public RoomComposite CreateDungeon(RoomFlow flow) { //Debug.Log("Creating dungeon!"); ClearDungeon(); int seed = Random.Range(0, int.MaxValue); //seed = 32024; //Random.InitState(seed); Debug.Log("Random seed: " + seed); //Debug.Log(; currentFlow = flow; currentFlow.Init(); List <List <FlowNode> > cycles = FindCycles(currentFlow); cycles.Sort((a, b) => b.Count.CompareTo(a.Count)); // sort in decending order for (int numTries = 0; numTries < 100; numTries++) { if (TryGenerating(cycles)) { Debug.Log("Created dungeon in " + numTries + " tries!"); //dungeonComposite.PrintGrid(); roomPlacer.PlaceComposite(dungeonComposite, 0, 0); decorationPlacer.PlaceDecorations(); return(dungeonComposite); } } // if failed, dungeonComposite will still be null return(null); }
public RoomComposite CreateDungeon() { RoomFlow flow = currentFlow; if (randomFlow || flows == null) { flow = flows[Random.Range(0, flows.Length)]; } return(CreateDungeon(flow)); }
private List <List <FlowNode> > FindCycles(RoomFlow flow) { List <List <FlowNode> > cycles = new List <List <FlowNode> >(); Dictionary <FlowNode, FlowNode> child2parent = new Dictionary <FlowNode, FlowNode>(); HashSet <FlowNode> explored = new HashSet <FlowNode>(); Stack <FlowNode> frontier = new Stack <FlowNode>(); frontier.Push(flow.verticies[0]); // DFS while (frontier.Count > 0) { FlowNode current = frontier.Pop(); if (explored.Contains(current)) { continue; } explored.Add(current); foreach (FlowNode adj in current.neighbors) { if (explored.Contains(adj)) { if (child2parent[current] == adj) { continue; } // create a cycle // ** need to update if graph has one directional edges ** List <FlowNode> newCycle = new List <FlowNode>(); newCycle.Add(current); FlowNode n = current; while (n != adj) { n = child2parent[n]; if (current == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Null found while looking for cycles!"); } newCycle.Add(n); } cycles.Add(newCycle); } else { child2parent[adj] = current; frontier.Push(adj); } } } return(cycles); }