Example #1
		public void Relayout()
			var styles = new AssembledStyles();
			var box = new MockBox(styles);
			var fixMap = new Dictionary<Box, Rectangle>();
			var layoutInfo = ParaBuilderTests.MakeLayoutInfo(100, m_gm.VwGraphics);
			var site = new MockSite();
			var root = new RootBox(styles);
			root.Site = site;

			using (var lcb = new LayoutCallbacks(root))
				Assert.IsFalse(box.Relayout(layoutInfo, fixMap, lcb),
					"Relayout of box never laid out should return false (can't have old loc)");
			Assert.AreEqual(layoutInfo, box.LastLayoutTransform, "Relayout of box never laid out should call Layout() with same transform");
			Assert.AreEqual(0, site.RectsInvalidated.Count, "Relayout of box never laid out should not invalidate anything");

			box.LastLayoutTransform = null;
			using (var lcb = new LayoutCallbacks(root))
				Assert.IsFalse(box.Relayout(layoutInfo, fixMap, lcb), "Relayout of box not in map should return false");
			Assert.IsNull(box.LastLayoutTransform, "Relayout of box not in map should not call Layout()");
			Assert.AreEqual(0, site.RectsInvalidated.Count, "Relayout of box not in map should not invalidate anything");

			fixMap[box] = new Rectangle(2,3,4,7);
			using (var lcb = new LayoutCallbacks(root))
				Assert.IsTrue(box.Relayout(layoutInfo, fixMap, lcb), "Relayout of box in map should return true");
			Assert.AreEqual(layoutInfo, box.LastLayoutTransform, "Relayout of box in map should call Layout() with same transform");
			Assert.AreEqual(1, site.RectsInvalidatedInRoot.Count, "Relayout of box in map should invalidate rect from map");
			Assert.AreEqual(new Rectangle(2, 3, 4, 7), site.RectsInvalidatedInRoot[0], "Relayout of box in map should invalidate proper rect");
Example #2
        public void Relayout()
            var styles     = new AssembledStyles();
            var box        = new MockBox(styles);
            var fixMap     = new Dictionary <Box, Rectangle>();
            var layoutInfo = ParaBuilderTests.MakeLayoutInfo(100, m_gm.VwGraphics);
            var site       = new MockSite();
            var root       = new RootBox(styles);

            root.Site = site;

            using (var lcb = new LayoutCallbacks(root))
                Assert.IsFalse(box.Relayout(layoutInfo, fixMap, lcb),
                               "Relayout of box never laid out should return false (can't have old loc)");
            Assert.AreEqual(layoutInfo, box.LastLayoutTransform, "Relayout of box never laid out should call Layout() with same transform");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, site.RectsInvalidated.Count, "Relayout of box never laid out should not invalidate anything");

            box.LastLayoutTransform = null;
            using (var lcb = new LayoutCallbacks(root))
                Assert.IsFalse(box.Relayout(layoutInfo, fixMap, lcb), "Relayout of box not in map should return false");
            Assert.IsNull(box.LastLayoutTransform, "Relayout of box not in map should not call Layout()");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, site.RectsInvalidated.Count, "Relayout of box not in map should not invalidate anything");

            fixMap[box] = new Rectangle(2, 3, 4, 7);
            using (var lcb = new LayoutCallbacks(root))
                Assert.IsTrue(box.Relayout(layoutInfo, fixMap, lcb), "Relayout of box in map should return true");
            Assert.AreEqual(layoutInfo, box.LastLayoutTransform, "Relayout of box in map should call Layout() with same transform");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, site.RectsInvalidatedInRoot.Count, "Relayout of box in map should invalidate rect from map");
            Assert.AreEqual(new Rectangle(2, 3, 4, 7), site.RectsInvalidatedInRoot[0], "Relayout of box in map should invalidate proper rect");
Example #3
            private void _Traverse(RootBox rb)
                EWPF.Fixup(rb.Index, _traverseType);
                EWPF.Fixup(rb.Radicand, _traverseType);

Example #4
 protected override void EnsureDefaultSelection()
     if (RootBox != null)
         RootBox.MakeSimpleSel(true, true, true, true);
Example #5
 protected void MakeTextSelectionAndScrollToView(int ichMin, int ichLim, int ws, int ihvoPara, int ihvoEnd)
     SelLevInfo[] rgsli = new SelLevInfo[1];
     // entry 0 says which StTextPara
     rgsli[0].ihvo = ihvoPara;
     rgsli[0].tag  = (int)StText.StTextTags.kflidParagraphs;
     // entry 1 says to use the Contents of the Text.
     //rgsli[1].tag = (int)FDO.Ling.Text.TextTags.kflidContents;
         RootBox.MakeTextSelection(0, rgsli.Length, rgsli,
                                   (int)StTxtPara.StTxtParaTags.kflidContents, 0, ichMin,
                                   ichLim, ws,
                                   false, // Range, arbitrary assoc prev.
                                   null,  // don't set any special text props for typing
                                   true); // install it
         // Scroll this selection into View.
         IVwSelection sel = this.RootBox.Selection;
         this.ScrollSelectionIntoView(sel, VwScrollSelOpts.kssoDefault);
     catch (Exception)
Example #6
        public void DrawIP()
            ParaBox        para;
            RootBox        root = ParaBuilderTests.MakeTestParaSimpleString(m_gm.VwGraphics, ParaBuilderTests.MockBreakOption.ThreeFullLines, out para);
            InsertionPoint ip   = root.SelectAtEnd();

            Assert.AreEqual(ip, root.Selection);
            Assert.AreEqual(para, ip.Para, "IP should know about the paragraph it is in");
            Assert.AreEqual(para.Source.Length, ip.StringPosition, "the IP should be at the end of the paragraph");
            Assert.AreEqual(true, ip.AssociatePrevious, "selection at end should always associate previous in non-empty para");

            StringBox third = para.FirstBox.Next.Next as StringBox;

            Assert.IsNotNull(third, "para with three simple lines should have three string boxes");
            MockSegment seg3 = third.Segment as MockSegment;

            PaintTransform ptrans = new PaintTransform(2, 4, 96, 100, 0, -10, 120, 128);

            ip.Draw(m_gm.VwGraphics, ptrans);
            StringBox first  = para.FirstBox as StringBox;
            StringBox second = para.FirstBox.Next as StringBox;
            // All three segments should be invited to draw it, though only one will.
            var seg1 = first.Segment as MockSegment;

            VerifySegmentDrawing(para, first, seg1, -4);
            var seg2 = second.Segment as MockSegment;

            VerifySegmentDrawing(para, second, seg2, -14);
            VerifySegmentDrawing(para, third, seg3, -24);

            seg1.NextPosIpResult             = new MockSegment.PositionsOfIpResults();
            seg1.NextPosIpResult.PrimaryHere = false;
            seg2.NextPosIpResult             = new MockSegment.PositionsOfIpResults();
            seg2.NextPosIpResult.PrimaryHere = false;
            seg3.NextPosIpResult             = new MockSegment.PositionsOfIpResults();
            seg3.NextPosIpResult.RectPrimary = new Rect(5, 6, 7, 9);
            seg3.NextPosIpResult.PrimaryHere = true;
            Rectangle selRect = ip.GetSelectionLocation(m_gm.VwGraphics, ptrans);

            // All three should be asked for the position, though only the third returns a useful one.
            VerifySelLocation(para, first, seg1, -4);
            VerifySelLocation(para, second, seg2, -14);
            VerifySelLocation(para, third, seg3, -24);
            Assert.AreEqual(new Rectangle(5, 6, 2, 3), selRect);

            // The final thing that goes into drawing IPs is the Invalidate call.
            MockSite site = new MockSite();

            site.m_transform  = ptrans;
            site.m_vwGraphics = m_gm.VwGraphics;
            root.Site         = site;
            Assert.IsNotNull(site.GraphicsHolder, "Invalidate should have created a Graphics holder");
            Assert.IsTrue(site.GraphicsHolder.WasDisposed, "invalidate should have disposed of the Graphics Holder");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, site.RectsInvalidated.Count, "invalidate should have invalidated one rectangle");
            Assert.AreEqual(new Rectangle(5, 6, 2, 3), site.RectsInvalidated[0], "invalidate should have invalidated the selection rectangle");
Example #7
 public void MoveLeft()
     ParaBox        para;
     RootBox        root = ParaBuilderTests.MakeTestParaSimpleString(m_gm.VwGraphics, ParaBuilderTests.MockBreakOption.ThreeFullLines, out para);
     InsertionPoint ip   = root.SelectAtEnd();
     // Todo: try moving left. Eventualy cover various options, such as from start of paragraph, over diacritics, etc.
Example #8
        protected void SelectUpTo(int end1)
            if (HvoRoot == 0)
            int end = Math.Min(end1, m_cache.GetVectorSize(HvoRoot, AnnotationListId) - 1);

            if (end < 0)
            if (EndSelLimitIndex > -1 && EndSelLimitIndex < end)
                end = EndSelLimitIndex;
                m_InSelectionChanged = true;
                SelLevInfo[] levelsA = new SelLevInfo[1];
                levelsA[0].ihvo = 0;
                levelsA[0].tag  = AnnotationListId;
                SelLevInfo[] levelsE = new SelLevInfo[1];
                levelsE[0].ihvo = end;
                levelsE[0].tag  = AnnotationListId;
                RootBox.MakeTextSelInObj(0, 1, levelsA, 1, levelsE, false, false, false, true, true);
                m_InSelectionChanged = false;
        private void InitSandbox()

