Example #1
    private static void TestRotate(S2Point p, S2Point axis, S1Angle angle)
        S2Point result = S2.Rotate(p, axis, angle);

        // "result" should be unit length.

        // "result" and "p" should be the same distance from "axis".
        const double kMaxPositionError = S2.DoubleError;

        Assert.True((new S1Angle(result, axis) - new S1Angle(p, axis)).Abs() <= kMaxPositionError);

        // Check that the rotation angle is correct.  We allow a fixed error in the
        // *position* of the result, so we need to convert this into a rotation
        // angle.  The allowable error can be very large as "p" approaches "axis".
        double axis_distance = p.CrossProd(axis).Norm();
        double max_rotation_error;

        if (axis_distance < kMaxPositionError)
            max_rotation_error = S2.M_2_PI;
            max_rotation_error = Math.Asin(kMaxPositionError / axis_distance);
        double actual_rotation = S2.TurnAngle(p, axis, result) + Math.PI;
        double rotation_error  = Math.IEEERemainder(angle.Radians - actual_rotation,

        Assert.True(rotation_error <= max_rotation_error);
Example #2
    public void Test_S2_CoincidentZeroLengthEdgesThatDontTouch()
        // It is important that the edge primitives can handle vertices that exactly
        // exactly proportional to each other, i.e. that are not identical but are
        // nevertheless exactly coincident when projected onto the unit sphere.
        // There are various ways that such points can arise.  For example,
        // Normalize() itself is not idempotent: there exist distinct points A,B
        // such that Normalize(A) == B  and Normalize(B) == A.  Another issue is
        // that sometimes calls to Normalize() are skipped when the result of a
        // calculation "should" be unit length mathematically (e.g., when computing
        // the cross product of two orthonormal vectors).
        // This test checks pairs of edges AB and CD where A,B,C,D are exactly
        // coincident on the sphere and the norms of A,B,C,D are monotonically
        // increasing.  Such edge pairs should never intersect.  (This is not
        // obvious, since it depends on the particular symbolic perturbations used
        // by S2Pred.Sign().  It would be better to replace this with a test that
        // says that the CCW results must be consistent with each other.)
        int kIters = 1000;

        for (int iter = 0; iter < kIters; ++iter)
            // Construct a point P where every component is zero or a power of 2.
            var t = new double[3];
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                int binary_exp = S2Testing.Random.Skewed(11);
                t[i] = (binary_exp > 1022) ? 0 : Math.Pow(2, -binary_exp);
            // If all components were zero, try again.  Note that normalization may
            // convert a non-zero point into a zero one due to underflow (!)
            var p = new S2Point(t).Normalize();
            if (p == S2Point.Empty)
                --iter; continue;

            // Now every non-zero component should have exactly the same mantissa.
            // This implies that if we scale the point by an arbitrary factor, every
            // non-zero component will still have the same mantissa.  Scale the points
            // so that they are all distinct and are still very likely to satisfy
            // S2.IsUnitLength (which allows for a small amount of error in the norm).
            S2Point a = (1 - 3e-16) * p;
            S2Point b = (1 - 1e-16) * p;
            S2Point c = p;
            S2Point d = (1 + 2e-16) * p;
            if (!a.IsUnitLength() || !d.IsUnitLength())
            // Verify that the expected edges do not cross.
            Assert.True(0 > S2.CrossingSign(a, b, c, d));
            S2EdgeCrosser crosser = new(a, b, c);
            Assert.True(0 > crosser.CrossingSign(d));
            Assert.True(0 > crosser.CrossingSign(c));
Example #3
    // Returns the point at distance "r" along the ray with the given origin and
    // direction.  "dir" is required to be perpendicular to "origin" (since this
    // is how directions on the sphere are represented).
    // This function is similar to S2::GetPointOnLine() except that (1) the first
    // two arguments are required to be perpendicular and (2) it is much faster.
    // It can be used as an alternative to repeatedly calling GetPointOnLine() by
    // computing "dir" as
    //   S2Point dir = S2::RobustCrossProd(a, b).CrossProd(a).Normalize();
    // REQUIRES: "origin" and "dir" are perpendicular to within the tolerance
    //           of the calculation above.
    public static S2Point GetPointOnRay(S2Point origin, S2Point dir, S1Angle r)
        // See comments above.
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(origin.DotProd(dir) <=
                                        S2.kRobustCrossProdError + 0.75 * S2.DoubleEpsilon);

