internal void OrderBy(Func <T, String> func) { Rows = Rows.OrderBy(func).ToList(); for (var i = 0; i < Rows.Count(); i++) { Rows[i].RowNumber = i + 1; } }
protected void ObjectInvariant() { Contract.Invariant(Header.Width > 0); Contract.Invariant(Header.Height > 0); Contract.Invariant(Header.BytesPerPixelComponent > 0); Contract.Invariant(Rows.Count() == Header.Height); Contract.Invariant(Rows.All(row => row.Count() == Header.Width * Header.Components.Count)); Contract.Invariant(Rows.All(row => row.All(IsPixelComponentInRange))); }
public override void Render(MarkdownContainer container) { if (Rows.Count() == 0) { RenderEmptyTable(container); } else { RenderNonEmptyTable(Rows, Metadatas, Sampler, container); } }
public int GetBottomAttachCells(ExcelCell cell) { int result = 0; if (cell.BottomAttachRow != null) { var bi = Rows.IndexOf(cell.BottomAttachRow); var ti = Rows.IndexOf(cell.Row); result = (bi - ti) - 1; return(result < 0 ? 0 : result); } return(Rows.Count(y => y.YPosition > cell.Row.YPosition && y.YPosition < (cell.Row.YPosition + cell.ActualHeight) - Tolerance)); }
private void CreateTableIfPossible(ExcelWorksheet worksheet) { try { var tableStartRow = (Titles?.Count ?? 0) + 1; var tableEndRow = tableStartRow + (Rows?.Count() ?? 0); var columnsCount = (Columns?.Count ?? 1); var tableRange = worksheet.Cells[tableStartRow, 1, tableEndRow, columnsCount]; worksheet.Tables.Add(tableRange, StringHelper.GenerateRandomTableName()).TableStyle = TableStyles.None; } catch { // ignored } }
public ImportAttempt ToAttempt() { return(new ImportAttempt { Date = Date, RowsFailed = null == Rows ? 0 : Rows.Count(x => null != x.Problems && x.Problems.Count > 0), RowsProcessed = null == Rows ? 0 : Rows.Count(x => null == x.Problems || x.Problems.Count == 0), Step = Step, Success = Success, Problems = (Problems ?? new List <string>()).Concat( (Rows ?? new List <ImportResultRow>()) .Where(x => x.Problems != null && x.Problems.Count > 0) .SelectMany(x => x.Problems)) .Take(10).ToList(), }); }
protected virtual void RenderNonEmptyTable(IEnumerable <T> rows, IEnumerable <ColumnMetadata> metadatas, ISampler <T> sampler, MarkdownContainer container) { var extendedDefinitions = BuildExtendedMetadatas(rows.ElementAt(0), metadatas); container.Append($"Result-set with {rows.Count()} row{(rows.Count() > 1 ? "s" : string.Empty)}".ToMarkdownParagraph()); container.Append(new TableExtended() { Columns = RenderColumns(extendedDefinitions), Rows = RenderRows(Sampler.GetResult(), extendedDefinitions) }); if (Sampler.GetIsSampled()) { var rowsSkipped = $"{Sampler.GetExcludedRowCount()} (of {Rows.Count()}) rows have been skipped for display purpose."; container.Append(rowsSkipped.ToMarkdownParagraph()); } }
private bool ShouldUpdateMessages(PagedResult <StoredMessage> pagedResult) { if (FocusedRow == null) { return(true); } var hasNewMessageInConversation = Rows.Count(m => m.ConversationId == FocusedRow.ConversationId) != pagedResult.Result.Count(p => p.ConversationId == FocusedRow.ConversationId); if (hasNewMessageInConversation) { return(true); } var messagesInConversation = Rows.Where(m => m.ConversationId == FocusedRow.ConversationId); var anyConversationMessageChanged = messagesInConversation.Any(message => ShouldUpdateMessage(message, pagedResult.Result.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == message.Id))); return(anyConversationMessageChanged); }
private bool UpdateFile() { foreach (var row in Rows.Where(row => row.State == RowState.Dirty || row.State == RowState.Added)) { if (Rows.Count(x => x.GetKey() == row.GetKey()) > 1) { if (!MessageService.ShowYesNoQuestion(m_editor, string.Format("WARNING ! Found duplicated keys '{0}'. The file may save but a row will be deleted", row.GetKey()) + "Continue saving anyway ?")) { SearchType = "Key"; SearchText = row.GetKey(); OnFindNext(null); return(false); } } if (row is D2ITextRow) { m_file.SetText((row as D2ITextRow).Id, row.Text); } if (row is D2ITextUiRow) { m_file.SetText((row as D2ITextUiRow).Id, row.Text); } row.State = RowState.None; } while (m_deletedRows.Count > 0) { var row = m_deletedRows.Pop(); if (row is D2ITextRow) { m_file.DeleteText((row as D2ITextRow).Id); } if (row is D2ITextUiRow) { m_file.DeleteText((row as D2ITextUiRow).Id); } } return(true); }
