Example #1
        private async Task <bool> IsAuthorizedAsync(RpcMethod rpcMethod, HttpContext httpContext)
            if (rpcMethod.AuthorizeDataList.Any())
                if (rpcMethod.AllowAnonymous)
                    this.logger?.LogDebug("Skipping authorization. Allow anonymous specified for method.");
                    this.logger?.LogDebug($"Running authorization for method.");
                    AuthorizationPolicy policy = await AuthorizationPolicy.CombineAsync(this.policyProvider, rpcMethod.AuthorizeDataList);

                    bool passed = await this.authorizationService.AuthorizeAsync(httpContext.User, policy);

                    if (!passed)
                        this.logger?.LogInformation($"Authorization failed for user '{httpContext.User.Identity.Name}'.");
                        this.logger?.LogDebug($"Authoization was successful for user '{httpContext.User.Identity.Name}'.");
                this.logger?.LogDebug("Skipping authorization. None configured for method.");
 public RpcRequest(RpcMethod rpcMethod)
     Params= new string[0];
     JsonRpc = "2.0";
     Id = 68;
     Method = rpcMethod.ToJsonMethodName();
Example #3
        public async Task <T> ExecuteOnRemotePeer <T>(string?remotePeerID,
                                                      string methodName, params object[] methodParameters)
            // Enqueue in the corresponding channel and await call
            try {
                var method  = new RpcMethod(methodName, methodParameters);
                var call    = PrepareCall(remotePeerID, method);
                var channel = GetChannel(remotePeerID);
                if (channel == null)
                    string msg = remotePeerID != null ?
                                 $"No client with ID {remotePeerID} connected" : "No connection to server";
                    // The given client is not connected. If the command is retryable and if
                    // a backlog is registered, remember it.
                    if (call.IsRetryable() && Settings.Backlog != null)
                        await RpcQueue.AddToBacklogIfApplicable(call, Settings.Backlog);

                        msg += ", but adding the call to the backlog";
                    throw new Exception(msg);
                var result = await channel.Run(call);

                if (result.Failure != null)
                    throw new RpcException(result.Failure);
                else if (result.ReturnValue != null)
                    return(Serializer.Deserialize <T>(result.ReturnValue));
                    return(default !); // void methods are called with T = object, thus null
Example #4
        private async Task <bool> IsAuthorizedAsync(RpcMethod rpcMethod, IRouteContext routeContext)
            if (rpcMethod.AuthorizeDataListClass.Any() || rpcMethod.AuthorizeDataListMethod.Any())
                if (rpcMethod.AllowAnonymousOnClass || rpcMethod.AllowAnonymousOnMethod)
                    this.logger?.LogDebug("Skipping authorization. Allow anonymous specified for method.");
                    this.logger?.LogDebug($"Running authorization for method.");
                    bool passedAuth = await this.CheckAuthorize(rpcMethod.AuthorizeDataListClass, routeContext);

                    if (passedAuth)
                        passedAuth = await this.CheckAuthorize(rpcMethod.AuthorizeDataListMethod, routeContext);
                    if (passedAuth)
                        this.logger?.LogDebug($"Authorization was successful for user '{routeContext.User.Identity.Name}'.");
                        this.logger?.LogInformation($"Authorization failed for user '{routeContext.User.Identity.Name}'.");
                this.logger?.LogDebug("Skipping authorization. None configured for class or method.");
        public async Task <byte[]?> Execute(RpcMethod method, RpcPeerInfo callingPeer)
            var  div = Div.FromMethod(method);
            byte ret = (byte)(div.dividend / div.divisor);  // Yes, may throw div/0 exception

            return(await Task.FromResult(new byte[] { ret }));
Example #6
 private RpcCall CreateCall(string methodName, string targetPeerID,
                            RpcRetryStrategy retry = RpcRetryStrategy.Retry) => new RpcCall
     Method        = RpcMethod.Create(methodName),
     RetryStrategy = retry,
     RemotePeerID  = targetPeerID
Example #7
        public RpcMethod Read(BinaryReader br)
            RpcMethod method = new RpcMethod();

