public ActionResult TableEdit_Oracle(FormCollection collection)
            string empty  = string.Empty;
            string empty2 = string.Empty;

            RoadFlow.Platform.DBConnection dBConnection = new RoadFlow.Platform.DBConnection();
            DataTable     dataTable    = new DataTable();
            IDbConnection dbConnection = null;
            List <string> list         = new List <string>();

            RoadFlow.Data.Model.DBConnection dBConnection2 = null;
            bool          flag             = false;
            List <string> systemDataTables = RoadFlow.Utility.Config.get_SystemDataTables();

            empty  = base.Request.QueryString["dbconnid"];
            empty2 = base.Request.QueryString["tablename"];
            if (MyExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(empty2))
                empty2 = "NEWTABLE_" + Tools.GetRandomString(5);
                flag   = true;
            if (MyExtensions.IsGuid(empty) && !MyExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(empty2))
                dBConnection2 = dBConnection.Get(MyExtensions.ToGuid(empty));
                if (dBConnection2 != null)
                    dbConnection = dBConnection.GetConnection(dBConnection2);
                    if (dbConnection != null)
                        if (dbConnection.State != ConnectionState.Open)
                        dataTable = dBConnection.GetTableSchema(dbConnection, empty2, dBConnection2.Type);
                        list      = dBConnection.GetPrimaryKey(dBConnection2, empty2);
            if (flag)
                empty2 = "";
            if (dataTable.Rows.Count == 0)
                DataRow dataRow = dataTable.NewRow();
                dataRow["f_name"]     = "ID";
                dataRow["t_name"]     = "int";
                dataRow["is_null"]    = 0;
                dataRow["isidentity"] = 1;
            base.ViewBag.PrimaryKeyList = list;
            base.ViewBag.IsAddTable     = flag;
            base.ViewBag.tableName      = empty2;
            if (collection != null)
                if (dBConnection2 == null)
                    base.ViewBag.ClientScript = "alert('未找到数据连接!');";
                string[] array        = (base.Request.Form["f_name"] ?? "").Split(',');
                string   text         = base.Request.Form["tablename"];
                string   oldtablename = base.Request.Form["oldtablename"];
                string   text2        = base.Request.Form["delfield"] ?? "";
                new StringBuilder();
                List <string> list2 = new List <string>();
                string        text3 = "temp_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
                if (systemDataTables.Find((string p) => p.Equals(oldtablename, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) != null)
                    base.ViewBag.ClientScript = "alert('您不能修改系统表!');";
                if (flag)
                    list2.Add("CREATE TABLE \"" + text + "\" (\"" + text3 + "\" varchar2(50) NULL)");
                    oldtablename = text;
                if (list.Count > 0)
                    list2.Add("ALTER TABLE \"" + oldtablename + "\" DROP PRIMARY KEY");
                StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                string[]      array2        = text2.Split(',');
                foreach (string text4 in array2)
                    if (!MyExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(text4))
                        stringBuilder.Append("\"" + text4 + "\",");
                if (stringBuilder.Length > 0)
                    list2.Add("ALTER TABLE \"" + oldtablename + "\" DROP (" + stringBuilder.ToString().TrimEnd(',') + ")");
                StringBuilder stringBuilder2 = new StringBuilder();
                array2 = array;
                foreach (string text5 in array2)
                    string text6  = base.Request.Form[text5 + "_name1"];
                    string text7  = base.Request.Form[text5 + "_type"];
                    string text8  = base.Request.Form[text5 + "_length"];
                    string b      = base.Request.Form[text5 + "_isnull"];
                    string text9  = base.Request.Form[text5 + "_isidentity"];
                    string b2     = base.Request.Form[text5 + "_primarykey"];
                    string text10 = base.Request.Form[text5 + "_defaultvalue"];
                    string b3     = base.Request.Form[text5 + "_isadd"];
                    if (!MyExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(text6) && !MyExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(text7))
                        string text11 = string.Empty;
                        switch (text7.ToLower())
                        case "varchar2":
                        case "nvarchar2":
                            text11 = text7 + "(" + ((!MyExtensions.IsInt(text8)) ? "50" : ((MyExtensions.ToInt(text8) == -1) ? "50" : text8)) + ")";

                        case "char":
                            text11 = text7 + "(" + (MyExtensions.IsInt(text8) ? text8 : "50") + ")";

                        case "date":
                        case "clog":
                        case "nclog":
                        case "int":
                        case "float":
                            text11 = text7;

