, textModifiers); var typeColumnItem = CreateColumn(typeColumnText, .2f, color, textModifiers); var statusColumnItem = CreateColumn(statusColumnText, .2f, color, textModifiers); var items = SList.Create <TextTableColumn>(2); SList.Add(items, nameColumnItem); SList.Add(items, typeColumnItem); SList.Add(items, statusColumnItem); var line = new TextTableLine(); line.Items = items; line.ItemsSeparator = string.Empty; line.MaxLineSize = DataHolder.TerminalData.MaxLineWidthInChars; line.MaxLineSizeIsForced = true; line.ItemsSeparator = " | "; line.SeparatorModifier.Color = color; line.SeparatorModifier.Modifiers = TextModifiers.Bold; TextUtil.FormatLineConsideringWeightsAndSize(line); return(line); }
/// <summary> /// Remove all elements of the set. /// </summary> public static void Clear <TKey>(SimpleSet <TKey> set) { for (int i = 0; i < set.Capacity; i++) { var entry = set.Entries[i]; if (entry == null) { continue; } set.Entries[i] = null; entry.Key = default(TKey); entry.HashCode = -1; SList.Add(set.EntryPool, entry); while (entry.Next != null) { entry = entry.Next; entry.Key = default(TKey); entry.HashCode = -1; SList.Add(set.EntryPool, entry); } } set.Count = 0; }
public static HashDevice GetDeviceFromSerializedData(SerializedHashDevice serializedDevice) { var device = new HashDevice(); device.DeviceName = serializedDevice.DeviceName; device.Condition = serializedDevice.Condition; device.IpAddress = serializedDevice.IpAddress; device.AllPrograms = ProgramUtil.GetAllProgramsFromSerializedData(serializedDevice.Programs); device.AllUsers = SList.Create <HashUser>(serializedDevice.Users.Length); for (int i = 0; i < serializedDevice.Users.Length; i++) { var user = GetUserFromSerializedData(serializedDevice.Users[i]); SList.Add(device.AllUsers, user); } var defaultUser = new HashUser(); defaultUser.Username = DEFAULT_USER_NAME; defaultUser.Password = DEFAULT_PASSWORD; SList.Add(device.AllUsers, defaultUser); device.FileSystem = FileSystem.GetFileSystemFromSerializedData(serializedDevice.FileSystem); return(device); }
public static void AddFileToDir(HashDir dir, HashFile file) { file.ParentDir = dir; file.ParentDirId = dir.DirId; SList.Add(dir.Files, file); SList.Add(dir.FilesId, file.FileId); CacheFile(file); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="Value"></param> /// <param name="SList"></param> protected virtual void SetAndObjectValue(List <object> SList, object Value) { if (SList == null) { SList = new List <object>(); } else { SList.Add(Value); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns a list of all the programs deserialized from the given serialized data. /// </summary> public static SimpleList <Program> GetAllProgramsFromSerializedData(SerializedProgram[] programs) { var result = SList.Create <Program>(programs.Length); for (int i = 0; i < programs.Length; i++) { var program = GetProgramFromSerializedData(programs[i]); SList.Add(result, program); } return(result); }
public static void CachePanels(WindowComponent windowComponent) { SList.Clear(windowComponent.Panels); var panels = windowComponent.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <UIPanel>(true); for (int i = 0; i < panels.Length; i++) { var panel = panels[i]; SList.Add(windowComponent.Panels, panel); } }
public static void CacheWidgets(WindowComponent windowComponent) { SList.Clear(windowComponent.Widgets); var widgets = windowComponent.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <UIWidget>(true); for (int i = 0; i < widgets.Length; i++) { var widget = widgets[i]; SList.Add(windowComponent.Widgets, widget); } }
public static int CreateDevice(DeviceData deviceData) { Device newDevice = new Device(); newDevice.Id = new Random().Next(); // TODO: Real id newDevice.Name = "NEW_DEVICE"; newDevice.StorageId = CreateStorage(deviceData); newDevice.IP = ""; SList.Add(deviceData.AllDevices, newDevice); return(newDevice.Id); }
public void Add(int goodsId, int num) { TestGoods goods = Get(goodsId); if (goods == null) { goods = new TestGoods(); goods.goodsId.Value = goodsId; m_goods.Add(goods); } goods.num.Value = goods.num + num; }
