void OnPopupOk(StoreConfirmParam parm) { C2G.StoreItemBuy packet = new C2G.StoreItemBuy(); packet.store_id = m_StoreID; packet.store_idx = m_StoreItem.store_idx; switch (m_StoreItem.item_type) { case pe_StoreItemType.Rune: RuneInfo rune_info = ItemInfoManager.Instance.GetInfoByIdn(m_StoreItem.item_idn) as RuneInfo; packet.rune_id = rune_info.ID; break; case pe_StoreItemType.Token: packet.goods = new pd_GoodsData((ItemInfoManager.Instance.GetInfoByIdn(m_StoreItem.item_idn) as TokenInfo).TokenType, m_StoreItem.item_count); break; case pe_StoreItemType.Creature: packet.creature_id = CreatureInfoManager.Instance.GetInfoByIdn(m_StoreItem.item_idn).ID; packet.creature_grade = m_StoreItem.item_count; break; default: break; } Network.GameServer.JsonAsync <C2G.StoreItemBuy, C2G.StoreItemBuyAck>(packet, OnStoreItemBuy); }
public TravelContext(RunebookInfo book, RuneInfo rune, bool recall) : base((IEntity)book.Find(), false) { this.m_Book = book; this.m_Rune = rune; this.m_Recall = recall; }
public PPE_InvokeRunebook(Item book, RuneInfo rune, bool recall) : base((byte)240) { this.m_Stream.Write((byte)3); this.m_Stream.Write(book.Serial); this.m_Stream.Write(recall ? (byte)0 : (byte)1); this.m_Stream.Write((short)rune.Point.X); this.m_Stream.Write((short)rune.Point.Y); this.m_Stream.Write((byte)rune.Facet); }
private void InitRunePathDictionary() { TextAsset ta = Resources.Load("RunePathInfo") as TextAsset; RuneInfoList infoList = JsonUtility.FromJson <RuneInfoList>(ta.text); for (int index = 0; index < infoList.infos.Count; index++) { RuneInfo info = infoList.infos[index]; RunePrefab runePrefab = new RunePrefab(info); runePrefabs.Add(info.Name, runePrefab); } }
private RuneInfo GetRuneInfo() { RuneInfo rInfo = new RuneInfo(); rInfo.Initialize(primaryRunePath.GetRunePathName(), secondaryRunePath.GetRunePathName()); string[] strs = primaryRunePath.GetSelectedRunes(); foreach (string str in strs) { rInfo.AddRuneStone(str); } strs = secondaryRunePath.GetSelectedRunes(false); foreach (string str in strs) { rInfo.AddRuneStone(str); } return(rInfo); }
public void Save() { RuneInfo rInfo = GetRuneInfo(); userInfo.SetRuneInfo(rInfo); RunePathInfo rp_1 = primaryRunePath.GetPathInfo(true); RunePathInfo rp_2 = secondaryRunePath.GetPathInfo(false); string jsonStr_1 = JsonUtility.ToJson(RunePathInfo.RunePathInfo_to_RunePathData(rp_1, true), true); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/SavedRunePages/" + userName + "/" + "PrimaryPath" + runePageSeletor.value + ".json", jsonStr_1); string jsonStr_2 = JsonUtility.ToJson(RunePathInfo.RunePathInfo_to_RunePathData(rp_2, true), true); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/SavedRunePages/" + userName + "/" + "SecondaryPath" + runePageSeletor.value + ".json", jsonStr_2); Debug.Log("Saved RunePage exists: " + System.IO.File.Exists("Assets/StreamingAssets/" + "SavedRunePages/Annie/PrimaryPath0.json")); Debug.Log("RunePage Saved"); }
void OnLootItem10(C2G.StoreLootItem10 packet, C2G.StoreLootItem10Ack ack) { Network.PlayerInfo.UseGoods(m_ItemLoot.Price); List <LootItemInfo> loot_item_infos = new List <LootItemInfo>(); for (int i = 0; i < ack.loot_items.Count; ++i) { ItemManager.Instance.Add(ack.loot_items[i]); loot_item_infos.Add(new LootItemInfo(ack.loot_items[i].item_idn, ack.loot_items[i].add_piece_count)); } for (int i = 0; i < ack.loot_runes.Count; ++i) { RuneManager.Instance.Add(ack.loot_runes[i]); RuneInfo rune_info = RuneInfoManager.Instance.GetRuneInfoByIdn(ack.loot_runes[i].rune_idn); loot_item_infos.Add(new LootItemInfo(ack.loot_runes[i].rune_idn, 0, rune_info.Grade > 3)); } loot_item_infos = loot_item_infos.OrderBy(i => MNS.Random.Instance.Next()).ToList(); //ItemManager.Instance.ItemMadeList.Clear(); GameMain.Instance.UpdatePlayerInfo(); Popup.Instance.Show(ePopupMode.LootItem10, loot_item_infos, this); }