            method.MethodId = br.ReadUInt32();
            switch (method.MethodId)
            case 1:
                method.Args = new object[3];
                if (br.ReadByte() == (byte)SerializeObjectMark.Common)
                    method.Args[0] = br.ReadString();
                if (br.ReadByte() == (byte)SerializeObjectMark.Common)
                    method.Args[1] = br.ReadString();
                if (br.ReadByte() == (byte)SerializeObjectMark.Common)
                    method.Args[2] = br.ReadBytes(br.ReadInt32());
Example #8
 public RpcRequest(RpcMethod rpcMethod)
     Params  = new string[0];
     JsonRpc = "2.0";
     Id      = 68;
     Method  = rpcMethod.ToJsonMethodName();
        public async Task <byte[]?> Execute(RpcMethod method, RpcPeerInfo callingPeer)
            await Task.Delay(delaysMs[callIndex % delaysMs.Count]);

            return(new byte[] { 42 });
Example #10
        public RpcMessageTest()
            // Create RpcMethod test data with parameters
            testMethod = new RpcMethod {
                ID = 13, Name = "Hi", Parameters =
                    new List <byte[]> {
                    new byte[] { 100, 101 }, new byte[] { 255 }
            testMethodBytes = new byte[] {
                (byte)'1', (byte)'M', 13, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // Header, ID
                (byte)'H', (byte)'i', (byte)';', 2,            // Method name "Hi", 2 Parameters
                2, 0, 0, 0, 100, 101,                          // 1st parameter: 2 bytes: 100 and 101
                1, 0, 0, 0, 255
            };                                                 // 2st parameter: 1 byte

            // Create RpcMethod test data without parameters
            testMethod_NoParams = new RpcMethod {
                ID = 1, Name = "Hey"
            testMethodBytes_NoParams = new byte[] {
                (byte)'1', (byte)'M', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // Header, ID
                (byte)'H', (byte)'e', (byte)'y', (byte)';', 0 // Method name "Hey", 0 Parameters

            // Create RpcResult test data (successful state)
            testResultSuccess = new RpcResult {
                MethodID = 300, ReturnValue = new byte[] { 200, 201, 202 }
            testResultSuccessBytes = new byte[] {
                (byte)'1', (byte)'R', 0x2C, 0x01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (byte)'S', // Header, ID, Success
                3, 0, 0, 0, 200, 201, 202
            };                                                                 // Return value: 3 bytes

            // Create RpcResult test data (failure state with message)
            testResultFailure = new RpcResult {
                MethodID = 65536, Failure = new RpcFailure {
                    Type = RpcFailureType.Timeout, Message = "Oh"
            testResultFailureBytes = new byte[] {
                (byte)'1', (byte)'R', 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (byte)'F',                       // Header, ID, Failure
                (byte)'T', (byte)'i', (byte)'m', (byte)'e', (byte)'o', (byte)'u', (byte)'t', (byte)';', // Timeout
                2, 0, 0, 0, (byte)'O', (byte)'h'                                                        // Message
            };                                                                                          // Return value: 3 bytes

            // Create RpcResult test data (failure state without message)
            testResultFailure_NoMessage = new RpcResult {
                MethodID = 65536, Failure = new RpcFailure {
                    Type = RpcFailureType.Other
            testResultFailureBytes_NoMessage = new byte[] {
                (byte)'1', (byte)'R', 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (byte)'F', // Header, ID, Failure
                (byte)'O', (byte)'t', (byte)'h', (byte)'e', (byte)'r', (byte)';', // Timeout
                0, 0, 0, 0                                                        // No message
            };                                                                    // Return value: 3 bytes
        public RpcResponseBase InvokeRequest(RpcRequest request, RpcRoute route)
                if (request == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request));
                if (route == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(route));
            catch (ArgumentNullException ex)             // Dont want to throw any exceptions when doing async requests
                return(this.GetUnknownExceptionReponse(request, ex));

