Example #1
        private RowPieces BuildDataItem(int pieceIndex, RotatedPiece rotatedPiece, Coords coords)
            var numColumns = _pieces.Length + _board.BoardSize * _board.BoardSize;
            var matrixRow  = new bool[numColumns];

            matrixRow[pieceIndex] = true;

            var w = rotatedPiece.Width;
            var h = rotatedPiece.Height;

            for (var pieceX = 0; pieceX < w; pieceX++)
                for (var pieceY = 0; pieceY < h; pieceY++)
                    if (rotatedPiece.SquareAt(pieceX, pieceY) == null)
                    var boardX = coords.X + pieceX;
                    var boardY = coords.Y + pieceY;
                    var boardLocationColumnIndex = _pieces.Length + (_board.BoardSize * boardX) + boardY;
                    matrixRow[boardLocationColumnIndex] = true;

            return(new RowPieces(matrixRow, new PiecePlacement(rotatedPiece, coords)));
Example #2
        public void FullRotations(params string[] rotationNames)
            var rotationType = typeof(Rotation);
            var rotations    = rotationNames.Select(rn => Enum.Parse(rotationType, rn)).Cast <Rotation>().ToArray();
            var rotatedPiece = new RotatedPiece(_piece, rotations);

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(_piece.OccupiedSquares, rotatedPiece.OccupiedSquares);
Example #3
        private const double BorderWidth = 8; // half of this width will be clipped away

        public PieceControl(RotatedPiece rotatedPiece, double squareSize)
            _rotatedPiece = rotatedPiece;
            _squareSize   = squareSize;

            Width  = squareSize * rotatedPiece.Width;
            Height = squareSize * rotatedPiece.Height;

            var clipGeometryGroup = new GeometryGroup();
            var outsideEdges      = new List <Coords>();

            for (var px = 0; px < rotatedPiece.Width; px++)
                for (var py = 0; py < rotatedPiece.Height; py++)
                    var square = rotatedPiece.SquareAt(px, py);
                    if (square != null)
                        var rect      = new Rect(px * squareSize, (rotatedPiece.Height - py - 1) * squareSize, squareSize, squareSize);
                        var rectangle = new Rectangle {
                            Width = rect.Width, Height = rect.Height
                        Canvas.SetLeft(rectangle, rect.Left);
                        Canvas.SetTop(rectangle, rect.Top);
                        rectangle.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(square.Colour == Colour.Black ? Colors.Black : Colors.White);
                        var clipRectangleGeometry = new RectangleGeometry(rect);
                        DetermineOutsideEdges(outsideEdges, px, py);

            var combinedOutsideEdges  = CombineOutsideEdges(outsideEdges);
            var outsideEdgeLinePoints = CalculateEdgeLinePoints(combinedOutsideEdges);

            var polyLineSegment = new PolyLineSegment(outsideEdgeLinePoints, true);
            var pathFigure      = new PathFigure {
                StartPoint = outsideEdgeLinePoints.First()

            var pathGeometry = new PathGeometry();

            var path = new Path
                Stroke           = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(0x00, 0x66, 0xCC)),
                StrokeThickness  = BorderWidth,
                StrokeEndLineCap = PenLineCap.Square,
                Data             = pathGeometry

            PieceCanvas.Clip = clipGeometryGroup;
        public void RotatedPiece_ForTestPieceWithGivenOrientation_HasCorrectWidthAndHeight(Orientation orientation, int expectedWidth, int expectedHeight)
            // Arrange, Act
            var rotatedPiece = new RotatedPiece(_piece, orientation);

            // Assert
            Assert.That(rotatedPiece.Width, Is.EqualTo(expectedWidth));
            Assert.That(rotatedPiece.Height, Is.EqualTo(expectedHeight));
        public void SquareAt_ForTestPieceWithSouthOrientation_ReturnsCorrectSquareDetailsForAllValidCoordinates()
            // Arrange, Act
            var rotatedPiece = new RotatedPiece(_piece, Orientation.South);

            // Assert
            Assert.That(VerifySquareDetails(rotatedPiece, 0, 0, Colour.White), Is.True);
            Assert.That(VerifySquareIsNull(rotatedPiece, 0, 1), Is.True);
            Assert.That(VerifySquareDetails(rotatedPiece, 1, 0, Colour.Black), Is.True);
            Assert.That(VerifySquareIsNull(rotatedPiece, 1, 1), Is.True);
            Assert.That(VerifySquareDetails(rotatedPiece, 2, 0, Colour.White), Is.True);
            Assert.That(VerifySquareDetails(rotatedPiece, 2, 1, Colour.Black), Is.True);
Example #6
        public void RotatedX90Cw()
            var rotatedPiece = new RotatedPiece(_piece, Rotation.X90Cw);

                new Coords(0, 2, 0),
                new Coords(0, 2, 1),
                new Coords(1, 2, 1),
                new Coords(1, 1, 1),
                new Coords(1, 0, 1)
Example #7
        private void AddPiece(int pieceIndex, Piece piece, Orientation orientation)
            var rotatedPiece = new RotatedPiece(piece, orientation);

            for (var x = 0; x < _board.BoardSize; x++)
                for (var y = 0; y < _board.BoardSize; y++)
                    if (!_board.PlacePieceAt(rotatedPiece, x, y))
                    var dataItem = BuildDataItem(pieceIndex, rotatedPiece, new Coords(x, y));
Example #8
        public void AddPiece(RotatedPiece rotatedPiece, int x, int y)
            if (IsPieceOnBoard(rotatedPiece.Piece.Name))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Attempt to add a piece that is already on the board - \"{0}\"!", rotatedPiece.Piece.Name));

            var aw = ActualWidth;
            var ah = ActualHeight;
            var sw = (aw - GridLineThickness) / Count;
            var sh = (ah - GridLineThickness) / Count;

            var pieceControl = new PieceControl(rotatedPiece, sw);

            Canvas.SetLeft(pieceControl, x * sw + GridLineHalfThickness);
            Canvas.SetBottom(pieceControl, y * sh + GridLineHalfThickness);
            _pieceDetails[rotatedPiece.Piece.Name] = Tuple.Create(rotatedPiece.Orientation, x, y, pieceControl);
Example #9
        private void AddDataItemsForPieceWithSpecificOrientation(int pieceIndex, Piece piece, Orientation orientation)
            var rotatedPiece = new RotatedPiece(piece, orientation);

            for (var x = 0; x < _board.BoardSize; x++)
                for (var y = 0; y < _board.BoardSize; y++)
                    if (!_board.PlacePieceAt(rotatedPiece, x, y))
                    var dataItem = BuildDataItem(pieceIndex, rotatedPiece, new Coords(x, y));
Example #10
 public PiecePlacement(RotatedPiece rotatedPiece, Coords coords)
     RotatedPiece = rotatedPiece;
     Coords       = coords;
Example #11
 private static void AssertRotatedPiece(
     RotatedPiece rotatedPiece,
     IEnumerable <Coords> occupiedSquares)
     CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(occupiedSquares, rotatedPiece.OccupiedSquares);
 private bool VerifySquareIsNull(RotatedPiece rotatedPiece, int x, int y)
     return rotatedPiece.SquareAt(x, y) == null;
        private bool VerifySquareDetails(RotatedPiece rotatedPiece, int x, int y, Colour colour)
            var square = rotatedPiece.SquareAt(x, y);

                square != null &&
                square.X == x &&
                square.Y == y &&
                square.Colour == colour;