public static int CreateDirectory(DeviceData deviceData, string name) { Directory dir = new Directory(); dir.Id = new Random().Next(); // TODO: Real id dir.ChildrenDirectoriesIds = new SimpleList <int>(); dir.FilesIds = new SimpleList <int>(); dir.Name = name; SList.Add(deviceData.AllDirectories, dir); return(dir.Id); }
public static SimpleList <HashDir> GetAllAvailableChild(HashDir dir) { var result = SList.Create <HashDir>(dir.Childs.Count); for (int i = 0; i < dir.Childs.Count; i++) { var child = dir.Childs[i]; if (IsDirAvaibale(child)) { SList.Add(result, child); } } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a list containing all the files of the given dir that are available for use. /// See IsFileAvailable. /// </summary> public static SimpleList <HashFile> GetAvailableFilesFromDir(HashDir dir) { var result = SList.Create <HashFile>(1); for (int i = 0; i < dir.Files.Count; i++) { var file = dir.Files[i]; if (IsFileAvaibale(file)) { SList.Add(result, file); } } return(result); }
public static SimpleList <Program> GetAvailablePrograms(HashDevice device) { var programs = SList.Create <Program>(device.AllPrograms.Count); for (int i = 0; i < device.AllPrograms.Count; i++) { var program = device.AllPrograms[i]; if (IsProgramAvailable(program)) { SList.Add(programs, program); } } return(programs); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a list containing all of the dir files. /// </summary> public static void CacheDirFiles(HashDir dir) { SList.Clear(dir.Files); for (int i = 0; i < dir.FilesId.Count; i++) { var fileId = dir.FilesId[i]; var file = FindFileById(fileId); DebugUtil.Assert(file == null, string.Format("THE DIR {0} HAS A INVALID FILE {1}", dir.Name, fileId)); file.ParentDirId = dir.DirId; file.ParentDir = dir; SList.Add(dir.Files, file); } }
/// <summary> /// Cache the dirs children based on the ChildsDirid values. /// </summary> public static void CacheDirChildren(HashDir dir) { SList.Clear(dir.Childs); for (int i = 0; i < dir.ChildsDirId.Count; i++) { var childId = dir.ChildsDirId[i]; var child = FindDirById(childId); DebugUtil.Assert(child == null, string.Format("THE DIR {0} HAS A INVALID CHILD {1}", dir.Name, childId)); child.ParentDirId = dir.DirId; child.ParentDir = dir; SList.Add(dir.Childs, child); } }
public static int CreateStorage(DeviceData deviceData) { Storage storage = new Storage(); storage.Id = new Random().Next(); // TODO: Real id storage.AllDirectoriesIds = new SimpleList <int>(); storage.AllFilesIds = new SimpleList <int>(); int root = CreateDirectory(deviceData, ROOT_DIR_NAME); SList.Add(storage.AllDirectoriesIds, root); SList.Add(deviceData.AllStorages, storage); return(storage.Id); }
public static DeviceData GetDeviceDataFromSerializedData(SerializedHashDevices devices) { var result = new DeviceData(); result.AllDevices = SList.Create <HashDevice>(devices.Devices.Length); for (int i = 0; i < devices.Devices.Length; i++) { var serializedDevice = devices.Devices[i]; var device = GetDeviceFromSerializedData(serializedDevice); SList.Add(result.AllDevices, device); } result.PlayerDevice = InternalFindDeviceByName(result, devices.PlayerDeviceName); result.CurrentUser = FindUserByName(result.PlayerDevice, devices.PlayerUserName); result.CurrentDevice = result.PlayerDevice; return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Removes the given item that corresponds to the given key. /// </summary> public static void Remove <TKey, TValue>(SimpleTable <TKey, TValue> table, TKey key) { var hash = table.Comparer.GetHashCode(key); var index = (hash & int.MaxValue) % table.Capacity; var entry = table.Entries[index]; if (entry == null) { return; } if (entry.HashCode == hash && table.Comparer.Equals(entry.Key, key)) { table.Entries[index] = null; table.Count--; entry.Key = default(TKey); entry.Value = default(TValue); entry.HashCode = -1; SList.Add(table.EntryPool, entry); } else { while (entry.Next != null) { if (entry.Next.HashCode == hash && table.Comparer.Equals(entry.Next.Key, key)) { var removed = entry.Next; entry.Next = entry.Next.Next; removed.Key = default(TKey); removed.Value = default(TValue); removed.HashCode = -1; SList.Add(table.EntryPool, removed); table.Count--; } entry = entry.Next; } } }
