public GazeboRobot(RobotInfo robot_info, string gazebo_url, string gazebo_model_name, RobotOperationalMode gazebo_operational_mode) : base(robot_info, 0) { this.gazebo_url = gazebo_url; this.gazebo_model_name = gazebo_model_name; this.gazebo_operational_mode = gazebo_operational_mode; this.rox_robots_no_limits = new Rox.Robot[robot_info.chains.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < robot_info.chains.Count; i++) { this.rox_robots_no_limits[i] = RobotInfoConverter.ToToolboxRobot(robot_info, i); rox_robots_no_limits[i].Joint_lower_limit = null; rox_robots_no_limits[i].Joint_upper_limit = null; rox_robots_no_limits[i].Joint_vel_limit = null; rox_robots_no_limits[i].Joint_acc_limit = null; } this._trajectory_error_tol = 1000; }
static int Main(string[] args) { bool shouldShowHelp = false; string robot_info_file = null; string robot_name = null; ushort tcp_port = 58653; string node_name = "gazebo_robot"; string model_name = null; string gazebo_url = null; var options = new OptionSet { { "robot-info-file=", n => robot_info_file = n }, { "robot-name=", "override the robot device name", n => robot_name = n }, { "model-name=", "the gazebo model to control", n => model_name = n }, { "gazebo-url=", "url for the Robot Raconteur Gazebo plugin", n => gazebo_url = n }, { "h|help", "show this message and exit", h => shouldShowHelp = h != null } }; List <string> extra; try { // parse the command line extra = options.Parse(args); } catch (OptionException e) { // output some error message Console.Write("GazeboModelRobotRaconteurDriver: "); Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.WriteLine("Try `GazeboModelRobotRaconteurDriver --help' for more information."); return(1); } if (shouldShowHelp) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: GazeboModelRobotRaconteurDriver [Options+]"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Options:"); options.WriteOptionDescriptions(Console.Out); return(0); } if (robot_info_file == null) { Console.WriteLine("error: robot-info-file must be specified"); return(1); } if (model_name == null) { Console.WriteLine("error: model-name must be specified"); return(1); } if (gazebo_url == null) { Console.WriteLine("error: gazebo_url must be specified"); return(1); } var robot_info = RobotInfoParser.LoadRobotInfoYamlWithIdentifierLocks(robot_info_file, robot_name); robot_info.Item1.robot_capabilities &= (uint)(RobotCapabilities.jog_command | RobotCapabilities.position_command | RobotCapabilities.trajectory_command); RobotOperationalMode robot_op_mode =; var robot_class = robot_info.Item1?.device_info?.device_classes?.Find(x => x?.class_identifier?.name == "robot"); if (robot_class?.subclasses != null) { if (robot_class.subclasses.Contains("cobot")) { robot_op_mode = RobotOperationalMode.cobot; } } using (robot_info.Item2) { using (var node_setup = new ServerNodeSetup(node_name, tcp_port, args)) { using (var robot = new GazeboRobot(robot_info.Item1, gazebo_url, model_name, robot_op_mode)) { robot._start_robot(); var robot_service_ctx = RobotRaconteurNode.s.RegisterService("robot", "com.robotraconteur.robotics.robot", robot); robot_service_ctx.SetServiceAttributes(AttributesUtil.GetDefaultServiceAtributesFromDeviceInfo(robot_info.Item1.device_info)); Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit"); Console.ReadKey(); } } } return(0); }