/// <summary>
    /// Method for spawning the rockets.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="spawn">The actual spawn Transform(either left or right bikini side).</param>
    /// <param name="range">Actual range parameter.</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public void spawnRocket(Transform spawn, float range)
        // 0.75f*gameObject.transform.forward because to avoid colliding with the character
        //GameObject spawnedRocket = ObjectsPool.Spawn(rocket, spawn.position + 0.75f * gameObject.transform.forward, Quaternion.LookRotation(spawn.forward));
        GameObject spawnedRocket = (GameObject)Instantiate(rocket, spawn.position + 0.75f * gameObject.transform.forward, Quaternion.LookRotation(spawn.forward));

        // Gets the particle system from the parent game object
        ParticleSystem particleSystem = spawnedRocket.GetComponentInChildren <ParticleSystem>() as ParticleSystem;

        // The emission of the particle system is disabled because of the default rotation
        particleSystem.enableEmission = false;

        // Set the looking direction of the rocket to the target
        Vector3 direction = gameObject.transform.forward * range;

         *      direction = Quaternion.Euler(0, -angularOffset + addRotation, 0) * direction;
         *      direction  *= (mulRange + addRange);

        // Set the target position of the rocket
        Vector3 targetPosition = gameObject.transform.position + direction;

        // Quick and dirty! Set the destination to a negative value, so it muast not be destroyed and the rocket trail is able to smoothly disappear
        targetPosition.y = -50f;

        // Get the rocketbehaviour component...
        RocketBehaviour rocketBehaviour = spawnedRocket.GetComponent <RocketBehaviour>();

        // And set the ownerscript (for datamining)
        rocketBehaviour.OwnerScript = this.OwnerScript;
        // Scale the size of the rocket to one fith of the original size
        spawnedRocket.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f);
        // Call Launch from the attached rocketbehaviour script
        // The rocket looks into the right direction so we can enable the emission of the particle system
        particleSystem.enableEmission = true;