static void Main(string[] args)
            const int SAPI_OK = 0;

            int       rc;
            SAPICrypt SAPI      = new SAPICrypt();
            SESHandle sesHandle = null;

            // Custom Values
            string filePath       = @"c:\temp\demo.pdf";                                                       // PDF file to sign
            string username       = "******";                                                       // DSA account username
            string password       = "******";                                                       // DSA account password
            string domain         = null;                                                                      // DSA account domain
            int    sigPageNum     = 1;                                                                         // Create signature on the first page
            int    sigX           = 145;                                                                       // Signature field X location
            int    sigY           = 125;                                                                       // Signature field Y location
            int    sigWidth       = 160;                                                                       // Signature field width
            int    sigHeight      = 45;                                                                        // Signature field height
            string timeFormat     = "hh:mm:ss";                                                                // Time appearance format mask
            string dateFormat     = "dd/MM/yyyy";                                                              // Date appearance format mask
            int    appearanceMask = (int)SAPI_ENUM_DRAWING_ELEMENT.SAPI_ENUM_DRAWING_ELEMENT_GRAPHICAL_IMAGE | // Elements to display on the signature field
                                    (int)SAPI_ENUM_DRAWING_ELEMENT.SAPI_ENUM_DRAWING_ELEMENT_SIGNED_BY |

                // Initialize SAPI library
                if ((rc = SAPI.Init()) != SAPI_OK)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to initialize SAPI ({0})", rc.ToString("X")));

                // Acquire SAPI session handle
                if ((rc = SAPI.HandleAcquire(out sesHandle)) != SAPI_OK)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed in SAPIHandleAcquire() ({0})", rc.ToString("X")));

                // Personalize SAPI Session
                if ((rc = SAPI.Logon(sesHandle, username, domain, password)) != SAPI_OK)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to authenticate user ({0})", rc.ToString("X")));

                SigFieldSettings SFS = new SigFieldSettings();
                TimeFormat       TF  = new TimeFormat();

                // Define signature field settings
                SFS.Page           = sigPageNum;
                SFS.X              = sigX;
                SFS.Y              = sigY;
                SFS.Width          = sigWidth;
                SFS.Height         = sigHeight;
                SFS.AppearanceMask = appearanceMask;
                TF.DateFormat      = dateFormat;
                TF.TimeFormat      = timeFormat;
                SFS.TimeFormat     = TF;

                // Create and sign a new signature field in the document
                if (SAPI_OK != (rc = SAPI.SignatureFieldCreateSign(
                                    sesHandle,                                // Session Handle
                                    SAPI_ENUM_FILE_TYPE.SAPI_ENUM_FILE_ADOBE, // Type of the file to sign - PDF
                                    filePath,                                 // Path to PDF file to sign
                                    SFS,                                      // Signature Field details
                                    0,                                        // Flags
                                    null)))                                   // Credentials (only if prompt-for-sign feature is enabled)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed in SAPISignatureFieldCreateSign() ({0})", rc.ToString("X")));

                Console.WriteLine("The document has been successfully signed!");
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (sesHandle != null)
                    SAPI.Logoff(sesHandle);         // Release user context
                    SAPI.HandleRelease(sesHandle);  // Release session handle