        return((r.Cos() * origin + r.Sin() * dir).Normalize());
Example #4
 public void Test_S2_RepeatedInterpolation()
     // Check that points do not drift away from unit length when repeated
     // interpolations are done.
     for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
         S2Point a = S2Testing.RandomPoint();
         S2Point b = S2Testing.RandomPoint();
         for (int j = 0; j < 1000; ++j)
             a = S2.Interpolate(a, b, 0.01);
Example #5
    // Faster than the function above, but cannot accurately represent distances
    // near 180 degrees due to the limitations of S1ChordAngle.
    public static S2Point GetPointOnRay(S2Point origin, S2Point dir, S1ChordAngle r)
        // The error bound below includes the error in computing the dot product.
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(origin.DotProd(dir) <=
                                        S2.kRobustCrossProdError + 0.75 * S2.DoubleEpsilon);

        // Mathematically the result should already be unit length, but we normalize
        // it anyway to ensure that the error is within acceptable bounds.
        // (Otherwise errors can build up when the result of one interpolation is
        // fed into another interpolation.)
        // Note that it is much cheaper to compute the sine and cosine of an
        // S1ChordAngle than an S1Angle.
        return((r.Cos() * origin + r.Sin() * dir).Normalize());
Example #6
    // Returns the true centroid of the spherical triangle ABC multiplied by the
    // signed area of spherical triangle ABC.  The reasons for multiplying by the
    // signed area are (1) this is the quantity that needs to be summed to compute
    // the centroid of a union or difference of triangles, and (2) it's actually
    // easier to calculate this way.  All points must have unit length.
    // Note that the result of this function is defined to be S2Point.Empty if
    // the triangle is degenerate (and that this is intended behavior).
    public static S2Point TrueCentroid(S2Point a, S2Point b, S2Point c)

        // I couldn't find any references for computing the true centroid of a
        // spherical triangle...  I have a truly marvellous demonstration of this
        // formula which this margin is too narrow to contain :)

        // Use Angle() in order to get accurate results for small triangles.
        var angle_a = b.Angle(c);
        var angle_b = c.Angle(a);
        var angle_c = a.Angle(b);
        var ra      = (angle_a == 0) ? 1 : (angle_a / Math.Sin(angle_a));
        var rb      = (angle_b == 0) ? 1 : (angle_b / Math.Sin(angle_b));
        var rc      = (angle_c == 0) ? 1 : (angle_c / Math.Sin(angle_c));

        // Now compute a point M such that:
        //  [Ax Ay Az] [Mx]                       [ra]
        //  [Bx By Bz] [My]  = 0.5 * det(A,B,C) * [rb]
        //  [Cx Cy Cz] [Mz]                       [rc]
        // To improve the numerical stability we subtract the first row (A) from the
        // other two rows; this reduces the cancellation error when A, B, and C are
        // very close together.  Then we solve it using Cramer's rule.
        // The result is the true centroid of the triangle multiplied by the
        // triangle's area.
        // TODO(b/205027737): This code still isn't as numerically stable as it could
        // be.  The biggest potential improvement is to compute B-A and C-A more
        // accurately so that (B-A)x(C-A) is always inside triangle ABC.
        var x = new S2Point(a.X, b.X - a.X, c.X - a.X);
        var y = new S2Point(a.Y, b.Y - a.Y, c.Y - a.Y);
        var z = new S2Point(a.Z, b.Z - a.Z, c.Z - a.Z);
        var r = new S2Point(ra, rb - ra, rc - ra);

        return(0.5 * new S2Point(
Example #7
    // A slightly more efficient version of Project() where the cross product of
    // the two endpoints has been precomputed.  The cross product does not need to
    // be normalized, but should be computed using S2.RobustCrossProd() for the
    // most accurate results.  Requires that x, a, and b have unit length.
    public static S2Point Project(S2Point x, S2Point a, S2Point b, S2Point a_cross_b)

        // TODO(ericv): When X is nearly perpendicular to the plane containing AB,
        // the result is guaranteed to be close to the edge AB but may be far from
        // the true projected result.  This could be fixed by computing the product
        // (A x B) x X x (A x B) using methods similar to S2::RobustCrossProd() and
        // S2::GetIntersection().  However note that the error tolerance would need
        // to be significantly larger in order for this calculation to succeed in
        // double precision most of the time.  For example to avoid higher precision
        // when X is within 60 degrees of AB the minimum error would be 18 * DBL_ERR,
        // and to avoid higher precision when X is within 87 degrees of AB the
        // minimum error would be 120 * DBL_ERR.