            this.Logger?.LogVerbose($"Invoking request with id '{request.Id}'");
            RpcResponseBase rpcResponse;

                if (!string.Equals(request.JsonRpcVersion, "2.0"))
                    throw new RpcInvalidRequestException("Request must be jsonrpc version '2.0'");

                object[]  parameterList;
                RpcMethod rpcMethod = this.GetMatchingMethod(route, request, out parameterList);

                this.Logger?.LogVerbose($"Attempting to invoke method '{request.Method}'");
                object result = rpcMethod.Invoke(parameterList);
                this.Logger?.LogVerbose($"Finished invoking method '{request.Method}'");

                rpcResponse = new RpcResultResponse(request.Id, result);
            catch (RpcException ex)
                this.Logger?.LogError("An Rpc error occurred. Returning an Rpc error response", ex);
                RpcError error = new RpcError(ex);
                rpcResponse = new RpcErrorResponse(request.Id, error);
            catch (Exception ex)
                rpcResponse = this.GetUnknownExceptionReponse(request, ex);

            if (request.Id != null)
                this.Logger?.LogVerbose($"Finished request with id '{request.Id}'");
                //Only give a response if there is an id
            this.Logger?.LogVerbose($"Finished request with no id. Not returning a response");
Example #12
 public void WriteReturn(RpcMethod method, BinaryWriter bw, object value)
     switch (method.MethodId)
     case 1:
Example #13
 public void Dispatch(IRpcImplInstnce impl, RpcMethod method, ServiceImplementStub.SendResult cont)
     switch (method.MethodId)
     case 1:
         ((IScene2CliImpl)impl).SyncPosition((Int32)(method.Args[0]), (Int32)(method.Args[1]));
Example #14
 public void Dispatch(IRpcImplInstnce impl, RpcMethod method, ServiceImplementStub.SendResult cont)
     switch (method.MethodId)
     case 1:
Example #15
        public RpcMethod Read(BinaryReader br)
            RpcMethod method = new RpcMethod();

            method.MethodId = br.ReadUInt32();
            switch (method.MethodId)
            case 1:
Example #16
        private object InvokeMethod(MethodInfo p, RpcMethod method, params object[] args)
            object r = null;

                r = p.Invoke(_binds[method.Interface], args);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Singleton <ExceptionStack> .Instance.Push(ex);

Example #17
        private async Task <T> Post <T>(RpcMethod method, string[] parameters = null)
            using (var client = new JsonServiceClient(baseUrl))
                var command = new RpcCommand
                    Method = method,
                    Params = parameters
                var response = await client.PostAsync(command);

                var rpcresult = response.FromJson <RpcResult <T> >();
Example #18
        public RpcMethod Read(BinaryReader br)
            RpcMethod method = new RpcMethod();

            method.MethodId = br.ReadUInt32();
            switch (method.MethodId)
            case 1:
                method.Args    = new object[2];
                method.Args[0] = br.ReadInt32();
                method.Args[1] = br.ReadInt32();
        private static List <RpcMethod> GetRpcMethods(RpcRoute route)
            List <RpcMethod> rpcMethods = new List <RpcMethod>();

            foreach (Type type in route.GetClasses())
                MethodInfo[] publicMethods = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);
                foreach (MethodInfo publicMethod in publicMethods)
                    RpcMethod rpcMethod = new RpcMethod(type, route, publicMethod);
Example #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all the predefined Rpc methods for a Rpc route
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="route">The route to get Rpc methods for</param>
        /// <param name="serviceProvider">(Optional) IoC Container for rpc method controllers</param>
        /// <param name="jsonSerializerSettings">Json serialization settings that will be used in serialization and deserialization for rpc requests</param>
        /// <returns>List of Rpc methods for the specified Rpc route</returns>
        private static List <RpcMethod> GetRpcMethods(RpcRoute route, IServiceProvider serviceProvider = null, JsonSerializerSettings jsonSerializerSettings = null)
            List <RpcMethod> rpcMethods = new List <RpcMethod>();

