protected override void HandleStart(Player p, RoundsGame game_, string[] args) { if (game_.Running) { p.Message("{0} is already running", game_.GameName); return; } CountdownGame game = (CountdownGame)game_; string speed = args.Length > 1 ? args[1] : ""; string mode = args.Length > 2 ? args[2] : ""; switch (speed) { case "slow": game.Interval = 800; break; case "normal": game.Interval = 650; break; case "fast": game.Interval = 500; break; case "extreme": game.Interval = 300; break; case "ultimate": game.Interval = 150; break; default: p.Message("No speed specified, playing at 'normal' speed."); game.Interval = 650; speed = "normal"; break; } game.FreezeMode = mode == "freeze" || mode == "frozen"; game.SpeedType = speed; game.Start(p, "countdown", int.MaxValue); }
public static void Call(RoundsGame game) { if (handlers.Count == 0) { return; } CallCommon(pl => pl(game)); }
void HandleMapsChanged(RoundsGame game) { GamesHelper helper = GetGameHelper(game); if (helper == null) { return; } RunOnUI_Async(() => helper.UpdateMaps()); }
protected void SaveMapConfig(Player p, RoundsGameMapConfig cfg) { RoundsGame game = Game; cfg.Save(; if (p.level == game.Map) { game.UpdateMapConfig(); } }
protected void HandleEnd(Player p, RoundsGame game) { if (game.RoundInProgress) { game.EndRound(); } else { p.Message("No round is currently in progress"); } }
protected virtual void HandleStart(Player p, RoundsGame game, string[] args) { if (game.Running) { p.Message("{0} is already running", game.GameName); return; } string map = args.Length > 1 ? args[1] : ""; game.Start(p, map, int.MaxValue); }
protected void HandleGo(Player p, RoundsGame game) { if (!game.Running) { p.Message("{0} is not running", game.GameName); } else { PlayerActions.ChangeMap(p, game.Map); } }
protected void HandleStatus(Player p, RoundsGame game) { if (!game.Running) { p.Message("{0} is not running", game.GameName); } else { p.Message("Running on map: " + game.Map.ColoredName); game.OutputStatus(p); } }
protected void HandleStop(Player p, RoundsGame game) { if (!game.Running) { p.Message("{0} is not running", game.GameName); } else { game.End(); Chat.MessageGlobal(game.GameName + " has ended! We hope you had fun!"); } }
public override void Use(Player p, string message, CommandData data) { RoundsGame game = Game; if (message.CaselessEq("go")) { HandleGo(p, game); return; } else if (IsInfoCommand(message)) { HandleStatus(p, game); return; } if (!CheckExtraPerm(p, data, 1)) { return; } if (message.CaselessEq("start") || message.CaselessStarts("start ")) { HandleStart(p, game, message.SplitSpaces()); } else if (message.CaselessEq("end")) { HandleEnd(p, game); } else if (message.CaselessEq("stop")) { HandleStop(p, game); } else if (message.CaselessEq("add")) { RoundsGameConfig.AddMap(p,, p.level.Config, game); } else if (IsDeleteCommand(message)) { RoundsGameConfig.RemoveMap(p,, p.level.Config, game); } else if (message.CaselessStarts("set ") || message.CaselessStarts("setup ")) { HandleSet(p, game, message.SplitSpaces()); } else { Help(p); } }
public GamesHelper(RoundsGame game, CheckBox start_, CheckBox map, CheckBox main, Button start, Button stop, Button end, Button add, Button del, ListBox used, ListBox notUsed) { = game; cbStart = start_; cbMap = map; cbMain = main; btnStart = start; btnStop = stop; btnEnd = end; btnAdd = add; btnDel = del; lbUsed = used; lbNotUsed = notUsed; start.Click += StartGame_Click; stop.Click += StopGame_Click; end.Click += EndRound_Click; add.Click += AddMap_Click; del.Click += DelMap_Click; }
