Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates run from template
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="templateRun"></param>
        /// <param name="runRepository"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Run CreateRunFromTemplate(Run templateRun, IRunRepository runRepository)
            using (var scope = _repositoryFactory.BeginRepositoryScope())
                // Get sales areas for the run
                var salesAreaRepository = scope.CreateRepository <ISalesAreaRepository>();

                var salesAreas = RunManager.GetSalesAreas(templateRun, salesAreaRepository.GetAll());

                // Set the default run start date time using today's date and time from template run, use it as the starting point to try and
                // find some schedule data.
                DateTime startingDateTime = new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.Year, DateTime.UtcNow.Month, DateTime.UtcNow.Day, templateRun.StartDate.Hour, templateRun.StartDate.Minute, templateRun.StartDate.Second, templateRun.StartDate.Millisecond, templateRun.StartDate.Kind);

                // Clone template run, reset it, set date range
                Run cloneRun = (Run)templateRun.Clone();
                cloneRun.Id                     = Guid.NewGuid();
                cloneRun.Description            = $"Deployment Test ({GetVersion().Version})";
                cloneRun.CreatedDateTime        = DateTime.UtcNow;
                cloneRun.ExecuteStartedDateTime = null;
                cloneRun.LastModifiedDateTime   = cloneRun.CreatedDateTime;
                cloneRun.IsLocked               = false;
                cloneRun.Scenarios.ForEach(scenario => scenario.ResetToPendingStatus());
                cloneRun.StartDate = GetRunStartDate(startingDateTime, salesAreas, 90);
                if (cloneRun.StartDate == DateTime.MaxValue)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to determine start date for test run due to insufficient data");
                cloneRun.EndDate = cloneRun.StartDate.AddDays(1);
                cloneRun.Real    = false;  // Flag that it's not a real run

                // Clear IDs so that we can assign new ones
                cloneRun.Id       = Guid.Empty;
                cloneRun.CustomId = 0;

                // Set new IDs
                IdUpdater.SetIds(cloneRun, _identityGeneratorResolver);

                // Save run