            foreach (Type type in route.GetClasses())
                MethodInfo[] publicMethods = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
                foreach (MethodInfo publicMethod in publicMethods)
                    RpcMethod rpcMethod = new RpcMethod(type, route, publicMethod, serviceProvider, jsonSerializerSettings);
Example #21
 public void WriteReturn(RpcMethod method, BinaryWriter bw, object value)
     switch (method.MethodId)
     case 1:
         if (value == null)
Example #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all the predefined Rpc methods for a Rpc route
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="route">The route to get Rpc methods for</param>
        /// <param name="serviceProvider">(Optional) IoC Container for rpc method controllers</param>
        /// <param name="jsonSerializerSettings">Json serialization settings that will be used in serialization and deserialization for rpc requests</param>
        /// <returns>List of Rpc methods for the specified Rpc route</returns>
        private static List <RpcMethod> GetRpcMethods(RpcRoute route, IServiceProvider serviceProvider = null, JsonSerializerSettings jsonSerializerSettings = null)
            List <RpcMethod> rpcMethods = new List <RpcMethod>();

            foreach (RouteCriteria routeCriteria in route.RouteCriteria)
                foreach (Type type in routeCriteria.Types)
                    List <MethodInfo> publicMethods = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)
                                                      //Ignore ToString, GetHashCode and Equals
                                                      .Where(m => m.DeclaringType != typeof(object))
                    foreach (MethodInfo publicMethod in publicMethods)
                        RpcMethod rpcMethod = new RpcMethod(type, route, publicMethod, serviceProvider, jsonSerializerSettings);
Example #23
 internal RpcMethodCollection(AdsMethodEntry[] coll)
     this._list = new List <IRpcMethod>();
     this._dict = new Dictionary <string, IRpcMethod>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
     if (coll != null)
         for (int i = 0; i < coll.Length; i++)
             IRpcMethod item = new RpcMethod(coll[i]);
             if (!this.Contains(item))
                 object[] args = new object[] { item.Name };
                 TwinCAT.Ads.Module.Trace.TraceWarning("RpcMethod '{0}' already contained in collection. Double definition in AdsMethodEntry", args);
Example #24
        public object CallMethod <Interface>(string methodname, params object[] args)
            where Interface : class

            var m = new RpcMethod
                Interface = typeof(Interface).Name,
                Name      = methodname,
                Args      = args.ToList()



            if (Singleton <ExceptionStack> .Instance.Any())
                throw Singleton <ExceptionStack> .Instance.Pop();

Example #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the matching Rpc method for the current request
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="route">Rpc route for the current request</param>
        /// <param name="request">Current Rpc request</param>
        /// <param name="parameterList">Paramter list parsed from the request</param>
        /// <param name="serviceProvider">(Optional)IoC Container for rpc method controllers</param>
        /// <param name="jsonSerializerSettings">Json serialization settings that will be used in serialization and deserialization for rpc requests</param>
        /// <returns>The matching Rpc method to the current request</returns>
        private RpcMethod GetMatchingMethod(RpcRoute route, RpcRequest request, out object[] parameterList, IServiceProvider serviceProvider = null, JsonSerializerSettings jsonSerializerSettings = null)
            if (route == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(route));
            if (request == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request));
            this.logger?.LogDebug($"Attempting to match Rpc request to a method '{request.Method}'");
            List <RpcMethod> methods = DefaultRpcInvoker.GetRpcMethods(route, serviceProvider, jsonSerializerSettings);

            //Case insenstive check for hybrid approach. Will check for case sensitive if there is ambiguity
            methods = methods
                      .Where(m => string.Equals(m.Method, request.Method, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