            m_vc.LeftPadding = 0;
            using (new HoldGraphics(this))
                Rectangle rcSrcRoot;
                Rectangle rcDstRoot;
                GetCoordRects(out rcSrcRoot, out rcDstRoot);
                var rgvsli = new SelLevInfo[1];
                //rgvsli[1].ihvo = 0; // first morpheme bundle
                //rgvsli[1].tag = (int)WfiAnalysis.WfiAnalysisTags.kflidMorphBundles;
                rgvsli[0].ihvo = 0;
                rgvsli[0].tag  = m_fdoCache.MetaDataCacheAccessor.GetFieldId2(CmObjectTags.kClassId, "Self", false);
                var sel = RootBox.MakeTextSelInObj(0, rgvsli.Length, rgvsli, 0, null, true, false, false, false, false);
                if (sel == null)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Could not make selection in InitSandbox");
                    return;                     // can't position it accurately.
                Rect rcSec;
                bool fSplit, fEndBeforeAnchor;
                sel.Location(m_graphicsManager.VwGraphics, rcSrcRoot, rcDstRoot, out m_rcPrimary, out rcSec,
                             out fSplit, out fEndBeforeAnchor);
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Move to the last bundle
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="arg"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool OnLastBundle(object arg)
            var levels = new SelLevInfo[3];

            levels[2].tag  = StTextTags.kflidParagraphs;
            levels[2].ihvo = RootStText.ParagraphsOS.Count - 1;
            var lastPara = (IStTxtPara)RootStText.ParagraphsOS.Last();

            levels[1].tag  = StTxtParaTags.kflidSegments;
            levels[1].ihvo = lastPara.SegmentsOS.Count - 1;
            ISegment lastSegment = lastPara.SegmentsOS.Last();
            int      i;

            for (i = lastSegment.AnalysesRS.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (!(lastSegment.AnalysesRS[i] is IPunctuationForm))
            levels[0].tag  = SegmentTags.kflidAnalyses;
            levels[0].ihvo = i;
            RootBox.MakeTextSelInObj(0, levels.Length, levels, 0, null, false, false, false, true, true);
Example #11
        public void InsertCharInEmptyLine()
            string contents = "";
            var    engine   = new FakeRenderEngine()
                Ws = 34, SegmentHeight = 13
            var factory = new FakeRendererFactory();

            factory.SetRenderer(34, engine);
            var styles     = new AssembledStyles().WithWs(34);
            var clientRuns = new List <IClientRun>();
            var run        = new StringClientRun(contents, styles);

            var data1 = new MockData1(34, 35);

            data1.SimpleThree = contents;
            var source = new TextSource(clientRuns, null);
            var para   = new ParaBox(styles, source);
            var hookup = new StringHookup(this, () => data1.SimpleThree, hook => data1.SimpleThreeChanged += hook.StringPropChanged,
                                          hook => data1.SimpleThreeChanged -= hook.StringPropChanged, para);

            hookup.Writer = newVal => data1.SimpleThree = newVal;
            run.Hookup    = hookup;
            var root  = new RootBox(styles);
            var block = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 20000, 10000);

            var layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo(Int32.MaxValue / 2, m_gm.VwGraphics, factory);

            Assert.That(root.Height, Is.EqualTo(13 + block.Height));
            Assert.That(para.Width, Is.EqualTo(FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth(contents)));
            Assert.That(root.Width, Is.EqualTo(block.Width));
            int simulatedWidth = FakeRenderEngine.SimulatedWidth("x");

            Assert.That(root.Width, Is.GreaterThan(para.Width + simulatedWidth));
            PaintTransform ptrans = new PaintTransform(2, 4, 96, 100, 0, 10, 120, 128);
            MockSite       site   = new MockSite();

            site.m_transform  = ptrans;
            site.m_vwGraphics = m_gm.VwGraphics;
            root.Site         = site;
            var oldRootWidth = root.Width;

            var ip = root.SelectAtEnd();

            Assert.That(root.Height, Is.EqualTo(13 + block.Height));
            Assert.That(root.Width, Is.EqualTo(oldRootWidth));
            Assert.That(para.Width, Is.EqualTo(simulatedWidth));
            var expectedInvalidate = new Rectangle(-RootBox.InvalidateMargin,
                                                   -RootBox.InvalidateMargin + block.Height,
                                                   simulatedWidth + RootBox.InvalidateMargin * 2,
                                                   13 + 2 * RootBox.InvalidateMargin);

            Assert.That(site.RectsInvalidatedInRoot, Has.Member(expectedInvalidate));
Example #12
		public void PaintParaBox()
			AssembledStyles styles = new AssembledStyles();
			var clientRuns = new List<IClientRun>();
			BlockBox box0 = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 72000, 36000);
			BlockBox box1 = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Blue, 36000, 18000);
			BlockBox box2 = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 24000, 18000);
			BlockBox box3 = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 72000, 36000);
			BlockBox box4 = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 36000, 36000);

			TextSource source = new TextSource(clientRuns, null);
			ParaBox para = new ParaBox(styles, source);
			RootBox root = new RootBox(styles);

			MockGraphics graphics = new MockGraphics();
			LayoutInfo layoutArgs = ParaBuilderTests.MakeLayoutInfo(100, graphics);

			PaintTransform ptrans = new PaintTransform(2, 2, 96, 96, 0, 0, 96, 96);
			root.Paint(graphics, ptrans);
			Assert.AreEqual(5, graphics.RectanglesDrawn.Count);
			VerifyRect(2, 2, 96, 48, graphics, 0, Color.Red);
			VerifyRect(2, 48+2, 48, 24, graphics, 1, Color.Blue);
			VerifyRect(2+48, 48 + 2, 32, 24, graphics, 2, Color.Red);
			VerifyRect(2, 24 + 48 + 2, 96, 48, graphics, 3, Color.Red);
			VerifyRect(2, 48 + 24 + 48 + 2, 48, 48, graphics, 4, Color.Red);
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Make a selection in the specified writing system at the specified character offset.
        /// </summary>
        public void SelectAt(int ws, int ich)

            var cpropPrevious = 0;

            if (ws != m_rgws[0].Handle)
                // According to the documentation on RootBox.MakeTextSelection, cpropPrevious
                // needs to be the index into the ws array that matches the ws to be selected.
                cpropPrevious = GetRightPositionInWsArray(ws);
                if (cpropPrevious < 0)
                    Debug.Fail("InnerLabeledMultiStringView could not select correct ws");
                    cpropPrevious = 0;                     // safety net to keep from crashing outright.
                RootBox.MakeTextSelection(0, 0, null, m_flid, cpropPrevious, ich, ich, ws, true, -1, null, true);
            catch (Exception)
                Debug.Assert(false, "Unexpected failure to make selection in LabeledMultiStringView");
Example #14
        Point TopLeftOfSecondStringBox(RootBox root)
            ParaBox   pb     = root.FirstBox as ParaBox;
            StringBox second = pb.FirstBox.Next as StringBox;

Example #15
        private void SelectRange(int begin1, int end1)
            if (HvoRoot == 0)
            int end   = Math.Min(end1, Decorator.get_VecSize(HvoRoot, OccurenceListId) - 1);
            int begin = Math.Min(begin1, end);

            if (end < 0 || begin < 0)
                m_InSelectionChanged = true;
                SelLevInfo[] levelsA = new SelLevInfo[1];
                levelsA[0].ihvo = begin;
                levelsA[0].tag  = OccurenceListId;
                SelLevInfo[] levelsE = new SelLevInfo[1];
                levelsE[0].ihvo = end;
                levelsE[0].tag  = OccurenceListId;
                RootBox.MakeTextSelInObj(0, 1, levelsA, 1, levelsE, false, false, false, true, true);
                m_InSelectionChanged = false;
Example #16
        private void CheckMultipleRuns(RootBox root)
            Assert.That(root.FirstBox, Is.TypeOf(typeof(ParaBox)));
            Assert.That(root.FirstBox, Is.EqualTo(root.LastBox), "one box with two literals");
            var para = (ParaBox)root.FirstBox;

            Assert.That(para.Source.ClientRuns, Has.Count.EqualTo(2));
            var run1 = (StringClientRun)para.Source.ClientRuns[0];

            Assert.That(run1.Style.FontWeight, Is.EqualTo((int)VwFontWeight.kvfwBold));
            Assert.That(run1.Style.FontItalic, Is.True);
            Assert.That(run1.Style.ForeColor.ToArgb(), Is.EqualTo(Color.Red.ToArgb()));
            if (run1.Hookup != null)
                Assert.That(run1.Hookup.ClientRunIndex, Is.EqualTo(0));
            var run2 = (StringClientRun)para.Source.ClientRuns[1];

