public override void ExecuteCommand(EvtChatCommandArgs args) { List <string> arguments = args.Command.ArgumentsAsList; long curInputMode = DataHelper.GetSettingInt(SettingsConstants.INPUT_MODE, 0L); InputModes inpMode = (InputModes)curInputMode; //Check the number of votes if (arguments.Count == 0) { InputModeVoteRoutine inpModeVoteRoutine = RoutineHandler.FindRoutine <InputModeVoteRoutine>(); if (inpModeVoteRoutine == null) { QueueMessage($"There is no voting in progress for a new input mode. To start one up, pass a mode as an argument: {CachedInputModesStr}"); } else { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(128); //Show the number of votes for each mode Dictionary <InputModes, long> curVotes = inpModeVoteRoutine.GetVotesPerMode(); foreach (KeyValuePair <InputModes, long> kvPair in curVotes) { stringBuilder.Append(kvPair.Key.ToString()).Append(' ').Append('='); stringBuilder.Append(' ').Append(kvPair.Value).Append(' ').Append('|').Append(' '); } stringBuilder.Remove(stringBuilder.Length - 3, 3); stringBuilder.Append(". To vote for a new input mode, pass one as an argument: ").Append(CachedInputModesStr); int charLimit = (int)DataHelper.GetSettingInt(SettingsConstants.BOT_MSG_CHAR_LIMIT, 500L); QueueMessageSplit(stringBuilder.ToString(), charLimit, "| "); } return; } //Invalid number of arguments if (arguments.Count > 1) { QueueMessage(UsageMessage); return; } using (BotDBContext context = DatabaseManager.OpenContext()) { //Check if the user has the ability to vote User user = DataHelper.GetUserNoOpen(args.Command.ChatMessage.Username, context); if (user != null && user.HasEnabledAbility(PermissionConstants.VOTE_INPUT_MODE_ABILITY) == false) { QueueMessage("You don't have the ability to vote for a new input mode!"); return; } } //Check if the cooldown is up DateTime nowUTC = DateTime.UtcNow; //Check the last completed time string lastComplete = DataHelper.GetSettingString(SettingsConstants.INPUT_MODE_NEXT_VOTE_DATE, DataHelper.GetStrFromDateTime(DateTime.UnixEpoch)); if (DateTime.TryParse(lastComplete, out DateTime lastCompleteDate) == false) { lastCompleteDate = DateTime.UnixEpoch; TRBotLogger.Logger.Warning($"Failed to parse DateTime: {DataHelper.GetStrFromDateTime(lastCompleteDate)}"); } if (nowUTC < lastCompleteDate) { QueueMessage($"Input mode voting is on cooldown until {lastCompleteDate}"); return; } string inputModeStr = arguments[0]; //Parse if (EnumUtility.TryParseEnumValue(inputModeStr, out InputModes parsedInputMode) == false) { QueueMessage($"Please enter a valid input mode: {CachedInputModesStr}"); return; } bool commencedNewVote = false; //Get the routine InputModeVoteRoutine inputModeVoteRoutine = RoutineHandler.FindRoutine <InputModeVoteRoutine>(); //Add the routine if it doesn't exist if (inputModeVoteRoutine == null) { long voteDur = DataHelper.GetSettingInt(SettingsConstants.INPUT_MODE_VOTE_TIME, 60000L); inputModeVoteRoutine = new InputModeVoteRoutine(voteDur); RoutineHandler.AddRoutine(inputModeVoteRoutine); commencedNewVote = true; } //Check for tallying if (inputModeVoteRoutine.TallyingCommenced == true) { QueueMessage("Too late! Voting has ended and tallying has already begun!"); return; } string userName = args.Command.ChatMessage.Username.ToLowerInvariant(); //Add the vote inputModeVoteRoutine.AddModeVote(userName, parsedInputMode, out bool voteChanged); if (commencedNewVote == false) { if (voteChanged == true) { QueueMessage($"{userName} changed their vote to {parsedInputMode}!"); } else { QueueMessage($"{userName} voted for {parsedInputMode}!"); } } else { QueueMessage($"Voting for changing the input mode has begun! {userName} voted for {parsedInputMode}!"); } }