            RpcMethod rpcMethod = null;

            parameterList = null;
            int originalMethodCount = methods.Count;

            if (methods.Count > 0)
                List <RpcMethod> potentialMatches = new List <RpcMethod>();
                foreach (RpcMethod method in methods)
                    bool matchingMethod;
                    if (request.ParameterMap != null)
                        matchingMethod = method.HasParameterSignature(request.ParameterMap, out parameterList);
                        matchingMethod = method.HasParameterSignature(request.ParameterList, out parameterList);
                    if (matchingMethod)

                if (potentialMatches.Count > 1)
                    //Try to remove ambiguity with case sensitive check
                    potentialMatches = potentialMatches
                                       .Where(m => string.Equals(m.Method, request.Method, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    if (potentialMatches.Count != 1)
                        this.logger?.LogError("More than one method matched the rpc request. Unable to invoke due to ambiguity.");
                        throw new RpcMethodNotFoundException();

                if (potentialMatches.Count == 1)
                    rpcMethod = potentialMatches.First();
            if (rpcMethod == null)
                this.logger?.LogError("No methods matched request.");
                throw new RpcMethodNotFoundException();
            this.logger?.LogDebug("Request was matched to a method");
Example #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Call the incoming Rpc request method and gives the appropriate response
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">Rpc request</param>
        /// <param name="route">Rpc route that applies to the current request</param>
        /// <param name="httpContext">The context of the current http request</param>
        /// <param name="jsonSerializerSettings">Json serialization settings that will be used in serialization and deserialization for rpc requests</param>
        /// <returns>An Rpc response for the request</returns>
        public async Task <RpcResponse> InvokeRequestAsync(RpcRequest request, RpcRoute route, IRouteContext routeContext, JsonSerializerSettings jsonSerializerSettings = null)
                if (request == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request));
                if (route == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(route));
            catch (ArgumentNullException ex)             // Dont want to throw any exceptions when doing async requests
                return(this.GetUnknownExceptionReponse(request, ex));

            this.logger?.LogDebug($"Invoking request with id '{request.Id}'");
            RpcResponse rpcResponse;

                if (!string.Equals(request.JsonRpcVersion, JsonRpcContants.JsonRpcVersion))
                    throw new RpcInvalidRequestException($"Request must be jsonrpc version '{JsonRpcContants.JsonRpcVersion}'");

                object[]  parameterList;
                RpcMethod rpcMethod = this.GetMatchingMethod(route, request, out parameterList, routeContext.RequestServices, jsonSerializerSettings);

                bool isAuthorized = await this.IsAuthorizedAsync(rpcMethod, routeContext);

                if (isAuthorized)
                    this.logger?.LogDebug($"Attempting to invoke method '{request.Method}'");
                    object result = await rpcMethod.InvokeAsync(parameterList);

                    this.logger?.LogDebug($"Finished invoking method '{request.Method}'");

                    JsonSerializer jsonSerializer = JsonSerializer.Create(jsonSerializerSettings);
                    if (result is IRpcMethodResult)
                        this.logger?.LogTrace($"Result is {nameof(IRpcMethodResult)}.");
                        rpcResponse = ((IRpcMethodResult)result).ToRpcResponse(request.Id, obj => JToken.FromObject(obj, jsonSerializer));
                        this.logger?.LogTrace($"Result is plain object.");
                        JToken resultJToken = result != null?JToken.FromObject(result, jsonSerializer) : null;

                        rpcResponse = new RpcResponse(request.Id, resultJToken);
                    var authError = new RpcError(RpcErrorCode.InvalidRequest, "Unauthorized");
                    rpcResponse = new RpcResponse(request.Id, authError);
            catch (RpcException ex)
                this.logger?.LogException(ex, "An Rpc error occurred. Returning an Rpc error response");
                RpcError error = new RpcError(ex, this.serverConfig.Value.ShowServerExceptions);
                rpcResponse = new RpcResponse(request.Id, error);
            catch (Exception ex)
                rpcResponse = this.GetUnknownExceptionReponse(request, ex);

            if (request.Id != null)
                this.logger?.LogDebug($"Finished request with id '{request.Id}'");
                //Only give a response if there is an id
            this.logger?.LogDebug($"Finished request with no id. Not returning a response");
Example #27
        } = null !;                                      // Will be set when a method is called

