Example #1
        //[Export ("renderer:didApplyAnimationsAtTime:")]
        public void DidApplyAnimations(SCNSceneRenderer renderer, double timeInSeconds)
            if (IkActive)
                // update the influence factor of the IK constraint based on the animation progress
                var currProgress = (float)(Attack.Speed * (timeInSeconds - AnimationStartTime) / AnimationDuration);

                currProgress = (float)Math.Max(0, currProgress);
                currProgress = (float)Math.Min(1, currProgress);

                if (currProgress >= 1)
                    IkActive = false;

                float middle = 0.5f;
                float f;

                // smoothly increate from 0% to 50% then smoothly decrease from 50% to 100%
                if (currProgress > middle)
                    f = (1.0f - currProgress) / (1.0f - middle);
                    f = currProgress / middle;

                Ik.InfluenceFactor     = f;
                LookAt.InfluenceFactor = 1 - f;
Example #2
        public void Update(double deltaTime, SCNSceneRenderer aRenderer)
            // Based on gamestate:
            // ingame: Move the character if running.
            // ingame: prevent movement of the character past our level bounds.
            // ingame: perform logic for the player character.
            // any: move the directional light with any player movement.
            // ingame: update the coconuts kinematically.
            // ingame: perform logic for each monkey.
            // ingame: because our camera could have moved, update the transforms needs to fly
            //         collected bananas from the player (world space) to score (screen space)

            var appDelegate  = SharedAppDelegate.AppDelegate;
            var currentState = GameSimulation.Sim.CurrentGameState;

            // Move character along path if walking.
            MoveCharacterAlongPathWith(deltaTime, currentState);

            // Based on the time along path, rotation the character to face the correct direction.
            PlayerCharacter.Rotation = GetPlayerDirectionFromCurrentPosition();
            if (currentState == GameState.InGame)

            // Move the light

            if (currentState == GameState.PreGame ||
                currentState == GameState.PostGame ||
                currentState == GameState.Paused)

            foreach (MonkeyCharacter monkey in Monkeys)

            // Update timer and check for Game Over.
            SecondsRemaining -= deltaTime;
            if (SecondsRemaining < 0.0)

            // update the player's SP position.
            SCNVector3 playerPosition = PlayerCharacter.WorldTransform.GetPosition();

            screenSpacePlayerPosition = appDelegate.Scene.ProjectPoint(playerPosition);

            // Update the SP position of the score label
            CGPoint pt = ScoreLabelLocation;

            worldSpaceLabelScorePosition = appDelegate.Scene.UnprojectPoint(new SCNVector3(pt.X, pt.Y, screenSpacePlayerPosition.Z));
Example #3
        public void RendererUpdateAtTime(SCNSceneRenderer renderer, double updateAtTime)
            if (Session?.CurrentFrame == null)
            // Vital for memory: Single location to set current frame! (Note: Assignment disposes existing frame -- see `set`
            ViewController.CurrentFrame = Session.CurrentFrame;

            // If light estimation is enabled, update the intensity of the model's lights and the environment map
            var lightEstimate = ViewController.CurrentFrame.LightEstimate;

            if (lightEstimate != null)
                SceneView.Scene.EnableEnvironmentMapWithIntensity((float)(lightEstimate.AmbientIntensity / 40f), serialQueue);
                SceneView.Scene.EnableEnvironmentMapWithIntensity(40f, serialQueue);
Example #4
		public void Update (double deltaTime, SCNSceneRenderer aRenderer)
			// Based on gamestate:
			// ingame: Move the character if running.
			// ingame: prevent movement of the character past our level bounds.
			// ingame: perform logic for the player character.
			// any: move the directional light with any player movement.
			// ingame: update the coconuts kinematically.
			// ingame: perform logic for each monkey.
			// ingame: because our camera could have moved, update the transforms needs to fly
			//         collected bananas from the player (world space) to score (screen space)

			var appDelegate = SharedAppDelegate.AppDelegate;
			var currentState = GameSimulation.Sim.CurrentGameState;

			// Move character along path if walking.
			MoveCharacterAlongPathWith (deltaTime, currentState);

			// Based on the time along path, rotation the character to face the correct direction.
			PlayerCharacter.Rotation = GetPlayerDirectionFromCurrentPosition ();
			if (currentState == GameState.InGame)
				PlayerCharacter.Update (deltaTime);

			// Move the light
			UpdateSunLightPosition ();

			if (currentState == GameState.PreGame ||
			    currentState == GameState.PostGame ||
			    currentState == GameState.Paused)

			foreach (MonkeyCharacter monkey in Monkeys)
				monkey.Update (deltaTime);

			// Update timer and check for Game Over.
			SecondsRemaining -= deltaTime;
			if (SecondsRemaining < 0.0)
				DoGameOver ();

			// update the player's SP position.
			SCNVector3 playerPosition = PlayerCharacter.WorldTransform.GetPosition ();
			screenSpacePlayerPosition = appDelegate.Scene.ProjectPoint (playerPosition);

			// Update the SP position of the score label
			CGPoint pt = ScoreLabelLocation;

			worldSpaceLabelScorePosition = appDelegate.Scene.UnprojectPoint (new SCNVector3 (pt.X, pt.Y, screenSpacePlayerPosition.Z));
Example #5
		//[Export ("renderer:didApplyAnimationsAtTime:")]
		public void DidApplyAnimations (SCNSceneRenderer renderer, double timeInSeconds)
			if (IkActive) {
				// update the influence factor of the IK constraint based on the animation progress
				var currProgress = (nfloat)(Attack.Speed * (timeInSeconds - AnimationStartTime) / AnimationDuration);

				currProgress = NMath.Max (0, currProgress);
				currProgress = NMath.Min (1, currProgress);

				if (currProgress >= 1) {
					IkActive = false;

				float middle = 0.5f;
				nfloat f;

				// smoothly increate from 0% to 50% then smoothly decrease from 50% to 100%
				if (currProgress > middle) {
					f = (1.0f - currProgress) / (1.0f - middle);
				} else {
					f = currProgress / middle;

				Ik.InfluenceFactor = f;
				LookAt.InfluenceFactor = 1 - f;
Example #6
 public void RendererUpdateAtTime(SCNSceneRenderer renderer, double updateAtTime)
Example #7
 public virtual void DidSimulatePhysics(SCNSceneRenderer renderer, double timeInSeconds)
     GameLevel.Update(deltaTime, renderer);
Example #8
		public virtual void DidSimulatePhysics (SCNSceneRenderer renderer, double timeInSeconds)
			GameLevel.Update (deltaTime, renderer);