Example #1
        private RtfTreeNode getReplaceNode()
            int         replaceID = rtf_replace.Count;
            RtfTreeNode textNode  = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Text, "[" + REPLACETAG + "]" + replaceID + "[/" + REPLACETAG + "]", false, 0);

Example #2
            /// <summary>
            /// Devuelve el primer nodo del árbol, a partir del nodo actual, cuya palabra clave y parámetro son los indicados como parámetro.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="keyword">Palabra clave buscada.</param>
            /// <param name="param">Parámetro buscado.</param>
            /// <returns>Primer nodo del árbol, a partir del nodo actual, cuya palabra clave y parámetro son ls indicados como parámetro.</returns>
            public RtfTreeNode SelectSingleNode(string keyword, int param)
                int         i     = 0;
                bool        found = false;
                RtfTreeNode node  = null;

                while (i < children.Count && !found)
                    if (children[i].key == keyword && children[i].param == param)
                        node  = children[i];
                        found = true;
                        node = children[i].SelectSingleNode(keyword, param);

                        if (node != null)
                            found = true;


Example #3
            /// <summary>
            /// Devuelve la tabla de fuentes del documento RTF.
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns>Tabla de fuentes del documento RTF</returns>
            public RtfFontTable GetFontTable()
                RtfFontTable tablaFuentes = new RtfFontTable();

                //Buscamos la tabla de fuentes en el árbol
                RtfTreeNode ntf = MainGroup.SelectSingleGroup("fonttbl"); //Nodo con la tabla de fuentes

                //Rellenamos el array de fuentes
                for (int j = 1; j < ntf.ChildNodes.Count; j++)
                    RtfTreeNode fuente = ntf.ChildNodes[j];

                    int    indiceFuente = -1;
                    string nombreFuente = null;

                    foreach (RtfTreeNode nodo in fuente.ChildNodes)
                        if (nodo.NodeKey == "f")
                            indiceFuente = nodo.Parameter;

                        if (nodo.NodeType == RtfNodeType.Text)
                            nombreFuente = nodo.NodeKey.Substring(0, nodo.NodeKey.Length - 1);

                    tablaFuentes.AddFont(indiceFuente, nombreFuente);

Example #4
            private static void ExtractHyperlinks()
                RtfTree tree = new RtfTree();


                RtfNodeCollection fields = tree.MainGroup.SelectGroups("field");

                foreach (RtfTreeNode node in fields)
                    //Extract URL

                    RtfTreeNode fldInst = node.ChildNodes[1];

                    string fldInstText = ExtractGroupText(fldInst);

                    string url = fldInstText.Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1];

                    //Extract Link Text

                    RtfTreeNode fldRslt = node.SelectSingleChildGroup("fldrslt");

                    string linkText = ExtractGroupText(fldRslt);

                    Console.WriteLine("[" + linkText + ", " + url + "]");
Example #5
            /// <summary>
            /// Realiza una copia exacta del nodo actual.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="cloneChildren">Si este parámetro recibe el valor true se clonarán también todos los nodos hijo del nodo actual.</param>
            /// <returns>Devuelve una copia exacta del nodo actual.</returns>
            public RtfTreeNode CloneNode(bool cloneChildren)
                RtfTreeNode clon = new RtfTreeNode();

                clon.key      = this.key;
                clon.hasParam = this.hasParam;
                clon.param    = this.param;
                clon.parent   = this.parent;
                clon.root     = this.root;
                clon.type     = this.type;

                //Si cloneChildren=false se copia directamente la lista de hijos
                if (!cloneChildren)
                    clon.children = this.children;
                else  //En caso contrario se clonan también cada uno de los hijos, propagando el parámetro cloneChildren=true
                    clon.children = new RtfNodeCollection();

                    foreach (RtfTreeNode child in this.children)

Example #6
        public void SearchNodes()
            RtfNodeCollection list1 = new RtfNodeCollection();
            RtfTreeNode       node  = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "c", true, 3);

            list1.Add(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "a", true, 1));
            list1.Add(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "b", true, 2));
            list1.Add(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "b", true, 4));
            list1.Add(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "e", true, 6));

            Assert.That(list1.IndexOf(node), Is.EqualTo(2));
            Assert.That(list1.IndexOf(new RtfTreeNode()), Is.EqualTo(-1));

            Assert.That(list1.IndexOf(node, 0), Is.EqualTo(2));
            Assert.That(list1.IndexOf(node, 2), Is.EqualTo(2));
            Assert.That(list1.IndexOf(node, 3), Is.EqualTo(4));
            Assert.That(list1.IndexOf(node, 5), Is.EqualTo(-1));

            Assert.That(list1.IndexOf("b", 0), Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(list1.IndexOf("b", 1), Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(list1.IndexOf("b", 2), Is.EqualTo(3));
            Assert.That(list1.IndexOf("x", 0), Is.EqualTo(-1));

            Assert.That(list1.IndexOf("b"), Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(list1.IndexOf("x"), Is.EqualTo(-1));
Example #7
            /// <summary>
            /// Añadir o reemplazar el pie de página del documento
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="footer">pie de página</param>
            public void SetFooter(RtfTreeNode footer)
                RtfTreeNode footerGroup = null;

                // Find any existing footer
                RtfTreeNode existingFooter = this.mainGroup.SelectSingleNode("footer");

                if (existingFooter != null)
                    // delete all child nodes of existing footer
                    footerGroup = existingFooter.ParentNode;
                    // Insert a new footer group just before the body text
                    int indInicioTexto = this.mainGroup.ChildNodes.IndexOf("pard");

                    footerGroup = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Group);
                    this.mainGroup.InsertChild(indInicioTexto, footerGroup);

                footerGroup.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "footer", false, 0));

                if (footer != null)
Example #8
            /// <summary>
            /// Inserta el nuevo árbol en el árbol base (como un nuevo grupo) eliminando toda la cabecera del documento insertado.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="parentNode">Grupo base en el que se insertará el nuevo arbol.</param>
            /// <param name="treeToCopyParent">Nuevo árbol a insertar.</param>
            /// <param name="intCurrIndex">Índice en el que se insertará el nuevo árbol dentro del grupo base.</param>
            private void execMergeDoc(RtfTreeNode parentNode, RtfTree treeToCopyParent, int intCurrIndex)
                //Se busca el primer "\pard" del documento (comienzo del texto)
                RtfTreeNode nodePard = treeToCopyParent.RootNode.FirstChild.SelectSingleChildNode("pard");

                //Se obtiene el índice del nodo dentro del principal
                int indPard = treeToCopyParent.RootNode.FirstChild.ChildNodes.IndexOf(nodePard);

                //Se crea el nuevo grupo
                RtfTreeNode newGroup = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Group);

                //Se resetean las opciones de párrafo y fuente
                newGroup.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "pard", false, 0));
                newGroup.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "plain", false, 0));

                //Se inserta cada nodo hijo del documento nuevo en el documento base
                for (int i = indPard + 1; i < treeToCopyParent.RootNode.FirstChild.ChildNodes.Count; i++)
                    RtfTreeNode newNode =


                //Se inserta el nuevo grupo con el nuevo documento
                parentNode.InsertChild(intCurrIndex, newGroup);
Example #9
        public void TextExtraction()
            RtfTree tree = new RtfTree();

            int res = tree.LoadRtfFile("..\\..\\testdocs\\testdoc4.rtf");

