Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor (creating an SCD table)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="properties">SSIS components properites</param>
        /// <param name="columnConfigList">Column config list</param>
        /// <param name="con">Sql connection</param>
        public frmCreateTable(IsagCustomProperties properties, BindingList <ColumnConfig> columnConfigList, SqlConnection con)
            btnOk.Enabled = false;

            this.Text = "Create SCD Table";
            SCDList scdList = new SCDList(columnConfigList, properties.DestinationTable);

            tbSql.Text = scdList.GetCreateScdTables();
            _con       = con;
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if SCD configuration is correct and returns Isag events if problems are found
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="events">Isag events</param>
        private void WarnIfScdIsNotValid(IsagEvents events)
            SCDList scdList = new SCDList(ColumnConfigList, DestinationTable);

            string message = "";

            if (!scdList.IsValid(ref message))
                events.Fire(IsagEvents.IsagEventType.Warning, message);

            bool isValid = true;

            foreach (ColumnConfig config in ColumnConfigList)
                if (config.IsScdColumn && config.IsScdValidFrom)
                    isValid = false;
            if (!isValid)
                events.Fire(IsagEvents.IsagEventType.Warning, @"You have to choose ""SCD Column"" OR ""SCD ValidFrom"" for one column but not both!");

            isValid = true;
            foreach (ColumnConfig config in ColumnConfigList)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.ScdTable) && (config.IsScdColumn || config.IsScdValidFrom))
                    isValid = false;
            if (!isValid)
                events.Fire(IsagEvents.IsagEventType.Warning, @"If choosing ""SCD Column"" or ""SCD ValidFrom"" you also have to fill out ""SCD Table"".");

            isValid = true;
            foreach (ColumnConfig config in ColumnConfigList)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.ScdTable) && !config.IsScdColumn && !config.IsScdValidFrom)
                    isValid = false;
            if (!isValid)
                events.Fire(IsagEvents.IsagEventType.Warning, @"If filling out ""SCD Table"" you have to choose ""SCD Column"" or ""SCD ValidFrom"".");
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates SQL merge command (only SQL Server 2008 and above)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="properties">componets custom properties</param>
        /// <param name="tempTableName">temporary table name</param>
        /// <param name="overrideCustomMergeCommand">If true, only custom merge template is returned (used for preview) </param>
        /// <returns>sql merge command</returns>
        public static string GetSqlMerge(IsagCustomProperties properties, string tempTableName, bool overrideCustomMergeCommand)
            if (properties.UseCustomMergeCommand && !overrideCustomMergeCommand)
                string destTable = properties.DestinationTable;
                string tempTable = tempTableName;

                string result  = "merge ";
                string sqlInto = "into " + Brackets(destTable); // +" with (tablockx) as dest ";
                if (!properties.DisableTablock)
                    sqlInto += " with (tablockx)";
                sqlInto += " as dest ";
                string sqlUsing  = "using " + Brackets(tempTable) + " as src ";
                string sqlOn     = "";
                string sqlUpdate = "";
                string sqlInsert = "";
                string sqlValues = "";

                foreach (ColumnConfig config in properties.ColumnConfigList)
                    if (config.Update)
                        if (sqlUpdate != "")
                            sqlUpdate += ", ";
                        sqlUpdate += "dest." + Brackets(config.OutputColumnName) + " = ";
                        if (config.HasFunction)
                            sqlUpdate += config.Function + " ";
                            sqlUpdate += "src." + Brackets(config.BulkColumnName) + " ";

                    if (config.Insert)
                        if (sqlInsert != "")
                            sqlInsert += ", ";
                        if (sqlValues != "")
                            sqlValues += ", ";

                        sqlInsert += Brackets(config.OutputColumnName);

                        //Default Values for Insert: isnull(<columnname>, <defaultValue>)
                        sqlValues += config.GetColumnExpression();

                    if (config.Key)
                        if (sqlOn != "")
                            sqlOn += " and ";
                        sqlOn += config.GetColumnExpression() + " = " + "dest." + Brackets(config.OutputColumnName) + " "; //"src." + Brackets(config.BulkColumnName)

                sqlOn = "ON " + sqlOn;
                if (sqlUpdate != "")
                    sqlUpdate = "WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET " + sqlUpdate;
                if (sqlInsert != "")
                    sqlInsert = "WHEN NOT MATCHED BY TARGET THEN INSERT (" + sqlInsert + ") ";
                    sqlValues = "VALUES (" + sqlValues + ")";

                sqlValues += ";";

                result += sqlInto + Environment.NewLine + sqlUsing + Environment.NewLine + sqlOn + Environment.NewLine +
                          sqlUpdate + Environment.NewLine + sqlInsert + Environment.NewLine + sqlValues;

                result = ReplacePlaceHolderInputColumn(result, "src.");

                if (properties.HasScd)
                    SCDList scd = new SCDList(properties.ColumnConfigList, properties.DestinationTable);
                    result = scd.InsertIntoMergeStatement(result, properties, tempTableName.Replace("#", "SCD_"), properties.EnableIndexOnSCD);