/// <summary> /// Returns a list of all unknown arguments. /// An argument is unknown when it's present on the arguments list but not on the knownArguments list. /// </summary> public static SimpleList <Pair <string, string> > GetUnknownArguments(SimpleList <Pair <string, string> > arguments, string[] knownArguments) { var result = SList.Create <Pair <string, string> >(1); if (AreAllArgumentsKnown(arguments, knownArguments)) { return(result); } for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Count; i++) { var arg = arguments[i]; var indexOf = Array.IndexOf(knownArguments, arg.Key); if (indexOf == -1) { SList.Add(result, arg); } } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Removes the given item that corresponds to the given key. /// </summary> public static void Remove <TKey>(SimpleSet <TKey> Set, TKey key) { var hash = Set.Comparer.GetHashCode(key); var index = (hash & int.MaxValue) % Set.Capacity; var entry = Set.Entries[index]; if (entry == null) { return; } if (entry.HashCode == hash && Set.Comparer.Equals(entry.Key, key)) { Set.Entries[index] = null; Set.Count--; entry.Key = default(TKey); entry.HashCode = -1; SList.Add(Set.EntryPool, entry); } else { while (entry.Next != null) { if (entry.Next.HashCode == hash && Set.Comparer.Equals(entry.Next.Key, key)) { var removed = entry.Next; entry.Next = entry.Next.Next; removed.Key = default(TKey); removed.HashCode = -1; SList.Add(Set.EntryPool, removed); Set.Count--; } entry = entry.Next; } } }
void TestSimpleList() { var stop = new Stopwatch(); stop.Start(); var list = SList.Create <int>(10); for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { SList.Add(list, i); } //var list = new List<int>(10); //for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) // list.Add(i); var sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { sum += list[i]; } stop.Stop(); Debug.Log(stop.ElapsedMilliseconds); }
public static void FilleCommandBufferWithFileSystem(FillBufferFileSystemOptions option) { var commandBuffer = DataHolder.TerminalData.AvailableCommands; var data = DataHolder.DeviceData.CurrentDevice.FileSystem; SList.Clear(commandBuffer); var currentDir = data.CurrentDir; if (option == FillBufferFileSystemOptions.IncludeAll || option == FillBufferFileSystemOptions.IncludeDir) { if (currentDir.ParentDir != null) { SList.Add(commandBuffer, ".."); } SList.Add(commandBuffer, "."); var childs = GetAllAvailableChild(currentDir); for (int i = 0; i < childs.Count; i++) { SList.Add(commandBuffer, childs[i].FullPath); } } if (option == FillBufferFileSystemOptions.IncludeAll || option == FillBufferFileSystemOptions.IncludeFile) { var files = GetAvailableFilesFromDir(currentDir); for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; i++) { SList.Add(commandBuffer, files[i].FullPath); } } TerminalUtil.ChangeToAvailableCommandsBuffer(); }
/// <summary> /// Sets value referenced by path. /// </summary> /// <param name="target">The relative object for which to set the value.</param> /// <param name="value">The value to set on an object along the expression path.</param> /// <param name="parameters">Optional parameters for substitution; if a parameter value is null is will be populated with the created instance.</param> public void SetValue(object target, object value, Dictionary <string, object> parameters) { if (target == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("target"); } if (this.m_type == null) { return; } if (this.m_property == null) { return; } if (!this.m_type.IsInstanceOfType(target)) { throw new ArgumentException("target is not an instance of the expected type.", "target", null); } try { object thisvalue = this.m_property.GetValue(target, null); if (this.m_property.PropertyType.IsGenericType && typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(this.m_property.PropertyType) && IsEntityType(this.m_property.