            RtfTreeNode simpleGroup  = tree.MainGroup.SelectSingleGroup("ul");
            RtfTreeNode nestedGroups = tree.MainGroup.SelectSingleGroup("cf");
            RtfTreeNode keyword      = tree.MainGroup.SelectSingleChildNode("b");
            RtfTreeNode control      = tree.MainGroup.SelectSingleChildNode("'");
            RtfTreeNode root         = tree.RootNode;

            Assert.That(simpleGroup.Text, Is.EqualTo("underline1"));
            Assert.That(nestedGroups.Text, Is.EqualTo("blue1 luctus. Fusce in interdum ipsum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et italic1 dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus."));
            Assert.That(keyword.Text, Is.EqualTo(""));
            Assert.That(control.Text, Is.EqualTo("é"));
            Assert.That(root.Text, Is.EqualTo(""));

            Assert.That(simpleGroup.RawText, Is.EqualTo("underline1"));
            Assert.That(nestedGroups.RawText, Is.EqualTo("blue1 luctus. Fusce in interdum ipsum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et italic1 dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus."));
            Assert.That(keyword.RawText, Is.EqualTo(""));
            Assert.That(control.RawText, Is.EqualTo("é"));
            Assert.That(root.RawText, Is.EqualTo(""));

            RtfTreeNode fontsGroup     = tree.MainGroup.SelectSingleGroup("fonttbl");
            RtfTreeNode generatorGroup = tree.MainGroup.SelectSingleGroup("*");

            Assert.That(fontsGroup.Text, Is.EqualTo(""));
            Assert.That(generatorGroup.Text, Is.EqualTo(""));

            Assert.That(fontsGroup.RawText, Is.EqualTo("Times New Roman;Arial;Arial;"));
            Assert.That(generatorGroup.RawText, Is.EqualTo("Msftedit;"));
Example #10
        public void ResultNode()
            RtfTree tree = new RtfTree();


            RtfTreeNode node = tree.MainGroup.SelectSingleNode("object").ParentNode;

            ObjectNode objNode = new ObjectNode(node);

            RtfTreeNode resNode = objNode.ResultNode;

            Assert.That(resNode, Is.SameAs(tree.MainGroup.SelectSingleGroup("object").SelectSingleChildGroup("result")));

            RtfTreeNode pictNode = resNode.SelectSingleNode("pict").ParentNode;
            ImageNode   imgNode  = new ImageNode(pictNode);

            Assert.That(imgNode.Height, Is.EqualTo(2247));
            Assert.That(imgNode.Width, Is.EqualTo(9320));

            Assert.That(imgNode.DesiredHeight, Is.EqualTo(1274));
            Assert.That(imgNode.DesiredWidth, Is.EqualTo(5284));

            Assert.That(imgNode.ScaleX, Is.EqualTo(100));
            Assert.That(imgNode.ScaleY, Is.EqualTo(100));

            Assert.That(imgNode.ImageFormat, Is.EqualTo(ImageFormat.Emf));
 /// <param name="node">Where to append (add) results</param>
 public static void AddText(this RtfTreeNode node, string text)
     foreach (char c in text)
         uint cCode = (uint)c;
         if (c == '\n')
         else if (cCode <= 225)
             node.AddKeyword(String.Format("\'{0:X}", cCode));
         else if (cCode <= 32768)
             node.AddKeyword("uc", 1);
             node.AddKeyword(String.Format("u{0}*", cCode));
         else if (cCode <= 65535)
             node.AddKeyword("uc", 1);
             node.AddKeyword(String.Format("u{0}*", cCode - 65536));
             throw new NotSupportedException("Char code more than 16535 is not supported");
Example #12
            /// <summary>
            /// Devuelve el primer nodo del árbol, a partir del nodo actual, cuyo tipo es el indicado como parámetro.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="nodeType">Tipo del nodo buscado.</param>
            /// <returns>Primer nodo del árbol, a partir del nodo actual, cuyo tipo es el indicado como parámetro.</returns>
            public RtfTreeNode SelectSingleNode(RtfNodeType nodeType)
                int         i     = 0;
                bool        found = false;
                RtfTreeNode node  = null;

                while (i < children.Count && !found)
                    if (children[i].type == nodeType)
                        node  = children[i];
                        found = true;
                        node = children[i].SelectSingleNode(nodeType);

                        if (node != null)
                            found = true;


Example #13
            /// <summary>
            /// Obtiene los datos binarios del objeto a partir de la información contenida en el nodo RTF.
            /// </summary>
            private void getObjectData()
                //Formato: ( '{' \object (<objtype> & <objmod>? & <objclass>? & <objname>? & <objtime>? & <objsize>? & <rsltmod>?) ('{\*' \objdata (<objalias>? & <objsect>?) <data> '}') <result> '}' )

                string Text = "";

                if (this.FirstChild.NodeKey == "object")
                    //Buscamos el nodo "\objdata"
                    RtfTreeNode objdataNode = this.SelectSingleNode("objdata");

                    //Si existe el nodo
                    if (objdataNode != null)
                        //Buscamos los datos en formato hexadecimal (último hijo del grupo de \objdata)
                        Text = objdataNode.ParentNode.LastChild.NodeKey;

                        int dataSize = Text.Length / 2;
                        objdata = new byte[dataSize];

                        StringBuilder sbaux = new StringBuilder(2);

                        for (int i = 0; i < Text.Length; i++)

                            if (sbaux.Length == 2)
                                objdata[i / 2] = byte.Parse(sbaux.ToString(), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                                sbaux.Remove(0, 2);
Example #14
            /// <summary>
            /// Devuelve la tabla de fuentes del documento RTF.
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns>Tabla de fuentes del documento RTF</returns>
            public RtfFontTable GetFontTable()
                RtfFontTable tablaFuentes = new RtfFontTable();

                //Nodo raiz del documento
                RtfTreeNode root = rootNode;

                //Grupo principal del documento
                RtfTreeNode nprin = root.FirstChild;

                //Buscamos la tabla de fuentes en el árbol
                bool        enc = false;
                int         i   = 0;
                RtfTreeNode ntf = new RtfTreeNode();  //Nodo con la tabla de fuentes

                while (!enc && i < nprin.ChildNodes.Count)
                    if (nprin.ChildNodes[i].NodeType == RtfNodeType.Group &&
                        nprin.ChildNodes[i].FirstChild.NodeKey == "fonttbl")
                        enc = true;
                        ntf = nprin.ChildNodes[i];


                //Rellenamos el array de fuentes
                for (int j = 1; j < ntf.ChildNodes.Count; j++)
                    RtfTreeNode fuente = ntf.ChildNodes[j];

                    int    indiceFuente = -1;
                    string nombreFuente = null;
                    int    codePage     = Encoding.Default.CodePage;

                    foreach (RtfTreeNode nodo in fuente.ChildNodes)
                        if (nodo.NodeType == RtfNodeType.Keyword)
                            if (nodo.NodeKey == "f")
                                indiceFuente = nodo.Parameter;
                            else if (nodo.NodeKey == "fcharset")
                                codePage = CharSetConvertor.ToCodePage(nodo.Parameter, codePage);
                        else if (nodo.NodeType == RtfNodeType.Text)
                            nombreFuente = nodo.NodeKey.Substring(0, nodo.NodeKey.Length - 1);

                    tablaFuentes.AddFont(indiceFuente, new RtfFont(nombreFuente, codePage));