        // The following is not necessary to meet accuracy guarantees but helps
        // to avoid unexpected results in unit tests.
        if (x == a || x == b)

        // Find the closest point to X along the great circle through AB.  Note that
        // we use "n" rather than a_cross_b in the final cross product in order to
        // avoid the possibility of underflow.
        S2Point n = a_cross_b.Normalize();
        S2Point p = S2.RobustCrossProd(n, x).CrossProd(n).Normalize();

        // If this point is on the edge AB, then it's the closest point.
        S2Point pn = p.CrossProd(n);

        if (S2Pred.Sign(p, n, a, pn) > 0 && S2Pred.Sign(p, n, b, pn) < 0)

        // Otherwise, the closest point is either A or B.
        return(((x - a).Norm2() <= (x - b).Norm2()) ? a : b);
Example #8
    // Return the area of triangle ABC.  This method combines two different
    // algorithms to get accurate results for both large and small triangles.
    // The maximum error is about 5e-15 (about 0.25 square meters on the Earth's
    // surface), the same as GirardArea() below, but unlike that method it is
    // also accurate for small triangles.  Example: when the true area is 100
    // square meters, Area() yields an error about 1 trillion times smaller than
    // GirardArea().
    // All points should be unit length, and no two points should be antipodal.
    // The area is always positive.
    public static double Area(S2Point a, S2Point b, S2Point c)
        // This method is based on l'Huilier's theorem,
        //   tan(E/4) = Math.Sqrt(tan(s/2) tan((s-a)/2) tan((s-b)/2) tan((s-c)/2))
        // where E is the spherical excess of the triangle (i.e. its area),
        //       a, b, c, are the side lengths, and
        //       s is the semiperimeter (a + b + c) / 2 .
        // The only significant source of error using l'Huilier's method is the
        // cancellation error of the terms (s-a), (s-b), (s-c).  This leads to a
        // *relative* error of about 1e-16 * s / Math.Min(s-a, s-b, s-c).  This compares
        // to a relative error of about 1e-15 / E using Girard's formula, where E is
        // the true area of the triangle.  Girard's formula can be even worse than
        // this for very small triangles, e.g. a triangle with a true area of 1e-30
        // might evaluate to 1e-5.
        // So, we prefer l'Huilier's formula unless dmin < s * (0.1 * E), where
        // dmin = Math.Min(s-a, s-b, s-c).  This basically includes all triangles
        // except for extremely long and skinny ones.
        // Since we don't know E, we would like a conservative upper bound on
        // the triangle area in terms of s and dmin.  It's possible to show that
        // E <= k1 * s * Math.Sqrt(s * dmin), where k1 = 2*Math.Sqrt(3)/Pi (about 1).
        // Using this, it's easy to show that we should always use l'Huilier's
        // method if dmin >= k2 * s^5, where k2 is about 1e-2.  Furthermore,
        // if dmin < k2 * s^5, the triangle area is at most k3 * s^4, where
        // k3 is about 0.1.  Since the best case error using Girard's formula
        // is about 1e-15, this means that we shouldn't even consider it unless
        // s >= 3e-4 or so.
        // TODO(ericv): Implement rigorous error bounds (analysis already done).
        double sa = b.Angle(c);
        double sb = c.Angle(a);
        double sc = a.Angle(b);
        double s  = 0.5 * (sa + sb + sc);

        if (s >= 3e-4)
            // Consider whether Girard's formula might be more accurate.
            double s2   = s * s;
            double dmin = s - Math.Max(sa, Math.Max(sb, sc));
            if (dmin < 1e-2 * s * s2 * s2)
                // This triangle is skinny enough to consider using Girard's formula.
                // We increase the area by the approximate maximum error in the Girard
                // calculation in order to ensure that this test is conservative.
                double area = GirardArea(a, b, c);
                if (dmin < s * (0.1 * (area + 5e-15)))
        // Use l'Huilier's formula.
        return(4 * Math.Atan(Math.Sqrt(Math.Max(0.0, Math.Tan(0.5 * s) * Math.Tan(0.5 * (s - sa)) *
                                                Math.Tan(0.5 * (s - sb)) * Math.Tan(0.5 * (s - sc))))));
Example #9
 // This method is called to add a vertex to the chain when the vertex is
 // represented as an S2Point.  Requires that 'b' has unit length.  Repeated
 // vertices are ignored.
 public void AddPoint(S2Point b)
     AddInternal(b, new S2LatLng(b));