private void UpdateRotationData(int beatmapEventDataValue, ref RotationData rotationData, float startRotationOffset, float direction)
     if (beatmapEventDataValue == 0)
         rotationData.enabled = false;
         for (int i = 0; i < rotationData.transforms.Length; i++)
             rotationData.transforms[i].localRotation = rotationData.startRotations[i];
             if (_toggleGameObjects)
     if (beatmapEventDataValue > 0)
         rotationData.enabled = true;
         for (int i = 0; i < rotationData.transforms.Length; i++)
             if (_toggleGameObjects)
             rotationData.transforms[i].localRotation = rotationData.startRotations[i];
             rotationData.transforms[i].Rotate(rotationData.rotationVector[i], startRotationOffset, Space.Self);
         rotationData.rotationSpeed = beatmapEventDataValue * 20f * direction;
Example #2
        /// <summary> Applies a Givens plane rotation</summary>
        private void applyPlaneRotation(RotationData RD)
            double temp = RD.cs * RD.dx + * RD.dy;

            RD.dy = ( * RD.dx + RD.cs * RD.dy;
            RD.dx = temp;
        internal static Quaternion?GetLocalRotation(dynamic dynData, float time)
            Quaternion?localRotation = null;

            IEnumerable <float> localRotRaw = ((List <object>), LOCALROTATION))?.Select(Convert.ToSingle);

            if (localRotRaw != null)
                localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(localRotRaw.ElementAt(0), localRotRaw.ElementAt(1), localRotRaw.ElementAt(2));

            List <RotationData> localRotationData =, "varLocalRotation");

            if (localRotationData != null)
                RotationData truncatedRotation = localRotationData
                                                 .Where(n => n.time < time)
                                                 .Where(n => n.time + n.duration > time)
                if (truncatedRotation != null)
                    return(Quaternion.Lerp(truncatedRotation.startRotation, truncatedRotation.endRotation,
                                           Easings.Interpolate((time - truncatedRotation.time) / truncatedRotation.duration, truncatedRotation.easing)));
        internal static Quaternion?GetWorldRotation(dynamic dynData, float time)
            Quaternion?worldRotation = null;

            dynamic rotation =, ROTATION);

            if (rotation != null)
                if (rotation is List <object> list)
                    IEnumerable <float> _rot = (list)?.Select(Convert.ToSingle);
                    worldRotation = Quaternion.Euler(_rot.ElementAt(0), _rot.ElementAt(1), _rot.ElementAt(2));
                    worldRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, (float)rotation, 0);

            List <RotationData> rotationData =, "varRotation");

            if (rotationData != null)
                RotationData truncatedRotation = rotationData
                                                 .Where(n => n.time < time)
                                                 .Where(n => n.time + n.duration > time)
                if (truncatedRotation != null)
                    return(Quaternion.Lerp(truncatedRotation.startRotation, truncatedRotation.endRotation,
                                           Easings.Interpolate((time - truncatedRotation.time) / truncatedRotation.duration, truncatedRotation.easing)));
Example #5
    public void ExecuteBehaviour(object[] args)
        //Rotation data
        RotationData a = new RotationData(args);

        a.TransformReference.Rotate(a.Axis, a.Speed);
 public static void LerpToRotation(Projectile projectile, RotationData rotData)
     if (!float.IsNaN(rotData.rotationAdjustment))
         projectile.rotation =
             projectile.rotation.AngleTowards(projectile.velocity.ToRotation() - rotData.rotationAdjustment,
        public RotationControl(MainForm owner, RotationData rotationData, int localRotIndex)

            _owner = owner;
            _rotationData = rotationData;
            _currentRotation = _currentRotation + localRotIndex;

Example #8
        public RotationControl(MainForm owner, RotationData rotationData, int localRotIndex)

            _owner           = owner;
            _rotationData    = rotationData;
            _currentRotation = _currentRotation + localRotIndex;

Example #9
        public SplitBoundsBranch(string name, SplittedRegion splittedRegion, Vector3 pos, RotationData data, GroupBranch group) : base (name, pos, data, group)
            BaseTree staticBranch = new BaseTree("Static", new Vector3(), this, NodeConfig.StaticAndPropogate);
            TracksLeaf = new BaseTree("Tracks", new Vector3(), staticBranch, NodeConfig.StaticAndPropogate);
            BlocksLeaf = new BaseTree("Blocks", new Vector3(), staticBranch, NodeConfig.StaticAndPropogate);
            OthersLeaf = new BaseTree("Others", new Vector3(), this, NodeConfig.Dynamic);

