static void clearAllTextures() { foreach (var sheet in SKTextureUtil.getAllSpriteSheets()) { sheet.material.mainTexture = null; } }
private bool isAnimationNameValid() { if (_allSpriteAnimations == null) { _allSpriteAnimations = SKTextureUtil.getAllSpriteAnimations(); } // validate that there are images in the folder and that the name has not been used foreach (var s in _allSpriteAnimations) { if ( == animationName) { return(false); } } return(true); }
void OnGUI() { _generateSDTexture = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Auto-generate SD texture", _generateSDTexture); _orthoSize = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Camera Ortho Size", _orthoSize); _targetScreenHeight = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Target Screen Height", _targetScreenHeight); GUI.enabled = false; EditorGUILayout.TextField("Image source folder", _sourceFolder); GUI.enabled = true; EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("If your camera is setup with matching settings to your sprite sheet all sprites will automatically be pixel perfect.", MessageType.None); GUILayout.Space(25); if (GUILayout.Button("Choose Image Source Folder")) { var folder = EditorUtility.OpenFolderPanel("SpriteKit Image Source Folder", "Assets", null); if (folder != string.Empty) { if (!folder.Contains("Assets")) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("SpriteKit Error", "The folder you chose is outside of your project folder. The folder must already be in your project.", "OK"); } else { _sourceFolder = SKTextureUtil.makePathRelativeToProject(folder); } } } GUILayout.Space(15); if (GUILayout.Button("Create Sprite Sheet")) { if (_sourceFolder == null || _sourceFolder == string.Empty) { return; } SKTextureUtil.createSpriteSheet(Path.GetFileName(_sourceFolder), _sourceFolder, _generateSDTexture, _orthoSize, _targetScreenHeight); Close(); } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { //base.OnInspectorGUI(); _sprite = (SKSprite)target; // sprite properties if (_sprite.spriteSheet != null) { _sprite.desiredSize = EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field("Desired Size", _sprite.desiredSize); if (GUILayout.Button("Set Size to Image Size")) { Undo.RegisterUndo(_sprite, "Undo Make Pixel Perfect"); _sprite.desiredSize = _sprite.pixelPerfectHDSize; GUI.changed = true; } } _sprite.tintColor = EditorGUILayout.ColorField("Tint Color", _sprite.tintColor); _sprite.anchor = anchorSelector(_sprite.anchor, "Sprite Anchor"); // sprite sheet var spriteSheets = SKTextureUtil.getAllSpriteSheets().Select(x =>; var spriteSheetSeletedIndex = 0; if (_sprite.spriteSheet == null) { spriteSheets.Insert(0, "Choose Sprite Sheet"); } else { // we have a sprite sheet. we want it to be selected spriteSheetSeletedIndex = Array.IndexOf(spriteSheets.ToArray(),; } EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Sprite Sheet"); var newSpriteSheetIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup(spriteSheetSeletedIndex, spriteSheets.ToArray()); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (newSpriteSheetIndex != spriteSheetSeletedIndex) { _sprite.spriteSheet = SKTextureUtil.getAllSpriteSheets().Where(x => == spriteSheets[newSpriteSheetIndex]).Select(x => x).First(); _sprite.renderer.material = _sprite.spriteSheet.material; _sprite.sourceImageName = _sprite.spriteSheet.containedImages[0]; } if (_sprite.spriteSheet != null) { var currentIndex = -1; var currentImage = _sprite.spriteSheet.containedImages.Where(item => _sprite.sourceImageName != null && item.EndsWith(_sprite.sourceImageName)).FirstOrDefault(); if (currentImage != null) { currentIndex = Array.IndexOf(_sprite.spriteSheet.containedImages, currentImage); } EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Sprite Name"); var newIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup(currentIndex, _sprite.spriteSheet.containedImages); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (currentIndex != newIndex) { var selectedImage = _sprite.spriteSheet.containedImages[newIndex]; var textureInfo = _sprite.spriteSheet.textureInfoForSourceImage(selectedImage); _sprite.pixelPerfectHDSize = textureInfo.size; _sprite.desiredSize = textureInfo.size; _sprite.sourceImageName = selectedImage; _sprite.Awake(); } } GUILayout.Space(10); if (_sprite.spriteSheet != null) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Refresh Sprite Sheet")) { _sprite.spriteSheet.refreshSourceImages(); refreshAllSprites(); } // save colors so we can reset after making the destructive button var previousContentColor = GUI.contentColor; var previousBGColor = GUI.backgroundColor; GUI.contentColor =; GUI.backgroundColor =; if (GUILayout.Button("Delete Sprite Sheet")) { if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("SpriteKit Destruction Action Warning", "Are you sure you want to delete this sprite sheet?", "Yes, I'm Sure", "No!")) { // kill all assets associated with this sprite sheet var material = _sprite.spriteSheet.getMaterial(false); AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(material.mainTexture)); if (_sprite.spriteSheet.hasHdAtlas) { material = _sprite.spriteSheet.getMaterial(true); AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(material.mainTexture)); } // all done with the textures so now we kill the material AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(material)); // find any animations that reference this sprite sheet var allSpriteAnimations = SKTextureUtil.getAllSpriteAnimations().Where(anim => anim.spriteSheet == _sprite.spriteSheet).ToArray(); foreach (var animation in allSpriteAnimations) { AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(animation)); } AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(_sprite.spriteSheet)); _sprite.spriteSheet = null; _sprite.sourceImageName = null; } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUI.contentColor = previousContentColor; GUI.backgroundColor = previousBGColor; } if (GUI.changed) { EditorUtility.SetDirty(target); _sprite.Awake(); } }