Example #15
            /// <summary>
            /// Ajusta los colores del documento a insertar.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="parentNode">Nodo grupo que se está procesando.</param>
            /// <param name="colorDestTbl">Tabla de colores resultante.</param>
            /// <param name="colorToCopyTbl">Tabla de colores del documento a insertar.</param>
            private void adjustColorRecursive(RtfTreeNode parentNode, RtfColorTable colorDestTbl, RtfColorTable colorToCopyTbl)
                if (parentNode != null && parentNode.HasChildNodes())
                    for (int iNdIndex = 0; iNdIndex < parentNode.ChildNodes.Count; iNdIndex++)
                        if (parentNode.ChildNodes[iNdIndex].NodeType == RtfNodeType.Keyword &&
                            (parentNode.ChildNodes[iNdIndex].NodeKey == "cf" ||
                             parentNode.ChildNodes[iNdIndex].NodeKey == "cb" ||
                             parentNode.ChildNodes[iNdIndex].NodeKey == "pncf" ||
                             parentNode.ChildNodes[iNdIndex].NodeKey == "brdrcf" ||
                             parentNode.ChildNodes[iNdIndex].NodeKey == "cfpat" ||
                             parentNode.ChildNodes[iNdIndex].NodeKey == "cbpat" ||
                             parentNode.ChildNodes[iNdIndex].NodeKey == "clcfpatraw" ||
                             parentNode.ChildNodes[iNdIndex].NodeKey == "clcbpatraw" ||
                             parentNode.ChildNodes[iNdIndex].NodeKey == "ulc" ||
                             parentNode.ChildNodes[iNdIndex].NodeKey == "chcfpat" ||
                             parentNode.ChildNodes[iNdIndex].NodeKey == "chcbpat" ||
                             parentNode.ChildNodes[iNdIndex].NodeKey == "highlight" ||
                             parentNode.ChildNodes[iNdIndex].NodeKey == "clcbpat" ||
                             parentNode.ChildNodes[iNdIndex].NodeKey == "clcfpat") &&
                            parentNode.ChildNodes[iNdIndex].Parameter = baseRtfDoc.GetColorID(colorDestTbl, colorToCopyTbl[parentNode.ChildNodes[iNdIndex].Parameter]);

                        adjustColorRecursive(parentNode.ChildNodes[iNdIndex], colorDestTbl, colorToCopyTbl);
        public void SelectSiblings()
            RtfTree tree = new RtfTree();

            int res = tree.LoadRtfFile("..\\..\\testdocs\\testdoc1.rtf");

            RtfTreeNode node1 = tree.MainGroup.ChildNodes[4];               //deflang3082
            RtfTreeNode node2 = tree.MainGroup.ChildNodes[6].ChildNodes[2]; //colortbl/red

            RtfTreeNode n1 = node1.SelectSibling(RtfNodeType.Group);
            RtfTreeNode n2 = node1.SelectSibling("viewkind");
            RtfTreeNode n3 = node1.SelectSibling("fs", 28);

            RtfTreeNode n4 = node2.SelectSibling(RtfNodeType.Keyword);
            RtfTreeNode n5 = node2.SelectSibling("blue");
            RtfTreeNode n6 = node2.SelectSibling("red", 255);

            Assert.That(n1, Is.SameAs(tree.MainGroup[5]));
            Assert.That(n2, Is.SameAs(tree.MainGroup[8]));
            Assert.That(n3, Is.SameAs(tree.MainGroup[17]));

            Assert.That(n4, Is.SameAs(tree.MainGroup[6].ChildNodes[3]));
            Assert.That(n5, Is.SameAs(tree.MainGroup[6].ChildNodes[4]));
            Assert.That(n6, Is.SameAs(tree.MainGroup[6].ChildNodes[6]));
Example #17
            /// <summary>
            /// Inserta un campo en el documento
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="parent">Nodo padre del campo</param>
            /// <param name="instruction">El codigo de campo</param>
            /// <param name="initial_result">El valor del campo inicial</param>
            public void AddField(RtfTreeNode parent, string instruction, string initial_result)
                var fieldInstructionGroup = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Group);

                fieldInstructionGroup.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "*", false, 0));
                fieldInstructionGroup.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "fldinst", false, 0));
                var fieldInstructionTextGroup = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Group);

                this.InsertText(fieldInstructionTextGroup, instruction);

                var fieldResultGroup = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Group);

                fieldResultGroup.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "fldrslt", false, 0));
                var fieldResultTextGroup = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Group);

                this.InsertText(fieldResultTextGroup, initial_result);

                var fieldGroup = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Group);

                fieldGroup.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "field", false, 0));

                (parent ?? this.mainGroup).AppendChild(fieldGroup);
Example #18
        public void StringRepresentation()
            RtfTreeNode node  = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "b", true, 3);
            RtfTreeNode node2 = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Root);

            Assert.That(node.ToString(), Is.EqualTo("[Keyword, b, True, 3]"));
            Assert.That(node2.ToString(), Is.EqualTo("[Root, , False, 0]"));
Example #19
        public void StringRepresentation()
            RtfTreeNode node = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "b", true, 3);
            RtfTreeNode node2 = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Root);

            Assert.That(node.ToString(), Is.EqualTo("[Keyword, b, True, 3]"));
            Assert.That(node2.ToString(), Is.EqualTo("[Root, , False, 0]"));
Example #20
            /// <summary>
            /// Elimina un nodo de la lista de hijos.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="node">Nodo a eliminar.</param>
            public void RemoveChild(RtfTreeNode node)
                //Se busca el nodo a eliminar
                int index = children.IndexOf(node);

                //Se elimina el i-ésimo hijo
Example #21
        private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog();

            //Se establecen las propiedades del cuadro de diálogo "Abrir"
            openFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "c:\\";
            openFileDialog1.Filter           = "Archivos RTF (*.rtf)|*.rtf|Todos los archivos (*.*)|*.*";
            openFileDialog1.FilterIndex      = 1;
            openFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = true;

            //Se muestra el cuadro de diálogo Abrir y se espera a que se seleccione un fichero RTF.
            if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                //Se crea un árbol RTF
                RtfTree arbol = new RtfTree();

                //Se carga el documento seleccionado (Este método parsea el documento y crea la estructura de árbol interna)

                //Busca el primer nodo de tipo objeto.
                RtfTreeNode node = arbol.RootNode.SelectSingleNode("object");

                //Se crea un nodo RTF especializado en imágenes
                ObjectNode objectNode = new ObjectNode(node.ParentNode);

                //Se escriben al cuadro de texto superior algunos datos del objeto
                txtArbol.Text += "Object type: " + objectNode.ObjectType + "\r\n";
                txtArbol.Text += "Object class: " + objectNode.ObjectClass + "\r\n";

                //Se extrae la imagen insertada como representación del objeto

                //Se obtiene el nodo "\result" del objeto (representación externa del objeto en el documento RTF)
                RtfTreeNode resultNode = objectNode.ResultNode;

                RtfTreeNode auxNode = null;