protected override void HandleStart(Player p, RoundsGame game_, string[] args) { if (game_.Running) { p.Message("{0} is already running", game_.GameName); return; } CountdownGame game = (CountdownGame)game_; string speed = args.Length > 1 ? args[1] : ""; string mode = args.Length > 2 ? args[2] : ""; if (!game.SetSpeed(speed)) { p.Message("No speed specified, playing at 'normal' speed."); game.SetSpeed("normal"); } game.FreezeMode = mode == "freeze" || mode == "frozen"; game.Start(p, "countdown", int.MaxValue); }
protected override void HandleSet(Player p, RoundsGame game, string[] args) { string prop = args[1]; if (prop.CaselessEq("spawn")) { HandleSetSpawn(p, args); } else if (prop.CaselessEq("block")) { HandleSetBlock(p, args); } else if (prop.CaselessEq("other")) { HandleSetOther(p, args); } else { Help(p, "set"); } }
protected override void HandleSet(Player p, RoundsGame game, string[] args) { string prop = args[1]; CTFMapConfig cfg = new CTFMapConfig(); LoadMapConfig(p, cfg); if (prop.CaselessEq("bluespawn")) { cfg.BlueSpawn = (Vec3U16)p.Pos.FeetBlockCoords; p.Message("Set spawn of blue team to &b" + cfg.BlueSpawn); SaveMapConfig(p, cfg); } else if (prop.CaselessEq("redspawn")) { cfg.RedSpawn = (Vec3U16)p.Pos.FeetBlockCoords; p.Message("Set spawn of red team to &b" + cfg.RedSpawn); SaveMapConfig(p, cfg); } else if (prop.CaselessEq("blueflag")) { p.Message("Place or delete a block to set blue team's flag."); p.MakeSelection(1, cfg, BlueFlagCallback); } else if (prop.CaselessEq("redflag")) { p.Message("Place or delete a block to set red team's flag."); p.MakeSelection(1, cfg, RedFlagCallback); } else if (prop.CaselessEq("divider")) { cfg.ZDivider = p.Pos.BlockZ; p.Message("Set Z line divider to {0}.", cfg.ZDivider); SaveMapConfig(p, cfg); } else { Help(p, "set"); } }
protected override void HandleSet(Player p, RoundsGame game_, string[] args) { if (args.Length < 4) { Help(p); return; } if (game_.Running) { p.Message("You must stop Countdown before replacing the map."); return; } ushort x = 0, y = 0, z = 0; if (!MapGen.GetDimensions(p, args, 1, ref x, ref y, ref z)) { return; } CountdownGame game = (CountdownGame)game_; game.GenerateMap(p, x, y, z); }
protected override void HandleSet(Player p, RoundsGame game, string[] args) { ZSConfig cfg = ZSGame.Config; string prop = args[1]; LevelConfig lCfg = p.level.Config; if (prop.CaselessEq("map")) { p.Message("Pillaring allowed: &b" + lCfg.Pillaring); p.Message("Build type: &b" + lCfg.BuildType); p.Message("Round time: &b{0}" + lCfg.RoundTime.Shorten(true, true)); return; } if (args.Length < 3) { Help(p, "set"); return; } if (prop.CaselessEq("hitbox")) { if (!CommandParser.GetReal(p, args[2], "Hitbox detection", ref cfg.HitboxDist, 0, 4)) { return; } p.Message("Set hitbox detection to &a" + cfg.HitboxDist + " %Sblocks apart"); cfg.Save(); return; } else if (prop.CaselessEq("maxmove")) { if (!CommandParser.GetReal(p, args[2], "Max move distance", ref cfg.MaxMoveDist, 0, 4)) { return; } p.Message("Set max move distance to &a" + cfg.MaxMoveDist + " %Sblocks apart"); cfg.Save(); return; } else if (prop.CaselessEq("pillaring")) { if (!CommandParser.GetBool(p, args[2], ref lCfg.Pillaring)) { return; } p.Message("Set pillaring allowed to &b" + lCfg.Pillaring); game.UpdateAllStatus2(); } else if (prop.CaselessEq("build")) { if (!CommandParser.GetEnum(p, args[2], "Build type", ref lCfg.BuildType)) { return; } p.level.UpdateBlockPermissions(); p.Message("Set build type to &b" + lCfg.BuildType); game.UpdateAllStatus2(); } else if (prop.CaselessEq("roundtime")) { if (!ParseTimespan(p, "round time", args, ref lCfg.RoundTime)) { return; } } else { Help(p, "set"); return; } Level.SaveSettings(p.level); }