static void createAnimation() { var textures = new List <Texture2D>(); // first validate that we have only Texture2Ds foreach (var o in Selection.objects) { if (o is Texture2D) { textures.Add(o as Texture2D); } } if (textures.Count == 0) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Cannot Create Sprite Animation", "You did not select any images fool", "OK. I'm sorry."); return; } // figure out what sprite sheet the images are associated with and bail if it is more than one var allSpriteSheets = SKTextureUtil.getAllSpriteSheets(); Func <string, string, SKSpriteSheet> spriteSheetWithImage = (imageName, texturePath) => { foreach (var sheet in allSpriteSheets) { if (texturePath == sheet.imageSourceFolder && sheet.containedImages.Contains(imageName)) { return(sheet); } } return(null); }; SKSpriteSheet spriteSheetForAnimation = null; var spriteWidth = textures[0].width; var spriteHeight = textures[0].height; foreach (var tex in textures) { var texturePath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(tex); var theSheet = spriteSheetWithImage(Path.GetFileName(texturePath), Path.GetDirectoryName(texturePath)); if (theSheet == null) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Cannot Create Sprite Animation", "An image was selected that is not in a SKSpriteSheet", "Close"); return; } if (spriteSheetForAnimation == null) { spriteSheetForAnimation = theSheet; } else { // if we found a different sprite sheet we stop if (spriteSheetForAnimation != theSheet) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Cannot Create Sprite Animation", "Images from multiple SKSpriteSheets were chosen", "Close"); return; } } if (tex.height != spriteHeight || tex.width != spriteWidth) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Cannot Create Sprite Animation", "Images of different sizes were found. All images must be the same size for an animation.", "Close"); return; } } var wizard = SKSpriteAnimationWizard.createWizard(); wizard.spriteSheet = spriteSheetForAnimation; wizard.animationFrames = textures.Select(t => Path.GetFileName(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(t))).OrderBy(t => t, new NaturalSortComparer <string>()).ToArray(); }
public static void refreshSourceImages(this SKSpriteSheet sheet) { // set a flag while we import the PSD to avoid our AssetPostprocessor from getting an endless loop of death isCurrentlyRefreshingSourceImages = true; try { var textureInfoList = new List <SKTextureInfo>(); var files = Directory.GetFiles(sheet.imageSourceFolder).Where(f => !f.EndsWith(".meta")).ToArray(); var textures = new Dictionary <string, Texture2D>(files.Length); var texturesNotToDestroy = new List <string>(); var containedImages = new List <string>(); float progress = 1f; foreach (var f in files) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Creating Sprite Atlases..", "processing image at path: " + f, progress++ / files.Length); var path = Path.Combine(sheet.imageSourceFolder, Path.GetFileName(f)); Texture2D tex = null; if (Path.GetExtension(path) == ".png") { // we load directly from disk so that the textures are guaranteed readable tex = new Texture2D(0, 0); tex.LoadImage(File.ReadAllBytes(f)); } else if (Path.GetExtension(path).ToLower() == ".psd" || Path.GetExtension(path) == ".gif") { var texImporter = TextureImporter.GetAtPath(path) as TextureImporter; texImporter.isReadable = true; AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(path); tex = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path, typeof(Texture2D)) as Texture2D; if (tex != null) { texturesNotToDestroy.Add(; } } if (tex != null) { textures.Add(Path.GetFileName(f), tex); containedImages.Add(Path.GetFileName(f)); } } sheet.containedImages = containedImages.ToArray(); // pack all the textures and make a lookup dictionary var textureArray = textures.Select(x => x.Value).ToArray(); var rects = SKTextureUtil.rebuildAtlas(textureArray,"_sheet", string.Empty) + "_atlas", sheet.hasHdAtlas); var texToRect = new Dictionary <string, Rect>(textures.Count); for (var i = 0; i < textureArray.Length; i++) { var key = textures.Where(y => y.Value == textureArray[i]).Select(x => x.Key).First(); texToRect[key] = rects[i]; } // create our textureInfos foreach (var item in texToRect) { var tex = textures[item.Key]; var info = new SKTextureInfo(); info.file = item.Key; info.uvRect = item.Value; info.size = new Vector2(tex.width, tex.height); textureInfoList.Add(info); } // clean up textures foreach (var tex in textures) { // only destroy textures that we loaded from pngs if (!texturesNotToDestroy.Contains( { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(tex.Value, true); } } textures.Clear(); // not sure why getting the asset path triggers a save but it does for some reason AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(sheet); sheet.imageTextureInfo = textureInfoList.ToArray(); //AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(sheet); } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogError("Something went wrong creating the atlas: " + e); } finally { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); isCurrentlyRefreshingSourceImages = false; } }