Example #1
        public ActionResult ExportAssignmentGrades(int assignmentID)
            //get total points for this assignment
            int totalPoints = DBHelper.GetAssignmentPointTotal(assignmentID);

            //find all students for current course
            List <CourseUser> students = (from c in db.CourseUsers
                                          where c.AbstractCourseID == ActiveCourseUser.AbstractCourseID &&
                                          c.AbstractRoleID == (int)CourseRole.CourseRoles.Student
                                          select c).ToList();

            if (ActiveCourseUser.Section != -2)         //instructors or all sections users can download all student grades
                List <int> sections = new List <int>(); //need to keep track of multiple sections.

                if (ActiveCourseUser.Section == -1)     //multiple sections
                    List <string> idList = ActiveCourseUser.MultiSection.Split(',').ToList();
                    foreach (string id in idList)
                        int section;

                        if (Int32.TryParse(id, out section))

                // For TAs, make rid of any student that isn't in the TA's section.
                for (int i = 0; i < students.Count; i++)
                    if (!sections.Contains(students[i].Section))

            //key-value pair for names-grades
            Dictionary <string, string> grades = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            //key-value pair for fullname-lastname so we can sort by lastname when creating the csv
            Dictionary <string, string> firstLast = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            //key-value pair to keep track of the late penalty
            Dictionary <string, string> latePenalty = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            //seed dictionary with student last, first names
            foreach (CourseUser student in students)
                if (!grades.ContainsKey(student.UserProfile.FullName) && !firstLast.ContainsKey(student.UserProfile.FullName) && !latePenalty.ContainsKey(student.UserProfile.FullName))
                    grades.Add(student.UserProfile.FullName, "");
                    firstLast.Add(student.UserProfile.FullName, student.UserProfile.LastName);
                    latePenalty.Add(student.UserProfile.FullName, "");
            //get graded rubrics
            List <RubricEvaluation> rubricEvaluations = null;

            rubricEvaluations = db.RubricEvaluations.Where(re => re.Evaluator.AbstractRole.CanGrade &&
                                                           re.AssignmentID == assignmentID).ToList();

            if (rubricEvaluations.Count > 0) //make sure there are rubrics saved
                foreach (RubricEvaluation rubricEvaluation in rubricEvaluations)
                    string rubricStudentName = "";

                    //we need to go through teams to handle team assignments. this works for individuals because an individual is a team of 1
                    foreach (var teamMember in rubricEvaluation.Recipient.TeamMembers)
                        rubricStudentName = teamMember.CourseUser.UserProfile.FullName;

                        if (rubricEvaluation.IsPublished)
                            //update value to match key
                            if (grades.ContainsKey(rubricStudentName))
                                grades[rubricStudentName] = RubricEvaluation.GetGradeAsDouble(rubricEvaluation.ID).ToString();

                                AssignmentTeam team = new AssignmentTeam();
                                team.Assignment   = rubricEvaluation.Assignment;
                                team.AssignmentID = rubricEvaluation.AssignmentID;
                                team.Team         = teamMember.Team;
                                team.TeamID       = teamMember.TeamID;

                                latePenalty[rubricStudentName] = (GetLatePenalty(team) / 100.0).ToString();

                //sort the grades A-Z by last name
                var sortedNameList = from pair in firstLast
                                     orderby pair.Value ascending
                                     select pair;

                //make a csv for export
                var csv = new StringBuilder();
                csv.Append(String.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6}{7}", "FirstName", "LastName", "Score(PCT)", "Raw Points out of " + totalPoints.ToString(), "Late Penalty(PCT)", "Score(PCT) - Late Penalty", "Raw Score - Late Penalty", Environment.NewLine));
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> pair in sortedNameList)
                    //place quotes around name so the first, last format doesn't break the csv
                    string firstname = "\"" + pair.Key.Split(' ').ToList().First() + "\""; //split off first name
                    string lastname  = "\"" + pair.Value + "\"";
                    string rawScore  = String.IsNullOrEmpty(grades[pair.Key]) ? "" : (Convert.ToDouble(grades[pair.Key]) * totalPoints).ToString();
                    double grade     = String.IsNullOrEmpty(grades[pair.Key]) ? -1.0 : Convert.ToDouble(grades[pair.Key]);
                    //string gradePCT = String.IsNullOrEmpty(grades[pair.Key]) ? "" : (Convert.ToDouble(grades[pair.Key]) * 100).ToString();
                    //string latePentaltyPCT = String.IsNullOrEmpty(latePenalty[pair.Key]) ? "" : (Convert.ToDouble(latePenalty[pair.Key]) * 100).ToString();
                    string latePentaltyPCT  = String.IsNullOrEmpty(latePenalty[pair.Key]) ? "" : (Convert.ToDouble(latePenalty[pair.Key])).ToString();
                    double latePenaltyScore = String.IsNullOrEmpty(grades[pair.Key]) ? -1.0 : Convert.ToDouble(latePenalty[pair.Key]);
                    string lateScorePCT     = String.IsNullOrEmpty(grades[pair.Key]) ? "" : (grade - latePenaltyScore <= 0 ? 0 : grade - latePenaltyScore).ToString();
                    string lateRawScore     = String.IsNullOrEmpty(grades[pair.Key]) ? "" : (grade - latePenaltyScore <= 0 ? 0 : (grade - latePenaltyScore) * totalPoints).ToString();