            Assert.That(run2.Style.BackColor.ToArgb(), Is.EqualTo(Color.Yellow.ToArgb()));
            Assert.That(run2.Style.ForeColor.ToArgb(), Is.EqualTo(Color.Blue.ToArgb()));
            if (run2.Hookup != null)
                Assert.That(run2.Hookup.ClientRunIndex, Is.EqualTo(1));
            // Make sure everything didn't get applied to both runs
            Assert.That(run1.Style.BackColor.ToArgb(), Is.Not.EqualTo(Color.Blue.ToArgb()));
            Assert.That(run2.Style.FontItalic, Is.False);
Example #17
        public void TestClick()
            ParaBox        para;
            RootBox        root   = ParaBuilderTests.MakeTestParaSimpleString(m_gm.VwGraphics, ParaBuilderTests.MockBreakOption.ThreeFullLines, out para);
            PaintTransform ptrans = new PaintTransform(2, 4, 96, 100, 0, 0, 120, 128);
            var            seg    = FirstMockSegment(root);

            seg.OnPointToCharReturn(4, false);
            var sel = root.GetSelectionAt(new Point(5, 10), m_gm.VwGraphics, ptrans);

            Assert.That(((InsertionPoint)sel).StringPosition, Is.EqualTo(4));
            Assert.That(((InsertionPoint)sel).AssociatePrevious, Is.False);
            Assert.That(seg.PointToCharVg, Is.EqualTo(m_gm.VwGraphics));
            Assert.That(seg.PointToCharIchBase, Is.EqualTo(0));
            // not much of a test, but we don't have any way to offset paras yet
            Assert.That(seg.PointToCharRcDst, Is.EqualTo(ptrans.DestRect));
            Assert.That(seg.PointToCharRcSrc, Is.EqualTo(ptrans.SourceRect));
            // Should be offset by the Paint transform origin.
            Assert.That(seg.PointToCharClickPosition, Is.EqualTo(new Point(5, 10)));

            seg = SecondMockSegment(root);
            seg.OnPointToCharReturn(14, true);
            sel = root.GetSelectionAt(new Point(7, 20), m_gm.VwGraphics, ptrans);
            Assert.That(((InsertionPoint)sel).StringPosition, Is.EqualTo(14));
            Assert.That(((InsertionPoint)sel).AssociatePrevious, Is.True);
            Assert.That(seg.PointToCharVg, Is.EqualTo(m_gm.VwGraphics));
            Assert.That(seg.PointToCharIchBase, Is.EqualTo(IchMinOfSecondStringBox(root)));
            // Should be offset by the Paint transform origin and the origin of the second box.
            var topLeft = TopLeftOfSecondStringBox(root);

            Assert.That(seg.PointToCharClickPosition, Is.EqualTo(new Point(7, 20)));
Example #18
        protected void SelectUpTo(int end1)
            if (HvoRoot == 0 || RootBox == null)
            //Debug.Assert(RootBox != null, "Why is the chart ribbon's RootBox null?");
            var end = Math.Min(end1, Decorator.get_VecSize(HvoRoot, OccurenceListId) - 1);

            if (end < 0)
            if (EndSelLimitIndex > -1 && EndSelLimitIndex < end)
                end = EndSelLimitIndex;
                m_InSelectionChanged = true;
                var levelsA = new SelLevInfo[1];
                levelsA[0].ihvo = 0;
                levelsA[0].tag  = OccurenceListId;
                var levelsE = new SelLevInfo[1];
                levelsE[0].ihvo = end;
                levelsE[0].tag  = OccurenceListId;
                RootBox.MakeTextSelInObj(0, 1, levelsA, 1, levelsE, false, false, false, true, true);
                m_InSelectionChanged = false;
Example #19
        private void InitLongText()
            AssembledStyles styles = new AssembledStyles();
            RootBox         root   = new RootBox(styles);
            var             owner  = new ParagraphOwnerDemo();
            var             words  =
                "This is a bit of text from which we can extract substrings of increasing length to populate various paragraphs in different ways".Split(' ');
            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                var para = new ParagraphDemo();
                if (i < words.Length)
                para.Contents = sb.ToString();
                if (i < words.Length)
                    sb.Append(" ");
                owner.InsertParagraph(0, para);
            int ws = 1;             // arbitrary with default renderer factory.

            root.Builder.Show(Display.Of(() => owner.Paragraphs).Using(
                                  (builder, para) => builder.AddString(() => para.Contents, ws))
                              .EditParagraphsUsing(new ParagraphOpsDemo(owner)));
            theSharpView.Root = root;
Example #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Clear all text. If fReconstruct is true, also clears the display.
        /// </summary>
        public void Clear(bool fReconstruct)

            if (m_sda == null)
                var cda = VwCacheDaClass.Create();
                cda.TsStrFactory = TsStringUtils.TsStrFactory;
                m_sda            = cda;
                if (WritingSystemFactory != null)
                    m_sda.WritingSystemFactory = WritingSystemFactory;
                m_cd = cda;
                m_hvoNextPara = khvoFirstPara;
                m_cd.CacheVecProp(m_hvoRoot, (int)SampleTags.ktagTextParas, new int[0], 0);
                if (fReconstruct)
Example #21
        public void PileOfBlocksLayout()
            var      styles = new AssembledStyles();
            BlockBox box1   = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 72000, 36000);
            BlockBox box2   = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Blue, 108000, 18000);
            BlockBox box3   = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Orange, 72000, 18000);
            RootBox  root   = new RootBox(styles);

            LayoutInfo layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo();

            Assert.That(box1.Height, Is.EqualTo(48));
            Assert.That(box2.Height, Is.EqualTo(24));
            Assert.That(root.Height, Is.EqualTo(48 + 24 + 24));
            Assert.That(box1.Left, Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(box2.Left, Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(box1.Top, Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(box2.Top, Is.EqualTo(48));
            Assert.That(box3.Top, Is.EqualTo(48 + 24));
            Assert.That(box1.Width, Is.EqualTo(96));
            Assert.That(box2.Width, Is.EqualTo(144));
            Assert.That(root.Width, Is.EqualTo(144));
Example #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Assuming the first box in the root is a paragraph, and its first box is a string box with a mock segment, return it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        MockSegment FirstMockSegment(RootBox root)
            ParaBox   pb    = root.FirstBox as ParaBox;
            StringBox first = pb.FirstBox as StringBox;

            return(first.Segment as MockSegment);
Example #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Assuming the first box in the root is a paragraph, and its second box is a string box with a mock segment, return it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        MockSegment SecondMockSegment(RootBox root)
            ParaBox   pb     = root.FirstBox as ParaBox;
            StringBox second = pb.FirstBox.Next as StringBox;

            return(second.Segment as MockSegment);
Example #24
        private void VerifyPaint(RootBox root, Rectangle clipRect, int xScrollOffset, int yScrollOffset, Rectangle[] paintRects)
            MockGraphics graphics = new MockGraphics();

            graphics.ClipRectangle = clipRect;
            PaintTransform ptrans = new PaintTransform(0, 0, 96, 96, xScrollOffset, yScrollOffset, 96, 96);

            root.Paint(graphics, ptrans);
            var drawActions = graphics.DrawActions;             // after the paint, it gets created when first rect added.

            if (paintRects == null || paintRects.Length == 0)
                Assert.IsTrue(drawActions == null || drawActions.Count == 0);
            Assert.That(drawActions, Has.Count.EqualTo(paintRects.Length * 2));
            int position = 0;

            // First all the blocks get drawn in their PaintBackground routine
            foreach (var rect in paintRects)
                VerifyRect(drawActions, ref position, rect);
            // Then we verify that the PaintForeground routines got called.
            for (; position < drawActions.Count; position++)
                Assert.That(drawActions[position], Is.InstanceOf(typeof(FgBlockBox)));
Example #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Any selection that involves an IAnalysis should be expanded to complete IAnalysis objects.
        /// This method also updates a list of selected AnalysisOccurrences.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prootb"></param>
        /// <param name="vwselNew"></param>
        protected override void HandleSelectionChange(IVwRootBox prootb, IVwSelection vwselNew)
            if (m_fInSelChanged)
            m_fInSelChanged = true;
                m_selectedWordforms = null;
                base.HandleSelectionChange(prootb, vwselNew);
                if (vwselNew == null)

                SelLevInfo[] analysisLevels;
                SelLevInfo[] endLevels;
                if (TryGetAnalysisLevelsAndEndLevels(vwselNew, out analysisLevels, out endLevels))
                    m_selectedWordforms = GetSelectedOccurrences(analysisLevels, endLevels[0].ihvo);
                    RootBox.MakeTextSelInObj(0, analysisLevels.Length, analysisLevels, endLevels.Length, endLevels, false, false,
                                             false, true, true);
                m_fInSelChanged = false;
Example #26
        protected void MakeTextSelectionAndScrollToView(int ichMin, int ichLim, int ws, int ipara, int ihvoEnd)
            var rgsli = new SelLevInfo[1];

            // entry 0 says which StTextPara
            rgsli[0].ihvo = ipara;
            rgsli[0].tag  = StTextTags.kflidParagraphs;
            // entry 1 says to use the Contents of the Text.
            //rgsli[1].tag = (int)FDO.Ling.Text.TextTags.kflidContents;
                RootBox.MakeTextSelection(0, rgsli.Length, rgsli,
                                          StTxtParaTags.kflidContents, 0, ichMin,
                                          ichLim, ws,
                                          false, // Range, arbitrary assoc prev.
                                          null,  // don't set any special text props for typing
                                          true); // install it
                // Don't steal the focus from another window.  See FWR-1795.
                if (ParentForm == Form.ActiveForm)
                // Scroll this selection into View.
                var sel = RootBox.Selection;
                ScrollSelectionIntoView(sel, VwScrollSelOpts.kssoDefault);
            catch (Exception)
Example #27
        int IchMinOfSecondStringBox(RootBox root)
            ParaBox   pb     = root.FirstBox as ParaBox;
            StringBox second = pb.FirstBox.Next as StringBox;