                //Si existe un nodo imagen en el grupo "\result" la extraemos a un fichero y mostramos algunas características en
                //el cuadro de texto superior de la ventana.
                if ((auxNode = resultNode.SelectSingleNode("pict")) != null)
                    //Creamos el nodo especializado de tipo Imagen
                    ImageNode imageNode = new ImageNode(auxNode.ParentNode);

                    //Mostramos algunas características de la imagen
                    txtArbol.Text += "Image width: " + imageNode.Width / 20 + "\r\n";
                    txtArbol.Text += "Image heigh: " + imageNode.Height / 20 + "\r\n";
                    txtArbol.Text += "Image format: " + imageNode.ImageFormat + "\r\n";

                    //Se guarda la imagen a fichero
                    MessageBox.Show("Se va a crear el fichero: image-example3." + getExtension(imageNode.ImageFormat));
                    imageNode.SaveImage("image-example3." + getExtension(imageNode.ImageFormat));
                    MessageBox.Show("El grupo '\result' del objeto no contiene imágenes!");
Example #22
            public void Clear()
                currentFormat = null;

                tree      = new RtfTree();
                mainGroup = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Group);

Example #23
            /// <summary>
            /// Constructor de la clase RtfTree.
            /// </summary>
            public RtfTree()
                //Se crea el nodo raíz del documento
                rootNode = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Root);

				/* Inicializados por defecto */
                //Se inicializa la profundidad actual
                //level = 0;
Example #24
            /// <summary>
            /// Devuelve la tabla de fuentes del documento RTF.
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns>Tabla de fuentes del documento RTF</returns>
            public String[] GetFontTable()
                ArrayList tabla = new ArrayList();

                String[] tablaFuentes;

                //Nodo raiz del documento
                RtfTreeNode root = this.rootNode;

                //Grupo principal del documento
                RtfTreeNode nprin = root.FirstChild;

                //Buscamos la tabla de fuentes en el árbol
                bool        enc = false;
                int         i   = 0;
                RtfTreeNode ntf = new RtfTreeNode();  //Nodo con la tabla de fuentes

                while (!enc && i < nprin.ChildNodes.Count)
                    if (nprin.ChildNodes[i].NodeType == RtfNodeType.Group &&
                        nprin.ChildNodes[i].FirstChild.NodeKey == "fonttbl")
                        enc = true;
                        ntf = nprin.ChildNodes[i];


                //Rellenamos el array de fuentes
                for (int j = 1; j < ntf.ChildNodes.Count; j++)
                    RtfTreeNode fuente = ntf.ChildNodes[j];

                    string nombreFuente = null;

                    foreach (RtfTreeNode nodo in fuente.ChildNodes)
                        if (nodo.NodeType == RtfNodeType.Text)
                            nombreFuente = nodo.NodeKey.Substring(0, nodo.NodeKey.Length - 1);


                //Convertimos el ArrayList en un array tradicional
                tablaFuentes = new String[tabla.Count];

                for (int c = 0; c < tabla.Count; c++)
                    tablaFuentes[c] = (String)tabla[c];

Example #25
            public static void ExtractDocumentOutline()
                RtfTree tree = new RtfTree();


                RtfStyleSheetTable sst = tree.GetStyleSheetTable();

                int heading1 = sst.IndexOf("heading 1");
                int heading2 = sst.IndexOf("heading 2");
                int heading3 = sst.IndexOf("heading 3");


                RtfNodeCollection headingKeywords = tree.MainGroup.SelectNodes("s");

                for (int i = 0; i < headingKeywords.Count; i++)
                    RtfTreeNode hk = headingKeywords[i];

                    StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder("");

                    if (hk.Parameter == heading1 ||
                        hk.Parameter == heading2 ||
                        hk.Parameter == heading3)
                        RtfTreeNode sibling = hk.NextSibling;

                        while (sibling != null && !sibling.NodeKey.Equals("pard"))
                            if (sibling.NodeType == RtfNodeType.Text)
                            else if (sibling.NodeType == RtfNodeType.Group)

                            sibling = sibling.NextSibling;

                        if (hk.Parameter == heading1)
                            Console.WriteLine("H1: {0}", text);
                        else if (hk.Parameter == heading2)
                            Console.WriteLine("    H2: {0}", text);
                        else if (hk.Parameter == heading3)
                            Console.WriteLine("        H3: {0}", text);
Example #26
            /// <summary>
            /// Inserta un fragmento de texto en el documento con un formato de texto determinado.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="parent">Nodo padre del fragmento de texto</param>
            /// <param name="text">Texto a insertar.</param>
            /// <param name="format">Formato del texto a insertar.</param>
            /// <param name="highlight">Resaltar el texto?</param>
            public void AddText(RtfTreeNode parent, string text, RtfCharFormat format, bool highlight = false)


                InsertText(parent, text, highlight);
Example #27
            /// <summary>
            /// Inserta una imagen en el documento.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="path">Ruta de la imagen a insertar.</param>
            /// <param name="width">Ancho deseado de la imagen en el documento.</param>
            /// <param name="height">Alto deseado de la imagen en el documento.</param>
            public void AddImage(string path, int width, int height)
                FileStream   fStream = null;
                BinaryReader br      = null;

                    byte[] data = null;

                    FileInfo fInfo    = new FileInfo(path);
                    long     numBytes = fInfo.Length;

                    fStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                    br      = new BinaryReader(fStream);

                    data = br.ReadBytes((int)numBytes);

                    StringBuilder hexdata = new StringBuilder();

                    for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)

                    Image img = Image.FromFile(path);

                    RtfTreeNode imgGroup = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Group);
                    imgGroup.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "pict", false, 0));

                    string format = "";
                    if (path.ToLower().EndsWith("wmf"))
                        format = "emfblip";
                        format = "jpegblip";

                    imgGroup.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, format, false, 0));

                    imgGroup.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "picw", true, img.Width * 20));
                    imgGroup.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "pich", true, img.Height * 20));
                    imgGroup.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "picwgoal", true, width * 20));
                    imgGroup.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "pichgoal", true, height * 20));
                    imgGroup.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Text, hexdata.ToString(), false, 0));

Example #28
            /// <summary>
            /// Inserta el código RTF de la aplicación generadora del documento.
            /// </summary>
            private void InsertGenerator()
                RtfTreeNode genGroup = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Group);

                genGroup.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Control, "*", false, 0));
                genGroup.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "generator", false, 0));
                genGroup.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Text, "NRtfTree Library 1.3.0;", false, 0));

                mainGroup.InsertChild(7, genGroup);
Example #29
        public void SimpleTreeNavigation()
            //Creación de un árbol sencillo

            RtfTree tree = new RtfTree();

            RtfTreeNode mainGroup = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Group);
            RtfTreeNode rtfNode   = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "rtf", true, 0);


            RtfTreeNode newGroup = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Group);
            RtfTreeNode node1    = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "ul", false, 0);
            RtfTreeNode node2    = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Text, "Test", false, 0);
            RtfTreeNode node3    = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Text, "ulnone", false, 0);




            //Navegación básica: tree
            Assert.That(tree.RootNode, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(tree.MainGroup, Is.SameAs(mainGroup));