                    var newLine = String.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6}{7}", firstname, lastname, grades[pair.Key], rawScore, latePentaltyPCT, lateScorePCT, lateRawScore, Environment.NewLine);

                const string contentType = "text/plain";
                var          bytes       = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(csv.ToString());

                return(File(bytes, contentType, rubricEvaluations.First().Assignment.AssignmentName + " " + DateTime.Now + " (Exported Grades).csv"));

            if (Request.UrlReferrer != null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home", new { area = "AssignmentDetails", assignmentId = assignmentID }));
Example #2
        public ActionResult ExportAssignmentGrades(int assignmentID)
            //find all students for current course
            List <CourseUser> students = (from c in db.CourseUsers
                                          where c.AbstractCourseID == ActiveCourseUser.AbstractCourseID &&
                                          c.AbstractRoleID == (int)CourseRole.CourseRoles.Student
                                          select c).ToList();

            if (ActiveCourseUser.Section != -2)         //instructors or all sections users can download all student grades
                List <int> sections = new List <int>(); //need to keep track of multiple sections.

                if (ActiveCourseUser.Section == -1)     //multiple sections
                    List <string> idList = ActiveCourseUser.MultiSection.Split(',').ToList();
                    foreach (string id in idList)
                        int section;

                        if (Int32.TryParse(id, out section))

                // For TAs, make rid of any student that isn't in the TA's section.
                for (int i = 0; i < students.Count; i++)
                    if (!sections.Contains(students[i].Section))

            //key-value pair for names-grades
            Dictionary <string, string> grades = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            //seed dictionary with student last, first names
            foreach (CourseUser student in students)
                if (!grades.ContainsKey(student.UserProfile.FullName))
                    grades.Add(student.UserProfile.FullName, "");
            //get graded rubrics
            List <RubricEvaluation> rubricEvaluations = null;

            rubricEvaluations = db.RubricEvaluations.Where(re => re.Evaluator.AbstractRole.CanGrade &&
                                                           re.AssignmentID == assignmentID).ToList();

            if (rubricEvaluations.Count > 0) //make sure there are rubrics saved
                foreach (RubricEvaluation rubricEvaluation in rubricEvaluations)
                    string rubricStudentName = "";

                    //we need to go through teams to handle team assignments. this works for individuals because an individual is a team of 1
                    foreach (var teamMember in rubricEvaluation.Recipient.TeamMembers)
                        rubricStudentName = teamMember.CourseUser.UserProfile.FullName;

                        if (rubricEvaluation.IsPublished)
                            //update value to match key
                            if (grades.ContainsKey(rubricStudentName))
                                grades[rubricStudentName] = RubricEvaluation.GetGradeAsDouble(rubricEvaluation.ID).ToString();

                //sort the grades A-Z by last name
                var sortedGradesList = grades.Keys.ToList();

                //make a csv for export
                var csv = new StringBuilder();

                foreach (var key in sortedGradesList)
                    //place quotes around name so the first, last format doesn't break the csv
                    string temp    = "\"" + key + "\"";
                    var    newLine = String.Format("{0},{1}{2}", temp, grades[key], Environment.NewLine);

                const string contentType = "text/plain";
                var          bytes       = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(csv.ToString());

                return(File(bytes, contentType, rubricEvaluations.First().Assignment.AssignmentName + " " + DateTime.Now + " (Exported Grades).csv"));

            if (Request.UrlReferrer != null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home", new { area = "AssignmentDetails", assignmentId = assignmentID }));