Example #1
        public void TestONTActionResult_DefaultNullCanGetSet()
            var response = new RozResponseDto()
                Code = "200",
                Message = "OK"


            _model.ONTActionResult = response;

            Assert.AreEqual("200", _model.ONTActionResult.Code);
            Assert.AreEqual("OK", _model.ONTActionResult.Message);
        public void ClearLocation_Succeed()
            var loc = new LocationDto();
            var sub = new SubscriberDto();
                // new sub and loc data
                loc = DataHelper.NewLocationData();
                loc.RateCenterName = "WASHINGTON";
                loc.NetworkLocationCode = "1234567";
                sub = DataHelper.NewSubscriberData();
                sub.Accounts[0].Location = loc;
                sub.CustomFields = DataHelper.DefaultCustomFields_Sub();
                DataHelper.RestoreLocation1(loc, false);
                DataHelper.RestoreSubscriber1(sub, false);

                // set current subscriber

                // call ClearLocation action method
                var actualResult = LocationController4Tests.ClearLocation(loc.ID) as PartialViewResult;

                // validate returned result and model are not null
                Assert.IsTrue(actualResult != null && actualResult.Model != null);

                // validate model
                var resultModel = actualResult.Model as SubscriberLocationModel;
                Assert.IsNotNull(resultModel, "Model should not be null");

                // validate returned action response
                var expectedActionResponse = new RozResponseDto
                    Code = "200",
                    Message = String.Format("Successfully disassociated subscriber from location [{0}]", loc.ID)
                Assert.IsNotNull(resultModel.ActionResponse, "ActionResponse should not be null");
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedActionResponse.Code, resultModel.ActionResponse.Code);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedActionResponse.Message, resultModel.ActionResponse.Message);

                // validate location cleared for subscriber in db
                var actualSub = DataHelper.LoadSubscriber(sub.ID);
                Assert.IsTrue(actualSub!=null && actualSub.Accounts.Any() && actualSub.Accounts[0]!=null);
                Assert.IsTrue(actualSub.Accounts[0].Location == null ||
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.IsTrue(ex is AssertFailedException, ex.ToString());
        public void ChangeLocation_Succeed()
            var loc = new LocationDto();
            var loc2 = new LocationDto();
            var sub = new SubscriberDto();
                // new sub and loc data
                loc = DataHelper.NewLocationData();
                loc.RateCenterName = "WASHINGTON";
                loc.NetworkLocationCode = "1234567";
                loc2 = DataHelper.NewLocationData();
                loc2.RateCenterName = "STAMFORD";
                loc2.NetworkLocationCode = "2345668";
                sub = DataHelper.NewSubscriberData();
                sub.Accounts[0].Location = loc;
                sub.CustomFields = DataHelper.DefaultCustomFields_Sub();
                DataHelper.RestoreLocation1(loc, false);
                DataHelper.RestoreSubscriber1(sub, false);
                DataHelper.RestoreLocation1(loc2, false);

                // set current subscriber

                var loc2AsJson = JavaScriptSerializerUtil.Serialize(loc2);

                // call ChangeLocation action method
                var actualResult = LocationController4Tests.ChangeLocation(loc2AsJson) as PartialViewResult;

                // validate returned result and model are not null
                Assert.IsTrue(actualResult != null && actualResult.Model != null);

                // validate model
                var resultModel = actualResult.Model as SubscriberLocationModel;
                Assert.IsNotNull(resultModel, "Model should not be null");

                // validate returned action response
               var expectedActionResponse = new RozResponseDto
                    Code = "200",
                    Message = string.Format("Successfully changed location from [{0}] to [{1}] for subscriber [{2}]", loc.ID, loc2.ID, sub.ID)
                Assert.IsNotNull(resultModel.ActionResponse, "ActionResponse should not be null");
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedActionResponse.Code, resultModel.ActionResponse.Code);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedActionResponse.Message, resultModel.ActionResponse.Message);

                // validate location changed for subscriber in db
                var actualSub = DataHelper.LoadSubscriber(sub.ID);
                Assert.AreEqual(loc2.ID, actualSub.Accounts[0].Location.ID, "Subscriber location id does not match");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.IsTrue(ex is AssertFailedException, ex.ToString());
        public void LoadEquipment_DeviceIdInvalid_ValidateUserReceivesError()
            using (ShimsContext.Create())
                // Given a user
                ShimCurrentUser.AsUserDto = () => new SIMPLTestContext().GetFakeUserDtoObject();

                // And an invalid equipment id
                const string nonExistEquipId = "EquipIdDoesNotExist";

                // And there is no subscriber found with that invalid equipment id
                ShimRosettianClient.AllInstances.SearchSubscribersSearchFieldsDtoUserDto =
                    (myTestClient, mySearchCriteria, myUserDto) => new List<SubscriberDto>();

                // And there is no location found with the non exist equipment id
                ShimRosettianClient.AllInstances.SearchLocationsSearchFieldsDtoUserDto =
                    (myTestClient, mySearchCriteria, myUserDto) => new LocationCollectionDto();

                // When loading that equipment
                var actionResult = SubscriberControllerForTests.LoadEquipment(nonExistEquipId) as ViewResult;

                // Then the user receives a response
                Assert.IsNotNull(actionResult, "SubscriberController LoadEquipment method returned null");
                Assert.IsNotNull(actionResult.ViewData, "actionResult.ViewData is null");

                // And the response is an error
                Assert.AreEqual("Index2", actionResult.ViewName, "ViewName does not match");
                var actualModel = actionResult.Model as SubscriberModel;
                Assert.IsNotNull(actualModel, "Model was null");

                // And the error message tells user no results from search on that equipment id
                var jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                var expectedActionResponse = new RozResponseDto()
                    Code = "500",
                    Message = string.Format("No results from search on equipment ID = {0}", nonExistEquipId)
                Assert.AreEqual(jss.Serialize(expectedActionResponse), jss.Serialize(actualModel.ActionResponse), "");