Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds up a relative path based on specified segment parts.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">Path segments</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a relative path.</returns>
        public string GetPath(string[] path)
            string[] childPath = path ?? new string[] { };

            // create result path
            string resultPath = PathUtil.Combine(childPath);

            resultPath = resultPath.Trim('/', '\\');

            // prepend root path with corrected separators
            // remove all leading and trailing separator chars
            string cleansedRoot = RootPath.Trim('/', '\\');

            // replace all slashes with directory separator
            cleansedRoot = cleansedRoot.Replace('/', PathUtil.DirectorySeparatorChar);
            // replace all backslashes with directory separator
            cleansedRoot = cleansedRoot.Replace('\\', PathUtil.DirectorySeparatorChar);

            if (!resultPath.StartsWith(cleansedRoot))
                resultPath = Path.Join(cleansedRoot, resultPath);

            // if root path is relative, add relative separator
            if (RootPath.StartsWith(PathUtil.DirectorySeparatorChar) || RootPath.StartsWith(PathUtil.AltDirectorySeparatorChar))
                resultPath = PathUtil.DirectorySeparatorChar + resultPath;

Example #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes the category provider
    /// </summary>
    private void InitCategoryProvider()
        // Create and set category provider
        UniTreeProvider categoryProvider = new UniTreeProvider();

        categoryProvider.DisplayNameColumn = "DisplayName";
        categoryProvider.IDColumn          = "ObjectID";
        categoryProvider.LevelColumn       = "ObjectLevel";
        categoryProvider.OrderColumn       = "CategoryOrder";
        categoryProvider.ParentIDColumn    = "ParentID";
        categoryProvider.PathColumn        = "ObjectPath";
        categoryProvider.ValueColumn       = "ObjectID";
        categoryProvider.ChildCountColumn  = "CompleteChildCount";
        categoryProvider.QueryName         = "cms.pagetemplatecategory.selectallview";
        categoryProvider.ObjectTypeColumn  = "ObjectType";
        categoryProvider.Columns           = "DisplayName, CodeName, ObjectID, ObjectLevel, CategoryOrder, ParentID, ObjectPath, CompleteChildCount, ObjectType, CategoryChildCount, CategoryImagePath, Parameter";
        categoryProvider.ImageColumn       = "CategoryImagePath";
        categoryProvider.ParameterColumn   = "Parameter";

        if (!SelectPageTemplates)
            categoryProvider.WhereCondition   = "ObjectType = 'pagetemplatecategory'";
            categoryProvider.ChildCountColumn = "CategoryChildCount";
            categoryProvider.ObjectTypeColumn = "";
            categoryProvider.OrderBy = "ObjectType DESC, DisplayName ASC";

        // Do not show AdHoc category
        if (!ShowAdHocCategory)
            categoryProvider.WhereCondition = SqlHelper.AddWhereCondition(categoryProvider.WhereCondition, "CodeName <> 'AdHoc' AND CodeName <> 'AdHocUI'");

        // Do not show empty categories
        if (!ShowEmptyCategories)
            categoryProvider.WhereCondition = SqlHelper.AddWhereCondition(categoryProvider.WhereCondition, "CategoryTemplateChildCount > 0 OR CategoryChildCount > 0");

            TreeProvider tp = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);
            CMS.DocumentEngine.TreeNode node = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(DocumentID, tp);
            string culture = LocalizationContext.PreferredCultureCode;
            int    level   = 0;
            string path    = string.Empty;

            string className = String.Empty;

            if (node != null)
                level = node.NodeLevel;
                path  = node.NodeAliasPath;
                if (IsNewPage)
                    path = path + "/%";
                    culture = node.DocumentCulture;

                className = node.NodeClassName;

                // Check if class id is in query string - then use it's value instead of document class name
                int classID = QueryHelper.GetInteger("classid", 0);
                if (classID != 0)
                    DataClassInfo dci = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClassInfo(classID);
                    if (dci != null)
                        className = dci.ClassName;

            // Add where condition for scopes
            categoryProvider.WhereCondition += " AND (ObjectLevel = 0 OR (SELECT TOP 1 ObjectID FROM View_CMS_PageTemplateCategoryPageTemplate_Joined AS X WHERE X.ObjectType = 'pagetemplate' ";

            categoryProvider.WhereCondition += " AND (X.PageTemplateType IS NULL OR X.PageTemplateType <> N'" + PageTemplateInfoProvider.GetPageTemplateTypeCode(PageTemplateTypeEnum.Dashboard) + "')";

            if (ShowOnlySiteTemplates)
                categoryProvider.WhereCondition += " AND X.ObjectID IN (SELECT PageTemplateID FROM CMS_PageTemplateSite WHERE SiteID = " + SiteContext.CurrentSiteID + ") ";

            if (node != null)
                categoryProvider.WhereCondition += " AND (" + PageTemplateScopeInfoProvider.GetScopeWhereCondition(path, culture, className, level, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName, "X", "ObjectID") + ") ";

            categoryProvider.WhereCondition += " AND (X.ObjectPath LIKE View_CMS_PageTemplateCategoryPageTemplate_Joined.ObjectPath + '/%')) IS NOT NULL)";

            // Add column count column - minimal number of children
            categoryProvider.Columns += @", (SELECT TOP 1 Count(*) FROM View_CMS_PageTemplateCategoryPageTemplate_Joined AS Y WHERE 
            (Y.ObjectID = View_CMS_PageTemplateCategoryPageTemplate_Joined.ObjectID AND Y.ObjectLevel = 0)
            OR ( View_CMS_PageTemplateCategoryPageTemplate_Joined.ObjectType = 'PageTemplateCategory' 
            AND View_CMS_PageTemplateCategoryPageTemplate_Joined.CategoryChildCount > 0 
            AND Y.ObjectType = 'PageTemplate' AND Y.ObjectLevel > View_CMS_PageTemplateCategoryPageTemplate_Joined.ObjectLevel + 1 ";

            if (ShowOnlySiteTemplates)
                categoryProvider.Columns += "AND Y.ObjectID IN (SELECT PageTemplateID FROM CMS_PageTemplateSite WHERE SiteID = " + SiteContext.CurrentSiteID + ") ";

            if (node != null)
                categoryProvider.Columns += " AND ( " + PageTemplateScopeInfoProvider.GetScopeWhereCondition(path, culture, className, level, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName, "Y", "ObjectID") + " ) ";

            categoryProvider.Columns         += " AND Y.ObjectPath LIKE  View_CMS_PageTemplateCategoryPageTemplate_Joined.ObjectPath + '/%')) AS MinNumberOfChilds";
            categoryProvider.ChildCountColumn = "MinNumberOfChilds";

        // Handle the root path
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(RootPath))
            categoryProvider.RootLevelOffset = RootPath.Trim('/').Split('/').Length - 1;

            categoryProvider.WhereCondition = SqlHelper.AddWhereCondition(categoryProvider.WhereCondition, String.Format("((ObjectPath = '{0}' OR ObjectPath LIKE '{0}/%'))", RootPath.Trim('/')));

        treeElem.ProviderObject = categoryProvider;