            SplittedRegion = splittedRegion;
            Group = group;
            Name = name;
Example #10
        private GroupBranch(Vector3 pos, Data groupData, RotationData rotationData, LevelTree level)
            : base(groupData.Group.Id, pos, rotationData, level)
            Level = level;
            GroupData = groupData;
            ParticlesLeaf = new BaseTree("Particles", new Vector3(), this, NodeConfig.Dynamic);
            DoodadsLeaf = new BaseTree("Doodads", new Vector3(), this, NodeConfig.Dynamic);

            foreach (SplitTrack track in Tracks)
        public override void PostAI(Projectile projectile)
            Player player = Main.player[projectile.owner];

            if (!SummonRotationAdjustments.ContainsKey(projectile.type))

            RotationData data = SummonRotationAdjustments[projectile.type];

            projectile.rotation = _savedRotation;

            LerpToRotation(projectile, data);

            if (data.spriteDirectionOverride != 0)
                projectile.spriteDirection = data.spriteDirectionOverride;

            if (projectile.type == ModContent.ProjectileType <CinderBlossom>())
                float rotationOffsetBySpeed = MathHelper.ToRadians(1.5f) +
                                              player.velocity.X / player.maxRunSpeed / 5f * player.direction;
                rotationOffsetBySpeed *= player.direction;
                projectile.rotation    = _savedRotation + rotationOffsetBySpeed;

            if (projectile.type == ModContent.ProjectileType <CalamariMinion>())
                projectile.rotation = _savedRotation;
                NPC target = player.HasMinionAttackTargetNPC
                    ? Main.npc[player.MinionAttackTargetNPC]
                    : Main.npc.FirstOrDefault(n => n.CanBeChasedBy(projectile));

                if (target == null)

                Vector2 npcPos         = target.position + target.Size * new Vector2(0.5f, 0f);
                Vector2 wantedRotation = npcPos - projectile.Center;
                wantedRotation *= 12f;

                projectile.rotation =
                    projectile.rotation.AngleTowards(wantedRotation.ToRotation() - MathHelper.PiOver2, 0.2f);
            internal void Init(Transform[] _transformL, Transform[] _transformR, bool _toggleGameObjects, Vector3[] _rotationVectorsL, Vector3[] _rotationVectorsR, SongEventType _eventL, SongEventType _eventR, bool _useRandomValues)
                //this._transformL = _transformL;
                //this._transformR = _transformR;
                this._toggleGameObjects = _toggleGameObjects;
                this._rotationVectorsL  = _rotationVectorsL;
                this._rotationVectorsR  = _rotationVectorsR;
                this._eventL            = _eventL;
                this._eventR            = _eventR;
                this._useRandomValues   = _useRandomValues;
                Quaternion[] rotL = new Quaternion[_transformL.Length];
                Quaternion[] rotR = new Quaternion[_transformR.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < _transformL.Length; i++)
                    rotL[i] = _transformL[i].rotation;
                for (int i = 0; i < _transformR.Length; i++)
                    rotR[i] = _transformR[i].rotation;

                _rotationDataL = new RotationData {
                    enabled        = false,
                    rotationSpeed  = 0f,
                    startRotations = rotL,
                    transforms     = _transformL,
                    rotationVector = _rotationVectorsL
                _rotationDataR = new RotationData {
                    enabled        = false,
                    rotationSpeed  = 0f,
                    startRotations = rotR,
                    transforms     = _transformR,
                    rotationVector = _rotationVectorsR
                enabled = false;
                if (_toggleGameObjects)
                    for (int i = 0; i < _rotationVectorsL.Length; i++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < _rotationVectorsR.Length; i++)
Example #13
        public static Matrix4x4 RotationEulerInverse(Vector3 rotation)
            RotationData rot = new RotationData(rotation);

            //!xelpmoc yllaer s'tI
            return(new Matrix4x4(
                       m11: rot.cosXYZ.Z *rot.cosXYZ.Y,
                       m21: rot.sinXYZ.Z *rot.cosXYZ.Y,
                       m31: -rot.sinXYZ.Y,
                       m12: -rot.cosXsinZ + rot.cosXYZ.Z * rot.sinXsinY,
                       m22: rot.cosXYZ.Z *rot.cosXYZ.X + rot.sinXYZ.Z *rot.sinXsinY,
                       m32: rot.cosXYZ.Y * rot.sinXYZ.X,
                       m13: rot.cosXYZ.Z * rot.cosXsinY + rot.sinXsinZ,
                       m23: -rot.cosXYZ.Z * rot.sinXYZ.X + rot.sinXYZ.Z * rot.cosXsinY,
                       m33: rot.cosXYZ.Y * rot.cosXYZ.X,
                       m14: 0, m24: 0, m34: 0,
                       m41: 0, m42: 0, m43: 0, m44: 1));
Example #14
        public static Matrix4x4 RotationEuler(Vector3 rotation)
            RotationData rot = new RotationData(rotation);