public override void ExecuteCommand(EvtChatCommandArgs args) { List <string> arguments = args.Command.ArgumentsAsList; //Ignore with too few arguments if (arguments.Count > 1) { QueueMessage(UsageMessage); return; } if (arguments.Count == 0) { long periodicInputVal = DataHelper.GetSettingInt(SettingsConstants.PERIODIC_INPUT_ENABLED, 0L); string enabledStr = (periodicInputVal <= 0) ? "disabled" : "enabled"; QueueMessage($"The periodic input is currently {enabledStr}. To change the periodic input enabled state, pass either \"true\" or \"false\" as an argument."); return; } //Check for sufficient permissions using (BotDBContext context = DatabaseManager.OpenContext()) { User user = DataHelper.GetUserNoOpen(args.Command.ChatMessage.Username, context); if (user == null || user.HasEnabledAbility(PermissionConstants.SET_PERIODIC_INPUT_ABILITY) == false) { QueueMessage("You do not have the ability to change the periodic input state!"); return; } } string newStateStr = arguments[0].ToLowerInvariant(); if (bool.TryParse(newStateStr, out bool newState) == false) { QueueMessage("Invalid argument. To enable or disable the periodic input, pass either \"true\" or \"false\" as an argument."); return; } long newVal = (newState == true) ? 1L : 0L; bool oldState = false; using (BotDBContext context = DatabaseManager.OpenContext()) { Settings periodicInput = DataHelper.GetSettingNoOpen(SettingsConstants.PERIODIC_INPUT_ENABLED, context); if (periodicInput == null) { periodicInput = new Settings(SettingsConstants.PERIODIC_INPUT_ENABLED, string.Empty, 0L); context.SettingCollection.Add(periodicInput); context.SaveChanges(); } //Same value - don't make changes if ((periodicInput.ValueInt > 0 && newVal > 0) || (periodicInput.ValueInt <= 0 && newVal <= 0)) { QueueMessage("The periodic input state is already this value!"); return; } oldState = (periodicInput.ValueInt > 0) ? true : false; periodicInput.ValueInt = newVal; context.SaveChanges(); } //Now add or remove the routine if we should if (oldState == true && newState == false) { RoutineHandler.RemoveRoutine(RoutineConstants.PERIODIC_INPUT_ROUTINE_ID); } //Add the routine else if (oldState == false && newState == true) { BaseRoutine routine = RoutineHandler.FindRoutine(RoutineConstants.PERIODIC_INPUT_ROUTINE_ID, out int indexFound); if (routine == null) { RoutineHandler.AddRoutine(new PeriodicInputRoutine()); } else { QueueMessage("Huh? The periodic input routine is somehow already running even though it was just enabled."); } } if (newState == true) { QueueMessage("Enabled periodic inputs. Every now and then, an input sequence will be automatically performed."); } else { QueueMessage("Disabled periodic inputs."); } }
public override void ExecuteCommand(EvtChatCommandArgs args) { List <string> arguments = args.Command.ArgumentsAsList; long curInputMode = DataHelper.GetSettingInt(SettingsConstants.INPUT_MODE, 0L); InputModes inpMode = (InputModes)curInputMode; //See the input mode if (arguments.Count == 0) { QueueMessage($"The current input mode is {inpMode}. To set the input mode, add one as an argument: {CachedInputModesStr}"); return; } //Invalid number of arguments if (arguments.Count > 1) { QueueMessage(UsageMessage); return; } using (BotDBContext context = DatabaseManager.OpenContext()) { //Check if the user has the ability to set the mode User user = DataHelper.GetUserNoOpen(args.Command.ChatMessage.Username, context); if (user != null && user.HasEnabledAbility(PermissionConstants.SET_INPUT_MODE_ABILITY) == false) { QueueMessage("You don't have the ability to set the input mode!"); return; } } string inputModeStr = arguments[0]; //Parse if (EnumUtility.TryParseEnumValue(inputModeStr, out InputModes parsedInputMode) == false) { QueueMessage($"Please enter a valid input mode: {CachedInputModesStr}"); return; } //Same mode if (parsedInputMode == inpMode) { QueueMessage($"The current input mode is already {inpMode}!"); return; } using (BotDBContext context = DatabaseManager.OpenContext()) { //Set the value and save Settings inputModeSetting = DataHelper.GetSettingNoOpen(SettingsConstants.INPUT_MODE, context); inputModeSetting.ValueInt = (long)parsedInputMode; context.SaveChanges(); } QueueMessage($"Changed the input mode from {inpMode} to {parsedInputMode}!"); //If we set it to Anarchy, check if the Democracy routine is active and remove it if so if (parsedInputMode == InputModes.Anarchy) { BaseRoutine