private void InitializeCharts()
            var EventTimeProperty = typeof(Ruuvi_DataRecord).GetProperty("EventTime");
            var properties        = new System.Collections.Generic.List <System.Reflection.PropertyInfo>()
            var names = new List <string>()

            Ruuvi_DataChart.SetDataProperties(properties, EventTimeProperty, names);
            Ruuvi_DataChart.SetTitle("Ruuvi Data Chart");
            Ruuvi_DataChart.UISpec = new BluetoothDeviceController.Names.UISpecifications()
                tableType          = "standard",
                chartType          = "standard",
                chartCommand       = "AddYTime<Ruuvi_PeriodRecord>(addResult, Ruuvi_PeriodRecordData)",
                chartYAxisCombined = Names.UISpecifications.YMinMaxCombined.Separate,
                chartDefaultMinY0  = 15,  // Common indoor temperature, C
                chartDefaultMaxY0  = 25,
                chartDefaultMinY1  = 990, // common pressure mbar
                chartDefaultMaxY1  = 1050,
                chartDefaultMinY2  = 0,   // Y2 is Humidity per the name and properties listings
                chartDefaultMaxY2  = 100,
        private async void Di_UpdatedRuuviAdvertisement(RuuviTag.Ruuvi_DataRecord record)
            await Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                // Add to the text box!
                uiResults.Text += record.ToString() + "\n";

                Ruuvi_Data_Temperature.Text = record.Temperature.ToString(); // "N0"); // either N or F3 based on DEC HEX FIXED. hex needs conversion to int first?
                Ruuvi_Data_Humidity.Text    = record.Humidity.ToString();    // "N0"); // either N or F3 based on DEC HEX FIXED. hex needs conversion to int first?
                Ruuvi_Data_Pressure.Text    = record.Pressure.ToString();    // "N0"); // either N or F3 based on DEC HEX FIXED. hex needs conversion to int first?

                var addResult = Ruuvi_DataRecordData.AddRecord(record);
                Ruuvi_DataChart.AddYTime <Ruuvi_DataRecord>(addResult, Ruuvi_DataRecordData);
        private void OnKeepCountRuuvi_Data(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            if (e.AddedItems.Count != 1)
            int value;
            var ok = Int32.TryParse((e.AddedItems[0] as FrameworkElement).Tag as string, out value);

            if (!ok)
            Ruuvi_DataRecordData.MaxLength = value;

            Ruuvi_DataChart.RedrawYTime <Ruuvi_DataRecord>(Ruuvi_DataRecordData);