Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// The program runs all discord services and loads all the data here.
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadDiscord()
            bot = new Bot(x =>
                x.Name            = "Miki";
                x.Version         = "0.4.1";
                x.Token           = Global.ApiKey;
                x.ShardCount      = Global.shardCount;
                x.ConsoleLogLevel = LogLevel.ALL;

            bot.Events.OnCommandError = async(ex, cmd, msg) =>
                RuntimeEmbed e = new RuntimeEmbed();
                e.Title = Locale.GetEntity(0).GetString(Locale.ErrorMessageGeneric);
                e.Color = new IA.SDK.Color(1, 0.4f, 0.6f);

                if (Notification.CanSendNotification(msg.Author.Id, DatabaseEntityType.USER, DatabaseSettingId.ERRORMESSAGE))
                    e.Description = "Miki has encountered a problem in her code with your request. We will send you a log and instructions through PM.";

                    await e.SendToChannel(msg.Channel);

                    e.Title       = $"You used the '{cmd.Name}' and it crashed!";
                    e.Description = "Please screenshot this message and send it to the miki issue page (https://github.com/velddev/miki/issues)";
                    e.AddField(f =>
                        f.Name     = "Error Message";
                        f.Value    = ex.Message;
                        f.IsInline = true;

                    e.AddField(f =>
                        f.Name     = "Error Log";
                        f.Value    = "```" + ex.StackTrace + "```";
                        f.IsInline = true;

                    e.Footer.Text = "Did you not want this message? use `>toggleerrors` to disable it!";

                    await msg.Author.SendMessage(e);

                e.Description = "... but you've disabled error messages, so we won't send you a PM :)";
                await e.SendToChannel(msg.Channel);


            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(devId))

            bot.Client.JoinedGuild += Client_JoinedGuild;
Example #2
        public async Task BuyMarriageSlotAsync(EventContext e)
            using (var context = new MikiContext())
                User user = await context.Users.FindAsync(e.Author.Id.ToDbLong());

                int limit = 10;

                if (user.IsDonator(context))
                    limit += 5;

                IDiscordEmbed embed = new RuntimeEmbed(new EmbedBuilder());

                if (user.MarriageSlots >= limit)
                    embed.Description = $"For now, **{limit} slots** is the max. sorry :(";

                    if (limit == 15)
                        embed.AddField("Pro tip!", "Donators get 5 more slots!");

                    embed.Color = new IA.SDK.Color(1f, 0.6f, 0.4f);
                    await embed.SendToChannel(e.Channel);


                int costForUpgrade = (user.MarriageSlots - 4) * 2500;

                embed.Description = $"Do you want to buy a marriage slot for **{costForUpgrade}**?\n\nType `>yes` to confirm.";
                embed.Color       = new IA.SDK.Color(0.4f, 0.6f, 1f);
                await embed.SendToChannel(e.Channel);

                CommandHandler c = new CommandHandlerBuilder()
                    new RuntimeCommandEvent("yes")
                    .Default(async(cont) =>
                    await ConfirmBuyMarriageSlot(cont, costForUpgrade);

                Bot.instance.Events.AddPrivateCommandHandler(e.message, c);
Example #3
        private async Task ConfirmBuyMarriageSlot(EventContext cont, int costForUpgrade)
            using (var context = new MikiContext())
                User user = await context.Users.FindAsync(cont.Author.Id.ToDbLong());

                if (user.Currency >= costForUpgrade)
                    user.Currency -= costForUpgrade;
                    IDiscordEmbed notEnoughMekosErrorEmbed = new RuntimeEmbed(new EmbedBuilder());
                    notEnoughMekosErrorEmbed.Color       = new IA.SDK.Color(0.4f, 1f, 0.6f);
                    notEnoughMekosErrorEmbed.Description = cont.GetResource("buymarriageslot_success", user.MarriageSlots);
                    await notEnoughMekosErrorEmbed.SendToChannel(cont.Channel);

                    await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                    await cont.commandHandler.RequestDisposeAsync();
                    IDiscordEmbed notEnoughMekosErrorEmbed = new RuntimeEmbed(new EmbedBuilder());
                    notEnoughMekosErrorEmbed.Color       = new IA.SDK.Color(1, 0.4f, 0.6f);
                    notEnoughMekosErrorEmbed.Description = cont.GetResource("buymarriageslot_insufficient_mekos", (costForUpgrade - user.Currency));
                    await notEnoughMekosErrorEmbed.SendToChannel(cont.Channel);

                    await cont.commandHandler.RequestDisposeAsync();
Example #4
        public async Task ShowMekosAsync(EventContext e)
            ulong targetId = e.message.MentionedUserIds.Count > 0 ? e.message.MentionedUserIds.First() : 0;

            if (e.message.MentionedUserIds.Count > 0)
                if (targetId == 0)
                    await e.ErrorEmbed(e.GetResource("miki_module_accounts_mekos_no_user")).SendToChannel(e.Channel);