Example #28
        public void MakeSimpleRange()
            ParaBox        para;
            RootBox        root  = ParaBuilderTests.MakeTestParaSimpleString(m_gm.VwGraphics, ParaBuilderTests.MockBreakOption.ThreeFullLines, out para);
            InsertionPoint ip    = root.SelectAtEnd();
            InsertionPoint ip2   = new InsertionPoint(ip.Hookup, ip.StringPosition - 2, false);
            RangeSelection range = new RangeSelection(ip, ip2);

            Assert.AreEqual(ip, range.Anchor);
            Assert.AreEqual(ip2, range.DragEnd);
            Assert.That(range.EndBeforeAnchor, Is.True);
            Assert.That(range.Start, Is.EqualTo(ip2));
            Assert.That(range.End, Is.EqualTo(ip));
            StringBox   first  = para.FirstBox as StringBox;
            StringBox   second = para.FirstBox.Next as StringBox;
            StringBox   third  = second.Next as StringBox;
            MockSegment seg3   = third.Segment as MockSegment;

            seg3.DrawRangeLeft  = 17;
            seg3.DrawRangeRight = 23;

            PaintTransform ptrans = new PaintTransform(2, 4, 96, 100, 0, 10, 120, 128);

            range.Draw(m_gm.VwGraphics, ptrans);

            // All three segments should be invited to draw it, though only one will.
            // The top of rsSrc gets more negative each line; the destination rectangle where we actually draw keeps getting lower.
            // Remember the effect of 10 pixels of scroll offset.
            VerifyRangeSegmentDrawing(para, first, first.Segment as MockSegment, range, -4, -6, 4);
            VerifyRangeSegmentDrawing(para, second, second.Segment as MockSegment, range, -14, 4, 14);
            VerifyRangeSegmentDrawing(para, third, seg3, range, -24, 14, 24);
Example #29
        private void InitStyledText()
            AssembledStyles styles = new AssembledStyles();
            RootBox         root   = new RootBox(styles);

            root.RendererFactory = theSharpView.RendererFactory;
            var obj0 = new ParagraphDemo()
                Contents = "plain "
            var obj1 = new ParagraphDemo()
                Contents = "bold "
            var obj2 = new ParagraphDemo()
                Contents = "italic "
            var obj3 = new ParagraphDemo()
                Contents = "bold italic "
            var obj4 = new ParagraphDemo()
                Contents = "red on yellow"
            int ws = 1;             // arbitrary with default renderer factory.

                    Display.Of(() => obj0.Contents, ws).FaceName("Times New Roman"),
                    Display.Of(() => obj1.Contents, ws).FaceName("Times New Roman").Bold,
                    Display.Of(() => obj2.Contents, ws).FaceName("Times New Roman").Italic,
                    Display.Of(() => obj3.Contents, ws).FaceName("Times New Roman").Bold.Italic,
                    Display.Of(() => obj4.Contents, ws).ForeColor(Color.Red).BackColor(Color.Yellow)
                    ).Border(1.Points(), Color.Red).Pads(2.Points(), 3.Points(), 2.Points(), 3.Points())
                    Display.Of("underOnYellow").Underline(FwUnderlineType.kuntSingle).BackColor(Color.Yellow).FaceName("Times New Roman")
                    ).Margins(3.Points(), 2.Points(), 5.Points(), 2.Points())
                .Borders(1.Points(), 2.Points(), 3.Points(), 4.Points(), Color.Green)
                .BackColor(Color.Pink).Pads(2.Points(), 2.Points(), 2.Points(), 2.Points()),
                    Display.Of("doubleRedOnPink").Underline(FwUnderlineType.kuntDouble, Color.Red).BackColor(Color.Pink),
                    Display.Of("squiggle").Underline(FwUnderlineType.kuntSquiggle, Color.Red)
            theSharpView.Root = root;
Example #30
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// If we need to make a selection, but we can't because edits haven't been updated in
        /// the view, this method requests creation of a selection after the unit of work is
        /// complete. It will also scroll the selection into view.
        /// Derived classes should implement this if they have any hope of supporting multi-
        /// paragraph editing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="helper">The selection to restore</param>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public override void RequestVisibleSelectionAtEndOfUow(SelectionHelper helper)

            RequestedSelectionAtEndOfUow = helper;

            RootBox.DestroySelection();             // Need to act like real program in this regard
Example #31
		private void SetupFakeRootSite(RootBox root)
			PaintTransform ptrans = new PaintTransform(2, 4, 96, 100, 0, 10, 120, 128);
			MockSite site = new MockSite();
			site.m_transform = ptrans;
			site.m_vwGraphics = m_gm.VwGraphics;
			root.Site = site;
        protected override bool OnRightMouseUp(Point pt, Rectangle rcSrcRoot,
                                               Rectangle rcDstRoot)
            IVwSelection sel = RootBox.MakeSelAt(pt.X, pt.Y, rcSrcRoot, rcDstRoot, false);
            TextSelInfo  tsi = new TextSelInfo(sel);

Example #33
        private void SetupFakeRootSite(RootBox root)
            PaintTransform ptrans = new PaintTransform(2, 4, 96, 100, 0, 10, 120, 128);
            MockSite       site   = new MockSite();

            site.m_transform  = ptrans;
            site.m_vwGraphics = m_gm.VwGraphics;
            root.Site         = site;
		public void InvalidateInRoot()
			var site = new MockSite();
			var root = new RootBox(new AssembledStyles());
			root.Site = site;
			using (var lc = new LayoutCallbacks(root))
				lc.InvalidateInRoot(new Rectangle(10, 13, 17, 19));
				lc.InvalidateInRoot(new Rectangle(9, 8, 5, 4));
				Assert.That(site.RectsInvalidatedInRoot, Is.Empty);
			Assert.That(site.RectsInvalidatedInRoot, Has.Member(new Rectangle(10, 13, 17, 19)));
			Assert.That(site.RectsInvalidatedInRoot, Has.Member(new Rectangle(9, 8, 5, 4)));
		public void LazyBoxExpanded()
			var root = new RootBox(new AssembledStyles());
			root.RaiseLazyExpanded(new RootBox.LazyExpandedEventArgs()); // make sure harmless with no subscribers
			root.LazyExpanded += root_LazyExpanded;
			using (var lc = new LayoutCallbacks(root))
				lc.RaiseLazyExpanded(10, 17, 5);
				lc.RaiseLazyExpanded(5, 6, -2);
				Assert.That(m_expandArgs, Is.Empty);
			VerifyExpandArgs(0, 10, 17, 5);
			VerifyExpandArgs(1, 5, 6, -2);
Example #36
		public void MakeRootBox()
			AssembledStyles styles = new AssembledStyles();
			BlockBox box = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 72000, 36000);

			RootBox root = new RootBox(styles);
			LayoutInfo transform = MakeLayoutInfo();

			Assert.AreEqual(48, box.Height);
			Assert.AreEqual(96, box.Width);
			Assert.AreEqual(48, root.Height);
			Assert.AreEqual(96, root.Width);

Example #37
		public void PaintBarBox()
			AssembledStyles styles = new AssembledStyles();
			BlockBox box = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 72000, 36000);

			RootBox root = new RootBox(styles);
			LayoutInfo transform = MakeLayoutInfo();

			PaintTransform ptrans = new PaintTransform(2, 2, 96, 96, 0, 0, 96, 96);
			MockGraphics graphics = new MockGraphics();
			root.Paint(graphics, ptrans);
			Assert.AreEqual(1, graphics.RectanglesDrawn.Count);
			Assert.AreEqual(new Rectangle(2, 2, 96, 48), graphics.RectanglesDrawn[0]);
			Assert.AreEqual((int)ColorUtil.ConvertColorToBGR(Color.Red), graphics.BackColor);
Example #38
		public void OneBlockPara()
			AssembledStyles styles = new AssembledStyles();
			List<IClientRun> clientRuns = new List<IClientRun>();
			BlockBox box = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 72000, 36000);

			TextSource source = new TextSource(clientRuns, null);
			ParaBox para = new ParaBox(styles, source);
			RootBox root = new RootBox(styles);
			LayoutInfo layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo();
			Assert.AreEqual(48, box.Height);
			Assert.AreEqual(96, box.Width);
			Assert.AreEqual(48, root.Height);
			Assert.AreEqual(96, root.Width);
Example #39
		public void InstallSelection()
			var root = new RootBox(new AssembledStyles());
			var firstSel = new DummySelection();
			root.Selection = firstSel;

			firstSel.WasInvalidated = false;
			var secondSel = new DummySelection();
			root.Selection = secondSel;
			Assert.IsTrue(firstSel.WasInvalidated); // the old one needs to disappear

			secondSel.WasInvalidated = false;
			firstSel.WasInvalidated = false;
			root.Selection = null;
			Assert.IsFalse(firstSel.WasInvalidated); // this was not previously visible
			Assert.IsTrue(secondSel.WasInvalidated); // old one still needs to go.
Example #40
		public void PaintPictureBox()
			AssembledStyles styles = new AssembledStyles();
			Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(20, 30);
			ImageBox box = new ImageBox(styles.WithMargins(new Thickness(72.0 / 96.0 * 2.0))
				.WithBorders(new Thickness(72.0 / 96.0 * 3.0))
				.WithPads(new Thickness(72.0 / 96.0 * 7.0, 72.0 / 96.0 * 8.0, 72.0 / 96.0 * 11.0, 72.0 / 96.0 * 13.0)), bm);