            //Navegación básica: newGroup
            Assert.That(newGroup.Tree, Is.SameAs(tree));
            Assert.That(newGroup.ParentNode, Is.SameAs(mainGroup));
            Assert.That(newGroup.RootNode, Is.SameAs(tree.RootNode));
            Assert.That(newGroup.ChildNodes, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(newGroup[1], Is.SameAs(node2));
            Assert.That(newGroup.ChildNodes[1], Is.SameAs(node2));
            Assert.That(newGroup["ul"], Is.SameAs(node1));
            Assert.That(newGroup.FirstChild, Is.SameAs(node1));
            Assert.That(newGroup.LastChild, Is.SameAs(node3));
            Assert.That(newGroup.PreviousSibling, Is.SameAs(rtfNode));
            Assert.That(newGroup.NextSibling, Is.Null);
            Assert.That(newGroup.Index, Is.EqualTo(1));

            //Navegación básica: nodo2
            Assert.That(node2.Tree, Is.SameAs(tree));
            Assert.That(node2.ParentNode, Is.SameAs(newGroup));
            Assert.That(node2.RootNode, Is.SameAs(tree.RootNode));
            Assert.That(node2.ChildNodes, Is.Null);
            Assert.That(node2[1], Is.Null);
            Assert.That(node2["ul"], Is.Null);
            Assert.That(node2.FirstChild, Is.Null);
            Assert.That(node2.LastChild, Is.Null);
            Assert.That(node2.PreviousSibling, Is.SameAs(node1));
            Assert.That(node2.NextSibling, Is.SameAs(node3));
            Assert.That(node2.Index, Is.EqualTo(1));
Example #30
            /// <summary>
            /// Extrae el texto de un árbol RTF.
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns>Texto plano del documento.</returns>
            private string ConvertToText()
                RtfTreeNode pardNode =

                int pPard = this.RootNode.FirstChild.ChildNodes.IndexOf(pardNode);

                Encoding enc = this.GetEncoding();

                return(ConvertToTextAux(this.RootNode.FirstChild, pPard, enc));
        public void SelectSingleChildNodeByKeywordAndParam()
            RtfTree tree = new RtfTree();

            int res = tree.LoadRtfFile("..\\..\\testdocs\\testdoc1.rtf");

            RtfTreeNode node1 = tree.MainGroup.SelectSingleChildNode("fs", 24);
            RtfTreeNode node2 = tree.MainGroup.SelectSingleChildNode("f", 1);

            Assert.That(node1, Is.SameAs(tree.MainGroup[22]));
            Assert.That(node2, Is.SameAs(tree.MainGroup[56]));
        public void SelectSingleGroup()
            RtfTree tree = new RtfTree();

            int res = tree.LoadRtfFile("..\\..\\testdocs\\testdoc1.rtf");

            RtfTreeNode node1 = tree.MainGroup.SelectSingleGroup("f");
            RtfTreeNode node2 = tree.MainGroup[5].SelectSingleChildGroup("f");

            Assert.That(node1, Is.SameAs(tree.MainGroup[5].ChildNodes[1]));
            Assert.That(node2, Is.SameAs(tree.MainGroup[5].ChildNodes[1]));
Example #33
        public void EmptyNodeNavigation()
            RtfTreeNode node = new RtfTreeNode();

            Assert.That(node.Tree, Is.Null);
            Assert.That(node.RootNode, Is.Null);
            Assert.That(node.ParentNode, Is.Null);

            Assert.That(node.NextSibling, Is.Null);
            Assert.That(node.PreviousSibling, Is.Null);

            Assert.That(node.ChildNodes, Is.Null);

            Assert.That(node.FirstChild, Is.Null);
            Assert.That(node.LastChild, Is.Null);
Example #34
        public void InitNodeNavigation()
            RtfTreeNode node = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "rtf", true, 99);

            Assert.That(node.Tree, Is.Null);
            Assert.That(node.RootNode, Is.Null);
            Assert.That(node.ParentNode, Is.Null);

            Assert.That(node.NextSibling, Is.Null);
            Assert.That(node.PreviousSibling, Is.Null);

            Assert.That(node.ChildNodes, Is.Null);

            Assert.That(node.FirstChild, Is.Null);
            Assert.That(node.LastChild, Is.Null);
Example #35
        public void PopulateCollection()
            RtfNodeCollection list1 = new RtfNodeCollection();
            RtfNodeCollection list2 = new RtfNodeCollection();

            RtfTreeNode node = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "b", true, 2);

            list1.Add(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "a", true, 1));
            list1.Add(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "c", true, 3));
            list1.Add(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "d", true, 4));
            list1.Add(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "e", true, 5));

            list2.Add(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "g", true, 7));

            Assert.That(list1.Count, Is.EqualTo(5));
            Assert.That(list2.Count, Is.EqualTo(2));

            Assert.That(list1[1], Is.SameAs(node));
            Assert.That(list2[0], Is.SameAs(node));


            Assert.That(list1.Count, Is.EqualTo(7));

            Assert.That(list1[5], Is.SameAs(list2[0]));
            Assert.That(list1[6], Is.SameAs(list2[1]));

            Assert.That(list1[6].NodeKey, Is.EqualTo("g"));
            Assert.That(list2[0], Is.SameAs(node));

            RtfTreeNode node1 = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "h", false, 8);

            list1.Insert(5, node1);

            Assert.That(list1.Count, Is.EqualTo(8));
            Assert.That(list1[5], Is.SameAs(node1));

            RtfTreeNode node2 = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "i", false, 9);

            list1[1] = node2;

            Assert.That(list1.Count, Is.EqualTo(8));
            Assert.That(list1[1], Is.SameAs(node2));
Example #36
        public void AdjacentNodes()
            //Creación de un árbol sencillo

            RtfTree tree = new RtfTree();

            RtfTreeNode mainGroup = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Group);
            RtfTreeNode rtfNode = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "rtf", true, 0);

            RtfTreeNode newGroup = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Group);
            RtfTreeNode node1 = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "ul", false, 0);
            RtfTreeNode node2 = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Text, "Test", false, 0);
            RtfTreeNode node3 = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "ulnone", false, 0);




            RtfTreeNode node4 = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Text, "fin", false, 0);


            Assert.That(tree.RootNode.NextNode, Is.SameAs(mainGroup));
            Assert.That(mainGroup.NextNode, Is.SameAs(rtfNode));
            Assert.That(rtfNode.NextNode, Is.SameAs(newGroup));
            Assert.That(newGroup.NextNode, Is.SameAs(node1));
            Assert.That(node1.NextNode, Is.SameAs(node2));
            Assert.That(node2.NextNode, Is.SameAs(node3));
            Assert.That(node3.NextNode, Is.SameAs(node4));
            Assert.That(node4.NextNode, Is.Null);

            Assert.That(node4.PreviousNode, Is.SameAs(node3));
            Assert.That(node3.PreviousNode, Is.SameAs(node2));
            Assert.That(node2.PreviousNode, Is.SameAs(node1));
            Assert.That(node1.PreviousNode, Is.SameAs(newGroup));
            Assert.That(newGroup.PreviousNode, Is.SameAs(rtfNode));
            Assert.That(rtfNode.PreviousNode, Is.SameAs(mainGroup));
            Assert.That(mainGroup.PreviousNode, Is.SameAs(tree.RootNode));
            Assert.That(tree.RootNode.PreviousNode, Is.Null);
Example #37
            /// <summary>
            /// Constructor de la clase ImageNode.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="node">Nodo RTF del que se obtendrán los datos de la imagen.</param>
            public ImageNode(RtfTreeNode node)
                if(node != null)
                    //Asignamos todos los campos del nodo
                    NodeKey = node.NodeKey;
                    HasParameter = node.HasParameter;
                    Parameter = node.Parameter;
                    ParentNode = node.ParentNode;
                    RootNode = node.RootNode;
                    NodeType = node.NodeType;

