Example #1
            public PricePaneModel(PriceSeries prices) : base(PRICES, "$%.4f", true)
                var stockPrices = new OhlcDataSeries <DateTime, double> {
                    SeriesName = "EUR/USD"

                stockPrices.Append(prices.TimeData, prices.OpenData, prices.HighData, prices.LowData, prices.CloseData);
                AddRenderableSeries(new SCIFastCandlestickRenderableSeries
                    DataSeries         = stockPrices,
                    YAxisId            = PRICES,
                    StrokeUpStyle      = new SCISolidPenStyle(0xff52cc54, 1f),
                    FillUpBrushStyle   = new SCISolidBrushStyle(0xa052cc54),
                    StrokeDownStyle    = new SCISolidPenStyle(0xffe26565, 1f),
                    FillDownBrushStyle = new SCISolidBrushStyle(0xd0e26565)

                var maLow = new XyDataSeries <DateTime, double> {
                    SeriesName = "Low Line"

                maLow.Append(prices.TimeData, prices.CloseData.MovingAverage(50));
                AddRenderableSeries(new SCIFastLineRenderableSeries {
                    DataSeries = maLow, StrokeStyle = new SCISolidPenStyle(0xFFFF3333, 1f), YAxisId = PRICES

                var maHigh = new XyDataSeries <DateTime, double> {
                    SeriesName = "High Line"

                maHigh.Append(prices.TimeData, prices.CloseData.MovingAverage(200));
                AddRenderableSeries(new SCIFastLineRenderableSeries {
                    DataSeries = maHigh, StrokeStyle = new SCISolidPenStyle(0xFF33DD33, 1f), YAxisId = PRICES

                var priceMarker = new SCIAxisMarkerAnnotation
                    Position = stockPrices.YValues.ValueAt(stockPrices.Count - 1).ToComparable(),
                    Style    = { BackgroundColor = 0xFFFF3333.ToColor() },
                    YAxisId  = PRICES

                var maLowMarker = new SCIAxisMarkerAnnotation
                    Position = maLow.YValues.ValueAt(maLow.Count - 1).ToComparable(),
                    Style    = { BackgroundColor = 0xFFFF3333.ToColor() },
                    YAxisId  = PRICES

                var maHighMarker = new SCIAxisMarkerAnnotation
                    Position = maHigh.YValues.ValueAt(maHigh.Count - 1).ToComparable(),
                    Style    = { BackgroundColor = 0xFF33DD33.ToColor() },
                    YAxisId  = PRICES

        private void CreateMainPriceChart()
            // Create an XAxis and YAxis for our chart
            var xAxis = new SCICategoryDateTimeAxis
                Style  = { DrawMajorGridLines = false },
                GrowBy = new SCIDoubleRange(0, 0.1)
            var yAxis = new SCINumericAxis {
                AutoRange = SCIAutoRange.Always

            // Create RenderableSeries to render the data
            var ohlcSeries = new SCIFastOhlcRenderableSeries
                DataSeries      = _ohlcDataSeries,
                StrokeUpStyle   = new SCISolidPenStyle(StrokeUpColor, StrokeThickness),
                StrokeDownStyle = new SCISolidPenStyle(StrokeDownColor, StrokeThickness),

            var movingAverage50Series = new SCIFastLineRenderableSeries {
                DataSeries = _xyDataSeries, StrokeStyle = new SCISolidPenStyle(0xFFFF6600, 1.0f)

            // Create axis markers annotations to show the last values on real-time chart
            //TODO Position -> Y1Value, color property should be on annotation itself
            _smaAxisMarker = new SCIAxisMarkerAnnotation {
                Position = 0d, YAxisId = yAxis.AxisId
            _smaAxisMarker.Style.BackgroundColor = SmaSeriesColor.ToColor();

            _ohlcAxisMarker = new SCIAxisMarkerAnnotation {
                Position = 0d, YAxisId = yAxis.AxisId
            _ohlcAxisMarker.Style.BackgroundColor = StrokeUpColor.ToColor();

            using (MainSurface.SuspendUpdates())

                // Populate some pinch and touch interactions. Pinch to zoom, drag to pan and double-tap to zoom extents
                MainSurface.ChartModifiers = new SCIChartModifierCollection
                    new SCIXAxisDragModifier(),
                    new SCIZoomPanModifier {
                        Direction = SCIDirection2D.XDirection
                    new SCIZoomExtentsModifier(),
                    new SCILegendModifier
                        Orientation     = SCIOrientation.Horizontal,
                        Position        = SCILegendPosition.Bottom,
                        StyleOfItemCell = new SCILegendCellStyle {
                            SeriesNameFont = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 10f)