			RootBox root = new RootBox(styles);
			BlockBox block = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Yellow, 2000, 4000);
			LayoutInfo transform = MakeLayoutInfo();
			Assert.That(box.Height, Is.EqualTo(30 + 2*2+3*2+8+13));
			Assert.That(box.Width, Is.EqualTo(20 + 2*2 +3*2 + 7 + 11));
			Assert.That(box.Ascent, Is.EqualTo(box.Height));

			PaintTransform ptrans = new PaintTransform(2, 4, 96, 96, 10, 40, 96, 96);
			MockGraphics graphics = new MockGraphics();
			root.Paint(graphics, ptrans);
			Assert.That(graphics.LastRenderPictureArgs, Is.Not.Null);
			Assert.That(graphics.LastRenderPictureArgs.Picture, Is.EqualTo(box.Picture));
			Assert.That(graphics.LastRenderPictureArgs.X, Is.EqualTo(2-10 + 2 + 3 + 7));
			Assert.That(graphics.LastRenderPictureArgs.Y, Is.EqualTo(4 - 40 + block.Height + 2 + 3 + 8));
			Assert.That(graphics.LastRenderPictureArgs.Cx, Is.EqualTo(20));
			Assert.That(graphics.LastRenderPictureArgs.Cy, Is.EqualTo(30));
			int hmWidth = box.Picture.Width;
			int hmHeight = box.Picture.Height;
			Assert.That(graphics.LastRenderPictureArgs.XSrc, Is.EqualTo(0));
			Assert.That(graphics.LastRenderPictureArgs.YSrc, Is.EqualTo(hmHeight));
			Assert.That(graphics.LastRenderPictureArgs.CxSrc, Is.EqualTo(hmWidth));
			Assert.That(graphics.LastRenderPictureArgs.CySrc, Is.EqualTo(-hmHeight));
			Assert.That(graphics.LastRenderPictureArgs.RcWBounds.left, Is.EqualTo(2 - 10 + 2 + 3 + 7));
			Assert.That(graphics.LastRenderPictureArgs.RcWBounds.top, Is.EqualTo(4 - 40 + block.Height + 2 + 3 + 8));
			Assert.That(graphics.LastRenderPictureArgs.RcWBounds.right, Is.EqualTo(2 - 10 + 2 + 3 + 7 + 20));
			Assert.That(graphics.LastRenderPictureArgs.RcWBounds.bottom, Is.EqualTo(4 - 40 + block.Height + 2 + 3 + 8 + 30));
Example #41
		public void PileOfBlocksLayout()
			var styles = new AssembledStyles();
			BlockBox box1 = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 72000, 36000);
			BlockBox box2 = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Blue, 108000, 18000);
			BlockBox box3 = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Orange, 72000, 18000);
			RootBox root = new RootBox(styles);
			LayoutInfo layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo();
			Assert.That(box1.Height, Is.EqualTo(48));
			Assert.That(box2.Height, Is.EqualTo(24));
			Assert.That(root.Height, Is.EqualTo(48 + 24 + 24) );
			Assert.That(box1.Left, Is.EqualTo(0));
			Assert.That(box2.Left, Is.EqualTo(0));
			Assert.That(box1.Top, Is.EqualTo(0));
			Assert.That(box2.Top, Is.EqualTo(48));
			Assert.That(box3.Top, Is.EqualTo(48 + 24));
			Assert.That(box1.Width, Is.EqualTo(96));
			Assert.That(box2.Width, Is.EqualTo(144));
			Assert.That(root.Width, Is.EqualTo(144));
Example #42
		public void DivClippedPaint()
			var styles = new AssembledStyles();
			var box1 = new FgBlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 72000, 36000);
			var box2 = new FgBlockBox(styles, Color.Blue, 108000, 18000);
			var box3 = new FgBlockBox(styles, Color.Orange, 72000, 18000);
			var box4 = new FgBlockBox(styles, Color.Orange, 72000, 18000);
			var div1 = new DivBox(styles);
			RootBox root = new RootBox(styles);
			LayoutInfo layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo();
			var rect1 = new Rectangle(0, 0, 96, 48);
			var rect2 = new Rectangle(0, 0, 144, 24);
			rect2.Offset(0, rect1.Bottom);
			var rect3 = new Rectangle(0, 0, 96, 24);
			rect3.Offset(0, rect2.Bottom);
			var rect4 = new Rectangle(0, 0, 96, 24);
			rect4.Offset(0, rect3.Bottom);
			var paintRects = new[] { rect1, rect2, rect3, rect4 };
			VerifyPaint(root, new Rectangle(-1000, -1000, 2000, 2000), 0, 0, paintRects);
			// Clipping off the top part, but not the whole, of a box does not prevent drawing it.
			VerifyPaint(root, new Rectangle(-1000, 10, 2000, -10 + rect4.Bottom - 10), 0, 0, paintRects);
			// Even clipping all but one pixel does not prevent drawing.
			VerifyPaint(root, new Rectangle(-1000, 47, 2000, -47 + rect3.Bottom + 1), 0, 0, paintRects);
			// However if we clip a bit more we should draw less
			var middleTwo = new[] {rect2, rect3};
			VerifyPaint(root, new Rectangle(-1000, 48, 2000, -48 + rect3.Bottom - 2), 0, 0, middleTwo);
			// If the clip covers just a bit of the first box we paint just that.
			var firstOne = new[] {rect1};
			VerifyPaint(root, new Rectangle(-1000, -1000, 2000, 1000 + 10), 0, 0, firstOne);
			// If the clip covers just a bit of the last box we paint just that.
			var lastOne = new[] { rect4 };
			VerifyPaint(root, new Rectangle(-1000, rect4.Bottom - 2, 2000, 1000), 0, 0, lastOne);
			// If the clip is entirely above the pile we draw nothing.
			VerifyPaint(root, new Rectangle(-1000, -1000, 2000, 990), 0, 0, null);
			// Likewise if entirely below.
			VerifyPaint(root, new Rectangle(-1000, rect4.Bottom + 10, 2000, 10), 0, 0, null);
			// Now try with simulated scrolling. Use a normal clip rectangle, but pretend the first two
			// and a bit boxes are scrolled off.
			var offset = rect2.Bottom + 10;
			var rect3Offset = rect3;
			rect3Offset.Offset(0, -offset);
			var rect4Offset = rect4;
			rect4Offset.Offset(0, -offset);
			var lastTwoOffset = new[] {rect3Offset, rect4Offset};
			VerifyPaint(root, new Rectangle(-1000, 0, 2000, 200), 0, offset, lastTwoOffset);
Example #43
		public void NextAndPrevInSelectionSeq()
			var styles = new AssembledStyles();
			var root = new RootBox(styles);
			Assert.That(root.NextInSelectionSequence(true), Is.Null);
			Assert.That(root.PreviousInSelectionSequence, Is.Null);
			var block = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 6000, 6000);
			Assert.That(root.NextInSelectionSequence(true), Is.EqualTo(block));
			Assert.That(block.PreviousInSelectionSequence, Is.EqualTo(root));
			var div = new DivBox(styles);
			Assert.That(block.NextInSelectionSequence(true), Is.EqualTo(div));
			Assert.That(div.PreviousInSelectionSequence, Is.EqualTo(block));
			var divChild = new DivBox(styles);
			var block2 = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 6000, 6000);
			var block3 = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 6000, 6000);
			var block4 = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 6000, 6000);
			// up and forward
			Assert.That(block3.NextInSelectionSequence(true), Is.EqualTo(block4));
			Assert.That(block4.PreviousInSelectionSequence, Is.EqualTo(block3));
			// Can go back from a box to a previous empty group
			var emptyDiv = new DivBox(styles);
			var block5 = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 6000, 6000);
			Assert.That(emptyDiv.NextInSelectionSequence(true), Is.EqualTo(block5));
			Assert.That(block5.PreviousInSelectionSequence, Is.EqualTo(emptyDiv));
			Assert.That(div.NextInSelectionSequence(true), Is.EqualTo(divChild));
			Assert.That(div.NextInSelectionSequence(false), Is.EqualTo(emptyDiv));