                    ChildNodes = new RtfNodeCollection();

                    //Obtenemos los datos de la imagen como un array de bytes
Example #38
        public void AddChildToEmptyNode()
            RtfTreeNode node = new RtfTreeNode();

            Assert.That(node.ChildNodes, Is.Null);

            RtfTreeNode childNode = new RtfTreeNode();
            node.InsertChild(0, childNode);

            Assert.That(node.ChildNodes, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(node.ChildNodes[0], Is.SameAs(childNode));
            Assert.That(childNode.ChildNodes, Is.Null);

            RtfTreeNode anotherChildNode = new RtfTreeNode();

            Assert.That(childNode.ChildNodes, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(childNode.ChildNodes[0], Is.SameAs(anotherChildNode));
Example #39
            /// <summary>
            /// Constructor de la clase ObjectNode.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="node">Nodo RTF del que se obtendrán los datos de la imagen.</param>
            public ObjectNode(RtfTreeNode node)
                if(node != null)
                    //Asignamos todos los campos del nodo
                    this.NodeKey = node.NodeKey;
                    this.HasParameter = node.HasParameter;
                    this.Parameter= node.Parameter;
                    this.ParentNode = node.ParentNode;
                    this.RootNode = node.RootNode;
                    this.NodeType = node.NodeType;


                    //Obtenemos los datos del objeto como un array de bytes
Example #40
 /// <summary>
 /// Devuelve el índice del nodo pasado como parámetro dentro de la lista de nodos de la colección.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="node">Nodo a buscar en la colección.</param>
 /// <param name="startIndex">Posición dentro de la colección a partir del que se buscará.</param>
 /// <returns>Indice del nodo buscado. Devolverá el valor -1 en caso de no encontrarse el nodo dentro de la colección.</returns>
 public int IndexOf(RtfTreeNode node, int startIndex)
     return InnerList.IndexOf(node, startIndex);
Example #41
 /// <summary>
 /// Inserta un nuveo nodo en una posición determinada de la colección.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="index">Posición en la que insertar el nodo.</param>
 /// <param name="node">Nuevo nodo a insertar.</param>
 public void Insert(int index, RtfTreeNode node)
     InnerList.Insert(index, node);
Example #42
            /// <summary>
            /// Devuelve la tabla de colores del documento RTF.
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns>Tabla de colores del documento RTF</returns>
            public Color[] GetColorTable()
                ArrayList tabla = new ArrayList();
                Color[] tablaColores;

                //Nodo raiz del documento
                RtfTreeNode root = this.rootNode;

                //Grupo principal del documento
                RtfTreeNode nprin = root.FirstChild;

                //Buscamos la tabla de colores en el árbol
                bool enc = false;
                int i = 0;
                RtfTreeNode ntc = new RtfTreeNode();  //Nodo con la tabla de fuentes

                while (!enc && i < nprin.ChildNodes.Count)
                    if (nprin.ChildNodes[i].NodeType == RtfNodeType.Group &&
                        nprin.ChildNodes[i].FirstChild.NodeKey == "colortbl")
                        enc = true;
                        ntc = nprin.ChildNodes[i];


                //Rellenamos el array de colores
                int rojo = 0;
                int verde = 0;
                int azul = 0;

                //Añadimos el color por defecto, en este caso el negro.

                for (int j = 1; j < ntc.ChildNodes.Count; j++)
                    RtfTreeNode nodo = ntc.ChildNodes[j];

                    if (nodo.NodeType == RtfNodeType.Text && nodo.NodeKey.Trim() == ";")
                        tabla.Add(Color.FromArgb(rojo, verde, azul));

                        rojo = 0;
                        verde = 0;
                        azul = 0;
                    else if (nodo.NodeType == RtfNodeType.Keyword)
                        switch (nodo.NodeKey)
                            case "red":
                                rojo = nodo.Parameter;
                            case "green":
                                verde = nodo.Parameter;
                            case "blue":
                                azul = nodo.Parameter;

                //Convertimos el ArrayList en un array tradicional
                tablaColores = new Color[tabla.Count];

                for (int c = 0; c < tabla.Count; c++)
                    tablaColores[c] = (Color)tabla[c];

                return tablaColores;
Example #43
            /// <summary>
            /// Analiza el documento y lo carga con estructura de árbol.
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns>Se devuelve el valor 0 en caso de no producirse ningún error en la carga del documento.
            /// En caso contrario se devuelve el valor -1.</returns>
            private int parseRtfTree()
                //Resultado de la carga del documento
                int res = 0;

                //Codificación por defecto del documento
                Encoding encoding = Encoding.Default;

                //Nodo actual
                RtfTreeNode curNode = rootNode;

                //Nuevos nodos para construir el árbol RTF
                RtfTreeNode newNode = null;

                //Se obtiene el primer token
                tok = lex.NextToken();

                while (tok.Type != RtfTokenType.Eof)
                    switch (tok.Type)
                        case RtfTokenType.GroupStart:
                            newNode = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Group,"GROUP",false,0);
                            curNode = newNode;
                        case RtfTokenType.GroupEnd:
                            curNode = curNode.ParentNode;
                        case RtfTokenType.Keyword:
                        case RtfTokenType.Control:
                        case RtfTokenType.Text:
                            if (mergeSpecialCharacters)
                                //Contributed by Jan Stuchlík
                                bool isText = tok.Type == RtfTokenType.Text || (tok.Type == RtfTokenType.Control && tok.Key == "'");
                                if (curNode.LastChild != null && (curNode.LastChild.NodeType == RtfNodeType.Text && isText))
                                    if (tok.Type == RtfTokenType.Text)
                                        curNode.LastChild.NodeKey += tok.Key;
                                    if (tok.Type == RtfTokenType.Control && tok.Key == "'")
                                        curNode.LastChild.NodeKey += DecodeControlChar(tok.Parameter, encoding);
                                    //Primer caracter especial \'
                                    if (tok.Type == RtfTokenType.Control && tok.Key == "'")
                                        newNode = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Text, DecodeControlChar(tok.Parameter, encoding), false, 0);

                            newNode = new RtfTreeNode(tok);

                            if (mergeSpecialCharacters)
                                //Contributed by Jan Stuchlík
                                if (level == 1 && newNode.NodeType == RtfNodeType.Keyword && newNode.NodeKey == "ansicpg")
                                    encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(newNode.Parameter);

                            res = -1;

                    //Se obtiene el siguiente token
                    tok = lex.NextToken();

                //Si el nivel actual no es 0 ( == Algun grupo no está bien formado )
                if (level != 0)
                    res = -1;