democracyRoutine = RoutineHandler.FindRoutine(RoutineConstants.DEMOCRACY_ROUTINE_ID, out int indexFound); if (democracyRoutine != null) { RoutineHandler.RemoveRoutine(indexFound); } } //If we set it to Democracy, add the routine if it's not already active else if (parsedInputMode == InputModes.Democracy) { DemocracyRoutine democracyRoutine = RoutineHandler.FindRoutine <DemocracyRoutine>(); if (democracyRoutine == null) { long votingTime = DataHelper.GetSettingInt(SettingsConstants.DEMOCRACY_VOTE_TIME, 10000L); democracyRoutine = new DemocracyRoutine(votingTime); RoutineHandler.AddRoutine(democracyRoutine); } } }
public override void ExecuteCommand(EvtChatCommandArgs args) { List <string> arguments = args.Command.ArgumentsAsList; if (arguments.Count != 1) { QueueMessage("Please specify a bet amount!"); return; } string creditsName = DataHelper.GetCreditsName(); string userName = args.Command.ChatMessage.Username; //Check if we can parse the bet amount long betAmount = -1L; bool success = long.TryParse(arguments[0], out betAmount); if (success == false || betAmount <= 0) { QueueMessage($"Please specify a positive whole number of {creditsName.Pluralize(false, 0)} greater than 0!"); return; } using (BotDBContext context = DatabaseManager.OpenContext()) { //Check if the user exists User user = DataHelper.GetUserNoOpen(userName, context); if (user == null) { QueueMessage("The user calling this does not exist in the database!"); return; } //No ability to enter group bets if (user.HasEnabledAbility(PermissionConstants.GROUP_BET_ABILITY) == false) { QueueMessage("You do not have the ability to participate in a group bet!"); return; } //Validate credit amount if (user.Stats.Credits < betAmount) { QueueMessage($"You don't have enough {creditsName.Pluralize(false, 0)} to bet this much!"); return; } if (user.IsOptedOut == true) { QueueMessage("You can't participate in the group bet since you opted out of bot stats."); return; } } //Get total time and minimum participants required long groupBetTime = DataHelper.GetSettingInt(SettingsConstants.GROUP_BET_TOTAL_TIME, 120000L); int groupBetMinUsers = (int)DataHelper.GetSettingInt(SettingsConstants.GROUP_BET_MIN_PARTICIPANTS, 3L); //Get the routine GroupBetRoutine groupBetRoutine = RoutineHandler.FindRoutine <GroupBetRoutine>(); //We haven't started the group bet, so start it up if (groupBetRoutine == null) { groupBetRoutine = new GroupBetRoutine(groupBetTime, groupBetMinUsers); RoutineHandler.AddRoutine(groupBetRoutine); } //Note: From hereon, use the routine's total time and min participant values //The database values could have changed in between calls of this command //and thus wouldn't be applicable to the group bet created for the first participant //See if the user is already in the group bet bool prevParticipant = groupBetRoutine.TryGetParticipant(userName, out GroupBetRoutine.ParticipantData participantData); groupBetRoutine.AddOrUpdateParticipant(userName, betAmount); string message = string.Empty; //Newly added since they were not previously there if (prevParticipant == false) { message = $"{userName} entered the group bet with {betAmount} {creditsName.Pluralize(false, betAmount)}!"; int participantCount = groupBetRoutine.ParticipantCount; if (participantCount < groupBetRoutine.MinParticipants) { int diff = groupBetRoutine.MinParticipants - groupBetRoutine.ParticipantCount; message += $" {diff} more user(s) are required to start the group bet!"; } QueueMessage(message); //Check if we have enough participants now if (participantCount == groupBetRoutine.MinParticipants) { TimeSpan timeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(groupBetRoutine.MillisecondsForBet); QueueMessage($"The group bet has enough participants and will start in {timeSpan.Minutes} minute(s) and {timeSpan.Seconds} second(s), so join before then if you want in!"); } } else { QueueMessage($"{userName} adjusted their group bet from {participantData.ParticipantBet} to {betAmount} {creditsName.Pluralize(false, betAmount)}!"); } }