Example #44
		public void CommonContainerTests()
			var styles = new AssembledStyles();
			var columnWidths = new FixedColumnWidths(new[] {10});
			var root1 = new RootBox(styles);
			var root2 = new RootBox(styles);
			VerifyCC(root1, root1, root1, root1, root1);
			VerifyCC(root2, root2, root2, root2, root2);
			var row1 = new RowBox(styles, columnWidths, false);
			var div1 = new DivBox(styles);
			VerifyCC(row1, row1, row1, row1, row1);
			VerifyCC(div1, div1, div1, div1, div1);
			VerifyCC(root1, div1, root1, root1, div1);
			VerifyCC(root2, row1, root2, root2, row1);
			var row2 = new RowBox(styles, columnWidths, false);
			var div2 = new DivBox(styles);
			VerifyCC(row1, row2, root2, row1, row2);
			VerifyCC(div1, div2, root1, div1, div2);
			var row3 = new RowBox(styles, columnWidths, false);
			var div3 = new DivBox(styles);
			VerifyCC(row1, row3, row1, row1, row3);
			VerifyCC(row2, row3, root2, row2, row1);
			VerifyCC(div1, div3, div1, div1, div3);
			VerifyCC(div2, div3, root1, div2, div1);
			var row4 = new RowBox(styles, columnWidths, false);
			var div4 = new DivBox(styles);
			VerifyCC(row3, row4, root2, row1, row2);
			VerifyCC(row1, row4, root2, row1, row2);
			VerifyCC(div3, div4, root1, div1, div2);
			VerifyCC(div1, div4, root1, div1, div2);
Example #45
		public static SelectionBuilder In(RootBox root)
			return In(root.RootHookup);
Example #46
		Point TopLeftOfSecondStringBox(RootBox root)
			ParaBox pb = root.FirstBox as ParaBox;
			StringBox second = pb.FirstBox.Next as StringBox;
			return second.TopLeft;
Example #47
		private void VerifyPaint(RootBox root, Rectangle clipRect, int xScrollOffset, int yScrollOffset, Rectangle[] paintRects)
			MockGraphics graphics = new MockGraphics();
			graphics.ClipRectangle = clipRect;
			PaintTransform ptrans = new PaintTransform(0, 0, 96, 96, xScrollOffset, yScrollOffset, 96, 96);
			root.Paint(graphics, ptrans);
			var drawActions = graphics.DrawActions; // after the paint, it gets created when first rect added.
			if (paintRects == null || paintRects.Length == 0)
				Assert.IsTrue(drawActions == null || drawActions.Count == 0);
			Assert.That(drawActions, Has.Count.EqualTo(paintRects.Length * 2));
			int position = 0;
			// First all the blocks get drawn in their PaintBackground routine
			foreach (var rect in paintRects)
				VerifyRect(drawActions, ref position, rect);
			// Then we verify that the PaintForeground routines got called.
			for (; position < drawActions.Count; position++)
				Assert.That(drawActions[position], Is.InstanceOf(typeof(FgBlockBox)));
Example #48
		public void FiveBlockPara()
			AssembledStyles styles = new AssembledStyles();
			var clientRuns = new List<IClientRun>();
			BlockBox box0 = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 72000, 36000);
			BlockBox box1 = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Blue, 36000, 18000);
			BlockBox box2 = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 24000, 18000);
			BlockBox box3 = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 72000, 36000);
			BlockBox box4 = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 36000, 36000);

			TextSource source = new TextSource(clientRuns, null);
			ParaBox para = new ParaBox(styles, source);
			RootBox root = new RootBox(styles);
			LayoutInfo layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo();
			VerifyBox(box0, 96, 48, box1, para, "box0");
			VerifyBox(box1, 48, 24, box2, para, "box1");
			VerifyBox(box2, 32, 24, box3, para, "box2");
			VerifyBox(box3, 96, 48, box4, para, "box3");
			VerifyBox(box4, 48, 48, null, para, "box4");
			VerifyGroup(para, 96 + 48 + 32 + 96 + 48, 48, null, root, box0, box4, "para");
			VerifyGroup(root, 96 + 48 + 32 + 96 + 48, 48, null, null, para, para, "root");
			VerifyParaLine(para, 0, box0, box4, 0, "para unlimited one line");

			// Check multi-line layout (one line has room for two boxes).
			LayoutInfo layoutArgs2 = MakeLayoutInfo(100, m_gm.VwGraphics);
			Assert.AreEqual(4, para.Lines.Count, "para1 at 100 has four lines");
			VerifyBox(box0, 96, 48, box1, para, "box0/100");
			VerifyBox(box1, 48, 24, box2, para, "box1/100");
			VerifyBox(box2, 32, 24, box3, para, "box2/100");
			VerifyBox(box3, 96, 48, box4, para, "box3/100");
			VerifyBox(box4, 48, 48, null, para, "box4/100");
			VerifyParaLine(para, 0, box0, box0, 0, "para/100 first");
			VerifyParaLine(para, 1, box1, box2, 48, "para/100 second");
			VerifyParaLine(para, 2, box3, box3, 48 + 24, "para/100 third");
			VerifyParaLine(para, 3, box4, box4, 48 + 24 + 48, "para/100 fourth");
			// At 100 pixels wide, box0 goes on the first line, boxes 1 and 2 on the third, box 3 and box4 take the fourth and fifth.
			// Multiple lines means the paragraph occupies its full width.
			int height100 = 48 + 24 + 48 + 48;
			VerifyGroup(para, 100, height100, null, root, box0, box4, "para/100");
			VerifyGroup(root, 100, height100, null, null, para, para, "root/100");

			// Check layout when some boxes won't fit on a whole line.
			LayoutInfo layoutArgs3 = MakeLayoutInfo(50, m_gm.VwGraphics);
			Assert.AreEqual(5, para.Lines.Count, "para1 at 50 has five lines");
			VerifyBox(box0, 96, 48, box1, para, "box0/50");
			VerifyParaLine(para, 0, box0, box0, 0, "para/50 first");
			VerifyParaLine(para, 1, box1, box1, 48, "para/50 second");
			VerifyParaLine(para, 2, box2, box2, 48 + 24, "para/50 third");
			VerifyParaLine(para, 3, box3, box3, 48 + 24 + 24, "para/50 fourth");
			VerifyParaLine(para, 4, box4, box4, 48 + 24 + 24 +48, "para/50 fifth");
			// At 100 pixels wide, box0 goes on the first line, boxes 1 and 2 on the third, box 3 and box4 take the fourth and fifth.
			// Multiple lines means the paragraph occupies its full width.
			int height50 = 48 + 24 + 24 + 48 + 48;
			VerifyGroup(para, 96, height50, null, root, box0, box4, "para/50");
			VerifyGroup(root, 96, height50, null, null, para, para, "root/50");
Example #49
		public void ContentChangeWrapping()
			var styles = new AssembledStyles().WithWs(s_simpleStringWs);

			string contents1 = "This is a simple string. It has two sentences.";

			var clientRuns = new List<IClientRun>();
			clientRuns.Add(new StringClientRun(contents1, styles));
			var source = new TextSource(clientRuns, null);
			var para = new ParaBox(styles, source);
			var root = new RootBox(styles);
			var layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo(30, m_gm.VwGraphics);

Example #50
		/// <summary>
		/// Assuming the first box in the root is a paragraph, and its first box is a string box with a mock segment, return it.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="root"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		MockSegment FirstMockSegment(RootBox root)
			ParaBox pb = root.FirstBox as ParaBox;
			StringBox first = pb.FirstBox as StringBox;
			return first.Segment as MockSegment;
Example #51
		/// <summary>
		/// Assuming the first box in the root is a paragraph, and its second box is a string box with a mock segment, return it.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="root"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		MockSegment SecondMockSegment(RootBox root)
			ParaBox pb = root.FirstBox as ParaBox;
			StringBox second = pb.FirstBox.Next as StringBox;
			return second.Segment as MockSegment;
Example #52
		int IchMinOfSecondStringBox(RootBox root)
			ParaBox pb = root.FirstBox as ParaBox;
			StringBox second = pb.FirstBox.Next as StringBox;
			return second.IchMin;
Example #53
		void root_LazyExpanded(object sender, RootBox.LazyExpandedEventArgs e)
Example #54
		/// <summary>
		///  The setup method for para builder is also useful for testing stuff related to the paragraph itself.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="vg"></param>
		/// <param name="para"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		internal static RootBox MakeTestParaSimpleString(IVwGraphics vg, MockBreakOption breakOption, out ParaBox para)
			var styles = new AssembledStyles().WithWs(s_simpleStringWs);

			string contents = AssembleStrings(s_simpleStringWords);