                //Se devuelve el resultado de la carga
                return res;
Example #44
            /// <summary>
            /// Método auxiliar para obtener el Texto RTF del nodo actual a partir de su representación en árbol.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="curNode">Nodo actual del árbol.</param>
            /// <param name="prevNode">Nodo anterior tratado.</param>
            /// <returns>Texto en formato RTF del nodo.</returns>
            private string getRtfInm(RtfTreeNode curNode, RtfTreeNode prevNode)
                StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder("");

                if (curNode.NodeType == RtfNodeType.Root)
                else if (curNode.NodeType == RtfNodeType.Group)
                    if (curNode.NodeType != RtfNodeType.Text)
                    else  //curNode.NodeType == RtfNodeType.Text
                        if (prevNode == null || prevNode.NodeType == RtfNodeType.Control)
                        else //antNode.NodeType == RtfNodeType.KEYWORD
                            res.Append(" ");


                    if (curNode.HasParameter)
                        if (curNode.NodeType == RtfNodeType.Keyword)
                        else if (curNode.NodeType == RtfNodeType.Control)
                            //Si es un caracter especial como las vocales acentuadas
                            if (curNode.NodeKey == "\'")
								string hexa = Convert.ToString(curNode.Parameter, 16);

								if (hexa.Length == 1 ) 
									hexa = "0" + hexa;

                //Se obtienen los nodos hijos
                RtfNodeCollection children = curNode.ChildNodes;

                for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++)
                    RtfTreeNode node = children[i];

                    if (i > 0)
                        res.Append(getRtfInm(node, children[i - 1]));
                        res.Append(getRtfInm(node, null));

                    if (node.NodeType == RtfNodeType.Group)

                return res.ToString();
Example #45
            /// <summary>
            /// Añade un nuevo nodo a la colección actual.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="node">Nuevo nodo a añadir.</param>
            /// <returns>Posición en la que se ha insertado el nuevo nodo.</returns>
            public int Add(RtfTreeNode node)

                return (InnerList.Count - 1);
Example #46
            /// <summary>
            /// Inserta el código RTF de la tabla de fuentes en el documento.
            /// </summary>
            private void InsertFontTable()
                RtfTreeNode ftGroup = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Group);

                ftGroup.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "fonttbl", false, 0));

                for(int i=0; i<fontTable.Count; i++)
                    RtfTreeNode ftFont = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Group);
                    ftFont.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "f", true, i));
                    ftFont.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "fnil", false, 0));
                    ftFont.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Text, fontTable[i] + ";", false, 0));


                mainGroup.InsertChild(5, ftGroup);
Example #47
            /// <summary>
            /// Realiza una copia exacta del nodo actual.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="cloneChildren">Si este parámetro recibe el valor true se clonarán también todos los nodos hijo del nodo actual.</param>
            /// <returns>Devuelve una copia exacta del nodo actual.</returns>
            public RtfTreeNode CloneNode(bool cloneChildren)
                RtfTreeNode clon = new RtfTreeNode();

                clon.key = this.key;
                clon.hasParam = this.hasParam;
                clon.param = this.param;
                clon.parent = this.parent;
                clon.root = this.root;
                clon.type = this.type;

                //Si cloneChildren=false se copia directamente la lista de hijos
                if (!cloneChildren)
                    clon.children = this.children;
                else  //En caso contrario se clonan también cada uno de los hijos, propagando el parámetro cloneChildren=true
                    clon.children = new RtfNodeCollection();

                    foreach (RtfTreeNode child in this.children)

                return clon;
Example #48
            /// <summary>
            /// Extrae el texto de un nodo RTF (Auxiliar de ConvertToText())
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="curNode">Nodo actual.</param>
            /// <param name="prim">Nodo a partir del que convertir.</param>
            /// <param name="enc">Codificación del documento.</param>
            /// <returns>Texto plano del documento.</returns>
            private string ConvertToTextAux(RtfTreeNode curNode, int prim, Encoding enc)
                StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder("");

                RtfTreeNode nprin = curNode;

                RtfTreeNode nodo = new RtfTreeNode();

                for (int i = prim; i < nprin.ChildNodes.Count; i++)
                    nodo = nprin.ChildNodes[i];

                    if (nodo.NodeType == RtfNodeType.Group)
                        res.Append(ConvertToTextAux(nodo, 0, enc));
                    else if (nodo.NodeType == RtfNodeType.Control)
                        if (nodo.NodeKey == "'")
                            res.Append(DecodeControlChar(nodo.Parameter, enc));
                    else if (nodo.NodeType == RtfNodeType.Text)
                    else if (nodo.NodeType == RtfNodeType.Keyword)
                        if (nodo.NodeKey.Equals("par"))

                return res.ToString();
Example #49
            /// <summary>
            /// Constructor de la clase RtfDocument.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="path">Ruta del fichero a generar.</param>
            /// <param name="enc">Codificación del documento a generar.</param>
            public RtfDocument(string path, Encoding enc)
                this.path = path;
                this.encoding = enc;

                fontTable = new RtfFontTable();
                fontTable.AddFont("Arial");  //Default font

                colorTable = new RtfColorTable();
                colorTable.AddColor(Color.Black);  //Default color

                currentFormat = null;

                tree = new RtfTree();
                mainGroup = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Group);

Example #50
            /// <summary>
            /// Constructor de la clase RtfTree.
            /// </summary>
            public RtfTree()
                //Se crea el nodo raíz del documento
                rootNode = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Root,"ROOT",false,0);

                rootNode.Tree = this;

                /* Inicializados por defecto */

                //Se inicializa la propiedad mergeSpecialCharacters
                mergeSpecialCharacters = false;

                //Se inicializa la profundidad actual
                //level = 0;
Example #51
            /// <summary>
            /// Devuelve la tabla de fuentes del documento RTF.
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns>Tabla de fuentes del documento RTF</returns>
            public String[] GetFontTable()
                ArrayList tabla = new ArrayList();
                String[] tablaFuentes;

                //Nodo raiz del documento
                RtfTreeNode root = this.rootNode;

                //Grupo principal del documento
                RtfTreeNode nprin = root.FirstChild;

                //Buscamos la tabla de fuentes en el árbol
                bool enc = false;
                int i = 0;
                RtfTreeNode ntf = new RtfTreeNode();  //Nodo con la tabla de fuentes

                while (!enc && i < nprin.ChildNodes.Count)
                    if (nprin.ChildNodes[i].NodeType == RtfNodeType.Group &&
                        nprin.ChildNodes[i].FirstChild.NodeKey == "fonttbl")
                        enc = true;
                        ntf = nprin.ChildNodes[i];


                //Rellenamos el array de fuentes
                for (int j = 1; j < ntf.ChildNodes.Count; j++)
                    RtfTreeNode fuente = ntf.ChildNodes[j];

                    string nombreFuente = null;

                    foreach (RtfTreeNode nodo in fuente.ChildNodes)
                        if (nodo.NodeType == RtfNodeType.Text)
                            nombreFuente = nodo.NodeKey.Substring(0, nodo.NodeKey.Length - 1);