            //It's really complex!
            return(new Matrix4x4(
                       m11: rot.cosXYZ.Y *rot.cosXYZ.Z,
                       m21: rot.sinXsinY *rot.cosXYZ.Z - rot.cosXsinZ,
                       m31: rot.cosXsinY * rot.cosXYZ.Z + rot.sinXsinZ,
                       m12: rot.cosXYZ.Y * rot.sinXYZ.Z,
                       m22: rot.cosXYZ.X * rot.cosXYZ.Z + rot.sinXsinY * rot.sinXYZ.Z,
                       m32: -rot.sinXYZ.X * rot.cosXYZ.Z,
                       m13: -rot.sinXYZ.Y,
                       m23: rot.sinXYZ.X * rot.cosXYZ.Y,
                       m33: rot.cosXYZ.X * rot.cosXYZ.Y,
                       m14: 0, m24: 0, m34: 0,
                       m41: 0, m42: 0, m43: 0, m44: 1));
Example #15
 /// <summary> Constructs a Givens rotation, to be used by applyPlaneRotation</summary>
 private void generatePlaneRotation(RotationData RD)
     if (RD.dy == 0.0)
         RD.cs = 1.0; = 0.0;
     else if (Math.Abs(RD.dy) > Math.Abs(RD.dx))
         double temp = RD.dx / RD.dy; = 1.0 / Math.Sqrt(1.0 + temp * temp);
         RD.cs = temp *;
         double temp = RD.dy / RD.dx;
         RD.cs = 1.0 / Math.Sqrt(1.0 + temp * temp); = temp * RD.cs;
Example #16
        public static LightPairRotationEffectController Create(LightPairRotationEventEffect baseEffect)
            BeatmapEventType eventToggleRandomize = Helper.GetValue <BeatmapEventType>(baseEffect, "_switchOverrideRandomValuesEvent");
            BeatmapEventType eventL = Helper.GetValue <BeatmapEventType>(baseEffect, "_eventL");
            BeatmapEventType eventR = Helper.GetValue <BeatmapEventType>(baseEffect, "_eventR");

            bool  useZOffset   = Helper.GetValue <bool>(baseEffect, "_useZPositionForAngleOffset");
            float zOffsetScale = Helper.GetValue <float>(baseEffect, "_zPositionAngleOffsetScale");

            Vector3 rotationVector = Helper.GetValue <Vector3>(baseEffect, "_rotationVector");

            object baseRotationDataL = Helper.GetValue <object>(baseEffect, "_rotationDataL");
            object baseRotationDataR = Helper.GetValue <object>(baseEffect, "_rotationDataR");

            Transform  transformL          = Helper.GetValue <Transform>(baseRotationDataL, "transform");
            Quaternion startRotationL      = Helper.GetValue <Quaternion>(baseRotationDataL, "startRotation");
            float      startRotationAngleL = Helper.GetValue <float>(baseRotationDataL, "startRotationAngle");

            Transform  transformR          = Helper.GetValue <Transform>(baseRotationDataR, "transform");
            Quaternion startRotationR      = Helper.GetValue <Quaternion>(baseRotationDataR, "startRotation");
            float      startRotationAngleR = Helper.GetValue <float>(baseRotationDataR, "startRotationAngle");

            RotationData rotationDataL = new RotationData(transformL, startRotationL, startRotationAngleL);
            RotationData rotationDataR = new RotationData(transformR, startRotationR, startRotationAngleR);

            LightPairRotationEffectController controller = new GameObject("TwitchFXLightPairRotationEffectController").AddComponent <LightPairRotationEffectController>();

            controller.eventToggleRandomize = eventToggleRandomize;
            controller.eventL         = eventL;
            controller.eventR         = eventR;
            controller.transform      = baseEffect.transform;
            controller.useZOffset     = useZOffset;
            controller.zOffsetScale   = zOffsetScale;
            controller.rotationVector = rotationVector;
            controller.rotationL      = rotationDataL;
            controller.rotationR      = rotationDataR;