internal void MergeDown(TableRow tableRow, int cellIndex, int value) { if (value == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Value must be greater than zero. Cannot merge a cell with itself."); } if (value >= Rows.Count()) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(value), $"Value {value} must be less than {Rows.Count()}"); } var rows = Rows.ToList(); var rowIndex = rows.IndexOf(tableRow); for (int i = 1; i <= value; i++) { rows[i].Cells[cellIndex].GetVerticalMerge().Val = MergedCellValues.Continue; } }
private Summary <dynamic> GetTotalIncentiveDiscount() { double tid = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Rows.Count(); i++) { var row = (IncentiveReportRow)Rows.ElementAt(i); tid += row.Discount; } var totalIncentiveDiscountForPeriod = new Summary <dynamic>() { Name = "Total Incentive Discount", Value = tid, Format = ti => string.Format("{0:N2}", (double)ti), }; return(totalIncentiveDiscountForPeriod); }
private Summary <dynamic> GetTotalIncomeSummary() { double totalIncome = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Rows.Count(); i++) { var row = (ExpectedRoomIncomeReportRow)Rows.ElementAt(i); totalIncome += row.NightlyIncome; } var totalIncomeForPeriod = new Summary <dynamic>() { Name = "Total Income", Value = totalIncome, Format = ti => string.Format("{0:N2}", (double)ti), }; return(totalIncomeForPeriod); }
public SNums[] UpdateSNArrayWithLicenseAndSKU(DataSet objCryptoLgrDS, SNums[] tempSNArray) { CommonBL objCommonBL = new CommonBL(); DataTable dtSKU = objCryptoLgrDS.Tables[0]; for (int n = 0; n < tempSNArray.Count(); n++) { DataRow[] Rows; string str = "SNumTemp like '" + tempSNArray[n].SNum + "'"; if (str.Contains('%') || str.Contains('*') || str.Contains('-')) { str = str.Replace('%', '/'); } else { if (str.IsValidString()) { Rows = objCryptoLgrDS.Tables[0].Select(str); if (Rows.Count() > 0) { string[] arrSKU = new string[Rows.Count()]; for (int s = 0; s < Rows.Count(); s++) { DataRow dr = Rows[s]; arrSKU[s] = dr["PartName"].ToString(); tempSNArray[n].IsLicensableSNum = true; } tempSNArray[n].SKU = objCommonBL.GetSKUDetailInfo(arrSKU, tempSNArray[n].SNum); } } } } return(tempSNArray); }
private static int SlopeCheck(int horizontalMove, int verticalMove) { int treeCount = 0; int horizontalPos = horizontalMove; for (int i = verticalMove; i < Rows.Count(); i += verticalMove) { string curRow = Rows[i]; if (curRow[horizontalPos] == '#') { treeCount++; } for (int k = 0; k < horizontalMove; k++) { horizontalPos++; if (horizontalPos == RowLength) { horizontalPos = 0; } } } return(treeCount); }
/// <summary> /// Wraps creation of an Excel worksheet /// </summary> internal void AppendWorksheet() { if (Package == null) { Package = new ExcelPackage(); } ExcelWorksheet worksheet = Package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(Name); var rowOffset = 0; //if no columns specified auto generate them with reflection if (Columns == null || !Columns.Any()) { Columns = AutoGenerateColumns(); } //render title rows if (Titles != null) { for (var i = 0; i < Titles.Count; i++) { ExcelRange range = worksheet.Cells[rowOffset + 1 + i, 1, rowOffset + 1 + i, Columns.Count]; range.Merge = true; range.Value = Titles[i].Title; Configuration.ConfigureTitle?.Invoke(range); Titles[i].ConfigureTitle?.Invoke(range); } rowOffset = rowOffset + Titles.Count; } //render headers if (AppendHeaderRow) { for (var i = 0; i < Columns.Count; i++) { worksheet.Cells[rowOffset + 1, i + 1].Value = Columns[i].Header; Configuration.ConfigureHeader?.Invoke(worksheet.Cells[rowOffset + 1, i + 1]); } //configure the header row if (Configuration.ConfigureHeaderRow != null) { Configuration.ConfigureHeaderRow.Invoke(worksheet.Cells[rowOffset + 1, 1, rowOffset + 1, Columns.Count]); } rowOffset++; } CreateTableIfPossible(worksheet); //render data if (Rows != null) { for (var r = 0; r < Rows.Count(); r++) { for (var c = 0; c < Columns.Count(); c++) { worksheet.Cells[r + rowOffset + 1, c + 1].Value = Columns[c].Map(Rows.ElementAt(r)); Configuration.ConfigureCell?.Invoke(worksheet.Cells[r + rowOffset + 1, c + 1], Rows.ElementAt(r)); } } } //configure columns for (var i = 0; i < Columns.Count; i++) { Configuration.ConfigureColumn?.Invoke(worksheet.Column(i + 1)); Columns[i].ConfigureColumn?.Invoke(worksheet.Column(i + 1)); } }
public void AddRow(COBieRow cOBieRow) { cOBieRow.RowNumber = Rows.Count() + 1; Rows.Add((T)cOBieRow); }
public void AddRow(T cOBieRow) { cOBieRow.RowNumber = Rows.Count() + 1; Rows.Add(cOBieRow); }
public async Task <string> CreateBody(NicheShackContext context) { // Document HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument(); HtmlNode node = HtmlNode.CreateNode("<html><head></head><body></body></html>"); doc.DocumentNode.AppendChild(node); node.SelectSingleNode("body").SetAttributeValue("style", "margin: 0;"); // Meta HtmlNode meta = HtmlNode.CreateNode("<meta>"); meta.SetAttributeValue("name", "viewport"); meta.SetAttributeValue("content", "width=device-width, initial-scale=1"); node.FirstChild.AppendChild(meta); // Style HtmlNode style = HtmlNode.CreateNode("<style>"); HtmlTextNode styleText = doc.CreateTextNode( "a {text-decoration: none}" + "body {margin: 0}" + "ol, ul {margin-top: 0;margin-bottom: 0;}" ); style.AppendChild(styleText); node.FirstChild.AppendChild(style); // Main Table HtmlNode mainTable = await Table.Create(doc.DocumentNode.FirstChild.LastChild, new TableOptions { Background = new Background { Color = "#edf0f3" }, CreateRow = true }, context); // Set alignment to center HtmlNode td = mainTable.SelectSingleNode("tr/td"); td.SetAttributeValue("align", "center"); // Body HtmlNode body = await Table.Create(td, new TableOptions { Width = Width, Background = Background }, context); // Rows if (Rows != null && Rows.Count() > 0) { await CreateRows(Rows, body, context); } return(doc.DocumentNode.InnerHtml); }
public HorizontalMatrix(IEnumerable <string> rows) { Rows = rows.ToList(); Height = Rows.Count(); Length = Height != 0 ? Rows.First().Length : 0; }
public bool IsNull() { return(Rows.Count() == 0 ? true : false); }
public void Render() { _cells.Clear(); LayoutRoot.Children.Clear(); LayoutBorder.BorderBrush = Brush_TableBorder; LayoutRoot.RowDefinitions.Clear(); LayoutRoot.ColumnDefinitions.Clear(); Enumerable.Range(0, Rows.Count() + 2).ToList().ForEach(i => LayoutRoot.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition())); Enumerable.Range(0, Years.Count() + 2).ToList().ForEach(i => LayoutRoot.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition { Width = new GridLength(GetColWidth(i)) })); LayoutRoot.RowDefinitions[0].Height = new GridLength(25); // Row 1 _cells.Add(Table.BuildTextBlock(SectionNumber, Brush_TitleCell, Brush_TitleCell, Brush_Title, true), new CellPosition(0, 0)); _cells.Add(Table.BuildTextBlock(Title, Brush_TitleCell, Brush_TitleCell, Brush_Title), new CellPosition(0, 1, 1, Years.Count + 1)); // Row 2 _cells.Add(Table.BuildEmptyCell(Brush_Cell, Brush_CellBorder), new CellPosition(1, 0)); _cells.Add(Table.BuildEmptyCell(Brush_Cell, Brush_CellBorder), new CellPosition(1, 1)); Enumerable.Range(0, Years.Count).ToList().ForEach(i => _cells.Add(Table.BuildTextBlock(GetYearHeader(Years[i].Year), Brush_Cell, Brush_CellBorder, Brushes.White, true), new CellPosition(1, i + 2))); // Rows int r = 2; foreach (var row in Rows) { _cells.Add(Table.BuildTextBlock(row.Key.Last().ToString(), Brush_Cell, Brush_CellBorder, Brushes.White, true), new CellPosition(r, 0)); _cells.Add(Table.BuildTextBlock(Table.GetRowDescription(row.Key), Brush_LabelCell, Brush_CellBorder, Brushes.White), new CellPosition(r, 1)); var prop = row.Key; var expr = row.Value; int c = 2; foreach (var year in