			var clientRuns = new List<IClientRun>();
			clientRuns.Add(new StringClientRun(contents, styles));
			var source = new TextSource(clientRuns, null);
			para = new ParaBox(styles, source);
			var root = new RootBox(styles);
			var layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo(Int32.MaxValue / 2, vg);
			var engine = layoutArgs.GetRenderer(1) as MockRenderEngine;
			switch (breakOption)
				case MockBreakOption.ThreeOkayBreaks:
					// This option generates three lines as long as the width is sufficient because
					// Asked to break the whole string we answer a segment that has the first three words.
					engine.AddMockSeg(0, contents.Length, SumStringLengths(s_simpleStringWords, 0, 3), s_widthFirstMockSeg, s_simpleStringWs,
					// Asked to break the rest of the line we answer a segment with the next three.
					engine.AddMockSeg(SumStringLengths(s_simpleStringWords, 0, 3), contents.Length, SumStringLengths(s_simpleStringWords, 3, 6),
							s_widthSecondMockSeg, s_simpleStringWs, LgEndSegmentType.kestOkayBreak);
					// Asked to break the rest of the line we answer a segment with the last three.
					engine.AddMockSeg(SumStringLengths(s_simpleStringWords, 0, 6), contents.Length, SumStringLengths(s_simpleStringWords, 6, 9),
						s_widthThirdMockSeg, s_simpleStringWs, LgEndSegmentType.kestNoMore);
				case MockBreakOption.FourSegsThreeLines:
					// Asked to break the whole string we answer a segment that has the first two words but allows more.
					engine.AddMockSeg(0, contents.Length, SumStringLengths(s_simpleStringWords, 0, 2), 50, s_simpleStringWs,
					// Asked to break the rest of the line we give one more word and say it fills the line.
					engine.AddMockSeg(SumStringLengths(s_simpleStringWords, 0, 2), contents.Length, SumStringLengths(s_simpleStringWords, 0, 3), 20, s_simpleStringWs,
					// Asked to break the rest of the line we answer a segment with the next three and say it fills the line.
					engine.AddMockSeg(SumStringLengths(s_simpleStringWords, 0, 3), contents.Length, SumStringLengths(s_simpleStringWords, 3, 6),
						s_widthSecondMockSeg, s_simpleStringWs, LgEndSegmentType.kestMoreLines);
					// Asked to break the rest of the line we answer a segment with the last three.
					engine.AddMockSeg(SumStringLengths(s_simpleStringWords, 0, 6), contents.Length, SumStringLengths(s_simpleStringWords, 6, 9),
						s_widthThirdMockSeg, s_simpleStringWs, LgEndSegmentType.kestNoMore);
					// Asked to do anything else
					engine.OtherSegPolicy = UnexpectedSegments.MakeOneCharSeg;
				case MockBreakOption.ThreeFullLines:
					// Asked to break the whole string we answer a segment that has the first three words.
					SetupMockEngineForThreeLines(contents, engine, s_simpleStringWords);
			return root;
Example #55
		public void NestedDivsLayout()
			var styles = new AssembledStyles();
			BlockBox box1 = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 72000, 36000);
			BlockBox box2 = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Blue, 108000, 18000);
			BlockBox box3 = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Orange, 72000, 18000);
			BlockBox box4 = new BlockBox(styles, Color.Orange, 72000, 18000);
			var div1 = new DivBox(styles);
			var div2 = new DivBox(styles);
			RootBox root = new RootBox(styles);
			LayoutInfo layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo();
			Assert.That(box1.Height, Is.EqualTo(48));
			Assert.That(box2.Height, Is.EqualTo(24));
			Assert.That(root.Height, Is.EqualTo(48 + 24 + 24 + 24));
			Assert.That(box1.Left, Is.EqualTo(0));
			Assert.That(box2.Left, Is.EqualTo(0));
			Assert.That(box1.Top, Is.EqualTo(0));
			Assert.That(box2.Top, Is.EqualTo(48));
			Assert.That(div2.Top, Is.EqualTo(48 + 24));
			Assert.That(box4.Top, Is.EqualTo(24));
			Assert.That(box1.Width, Is.EqualTo(96));
			Assert.That(box2.Width, Is.EqualTo(144));
			Assert.That(root.Width, Is.EqualTo(144));

			// Now try changing the size of a block.
			MockSite site = new MockSite();
			root.Site = site;
			PaintTransform ptrans = new PaintTransform(2, 4, 96, 96, 0, 10, 120, 128);
			site.m_transform = ptrans;
			site.m_vwGraphics = m_gm.VwGraphics;
			box2.UpdateSize(144000, 36000);
			Assert.That(box2.Width, Is.EqualTo(96*2));
			Assert.That(box2.Height, Is.EqualTo(48));
			Assert.That(div1.Height, Is.EqualTo(96)); // two children now both 48 high.
			Assert.That(root.Height, Is.EqualTo(48 +48 + 24 + 24)); // new heights of 4 children.
			Assert.That(root.Width, Is.EqualTo(96*2));
			// Since it got both wider and higher, we should invalidate at least the whole current size.
			var bigInvalidate = root.InvalidateRect;
			Assert.That(site.RectsInvalidatedInRoot, Has.Member(bigInvalidate));

			box2.UpdateSize(108000, 36000);
			Assert.That(root.Height, Is.EqualTo(48 + 48 + 24 + 24)); // unchanged this time
			Assert.That(root.Width, Is.EqualTo(144)); // narrower box2 still determines it
			// Got narrower, at least the whole old invalidate rectangle should be invalidated.
			Assert.That(site.RectsInvalidatedInRoot, Has.Member(bigInvalidate));

			box2.UpdateSize(108000, 18000);
			Assert.That(root.Height, Is.EqualTo(48 + 24 + 24 + 24)); // new smaller value
			Assert.That(root.Width, Is.EqualTo(144)); //  unchanged this time
			// It got shorter. We want an optimized invalidate rectangle that does not
			// include the top box. But it must include the space at the bottom that the root box used to occupy.
			// There are other possible implementations, but currently, we expect the old rectangle of box2
			// to be invalidated (its in the fixmap so its own Relayout does this);
			// the shrinkage area at the bottom of div2;
			// and the area computed because div2 moved.
			VerifyExpectedRectangle(site.RectsInvalidatedInRoot, 0, 48, 144, 48); // old box2
			VerifyExpectedRectangle(site.RectsInvalidatedInRoot, 0, 48 + 24, 144, 24); // shrinkage of div1
			// This is from the new top of div2 to its old bottom (old bottom was 48 + 48 + 24 + 24)
			VerifyExpectedRectangle(site.RectsInvalidatedInRoot, 0, 48 + 24, 144, 48 + 24);

			box2.UpdateSize(108000, 72000);
			Assert.That(root.Height, Is.EqualTo(48 + 96 + 24 + 24)); // new larger value
			Assert.That(root.Width, Is.EqualTo(144)); //  unchanged this time
			// It got longer. We want an optimized invalidate rectangle that does not
			// include the top box. But it must include the space at the bottom where the root box grew.
			// There are other possible implementations, but currently, we expect the old rectangle of box2
			// to be invalidated (it returns true from Relayout);
			// the growth area at the bottom of div2;
			// and the area computed because div2 moved.
			VerifyExpectedRectangle(site.RectsInvalidatedInRoot, 0, 48, 144, 96); // new box2
			VerifyExpectedRectangle(site.RectsInvalidatedInRoot, 0, 48 + 24, 144, 96 - 24); // new part of div1 occupied by box2
			// This is from the old top of div2 to its new bottom (48 + 96 + 24 + 24)
			VerifyExpectedRectangle(site.RectsInvalidatedInRoot, 0, 48 + 24, 144, 96 + 24);
Example #56
		public void EmptyString()
			int ws = 1;
			AssembledStyles styles = new AssembledStyles().WithWs((ws));
			var clientRuns = new List<IClientRun>();
			StringClientRun clientRun = new StringClientRun("", styles);
			TextSource source = new TextSource(clientRuns, null);
			ParaBox para = new ParaBox(styles, source);
			RootBox root = new RootBox(styles);
			LayoutInfo layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo();
			var engine = layoutArgs.GetRenderer(1) as MockRenderEngine;
			engine.AddMockSeg(0, 0, 0, 0, ws, LgEndSegmentType.kestNoMore);
			Assert.AreEqual(1, para.Lines.Count);
			Assert.IsTrue(root.Height > 0);