Example #17
        private static void AddRotationDataToClip(IReadOnlyList <RotationData> rotationData, string boneName,
                                                  AnimationClip clip)
            int frameCount = rotationData.Count;

            Keyframe[] rotX = new Keyframe[frameCount];
            Keyframe[] rotY = new Keyframe[frameCount];
            Keyframe[] rotZ = new Keyframe[frameCount];
            Keyframe[] rotW = new Keyframe[frameCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++)
                RotationData data = rotationData[i];
                rotX[i] = new Keyframe(data.Time, data.X);
                rotY[i] = new Keyframe(data.Time, data.Y);
                rotZ[i] = new Keyframe(data.Time, data.Z);
                rotW[i] = new Keyframe(data.Time, data.W);

            clip.SetCurve(boneName, typeof(Transform), "localRotation.x", new AnimationCurve(rotX));
            clip.SetCurve(boneName, typeof(Transform), "localRotation.y", new AnimationCurve(rotY));
            clip.SetCurve(boneName, typeof(Transform), "localRotation.z", new AnimationCurve(rotZ));
            clip.SetCurve(boneName, typeof(Transform), "localRotation.w", new AnimationCurve(rotW));
 public PlayerData()
     rotation = new RotationData();
     position = new Vector3Data();
Example #19
    void Instantiate(int count)
        var planetOwnership = new List <int>
            1, 1,
            2, 2

        for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i)
            var    sphereRadius = UnityEngine.Random.Range(5.0f, 20.0f);
            var    safe         = false;
            float3 pos;
            int    attempts = 0;
                if (++attempts >= 500)
                    Debug.Log("Couldn't find a good planet placement. Settling for the planets we already have");
                var randomValue = (Vector3)UnityEngine.Random.insideUnitSphere;
                randomValue.y = 0;
                pos           = (randomValue * radius) + new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.z);
                var collisions = Physics.OverlapSphere(pos, sphereRadius);
                if (!collisions.Any())
                    safe = true;
            } while (!safe);
            var randomRotation = UnityEngine.Random.insideUnitSphere;
            var go             = GameObject.Instantiate(_planetPrefab, pos, quaternion.identity);
            var planetEntity   = go.GetComponent <GameObjectEntity>().Entity;
            var meshGo         = go.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>().First(c => c.gameObject != go).gameObject;
            var collider       = go.GetComponent <SphereCollider>();
            var meshEntity     = meshGo.GetComponent <GameObjectEntity>().Entity;

            collider.radius             = sphereRadius;
            meshGo.transform.localScale = new Vector3(sphereRadius * 2.0f, sphereRadius * 2.0f, sphereRadius * 2.0f);

            var planetData = new PlanetData
                TeamOwnership = 0,
                Radius        = sphereRadius,
                Position      = pos
            var rotationData = new RotationData
                RotationSpeed = randomRotation
            if (planetOwnership.Any())
                planetData.TeamOwnership = planetOwnership.First();
                planetData.Occupants = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 100);
            entities[planetEntity] = go;
            SetColor(planetEntity, planetData.TeamOwnership);

            _entityManager.AddComponentData(planetEntity, planetData);
            _entityManager.AddComponentData(meshEntity, rotationData);
Example #20
        public void OnEvent(BeatmapEventData eventData)
            if (eventData.type == eventToggleRandomize)
                randomizeValues = !randomizeValues;

            int currentFrame = Time.frameCount;

            if (
                (eventData.type == eventL ||
                 eventData.type == eventR ||
                 eventData.type == eventToggleRandomize) &&
                currentFrame != lastValueGenerationFrame
                if (randomizeValues)
                    startRotationGenerated = Random.Range(0f, 180f);
                    directionGenerated     = Random.value > 0.5f ? 1f : -1f;
                    startRotationGenerated = eventData.type == eventL ? currentFrame : -currentFrame;

                    if (useZOffset)
                        startRotationGenerated += transform.position.z * zOffsetScale;

                    directionGenerated = eventData.type == eventL ? 1f : -1f;

                lastValueGenerationFrame = currentFrame;

            if (eventData.type == eventL || eventData.type == eventR)
                CustomBeatmapEventData customEventData = eventData as CustomBeatmapEventData;

                float direction     = customEventData?.direction ?? directionGenerated;
                float speed         = customEventData?.rotationSpeed ?? eventData.value;
                bool  lockPosition  = customEventData?.rotationLockPosition ?? false;
                float?startPosition = customEventData?.rotationStartPosition;

                if (eventData.type != eventL)
                    direction = -direction;