        /// <summary>
        /// Implement this method to map the encoded RPC methods to
        /// the real methods in this class. Thrown exceptions are catched
        /// and the calling peer gets notified about a
        /// <see cref="RpcFailureType.RemoteException"> failure.
        /// If successfull, returns a task with the encoded result or null
        /// if the method has no return type (void).
        /// If the given command name is undefined in this implementation, returns null
        /// (not a Task with value null, but null itself!).
        /// </summary>
        public abstract Task <byte[]?>?Execute(RpcMethod method);
Example #28
 public void addRpcMethod(string name, RpcMethod method)
     RPCHandler [name] = method;
Example #29
		private async Task<bool> IsAuthorizedAsync(RpcMethod rpcMethod, HttpContext httpContext)
			if (rpcMethod.AuthorizeDataList.Any())
				if (rpcMethod.AllowAnonymous)
					this.logger?.LogDebug("Skipping authorization. Allow anonymous specified for method.");
					this.logger?.LogDebug($"Running authorization for method.");
					AuthorizationPolicy policy = await AuthorizationPolicy.CombineAsync(this.policyProvider, rpcMethod.AuthorizeDataList);
					bool passed = await this.authorizationService.AuthorizeAsync(httpContext.User, policy);
					if (!passed)
						this.logger?.LogInformation($"Authorization failed for user '{httpContext.User.Identity.Name}'.");
						return false;
						this.logger?.LogDebug($"Authoization was successful for user '{httpContext.User.Identity.Name}'.");
				this.logger?.LogDebug("Skipping authorization. None configured for method.");
			return true;
Example #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Call the incoming Rpc request method and gives the appropriate response
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">Rpc request</param>
        /// <param name="route">Rpc route that applies to the current request</param>
        /// <param name="serviceProvider">(Optional)IoC Container for rpc method controllers</param>
        /// <param name="jsonSerializerSettings">Json serialization settings that will be used in serialization and deserialization for rpc requests</param>
        /// <returns>An Rpc response for the request</returns>
        public RpcResponse InvokeRequest(RpcRequest request, RpcRoute route, IServiceProvider serviceProvider = null, JsonSerializerSettings jsonSerializerSettings = null)
                if (request == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request));
                if (route == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(route));
            catch (ArgumentNullException ex)             // Dont want to throw any exceptions when doing async requests
                return(this.GetUnknownExceptionReponse(request, ex));

            this.Logger?.LogDebug($"Invoking request with id '{request.Id}'");
            RpcResponse rpcResponse;

                if (!string.Equals(request.JsonRpcVersion, JsonRpcContants.JsonRpcVersion))
                    throw new RpcInvalidRequestException($"Request must be jsonrpc version '{JsonRpcContants.JsonRpcVersion}'");

                object[]  parameterList;
                RpcMethod rpcMethod = this.GetMatchingMethod(route, request, out parameterList, serviceProvider, jsonSerializerSettings);

                this.Logger?.LogDebug($"Attempting to invoke method '{request.Method}'");
                object result = rpcMethod.Invoke(parameterList);
                this.Logger?.LogDebug($"Finished invoking method '{request.Method}'");

                JsonSerializer jsonSerializer = JsonSerializer.Create(jsonSerializerSettings);