protected override void HandleSet(Player p, RoundsGame game_, string[] args) { TWGame game = (TWGame)game_; TWMapConfig cfg = new TWMapConfig(); TWConfig gameCfg = TWGame.Config; LoadMapConfig(p, cfg); if (args.Length == 1) { Help(p, "set"); return; } if (args.Length == 2) { OutputStatus(p, gameCfg, cfg); return; } string prop = args[1], value = args[2]; if (prop.CaselessEq("spawn")) { if (gameCfg.Mode == TWGameMode.FFA) { p.Message("&WCannot set spawns in Free For All mode"); return; } if (value.CaselessEq("red")) { cfg.RedSpawn = (Vec3U16)p.Pos.FeetBlockCoords; p.Message("Set &cRed &Sspawn"); } else if (value.CaselessEq("blue")) { cfg.BlueSpawn = (Vec3U16)p.Pos.FeetBlockCoords; p.Message("Set &9Blue &Sspawn"); } else { Help(p, "team"); return; } } else if (prop.CaselessEq("tnt")) { int amount = 1; if (!CommandParser.GetInt(p, value, "TNT at a time", ref amount, 0)) { return; } cfg.MaxActiveTnt = amount; p.Message("Number of TNTs placeable by a player at a time is now {0}", amount == 0 ? "unlimited" : value); } else if (prop.CaselessEq("graceperiod")) { SetBool(p, ref cfg.GracePeriod, value, "Grace period"); } else if (prop.CaselessEq("gracetime")) { TimeSpan time = default(TimeSpan); if (!CommandParser.GetTimespan(p, value, ref time, "set grace time to", "s")) { return; } cfg.GracePeriodTime = time; p.Message("Grace period is now {0}", time.Shorten(true, true)); } else if (prop.CaselessEq("gamemode")) { if (value.CaselessEq("tdm")) { if (gameCfg.Mode == TWGameMode.FFA) { if (p.level != game.Map) { p.Message("Changed gamemode to Team Deathmatch"); } game.ModeTDM(); } else { p.Message("&cGamemode is already Team Deathmatch"); return; } } else if (value.CaselessEq("ffa")) { if (gameCfg.Mode == TWGameMode.TDM) { if (p.level != game.Map) { p.Message("Changed gamemode to Free For All"); } game.ModeFFA(); } else { p.Message("&cGamemode is already Free For All"); return; } } else { Help(p, "other"); return; } } else if (prop.CaselessEq("difficulty")) { TWDifficulty diff = TWDifficulty.Easy; if (!CommandParser.GetEnum(p, value, "Difficulty", ref diff)) { return; } SetDifficulty(game, diff, p); } else if (prop.CaselessEq("score")) { if (args.Length < 4) { Help(p, "score"); return; } if (!HandleSetScore(p, cfg, args)) { return; } } else if (prop.CaselessEq("balanceteams")) { SetBool(p, ref cfg.BalanceTeams, value, "Team balancing"); } else if (prop.CaselessEq("teamkill")) { SetBool(p, ref cfg.TeamKills, value, "Team killing"); } else if (prop.CaselessEq("zone")) { if (args.Length < 4) { Help(p, "zone"); return; } if (value.CaselessEq("notnt")) { if (!HandleZone(p, game, true, args)) { return; } } else if (value.CaselessEq("nodestroy")) { if (!HandleZone(p, game, false, args)) { return; } } else { Help(p, "zone"); return; } } else { OutputStatus(p, gameCfg, cfg); return; } SaveMapConfig(p, cfg); }
protected abstract void HandleSet(Player p, RoundsGame game, string[] args);