Years) { int y = DocumentManager.CurrentDocument.City.C02 + year.Year; if (year.IsEditable && IsRowEditable(row.Key)) { var valueString = FormatValue(prop, expr[y]); TextBox tb = Table.BuildTextBox(valueString, Brush_EditCell) as TextBox; tb.GotFocus += (sender, e) => { (sender as TextBox).BorderBrush = Brushes.Black; (sender as TextBox).BorderThickness = new Thickness(2); }; tb.LostFocus += (sender, e) => { (sender as TextBox).BorderBrush = Brushes.WhiteSmoke; (sender as TextBox).BorderThickness = new Thickness(0); double num = 0; double.TryParse((sender as TextBox).Text, out num); if ((sender as TextBox).Text.Contains('%')) { if (double.TryParse((sender as TextBox).Text.Trim('%'), out num)) { num = Convert.ToDouble((sender as TextBox).Text.Trim('%')) / 100.0; } } expr[y] = num; (sender as TextBox).Text = FormatValue(prop, num); base.OnUserInput(e); }; _cells.Add(tb, new CellPosition(r, c)); } else { double value = 0; if (year.Year == YearDefinition.CodeForAverage) { var temp = Years.Where(x => YearDefinition.IsNormalYear(x.Year)).Select(x => row.Value[x.Year]).Where(x => !double.IsNaN(x)); value = temp.Count() > 0 ? temp.Average() : 0; //value = row.Value.KnownYearsAverage; } else if (year.Year == YearDefinition.CodeForSum) { var temp = Years.Where(x => YearDefinition.IsNormalYear(x.Year)).Select(x => row.Value[x.Year]).Where(x => !double.IsNaN(x)); value = temp.Count() > 0 ? temp.Sum() : 0; //value = row.Value.KnownYearsSum; } else { value = row.Value.Year(y); } _cells.Add(Table.BuildTextBlock(FormatValue(prop, value), Brush_Cell, Brush_CellBorder, Brushes.White), new CellPosition(r, c)); } c++; } r++; } foreach (var cell in _cells) { Grid.SetRow(cell.Key, cell.Value.Row); Grid.SetRowSpan(cell.Key, cell.Value.RowSpan); Grid.SetColumn(cell.Key, cell.Value.Col); Grid.SetColumnSpan(cell.Key, cell.Value.ColSpan); LayoutRoot.Children.Add(cell.Key); } }
/// <summary> /// Wraps creation of an Excel worksheet /// </summary> internal void AppendWorksheet() { if (Package == null) { Package = new ExcelPackage(); } ExcelWorksheet worksheet = Package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(this.Name); var rowOffset = 0; //if no columns specified auto generate them with reflection if (Columns == null || !Columns.Any()) { Columns = AutoGenerateColumns(); } //render title rows if (Titles != null) { for (var i = 0; i < Titles.Count; i++) { ExcelRange range = worksheet.Cells[rowOffset + 1, 1, rowOffset + 1, Columns.Count]; range.Merge = true; range.Value = Titles[i].Title; if (Titles[i].ConfigureTitle != null) { Titles[i].ConfigureTitle(range); } } rowOffset = rowOffset + Titles.Count; } //render headers if (AppendHeaderRow) { for (var i = 0; i < Columns.Count; i++) { worksheet.Cells[rowOffset + 1, i + 1].Value = Columns[i].Header; worksheet.Cells[rowOffset + 1, i + 1].Style.Font.Bold = true; if (ConfigureHeader != null) { ConfigureHeader(worksheet.Cells[rowOffset + 1, i + 1]); } if (Columns[i].ConfigureHeader != null) { Columns[i].ConfigureHeader(worksheet.Cells[rowOffset + 1, i + 1]); } } //configure the header row if (ConfigureHeaderRow != null) { ConfigureHeaderRow(worksheet.Cells[rowOffset + 1, 1, rowOffset + 1, Columns.Count]); } else { worksheet.Cells[rowOffset + 1, 1, rowOffset + 1, Columns.Count].AutoFilter = true; } rowOffset++; } //render data if (Rows != null) { for (var r = 0; r < Rows.Count(); r++) { for (var c = 0; c < Columns.Count(); c++) { worksheet.Cells[r + rowOffset + 1, c + 1].Value = Columns[c].Map(Rows.ElementAt(r)); if (this.ConfigureCell != null) { this.ConfigureCell(worksheet.Cells[r + rowOffset + 1, c + 1], Rows.ElementAt(r)); } if (Columns[c].ConfigureCell != null) { Columns[c].ConfigureCell(worksheet.Cells[r + rowOffset + 1, c + 1], Rows.ElementAt(r)); } } } } //configure columns for (var i = 0; i < Columns.Count; i++) { if (ConfigureColumn != null) { ConfigureColumn(worksheet.Column(i + 1)); } if (Columns[i].ConfigureColumn != null) { Columns[i].ConfigureColumn(worksheet.Column(i + 1)); } } }