                JToken resultJToken = result != null?JToken.FromObject(result, jsonSerializer) : null;

                rpcResponse = new RpcResponse(request.Id, resultJToken);
            catch (RpcException ex)
                this.Logger?.LogException(ex, "An Rpc error occurred. Returning an Rpc error response");
                RpcError error = new RpcError(ex, this.ShowServerExceptions);
                rpcResponse = new RpcResponse(request.Id, error);
            catch (Exception ex)
                rpcResponse = this.GetUnknownExceptionReponse(request, ex);

            if (request.Id != null)
                this.Logger?.LogDebug($"Finished request with id '{request.Id}'");
                //Only give a response if there is an id
            this.Logger?.LogDebug($"Finished request with no id. Not returning a response");
Example #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the matching Rpc method for the current request
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="route">Rpc route for the current request</param>
        /// <param name="request">Current Rpc request</param>
        /// <param name="parameterList">Paramter list parsed from the request</param>
        /// <param name="serviceProvider">(Optional)IoC Container for rpc method controllers</param>
        /// <param name="jsonSerializerSettings">Json serialization settings that will be used in serialization and deserialization for rpc requests</param>
        /// <returns>The matching Rpc method to the current request</returns>
        private RpcMethod GetMatchingMethod(RpcRoute route, RpcRequest request, out object[] parameterList, IServiceProvider serviceProvider = null, JsonSerializerSettings jsonSerializerSettings = null)
            if (route == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(route));
            if (request == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request));
            this.Logger?.LogDebug($"Attempting to match Rpc request to a method '{request.Method}'");
            List <RpcMethod> methods = DefaultRpcInvoker.GetRpcMethods(route, serviceProvider, jsonSerializerSettings);

            methods = methods
                      .Where(m => string.Equals(m.Method, request.Method, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

            RpcMethod rpcMethod = null;

            parameterList = null;
            if (methods.Count > 1)
                foreach (RpcMethod method in methods)
                    bool matchingMethod;
                    if (request.ParameterMap != null)
                        matchingMethod = method.HasParameterSignature(request.ParameterMap, out parameterList);
                        matchingMethod = method.HasParameterSignature(request.ParameterList);
                        parameterList  = request.ParameterList;
                    if (matchingMethod)
                        if (rpcMethod != null)                         //If already found a match
                            throw new RpcAmbiguousMethodException();
                        rpcMethod = method;
            else if (methods.Count == 1)
                //Only signature check for methods that have the same name for performance reasons
                rpcMethod = methods.First();
                if (request.ParameterMap != null)
                    bool signatureMatch = rpcMethod.TryParseParameterList(request.ParameterMap, out parameterList);
                    if (!signatureMatch)
                        throw new RpcMethodNotFoundException();
                    parameterList = request.ParameterList;
            if (rpcMethod == null)
                throw new RpcMethodNotFoundException();
            this.Logger?.LogDebug("Request was matched to a method");
Example #32
 /// <summary>
 /// Mapping of <see cref="RpcMethod"/> to real method calls (just boilerplate code;
 /// we could auto-generate this method later in .NET 5 with source generators)
 /// </summary>
 public override Task <byte[]?>?Execute(RpcMethod method) => method.Name switch
     "ReceiveMessage" => ReceiveMessage(method.GetParam <string>(0), method.GetParam <string>(1)).Serialize(),
Example #33
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets all the predefined Rpc methods for a Rpc route
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="route">The route to get Rpc methods for</param>
		/// <param name="serviceProvider">(Optional) IoC Container for rpc method controllers</param>
		/// <param name="jsonSerializerSettings">Json serialization settings that will be used in serialization and deserialization for rpc requests</param>
		/// <returns>List of Rpc methods for the specified Rpc route</returns>
		private static List<RpcMethod> GetRpcMethods(RpcRoute route, IServiceProvider serviceProvider = null, JsonSerializerSettings jsonSerializerSettings = null)
			List<RpcMethod> rpcMethods = new List<RpcMethod>();
			foreach (RouteCriteria routeCriteria in route.RouteCriteria)
				foreach (Type type in routeCriteria.Types)
					MethodInfo[] publicMethods = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
					foreach (MethodInfo publicMethod in publicMethods)
						RpcMethod rpcMethod = new RpcMethod(type, route, publicMethod, serviceProvider, jsonSerializerSettings);
			return rpcMethods;