Example #1
         * // not needed anymore, we do the type resolution ourselves now.
         * private static readonly string[] _hideKnownAssemblies = new[] {
         *  "ServiceStack", // exclude the service stack assembly
         *   "ClrPlus",
         *  "b03f5f7f11d50a3a", // Microsoft
         *  "b77a5c561934e089", // Microsoft
         *  "31bf3856ad364e35" // Microsoft
         * };
         * private static IEnumerable<Assembly> GetActiveAssemblies() {
         *  return AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().Where(each => !_hideKnownAssemblies.Any(x => each.FullName.IndexOf(x) > -1));
         * }

        public override void Configure(Container container)
            _configured = true;
            // Feature disableFeatures = Feature.Jsv | Feature.Soap;
            SetConfig(new EndpointHostConfig {
                // EnableFeatures = Feature.All.Remove(disableFeatures), //all formats except of JSV and SOAP
                DebugMode             = true,             //Show StackTraces in service responses during development
                WriteErrorsToResponse = false,            //Disable exception handling
                DefaultContentType    = ContentType.Json, //Change default content type
                AllowJsonpRequests    = true,             //Enable JSONP requests
                ServiceName           = "RestService",

            LogManager.LogFactory = new DebugLogFactory();
            using (var ps = RunspacePool.Dynamic()) {
                foreach (var restCommand in _activeCommands)
                    PSObject command = ps.LookupCommand(restCommand.Name);

                    if (command != null)
                        var cmdletInfo = (command.ImmediateBaseObject as CmdletInfo);
                        if (cmdletInfo != null)
                            dynamic d = new AccessPrivateWrapper((ServiceController as ServiceController));

                            // for each type we're adding, see if it's already been added already.
                            if (!d.requestExecMap.ContainsKey(cmdletInfo.ImplementingType))
                                (ServiceController as ServiceController).RegisterGService(GetTypeFactory(cmdletInfo.ImplementingType), cmdletInfo.ImplementingType);
                                (ServiceController as ServiceController).RegisterNService(GetTypeFactory(cmdletInfo.ImplementingType), cmdletInfo.ImplementingType);

                            ReverseLookup.AddOrSet(cmdletInfo.ImplementingType, restCommand);
                            Routes.Add(cmdletInfo.ImplementingType, "/" + restCommand.PublishAs + "/", "GET");
                            throw new ClrPlusException("command isn't cmdletinfo: {0}".format(command.GetType()));

            Plugins.Add(new AuthFeature(() => new AuthUserSession(),
                                        new IAuthProvider[] {
                new CustomBasicAuthProvider(),
                // new CustomCredentialsAuthProvider(),

            // stick a request filter in to validate that the user has the right to actually
            // call this method.

            RequestFilters.Add((request, response, requestDto) => {
                var restCommand = ReverseLookup[requestDto.GetType()];

                // is this one of the restCommands?
                // and does it has roles defined?
                if (restCommand != null && !restCommand.Roles.IsNullOrEmpty())
                    // ensure we're authenticated if the user passed the right stuff in the request
                    try {
                        AuthenticateAttribute.AuthenticateIfBasicAuth(request, response);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        response.StatusCode = 401;
                        response.AddHeader("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"rest-service\"");
                        response.StatusDescription = "Unauthorized";

                    // get the session object.
                    var session = request.GetSession(false);

                    // check if we got our authentication.
                    if (!session.IsAuthenticated)
                        response.StatusCode = 401;
                        response.AddHeader("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"rest-service\"");
                        response.StatusDescription = "Unauthorized";

                    // validate the user has the role.
                    if (!restCommand.Roles.Any(session.HasRole))
                        response.StatusCode = 403;

                        response.StatusDescription = "Forbidden";

                    var req = (requestDto as IHasSession);
                    if (req != null)
                        req.Session = session;