                //Convertimos el ArrayList en un array tradicional
                tablaFuentes = new String[tabla.Count];

                for (int c = 0; c < tabla.Count; c++)
                    tablaFuentes[c] = (String)tabla[c];

                return tablaFuentes;
Example #52
            /// <summary>
            /// Inserta el código RTF de la tabla de colores en el documento.
            /// </summary>
            private void InsertColorTable()
                RtfTreeNode ctGroup = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Group);

                ctGroup.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "colortbl", false, 0));

                for (int i = 0; i < colorTable.Count; i++)
                    ctGroup.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "red", true, colorTable[i].R));
                    ctGroup.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "green", true, colorTable[i].G));
                    ctGroup.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "blue", true, colorTable[i].B));
                    ctGroup.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Text, ";", false, 0));

                mainGroup.InsertChild(6, ctGroup);
Example #53
 /// <summary>
 /// Devuelve el índice del nodo pasado como parámetro dentro de la lista de nodos de la colección.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="node">Nodo a buscar en la colección.</param>
 /// <returns>Indice del nodo buscado. Devolverá el valor -1 en caso de no encontrarse el nodo dentro de la colección.</returns>
 public int IndexOf(RtfTreeNode node)
     return InnerList.IndexOf(node);
Example #54
            /// <summary>
            /// Inserta el código RTF de la aplicación generadora del documento.
            /// </summary>
            private void InsertGenerator()
                RtfTreeNode genGroup = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Group);

                genGroup.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Control, "*", false, 0));
                genGroup.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "generator", false, 0));
                genGroup.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Text, "NRtfTree Library 1.3.0;", false, 0));

                mainGroup.InsertChild(7, genGroup);
Example #55
            public void Clear()
                currentFormat = null;

                tree = new RtfTree();
                mainGroup = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Group);

Example #56
        public void SimpleTreeNavigation()
            //Creación de un árbol sencillo

            RtfTree tree = new RtfTree();

            RtfTreeNode mainGroup = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Group);
            RtfTreeNode rtfNode = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "rtf", true, 0);

            RtfTreeNode newGroup = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Group);
            RtfTreeNode node1 = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "ul", false, 0);
            RtfTreeNode node2 = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Text, "Test", false, 0);
            RtfTreeNode node3 = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Text, "ulnone", false, 0);




            //Navegación básica: tree
            Assert.That(tree.RootNode, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(tree.MainGroup, Is.SameAs(mainGroup));

            //Navegación básica: newGroup
            Assert.That(newGroup.Tree, Is.SameAs(tree));
            Assert.That(newGroup.ParentNode, Is.SameAs(mainGroup));
            Assert.That(newGroup.RootNode, Is.SameAs(tree.RootNode));
            Assert.That(newGroup.ChildNodes, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(newGroup[1], Is.SameAs(node2));
            Assert.That(newGroup.ChildNodes[1], Is.SameAs(node2));
            Assert.That(newGroup["ul"], Is.SameAs(node1));
            Assert.That(newGroup.FirstChild, Is.SameAs(node1));
            Assert.That(newGroup.LastChild, Is.SameAs(node3));
            Assert.That(newGroup.PreviousSibling, Is.SameAs(rtfNode));
            Assert.That(newGroup.NextSibling, Is.Null);
            Assert.That(newGroup.Index, Is.EqualTo(1));

            //Navegación básica: nodo2
            Assert.That(node2.Tree, Is.SameAs(tree));
            Assert.That(node2.ParentNode, Is.SameAs(newGroup));
            Assert.That(node2.RootNode, Is.SameAs(tree.RootNode));
            Assert.That(node2.ChildNodes, Is.Null);
            Assert.That(node2[1], Is.Null);
            Assert.That(node2["ul"], Is.Null);
            Assert.That(node2.FirstChild, Is.Null);
            Assert.That(node2.LastChild, Is.Null);
            Assert.That(node2.PreviousSibling, Is.SameAs(node1));
            Assert.That(node2.NextSibling, Is.SameAs(node3));
            Assert.That(node2.Index, Is.EqualTo(1));
Example #57
            /// <summary>
            /// Inserta una imagen en el documento.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="path">Ruta de la imagen a insertar.</param>
            /// <param name="width">Ancho deseado de la imagen en el documento.</param>
            /// <param name="height">Alto deseado de la imagen en el documento.</param>
            public void AddImage(string path, int width, int height)
                FileStream fStream = null;
                BinaryReader br = null;

                    byte[] data = null;

                    FileInfo fInfo = new FileInfo(path);
                    long numBytes = fInfo.Length;

                    fStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                    br = new BinaryReader(fStream);

                    data = br.ReadBytes((int)numBytes);

                    StringBuilder hexdata = new StringBuilder();

                    for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)

                    Image img = Image.FromFile(path);

                    RtfTreeNode imgGroup = new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Group);
                    imgGroup.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "pict", false, 0));

                    string format = "";
                    if (path.ToLower().EndsWith("wmf"))
                        format = "emfblip";
                        format = "jpegblip";

                    imgGroup.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, format, false, 0));

                    imgGroup.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "picw", true, img.Width * 20));
                    imgGroup.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "pich", true, img.Height * 20));
                    imgGroup.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "picwgoal", true, width * 20));
                    imgGroup.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Keyword, "pichgoal", true, height * 20));
                    imgGroup.AppendChild(new RtfTreeNode(RtfNodeType.Text, hexdata.ToString(), false, 0));

Example #58
            /// <summary>
            /// Elimina un nodo de la lista de hijos.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="node">Nodo a eliminar.</param>
            public void RemoveChild(RtfTreeNode node)
                //Se busca el nodo a eliminar
                int index = children.IndexOf(node);

                //Se elimina el i-ésimo hijo
Example #59
            /// <summary>
            /// Método auxiliar para generar la representación Textual del documento RTF.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="curNode">Nodo actual del árbol.</param>
            /// <param name="level">Nivel actual en árbol.</param>
            /// <param name="showNodeTypes">Indica si se mostrará el tipo de cada nodo del árbol.</param>
            /// <returns>Representación Textual del nodo 'curNode' con nivel 'level'</returns>
            private string toStringInm(RtfTreeNode curNode, int level, bool showNodeTypes)
                StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();

                RtfNodeCollection children = curNode.ChildNodes;

                for (int i = 0; i < level; i++)
                    res.Append("  ");

                if (curNode.NodeType == RtfNodeType.Root)
                else if (curNode.NodeType == RtfNodeType.Group)
                    if (showNodeTypes)
                        res.Append(": ");


                    if (curNode.HasParameter)
                        res.Append(" ");


                foreach (RtfTreeNode node in children)
                    res.Append(toStringInm(node, level + 1, showNodeTypes));

                return res.ToString();
Example #60
            /// <summary>
            /// Parsea una fecha con formato "\yr2005\mo12\dy2\hr22\min56\sec15"
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="group">Grupo RTF con la fecha.</param>
            /// <returns>Objeto DateTime con la fecha leida.</returns>
            private static DateTime parseDateTime(RtfTreeNode group)
                DateTime dt;

                int year = 0, month = 0, day = 0, hour = 0, min = 0, sec = 0;

                foreach (RtfTreeNode node in group.ChildNodes)
                    switch (node.NodeKey)
                        case "yr":
                            year = node.Parameter;
                        case "mo":
                            month = node.Parameter;
                        case "dy":
                            day = node.Parameter;
                        case "hr":
                            hour = node.Parameter;
                        case "min":
                            min = node.Parameter;
                        case "sec":
                            sec = node.Parameter;

                dt = new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec);

                return dt;