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments()[0])) { IEnumerable list = (IEnumerable)thisvalue; object colitem = null; foreach (object eachelem in list) { // derived class may have its own specific property (e.g. IfcSIUnit, IfcConversionBasedUnit) if (this.m_identifier != null) { // find of specific identifier Type eachtype = eachelem.GetType(); PropertyInfo propElem = GetPropertyDefault(eachtype); if (propElem != null) { object eachname = propElem.GetValue(eachelem, null); if (this.m_identifier.StartsWith("@")) { // find by parameter if (parameters != null && parameters.TryGetValue(this.m_identifier.Substring(1), out colitem)) { break; } } else if (eachname != null && this.m_identifier.Equals(eachname.ToString())) { // yes -- drill in colitem = eachelem; break; } } } else if (this.m_inner != null) { // find first that matches type if (this.m_inner.Type == null || this.m_inner.Type.IsInstanceOfType(eachelem)) { colitem = eachelem; break; } } else { // find first colitem = eachelem; break; } } // now tunnel through if (this.m_inner != null) { if (colitem == null && this.m_inner.Type != null) { if (colitem == null) { colitem = Activator.CreateInstance(this.m_inner.Type); // name the object if (this.m_identifier != null) { if (this.m_identifier.StartsWith("@") && parameters != null) { // record parameter string paramname = this.m_identifier.Substring(1); parameters[paramname] = colitem; } else { PropertyInfo propDefault = GetPropertyDefault(this.m_inner.Type); if (propDefault != null) { propDefault.SetValue(colitem, value); } } } } else if (this.m_property.PropertyType.IsClass && this.m_property.PropertyType.IsGenericType && (this.m_property.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(ISet <>) || this.m_property.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IList <>))) { CollectionAdd(list, colitem); } } if (colitem != null) { this.m_inner.SetValue(colitem, value, parameters); } } else { // reference to an existing object if (list.GetType().GetGenericArguments()[0].IsInstanceOfType(value)) { if (!CollectionContains(list, value)) { CollectionAdd(list, value); } } } } else if (this.m_inner != null) { // must allocate if (thisvalue == null && this.m_inner.Type != null) { Type convtype = this.m_inner.Type; if (convtype.IsValueType) { // convert type if type converter is defined if (convtype.IsDefined(typeof(TypeConverterAttribute), true)) { TypeConverterAttribute attr = (TypeConverterAttribute)convtype.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TypeConverterAttribute), true)[0]; Type typeconv = Type.GetType(attr.ConverterTypeName); if (typeconv != null) { TypeConverter converter = (TypeConverter)Activator.CreateInstance(typeconv); value = converter.ConvertFrom(value); this.Property.SetValue(target, value); } } } else { if (thisvalue == null) { // get type from inner token thisvalue = Activator.CreateInstance(this.m_inner.Type); } this.Property.SetValue(target, thisvalue); } } if (IsEntity(thisvalue)) { this.m_inner.SetValue(thisvalue, value, parameters); } } else { // get type converter, set value Type convtype = this.Property.PropertyType; if (convtype.IsInstanceOfType(value)) { // set field instead to avoid perf hit this.Property.SetValue(target, value); } #if false else if (convtype == typeof(IList <IfcLabel>)) { // address lines if (value != null) { SList <IfcLabel> listlabel = (SList <IfcLabel>) this.Field.GetValue(target); listlabel.Clear(); string strval = value.ToString(); string[] parts = strval.Split(new char[] { '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string part in parts) { listlabel.Add(new IfcLabel(part)); } } } #endif else { // value if (convtype.IsGenericType && convtype.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable <>)) { // special case for Nullable types convtype = convtype.GetGenericArguments()[0]; } // convert type if type converter is defined if (convtype.IsDefined(typeof(TypeConverterAttribute), true)) { TypeConverterAttribute attr = (TypeConverterAttribute)convtype.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TypeConverterAttribute), true)[0]; Type typeconv = Type.GetType(attr.ConverterTypeName); if (typeconv != null) { TypeConverter converter = (TypeConverter)Activator.CreateInstance(typeconv); value = converter.ConvertFrom(value); this.Property.SetValue(target, value); } } else { // log warning System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("CvtValuePath::SetValue() - " + this.ToString() + " - " + convtype.Name + " has no type converter defined."); } } } } catch (Exception e) { // log it... System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("CvtValuePath::SetValue exception: " + e.ToString()); } }