                RotationData rotation = eventData.type == eventL ? rotationL : rotationR;

                if (startPosition.HasValue)
                    rotation.rotationAngle = (eventData.type == eventL ? startPosition.Value : -startPosition.Value) + rotation.startRotationAngle;

                    rotation.transform.localRotation = rotation.startRotation * Quaternion.Euler(rotationVector * rotation.rotationAngle);

                if (eventData.value == 0)
                    rotation.enabled = false;

                    if (!lockPosition && !startPosition.HasValue)
                        rotation.transform.localRotation = rotation.startRotation * Quaternion.Euler(rotationVector * rotation.startRotationAngle);
                else if (eventData.value > 0)
                    rotation.enabled = true;

                    rotation.rotationSpeed = speed * direction * 20f;

                    if (!lockPosition && !startPosition.HasValue)
                        rotation.rotationAngle = (eventData.type == eventL ? startRotationGenerated : -startRotationGenerated) + rotation.startRotationAngle;

                        rotation.transform.localRotation = rotation.startRotation * Quaternion.Euler(rotationVector * rotation.rotationAngle);
            else if (eventData.type == eventToggleRandomize)
                rotationL.rotationAngle = startRotationGenerated + rotationL.startRotationAngle;
                rotationL.rotationSpeed = Mathf.Abs(rotationL.rotationSpeed);
                rotationR.rotationAngle = -startRotationGenerated + rotationR.startRotationAngle;
                rotationR.rotationSpeed = -Mathf.Abs(rotationL.rotationSpeed);

            enabled = rotationL.enabled || rotationR.enabled;
Example #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method to read all animations from a Puppet file and return a list of them
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sectionReader">BinaryReader instance containing the Animation section data</param>
        /// <param name="version">Version of the Puppet file</param>
        /// <returns>List of animations from the Puppet file</returns>
        public static List <Animation> ReadAllAnimations(BinaryReader sectionReader, Version version)
            List <Animation> Animations = new List <Animation>();

            while (sectionReader.BaseStream.Position < sectionReader.BaseStream.Length)
                Animation animation = new Animation();

                animation.BoneID = sectionReader.ReadByte();

                // Once the root bone is reached (ID 255) stop reading animations
                if (animation.BoneID == 255)

                // Bone ID 254 have two additional bytes after the ID (FE 00) to skip over
                if (animation.BoneID == 254)
                    animation.SubID    = sectionReader.ReadByte();
                    animation.SubSubID = sectionReader.ReadByte();

                uint positionDataCount = sectionReader.ReadUInt32();
                animation.PositionData = new PositionData[positionDataCount];

                for (int i = 0; i < positionDataCount; i++)
                    PositionData positionData = new PositionData {
                        Time = sectionReader.ReadSingle(),
                        X    = sectionReader.ReadSingle(),
                        Y    = sectionReader.ReadSingle(),
                        Z    = sectionReader.ReadSingle(),

                    animation.PositionData[i] = positionData;

                uint rotationDataCount = sectionReader.ReadUInt32();
                animation.RotationData = new RotationData[rotationDataCount];

                if (version.Minor == 0)
                    // TODO: Check if this is an unknown value or just padding
                    animation.Unknown1 = sectionReader.ReadUInt32();

                for (int i = 0; i < rotationDataCount; i++)
                    RotationData rotationData;

                    if (version.Minor >= 2)
                        rotationData = new RotationData {
                            Time = sectionReader.ReadSingle(),
                            X    = sectionReader.ReadSingle(),
                            Y    = sectionReader.ReadSingle(),
                            Z    = sectionReader.ReadSingle(),
                            W    = sectionReader.ReadSingle()
                        rotationData = new RotationData {
                            X    = sectionReader.ReadSingle(),
                            Y    = sectionReader.ReadSingle(),
                            Z    = sectionReader.ReadSingle(),
                            W    = sectionReader.ReadSingle(),
                            Time = sectionReader.ReadSingle()

                    animation.RotationData[i] = rotationData;

                if (version.Minor >= 2)
                    uint scalingDataCount = sectionReader.ReadUInt32();
                    animation.ScalingData = new ScalingData[scalingDataCount];

                    for (int i = 0; i < scalingDataCount; i++)
                        ScalingData scalingData = new ScalingData {
                            Time = sectionReader.ReadSingle(),
                            X    = sectionReader.ReadSingle(),
                            Y    = sectionReader.ReadSingle(),
                            Z    = sectionReader.ReadSingle()