public void showReloadScreen(int num) { pause = true; if (num == 1) { p1reload = true; foreach (GameObject g in bulletIndicators) { g.SetActive(true); } for (int i = 0; i < spellSlots.Count; i++) { spellSlots [i].GetComponent <Image> ().sprite = defaultSlot; spellSlots [i].GetComponent <Image> ().color = Color.white; } for (int i = Temp.Count - 1; i > -1; i--) { if (Temp [i] != null) { Temp.RemoveAt(i); } if (TempNum [i] != null) { Handful.RemoveAt(TempNum [i]); TempNum.RemoveAt(i); } } for (int i = 0; i < pauseObjects.Length; i++) { if (i < Handful.Count) { pauseObjects [i].SetActive(true); } else { pauseObjects [pauseObjects.Length - 1].SetActive(true); } } for (int i = 0; i < battleObjects.Length; i++) { if (battleObjects[i] != null) { battleObjects [i].SetActive(false); } } for (int i = 0; i < pauseUI.Length; i++) { pauseUI [i].SetActive(true); } selectButton(); for (int i = 0; i < spellHold.children.Count; i++) { Button b = spellHold.children [i].gameObject.GetComponent <Button> (); int currentHolder = i; b.onClick.RemoveAllListeners(); b.onClick.AddListener(delegate { addBullet(currentHolder); }); if (Handful.Count > i) { GameObject curSpell = ((GameObject)Resources.Load(Handful [i].name)); curSpell.GetComponent <Spell> ().setDescription(player.weapon); b.GetComponent <Image> ().sprite = curSpell.GetComponent <Spell> ().bulletImage; if (b.GetComponent <Image> ().sprite.name == "Knob") { b.GetComponent <Image> ().color = curSpell.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ().color; } else { b.GetComponent <Image> ().color = Color.white; } RuneInfo r = spellHold.children [i].gameObject.GetComponent <RuneInfo> (); r.runeName = curSpell.GetComponent <Spell>().name; r.runeImage = curSpell.GetComponent <Spell> ().runeImage; r.runeDamage = curSpell.GetComponent <Spell>().damage.ToString(); r.runeDesc = curSpell.GetComponent <Spell> ().description; } } } else { p2reload = true; foreach (GameObject g in bulletIndicators_2) { g.SetActive(true); } for (int i = 0; i < spellSlots_2.Count; i++) { spellSlots_2[i].GetComponent <Image>().sprite = defaultSlot; spellSlots_2[i].GetComponent <Image>().color = Color.white; } for (int i = Temp_2.Count - 1; i > -1; i--) { if (Temp_2 [i] != null) { Temp_2.RemoveAt(i); } if (TempNum_2 [i] != null) { Handful_2.RemoveAt(TempNum_2 [i]); TempNum_2.RemoveAt(i); } } for (int i = 0; i < pauseObjects_p2.Length; i++) { if (i < Handful_2.Count) { pauseObjects_p2 [i].SetActive(true); } else { pauseObjects_p2 [pauseObjects.Length - 1].SetActive(true); } } for (int i = 0; i < battleObjects_2.Length; i++) { if (battleObjects_2[i] != null) { battleObjects_2 [i].SetActive(false); } } for (int i = 0; i < pauseUI_2.Length; i++) { pauseUI_2 [i].SetActive(true); } selectButton_2(); for (int i = 0; i < spellHold_2.children.Count; i++) { Button b = spellHold_2.children [i].gameObject.GetComponent <Button> (); int currentHolder = i; b.onClick.RemoveAllListeners(); b.onClick.AddListener(delegate { addBullet_2(currentHolder); }); if (Handful_2.Count > i) { GameObject curSpell = ((GameObject)Resources.Load(Handful_2 [i].name)); curSpell.GetComponent <Spell> ().setDescription(player2.weapon); b.GetComponent <Image> ().sprite = curSpell.GetComponent <Spell> ().bulletImage; if (b.GetComponent <Image> ().sprite.name == "Knob") { b.GetComponent <Image> ().color = curSpell.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ().color; } else { b.GetComponent <Image> ().color = Color.white; } RuneInfo r = spellHold_2.children [i].gameObject.GetComponent <RuneInfo> (); r.runeName = curSpell.GetComponent <Spell>().name; r.runeImage = curSpell.GetComponent <Spell> ().runeImage; r.runeDamage = curSpell.GetComponent <Spell>().damage.ToString(); r.runeDesc = curSpell.GetComponent <Spell> ().description; } } } }
public RuneInfo LoadRuneInfo(string heroName) { RuneInfo runeInfo = new RuneInfo(); string priP = ""; string secP = ""; string keyStone = ""; List <string> runeStones = new List <string>(); string path_pri; string path_sec; #if UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN path_pri = Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/SavedRunePages/" + heroName + "/PrimaryPath0.json"; if (File.Exists(path_pri)) { string dataAsJson; dataAsJson = File.ReadAllText(path_pri); RunePathData runePathData = new RunePathData(); runePathData = JsonUtility.FromJson <RunePathData>(dataAsJson); Debug.Log("Found Saved RunePage at " + path_pri); GameDebugUtility.AddDebugMsg("Found Saved RunePage at " + path_pri); priP = runePathData.pathName; keyStone = runePathData.keyStone.stoneChoiced; foreach (RuneStone rs in runePathData.runeStones) { runeStones.Add(rs.stoneChoiced); } } else { Debug.LogError("No saved RunePage"); } path_sec = Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/SavedRunePages/" + heroName + "/SecondaryPath0.json"; if (File.Exists(path_sec)) { string dataAsJson; dataAsJson = File.ReadAllText(path_sec); RunePathData runePathData = new RunePathData(); runePathData = JsonUtility.FromJson <RunePathData>(dataAsJson); Debug.Log("Found Saved RunePage at " + path_sec); GameDebugUtility.AddDebugMsg("Found Saved RunePage at " + path_sec); secP = runePathData.pathName; foreach (RuneStone rs in runePathData.runeStones) { runeStones.Add(rs.stoneChoiced); } } else { Debug.LogError("No saved RunePage"); } #endif #if UNITY_ANDROID if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android)//Unknown bug in reading the files { string dataAsJson; path_pri = Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/", heroName + "/PrimaryPath0.json"); Debug.Assert(File.Exists(path_pri)); WWW reader = new WWW(path_pri); while (!reader.isDone) { } dataAsJson = reader.text; RunePathData runePathData = new RunePathData(); runePathData = JsonUtility.FromJson <RunePathData>(dataAsJson); Debug.Log("Found Saved RunePage at " + path_pri); priP = runePathData.pathName; keyStone = runePathData.keyStone.stoneChoiced; foreach (RuneStone rs in runePathData.runeStones) { runeStones.Add(rs.stoneChoiced); } path_sec = Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/", heroName + "/SecondaryPath0.json"); reader = new WWW(path_sec); while (!reader.isDone) { } dataAsJson = reader.text; runePathData = new RunePathData(); runePathData = JsonUtility.FromJson <RunePathData>(dataAsJson); Debug.Log("Found Saved RunePage at " + path_sec); secP = runePathData.pathName; foreach (RuneStone rs in runePathData.runeStones) { runeStones.Add(rs.stoneChoiced); } } #endif runeInfo.Initialize(priP, secP); runeInfo.AddRuneStone(keyStone); foreach (string s in runeStones) { runeInfo.AddRuneStone(s); } return(runeInfo); }
public void SetRuneInfo(RuneInfo runeInfo) { this.runeInfo = runeInfo; }
public string GetName() { RuneInfo rune_info = Info as RuneInfo; return(Localization.Format("RuneTitle", Info.Name, Level, rune_info.GradeInfo.MaxLevel)); }
public RunePrefab(RuneInfo info) { Icon = Resources.Load <Sprite>(info.IconPath); Prefab = Resources.Load <GameObject>(info.PrefabPath); }
//REnables the UI for the reload menu public void showReloadScreen() { //resets the bottle indicators of bullet number foreach (GameObject g in bulletIndicators) { g.SetActive(true); } //resets the default staus to the rune holding ui for (int i = 0; i < spellSlots.Count; i++) { spellSlots[i].GetComponent <Image>().sprite = defaultSlot; spellSlots[i].GetComponent <Image>().color = Color.white; } //removes the bullets used in the last round from the deck for (int i = Temp.Count - 1; i > -1; i--) { if (Temp [i] != null) { Temp.RemoveAt(i); } if (TempNum [i] != null) { Handful.RemoveAt(TempNum [i]); TempNum.RemoveAt(i); } } //reenables the UI for the reload screen for (int i = 0; i < pauseObjects.Length; i++) { if (i < Handful.Count) { pauseObjects [i].SetActive(true); } else { pauseObjects [pauseObjects.Length - 1].SetActive(true); } } //DEactivates the UI for the battle screen for (int i = 0; i < battleObjects.Length; i++) { if (battleObjects[i] != null) { battleObjects [i].SetActive(false); } } //reenables the UI for the reload screen for (int i = 0; i < pauseUI.Length; i++) { pauseUI [i].SetActive(true); } //Selects the proper button selectButton(); pause = true; //Sets each spell holder to a match the spell from the deck. for (int i = 0; i < spellHold.children.Count; i++) { Button b = spellHold.children [i].gameObject.GetComponent <Button> (); int currentHolder = i; b.onClick.RemoveAllListeners(); b.onClick.AddListener(delegate { addBullet(currentHolder); }); if (Handful.Count > i) { GameObject curSpell = ((GameObject)Resources.Load(Handful [i].name)); curSpell.GetComponent <Spell> ().setDescription(player.weapon); b.GetComponent <Image> ().sprite = curSpell.GetComponent <Spell> ().bulletImage; if (b.GetComponent <Image> ().sprite.name == "Knob") { b.GetComponent <Image> ().color = curSpell.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ().color; } else { b.GetComponent <Image> ().color = Color.white; } RuneInfo r = spellHold.children [i].gameObject.GetComponent <RuneInfo> (); r.runeName = curSpell.GetComponent <Spell>().name; r.runeImage = curSpell.GetComponent <Spell> ().runeImage; r.runeDesc = curSpell.GetComponent <Spell> ().description; r.runeDamage = curSpell.GetComponent <Spell>().damage.ToString(); } } //Sets the player's reload value to false preventing it from reactivating the reload screen immediately player.reload = false; }