                IDiscordUser userCheck = await e.Guild.GetUserAsync(targetId);

                if (userCheck.IsBot)
                    await e.ErrorEmbed(e.GetResource("miki_module_accounts_mekos_bot")).SendToChannel(e.Channel);


            using (var context = new MikiContext())
                User user = await context.Users.FindAsync(targetId != 0?(long)targetId : e.Author.Id.ToDbLong());

                IDiscordEmbed embed = new RuntimeEmbed(new EmbedBuilder());
                embed.Title       = "🔸 Mekos";
                embed.Description = e.GetResource("miki_user_mekos", user.Name, user.Currency);
                embed.Color       = new IA.SDK.Color(1f, 0.5f, 0.7f);

                await embed.SendToChannel(e.Channel);
Example #5
        public async Task CryAsync(EventContext e)
            string[] images = new string[]

            RuntimeEmbed em = new RuntimeEmbed(new Discord.EmbedBuilder())
                ImageUrl = images[Global.random.Next(0, images.Length)]
            await em.SendToChannel(e.Channel);
Example #6
        public async Task GreentextAsync(EventContext e)
            string[] images = new string[]

            RuntimeEmbed em = new RuntimeEmbed(new Discord.EmbedBuilder())
                ImageUrl = images[MikiRandom.Next(0, images.Length)]
            await em.SendToChannel(e.Channel);
Example #7
        public async Task ShowMekosAsync(EventContext e)
            using (var context = new MikiContext())
                User user = await context.Users.FindAsync(e.Author.Id.ToDbLong());

                IDiscordEmbed embed = new RuntimeEmbed(new EmbedBuilder());
                embed.Title       = "🔸 Mekos";
                embed.Description = $"{user.Name} has **{user.Currency}** mekos!";
                embed.Color       = new IA.SDK.Color(1f, 0.5f, 0.7f);

                await embed.SendToChannel(e.Channel);
Example #8
        public async Task StareAsync(EventContext e)
            string[] images = new string[]

            RuntimeEmbed em = new RuntimeEmbed(new Discord.EmbedBuilder());

            em.ImageUrl = images[MikiRandom.Next(0, images.Length)];

            await em.SendToChannel(e.Channel);
Example #9
        public async Task ConfusedAsync(EventContext e)
            string[] images = new string[]

            RuntimeEmbed em = new RuntimeEmbed(new Discord.EmbedBuilder());

            em.ImageUrl = images[MikiRandom.Next(0, images.Length)];

            await em.SendToChannel(e.Channel);
Example #10
        public async Task SmugAsync(EventContext e)
            string[] images = new string[]

            RuntimeEmbed em = new RuntimeEmbed(new Discord.EmbedBuilder())
                ImageUrl = images[MikiRandom.Next(0, images.Length)]
            await em.SendToChannel(e.Channel);
Example #11
        public async Task GreentextAsync(EventContext e)
            string[] images = new string[]

            RuntimeEmbed em = new RuntimeEmbed(new Discord.EmbedBuilder())
                ImageUrl = images[Global.random.Next(0, images.Length)]
            await em.SendToChannel(e.Channel);
Example #12
        public async Task PoutAsync(EventContext e)
            string[] images = new string[]

            RuntimeEmbed em = new RuntimeEmbed(new Discord.EmbedBuilder());

            em.ImageUrl = images[MikiRandom.Next(0, images.Length)];

            await em.SendToChannel(e.Channel);
Example #13
        public async Task CryAsync(EventContext e)
            string[] images = new string[]

            RuntimeEmbed em = new RuntimeEmbed(new Discord.EmbedBuilder())
                ImageUrl = images[MikiRandom.Next(0, images.Length)]
            await em.SendToChannel(e.Channel);