Example #57
		public void RowClippedPaint()
			var styles = new AssembledStyles();
			var box1 = new FgBlockBox(styles, Color.Red, 36000, 72000);
			var box2 = new FgBlockBox(styles, Color.Blue, 18000, 108000);
			var box3 = new FgBlockBox(styles, Color.Orange, 18000, 72000);
			var box4 = new FgBlockBox(styles, Color.Orange, 18000, 72000);
			var widths = new FixedColumnWidths(new[] { 34, 67, 99, 46 });
			var row1 = new RowBox(styles, widths, false);
			RootBox root = new RootBox(styles);
			LayoutInfo layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo();
			var rect1 = new Rectangle(0, 0, 48, 96);
			var rect2 = new Rectangle(0, 0, 24, 144);
			rect2.Offset(rect1.Right, 0);
			var rect3 = new Rectangle(0, 0, 24, 96);
			rect3.Offset(rect2.Right, 0);
			var rect4 = new Rectangle(0, 0, 24, 96);
			rect4.Offset(rect3.Right, 0);
			var paintRects = new[] { rect1, rect2, rect3, rect4 };
			VerifyPaint(root, new Rectangle(-1000, -1000, 2000, 2000), 0, 0, paintRects);
			// Clipping off the left part, but not the whole, of a box does not prevent drawing it.
			VerifyPaint(root, new Rectangle(10, -1000, -10 + rect4.Right - 10, 2000), 0, 0, paintRects);
			// Even clipping all but one pixel does not prevent drawing.
			VerifyPaint(root, new Rectangle(47, -1000, -47 + rect3.Right + 1, 2000), 0, 0, paintRects);
			// However if we clip a bit more we should draw less
			var middleTwo = new[] { rect2, rect3 };
			VerifyPaint(root, new Rectangle(48, -1000, -48 + rect3.Right - 2, 2000), 0, 0, middleTwo);
			// If the clip covers just a bit of the first box we paint just that.
			var firstOne = new[] { rect1 };
			VerifyPaint(root, new Rectangle(-1000, -1000, 1000 + 10, 2000), 0, 0, firstOne);
			// If the clip covers just a bit of the last box we paint just that.
			var lastOne = new[] { rect4 };
			VerifyPaint(root, new Rectangle(rect4.Right - 2, -1000, 1000, 2000), 0, 0, lastOne);
			// If the clip is entirely above the pile we draw nothing.
			VerifyPaint(root, new Rectangle(-1000, -1000, 990, 2000), 0, 0, null);
			// Likewise if entirely below.
			VerifyPaint(root, new Rectangle(rect4.Right + 10, -1000, 10, 2000), 0, 0, null);
			// Now try with simulated scrolling. Use a normal clip rectangle, but pretend the first two
			// and a bit boxes are scrolled off.
			var offset = rect2.Right + 10;
			var rect3Offset = rect3;
			rect3Offset.Offset(-offset, 0);
			var rect4Offset = rect4;
			rect4Offset.Offset(-offset, 0);
			var lastTwoOffset = new[] { rect3Offset, rect4Offset };
			VerifyPaint(root, new Rectangle(0, -1000, 200, 2000), offset, 0, lastTwoOffset);
Example #58
		private void CheckMultipleRuns(RootBox root)
			Assert.That(root.FirstBox, Is.TypeOf(typeof(ParaBox)));
			Assert.That(root.FirstBox, Is.EqualTo(root.LastBox), "one box with two literals");
			var para = (ParaBox) root.FirstBox;
			Assert.That(para.Source.ClientRuns, Has.Count.EqualTo(2));
			var run1 = (StringClientRun) para.Source.ClientRuns[0];
			Assert.That(run1.Style.FontWeight, Is.EqualTo((int)VwFontWeight.kvfwBold));
			Assert.That(run1.Style.FontItalic, Is.True);
			Assert.That(run1.Style.ForeColor.ToArgb(), Is.EqualTo(Color.Red.ToArgb()));
			if (run1.Hookup != null)
				Assert.That(run1.Hookup.ClientRunIndex, Is.EqualTo(0));
			var run2 = (StringClientRun)para.Source.ClientRuns[1];
			Assert.That(run2.Style.BackColor.ToArgb(), Is.EqualTo(Color.Yellow.ToArgb()));
			Assert.That(run2.Style.ForeColor.ToArgb(), Is.EqualTo(Color.Blue.ToArgb()));
			if (run2.Hookup != null)
				Assert.That(run2.Hookup.ClientRunIndex, Is.EqualTo(1));
			// Make sure everything didn't get applied to both runs
			Assert.That(run1.Style.BackColor.ToArgb(), Is.Not.EqualTo(Color.Blue.ToArgb()));
			Assert.That(run2.Style.FontItalic, Is.False);
Example #59
		public void NestedRowsLayout()
			var styles = new AssembledStyles();
			var box1 = new LayoutInfoRecorderBox(styles, Color.Red, 72000, 36000);
			var box2 = new LayoutInfoRecorderBox(styles, Color.Blue, 108000, 18000);
			var box3 = new LayoutInfoRecorderBox(styles, Color.Orange, 72000, 18000);
			var box4 = new LayoutInfoRecorderBox(styles, Color.Orange, 72000, 18000);
			var widths = new FixedColumnWidths(new[] {34, 67, 99});
			// pass widths to RowBox constructor
			var row1 = new RowBox(styles, widths, false);
			var row2 = new RowBox(styles, widths, false);
			RootBox root = new RootBox(styles);
			LayoutInfo layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo();
			Assert.That(box1.LastLayoutInfo.MaxWidth, Is.EqualTo(34));
			Assert.That(box1.Height, Is.EqualTo(48));
			Assert.That(box2.Height, Is.EqualTo(24));
			Assert.That(box3.Height, Is.EqualTo(24));
			Assert.That(box4.Height, Is.EqualTo(24));
			Assert.That(root.Height, Is.EqualTo(48 + 24));
			Assert.That(box1.Left, Is.EqualTo(0));
			Assert.That(box2.Left, Is.EqualTo(96));
			Assert.That(box3.Left, Is.EqualTo(0));
			Assert.That(box4.Left, Is.EqualTo(96));
			Assert.That(row1.Top, Is.EqualTo(0));
			Assert.That(box1.Top, Is.EqualTo(0));
			Assert.That(box2.Top, Is.EqualTo(0));
			Assert.That(row2.Top, Is.EqualTo(48));
			Assert.That(box3.Top, Is.EqualTo(0));
			Assert.That(box4.Top, Is.EqualTo(0));
			Assert.That(box1.Width, Is.EqualTo(96));
			Assert.That(box2.Width, Is.EqualTo(144));
			Assert.That(box3.Width, Is.EqualTo(96));
			Assert.That(box4.Width, Is.EqualTo(96));
			Assert.That(root.Width, Is.EqualTo(96 + 144));

			// Now try changing the size of a block.
			MockSite site = new MockSite();
			root.Site = site;
			PaintTransform ptrans = new PaintTransform(2, 4, 96, 96, 0, 10, 120, 128);
			site.m_transform = ptrans;
			site.m_vwGraphics = m_gm.VwGraphics;
			box2.UpdateSize(144000, 36000);
			Assert.That(box2.Width, Is.EqualTo(96 * 2));
			Assert.That(box2.Height, Is.EqualTo(48));
			Assert.That(row1.Height, Is.EqualTo(48));
			Assert.That(root.Height, Is.EqualTo(72));
			Assert.That(root.Width, Is.EqualTo(96 * 3));
			// Since it got both wider and higher, we should invalidate at least the whole current size.
			var bigInvalidate = root.InvalidateRect;
			Assert.That(site.RectsInvalidatedInRoot, Has.Member(bigInvalidate));

			box2.UpdateSize(108000, 18000);
			Assert.That(root.Height, Is.EqualTo(48 + 24)); // unchanged this time
			Assert.That(root.Width, Is.EqualTo(96 + 144)); // narrower box2 still determines it
			// Got narrower, at least the whole old invalidate rectangle should be invalidated.
			Assert.That(site.RectsInvalidatedInRoot, Has.Member(bigInvalidate));

			box2.UpdateSize(72000, 18000);
			Assert.That(root.Height, Is.EqualTo(48 + 24)); // unchanged this time
			Assert.That(root.Width, Is.EqualTo(144 + 48)); // new smaller value
			// It got thinner. We want an optimized invalidate rectangle that does not
			// include the left boxes. But it must include the space at the right that the root box used to occupy.
			// There are other possible implementations, but currently, we expect the old rectangle of box2
			// to be invalidated (it's in the fixmap so its own Relayout does this);
			// the shrinkage area at the right of row2;
			// and the area computed because row2 moved.
			//VerifyExpectedRectangle(site.RectsInvalidatedInRoot, 0, 48, 48, 144); // old box2
			//VerifyExpectedRectangle(site.RectsInvalidatedInRoot, 0, 48 + 24, 144, 24); // shrinkage of row1
			// This is from the new left of div2 to its old right (old right was 48 + 48 + 24 + 24)
			//VerifyExpectedRectangle(site.RectsInvalidatedInRoot, 0, 48 + 24, 144, 48 + 24);

			box2.UpdateSize(144000, 18000);
			Assert.That(root.Height, Is.EqualTo(48 + 24)); //  unchanged this time
			Assert.That(root.Width, Is.EqualTo(144 + 144)); // new larger value
			// It got wider. We want an optimized invalidate rectangle that does not
			// include the left boxes. But it must include the space at the right where the root box grew.
			// There are other possible implementations, but currently, we expect the old rectangle of box2
			// to be invalidated (it returns true from Relayout);
			// the growth area at the right of div2;
			// and the area computed because div2 moved.
			//VerifyExpectedRectangle(site.RectsInvalidatedInRoot, 0, 48, 144, 96); // new box2
			//VerifyExpectedRectangle(site.RectsInvalidatedInRoot, 0, 48 + 24, 144, 96 - 24); // new part of div1 occupied by box2
			// This is from the old left of div2 to its new right (48 + 96 + 24 + 24)
			//VerifyExpectedRectangle(site.RectsInvalidatedInRoot, 0, 48 + 24, 144, 96 + 24);
Example #60
		/// <summary>
		/// This setup method for para builder is also useful for testing stuff related to the paragraph itself.
		/// For example, we take advantage of it for testing backspace at start of client run.
		/// </summary>
		internal static RootBox MakeTestParaThreeStrings(IVwGraphics vg, MockBreakOption breakOption, out ParaBox para)
			var styles = new AssembledStyles().WithWs(s_simpleStringWs);
			var styles2 = new AssembledStyles().WithWs(s_secondGroupWs);

			string contents1 = AssembleStrings(s_firstGroupWords);
			string contents2 = AssembleStrings(s_secondGroupWords);
			string contents3 = AssembleStrings(s_thirdGroupWords);

			var clientRuns = new List<IClientRun>();
			clientRuns.Add(new StringClientRun(contents1, styles));
			clientRuns.Add(new StringClientRun(contents2, styles2));
			clientRuns.Add(new StringClientRun(contents3, styles));
			var source = new TextSource(clientRuns, null);
			para = new ParaBox(styles, source);
			var root = new RootBox(styles);
			var layoutArgs = MakeLayoutInfo(Int32.MaxValue / 2, vg);

			int totalLength = contents1.Length + contents2.Length + contents3.Length;

			// Arrange the following line breaks.
			// First the builder will ask to break the whole string, it puts the first three words on a line and indicates it is full.
			SetupMockEngineForThreeStringsPara(s_firstGroupWords, s_secondGroupWords, s_thirdGroupWords, layoutArgs);
			return root;