public DataCube(string name, DataStatement statement, string assignTo)
     NaDrop             = new NaDrop();
     ReplaceNull        = new NullReplace();
     ReplaceString      = new StringReplace();
     this.StatementType = statement;
     SchemaName         = "";
     VariableName       = name;
     AssignTo           = assignTo;
     Distrinct          = false;
     SelectStatement    = new Select();
     GroupByStatement   = new GroupBy();
     CubeStatement      = new Cube();
     ExceptStatement    = new Except();
     IntersectStatement = new Intersect();
     DropStatement      = new Drop();
     JoinStatement      = new List <Join>();
     RollupStatement    = new Rollup();
     SearchStatement    = new Search();
     SortStatement      = new SortBy();
     LimitStatement     = new Limit();
     LoadStatement      = new Load();
     Fields             = new List <IField>();
     Drop           = false;
     UnionStatement = new Union();
     Declaration    = new Declaration();
     DataWith       = new With();
Example #2
        public TimeseriesResult GetTimeSeries(string site, int userId, DateTime? start, DateTime? end, Rollup rollup)
            //See if the DB contains the whole TimeseriesResult
            var result = m_timeseriesPersistRepo.GetTimeSeries(site, userId, start, end, rollup);
            if(result != null)
                return result;

            var tsr = GetDummyTimeSeries();
            return tsr;
Example #3
 public TimeseriesResult GetTimeSeries(string site, int userId, DateTime? start, DateTime? end, Rollup rollup)
     //See if the DB contains the whole TimeseriesResult
     var result = m_timeseriesPersistRepo.GetTimeSeries(site, userId, start, end, rollup);
     if(result != null)
         return result;
     this.GetLogger().Info(m=>m("Requesting timeseries for site {0}, user {1}".FormatString(site, userId)));
     var tsr = RequestTimeSeries(site, userId, start,end, rollup);
     m_timeseriesPersistRepo.SaveTimeseries(site, userId, tsr);
     return tsr;
        public TimeseriesResult GetTimeSeries(string site, int userId, DateTime? start, DateTime? end, Rollup rollup)
            IQueryable<TSResult> query = from r in m_Entities.TSResults
                                         where r.Site == site && r.UserId == userId
                                         select r;

            var result = (from q in query
                          select new { result = new TimeseriesResult { RollupType = (Rollup)q.Rollup }, dbresult = q })

            if(result != null) {
                var tags = result.dbresult.TSPeriods.Select(p=>p.tag).Distinct();
                var periods = tags.ToDictionary<string, string, Timeseries>(key => key, value => new Timeseries(rollup,
                    result.dbresult.TSPeriods.Where(p => p.tag == value).ToDictionary<TSPeriod, DateTime, TimeseriesPeriod>(periodKey => periodKey.Date, periodValue => periodValue.ToTimeseriesPeriod())
                result.result.Timeseries = periods;
                return result.result;

            return null;
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Get high level statistics about the number of alerts (SMSes, phone calls and emails) sent for the desired time period, summed daily, weekly or monthly
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="since">The start of the date range over which you want to search. The time element is optional.</param>
        /// <param name="until">The end of the date range over which you want to search.</param>
        /// <param name="rollup">Specifies the bucket duration for each summation</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public AlertReport GetAlertsReport(DateTime?since, DateTime?until, Rollup rollup)
            var client = this.GetClient("/v1/reports/alerts_per_time");
            var req    = this.GetRequest();

            if (since != null)
                req.AddParameter("since", since.Value.ToString("s"));
            if (until != null)
                req.AddParameter("until", until.Value.ToString("s"));
            req.AddParameter("rollup", rollup.ToString());
            var resp = client.Execute <AlertReport>(req);

            if (resp.Data == null)
                throw new PagerDutyAPIException(resp);

Example #6
        public TimeseriesResult RequestTimeSeries(string site, int userId, DateTime? start, DateTime? end, Rollup rollup)
            var timeSeriesResult = new TimeseriesResult(rollup);

            var questionInfos = m_QuestionRepo.Get(site, userId);
            m_questionPersitRepo.SaveQuestions(site, questionInfos);
            var questionPoints = from q in questionInfos
                                 select q.ToTimeseriesPoint();

            var questionIds = from answer in m_AnswerRepo.Get(site, userId)
                              select new InterestPoint { QuestionId = answer.QuestionId, Date = answer.CreationDate };

            var answerPoints = GetInterestPoints(site, questionPoints, questionIds, PointType.Answer);

            if (answerPoints != null)
                questionPoints = questionPoints.Concat(answerPoints);

            var commentIds = from comment in m_commentsProcessor.ConvertAnswersToQuestions(site, m_commentsRepository.Get(site, userId))
                              select new InterestPoint { QuestionId = comment.Id, Date = comment.CreationDate };

            var commentPoints = GetInterestPoints(site, questionPoints, commentIds, PointType.Comment);
            if(commentPoints != null)
                questionPoints = questionPoints.Concat(commentPoints);

            foreach(var dataPoint in questionPoints) {
                foreach(var tag in dataPoint.Tags) {

                    Timeseries ts;
                    if(!timeSeriesResult.Timeseries.TryGetValue(tag, out ts))
                        ts = timeSeriesResult.Timeseries[tag] = timeSeriesResult.CreateTimeseries();

                    ts.Add(dataPoint.Date, dataPoint);

            return Filter(timeSeriesResult);
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Get high level statistics about the number of alerts (SMSes, phone calls and emails) sent for the desired time period, summed daily, weekly or monthly
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="since">The start of the date range over which you want to search. The time element is optional.</param>
        /// <param name="until">The end of the date range over which you want to search.</param>
        /// <param name="rollup">Specifies the bucket duration for each summation</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public AlertReport GetAlertsReport(DateTime? since, DateTime? until, Rollup rollup) {
            var client = this.GetClient("/v1/reports/alerts_per_time");
            var req = this.GetRequest();

            if(since != null){
                req.AddParameter("since", since.Value.ToString("s"));
            if (until != null) {
                req.AddParameter("until", until.Value.ToString("s"));
            req.AddParameter("rollup", rollup.ToString());
            var resp = client.Execute<AlertReport>(req);

            if (resp.Data == null) {
                throw new PagerDutyAPIException(resp);

            return resp.Data;
Example #8
 public TimeseriesResult(Rollup rollup, Dictionary<string, Timeseries> values)
     : this(rollup)
     Timeseries = values;
Example #9
 public TimeseriesResult(Rollup rollup)
     : this()
     m_Rollup = rollup;