public async static Task <string> PollyDemo(IAmazonPolly pollyClient, IAmazonS3 S3Client, string text)
            string result = null;
            SynthesizeSpeechRequest synthesizeRequest = new SynthesizeSpeechRequest()
                LanguageCode = LanguageCode.EnUS,
                OutputFormat = "mp3",
                SampleRate   = "8000",
                Text         = text,
                TextType     = "text",
                VoiceId      = "Joanna"

                Task <SynthesizeSpeechResponse> synthesizeTask    = pollyClient.SynthesizeSpeechAsync(synthesizeRequest);
                SynthesizeSpeechResponse        syntheizeResponse = await synthesizeTask;


                using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())

                    // Upload image to S3 bucket
                    string bucketName = "reinvent-indiamazones";
                    //string key = dto.text;
                    string key = "pollytest";
                    await Task.Run(() => S3Util.UploadToS3(S3Client, bucketName, key, ms));

                    // TODO : need to check the file exists in S3
                    result = S3Util.GetPresignedURL(S3Client, bucketName, key);
            catch (AmazonPollyException pollyException)
                Console.WriteLine(pollyException.Message, pollyException.InnerException);

Example #2
        //public async Task<IActionResult> TranscribeTest([FromBody] TranscribeTestDTO dto)
        public async Task <IActionResult> TranscribeTest([FromForm] TranscribeTestDTO dto)
            string transcriptionUri = null;

            Guid   g          = Guid.NewGuid();
            string guidString = Convert.ToBase64String(g.ToByteArray());

            guidString = guidString.Replace("=", "");
            guidString = guidString.Replace("+", "");
            guidString = guidString.Replace("/", "");

            // Validation check
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dto.language_code) == true)
                return(BadRequest("language_code is empty."));

            if (dto.WAVblob == null || dto.WAVblob.Length <= 0)
                return(BadRequest("WAVblob is empty."));

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())

                // Upload image to S3 bucket
                await Task.Run(() => S3Util.UploadToS3(this.S3Client, "reinvent-indiamazones", "transcribe_test/mytest.wav", ms));

            string mediaUri = "";

            // call Transcribe API
            transcriptionUri = await TranscribeUtil.TranscribeDemo(this.TranscribeClient, dto.language_code, mediaUri);

        public async Task <IActionResult> Post([FromBody] GameStagePostImageDTO dto)
            Console.WriteLine("PostImage entered.");

            string bucketName = "reinvent-gottalent";

            // Retrieving image data
            // ex: game/10/Happiness.jpg
            string keyName        = string.Format("game/{0}/{1}.jpg", dto.gameId, dto.actionType);
            string croppedKeyName = string.Format("game/{0}/{1}_cropped.jpg", dto.gameId, dto.actionType);

            byte[] imageByteArray = Convert.FromBase64String(dto.base64Image);
            if (imageByteArray.Length == 0)
                return(BadRequest("Image length is 0."));

            StageLog newStageLog = null;

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(imageByteArray))
                // call Rekonition API
                FaceDetail faceDetail = await RekognitionUtil.GetFaceDetailFromStream(this.RekognitionClient, ms);

                // Crop image to get face only
                System.Drawing.Image originalImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(ms);
                System.Drawing.Image croppedImage  = GetCroppedFaceImage(originalImage, faceDetail.BoundingBox);
                MemoryStream         croppedms     = new MemoryStream();
                croppedImage.Save(croppedms, ImageFormat.Jpeg);

                // Upload image to S3 bucket
                //await Task.Run(() => S3Util.UploadToS3(this.S3Client, bucketName, keyName, ms));
                await Task.Run(() => S3Util.UploadToS3(this.S3Client, bucketName, keyName, croppedms));

                // Get a specific emotion score
                double emotionScore = 0.0f;
                if (dto.actionType != "Profile")
                    emotionScore = RekognitionUtil.GetEmotionScore(faceDetail.Emotions, dto.actionType);

                int    evaluatedAge    = (faceDetail.AgeRange.High + faceDetail.AgeRange.Low) / 2;
                string evaluatedGender = faceDetail.Gender.Value;

                // Database update
                newStageLog = new StageLog {
                    game_id     = dto.gameId,
                    action_type = dto.actionType,
                    score       = emotionScore,
                    file_loc    = keyName,
                    age         = evaluatedAge,
                    gender      = evaluatedGender,
                    log_date    = DateTime.Now

                var value = _context.StageLog.Add(newStageLog);
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            // Send response
            string signedURL = S3Util.GetPresignedURL(this.S3Client, bucketName, keyName);

            newStageLog.file_loc = signedURL;