                        animation.ScalingData[i] = scalingData;

                if (version.Minor >= 3)
                    uint animationFlagCount = sectionReader.ReadUInt32();
                    animation.AnimationFlags = new AnimationFlag[animationFlagCount];

                    for (int i = 0; i < animationFlagCount; i++)
                        AnimationFlag animationFlag = new AnimationFlag {
                            Time  = sectionReader.ReadSingle(),
                            Value = sectionReader.ReadSingle()

                        animation.AnimationFlags[i] = animationFlag;


Example #22
 public static GroupBranch CreateAndAttachTo(LevelTree level, Data groupData, RotationData rotationData)
     return new GroupBranch(new Vector3(), groupData, rotationData, level);
Example #23
        protected internal override void SolveI(IMatrix A, IVector b, IVector x)
            IVector[] tempv = Factory.createVectors(b, 3);
            IVector   w = tempv[0], temp = tempv[1], r = tempv[2];

            double[] s = new double[restart + 1], cs = new double[restart + 1], sn = new double[restart + 1];

            double[,] H = new double[restart + 1, restart];
            for (int i = 0; i < restart + 1; i++)
//			{
//				H[i] = new double[restart];
//			}

                temp = Blas.Default.MultAdd(-1.0, A, x, b, temp);
            r = M.Apply(A, temp, r);
            double normr = Blas.Default.Norm(r, NORMS.NORM2);

            temp = M.Apply(A, b, temp);

            IVector[] v = Factory.createVectors(b, restart + 1);

            for (iter.Reset(); !iter.Converged(r, x); iter.MoveNext())
                v[0] = Blas.Default.ScaleCopy(1.0 / normr, r, v[0]);
                SupportClass.ArraySupport.Fill(s, 0.0);
                s[0] = normr;

                for (int i = 0; i < restart; i++, iter.MoveNext())
                    temp = Blas.Default.Mult(A, v[i], temp);
                    w    = M.Apply(A, temp, w);
                    for (int k = 0; k <= i; k++)
                        H[k, i] = Blas.Default.Dot(w, v[k]);
                        w       = Blas.Default.Add(-H[k, i], v[k], w);
                    H[i + 1, i] = Blas.Default.Norm(w, NORMS.NORM2);
                    v[i + 1]    = Blas.Default.ScaleCopy(1.0 / H[i + 1, i], w, v[i + 1]);

                    for (int k = 0; k < i; k++)
                        RotationData RD = new RotationData(this, H[k, i], H[k + 1, i], cs[k], sn[k]);
                        H[k, i]     = RD.dx;
                        H[k + 1, i] = RD.dy;
                        cs[k]       = RD.cs;
                        sn[k]       =;

                    RotationData RD2 = new RotationData(this, H[i, i], H[i + 1, i], cs[i], sn[i]);
                    H[i, i]     = RD2.dx;
                    H[i + 1, i] = RD2.dy;
                    cs[i]       = RD2.cs;
                    sn[i]       =;

                    H[i, i]     = RD2.dx;
                    H[i + 1, i] = RD2.dy;
                    cs[i]       = RD2.cs;
                    sn[i]       =;

                    RD2.dx = s[i];
                    RD2.dy = s[i + 1];
                    s[i]     = RD2.dx;
                    s[i + 1] = RD2.dy;
                    cs[i]    = RD2.cs;
                    sn[i]    =;

                    if (iter.Converged(Math.Abs(s[i + 1]), x))
                        update(x, i, s, v, H);

                update(x, restart - 1, s, v, H);
                temp  = Blas.Default.MultAdd(-1.0, A, x, b, temp);
                r     = M.Apply(A, temp, r);
                normr = Blas.Default.Norm(r, NORMS.NORM2);
Example #24
 public static SplitBoundsBranch CreateAndAttachTo(int count, SplittedRegion splittedRegion, GroupBranch groupBranch, RotationData rotationData)
     string name = "split_" + count;
     return new SplitBoundsBranch(name, splittedRegion, new Vector3(), rotationData, groupBranch);
Example #25
 protected RotateableBranch(string name, Vector3 pos, RotationData data, BaseTree parent) : base(name, pos, parent, NodeConfig.Dynamic)
     Data = data;
 public RotationAnimator(RotationData rotationData, Transform transform)
     RotationData = rotationData;
     Transform    = transform;