                        case "number":
                            text11 = text7 + "(" + (MyExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(text8) ? "18,2" : text8) + ")";
                        int    num    = (dataTable.Select("F_Name='" + text5 + "'").Length != 0) ? MyExtensions.ToInt(dataTable.Select("F_Name='" + text5 + "'")[0]["IS_NULL"].ToString()) : (-1);
                        string text12 = "";
                        if ("1" == b)
                            if (num == 0)
                                text12 = " NULL";
                        else if (num == 1)
                            text12 = " NOT NULL";
                        string text13 = ("1" == text9) ? " " : "";
                        string text14 = (!MyExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(text10)) ? (" DEFAULT " + text10) : "";
                        bool   flag2  = "1" == b3;
                        if (flag2)
                            list2.Add("ALTER TABLE \"" + oldtablename + "\" ADD (\"" + text6 + "\" " + text11 + text13 + text14 + text12 + ")");
                        else if (!MyExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(text9))
                            list2.Add("ALTER TABLE \"" + oldtablename + "\" MODIFY (\"" + text6 + "\" " + text11 + text13 + text14 + text12 + ")");
                            list2.Add("ALTER TABLE \"" + oldtablename + "\" MODIFY (\"" + text5 + "\" " + text11 + text13 + text14 + text12 + ")");
                        if ("1" == b2)
                            stringBuilder2.Append("\"" + text6 + "\",");
                        if (!flag2 && !text5.Equals(text6, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                            list2.Add("ALTER TABLE \"" + oldtablename + "\" RENAME COLUMN \"" + text5 + "\" TO \"" + text6 + "\"");
                if (stringBuilder2.Length > 0)
                    list2.Add("ALTER TABLE \"" + oldtablename + "\" ADD CONSTRAINT \"" + text + "_PK\" PRIMARY KEY (" + stringBuilder2.ToString().TrimEnd(',') + ")");
                if (!text.Equals(oldtablename, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                    list2.Add("ALTER TABLE \"" + oldtablename + "\" RENAME TO \"" + text + "\"");
                if (flag)
                    list2.Add("ALTER TABLE \"" + oldtablename + "\" DROP (\"" + text3 + "\")");
                string contents = MyExtensions.ToString((IList <string>)list2, ";");
                bool   flag3    = true;
                foreach (string item in list2)
                    if (!dBConnection.TestSql(dBConnection2, item, false) && flag3)
                        flag3 = false;
                string str = "TableEdit_Oracle?dbconnid=" + empty + "&tablename=" + text + "&connid=" + empty + "&appid=" + base.Request.QueryString["appid"] + "&tabid=" + base.Request.QueryString["tabid"] + "&s_Name=" + base.Request.QueryString["s_Name"];
                if (flag3)
                    RoadFlow.Platform.Log.Add("修改表结构成功-" + dBConnection2.Name + "-" + oldtablename, contents, RoadFlow.Platform.Log.Types.数据连接);
                    base.ViewBag.ClientScript = "alert('保存成功!');window.location='" + str + "';";
                RoadFlow.Platform.Log.Add("修改表结构失败-" + dBConnection2.Name + "-" + oldtablename, contents, RoadFlow.Platform.Log.Types.数据连接);
                base.ViewBag.ClientScript = "alert('保存失败!');window.location='" + str + "';";
        public ActionResult TableEdit_MySql(FormCollection collection)
            string empty  = string.Empty;
            string empty2 = string.Empty;

            RoadFlow.Platform.DBConnection dBConnection = new RoadFlow.Platform.DBConnection();
            DataTable     dataTable    = new DataTable();
            IDbConnection dbConnection = null;
            List <string> list         = new List <string>();

            RoadFlow.Data.Model.DBConnection dBConnection2 = null;
            bool          flag             = false;
            List <string> systemDataTables = RoadFlow.Utility.Config.get_SystemDataTables();

            empty  = base.Request.QueryString["dbconnid"];
            empty2 = base.Request.QueryString["tablename"];
            if (MyExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(empty2))
                empty2 = "NEWTABLE_" + Tools.GetRandomString(5);
                flag   = true;
            if (MyExtensions.IsGuid(empty) && !MyExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(empty2))
                dBConnection2 = dBConnection.Get(MyExtensions.ToGuid(empty));
                if (dBConnection2 != null)
                    dbConnection = dBConnection.GetConnection(dBConnection2);
                    if (dbConnection != null)
                        if (dbConnection.State != ConnectionState.Open)
                        if (!flag)
                            dataTable = dBConnection.GetTableSchema(dbConnection, empty2, dBConnection2.Type);
                            list      = dBConnection.GetPrimaryKey(dBConnection2, empty2);
                            dataTable = dBConnection.GetTableSchema(dbConnection, "Log", dBConnection2.Type);
            if (flag)
                empty2 = "";
            if (dataTable.Rows.Count == 0)
                DataRow dataRow = dataTable.NewRow();
                dataRow["f_name"]     = "ID";
                dataRow["t_name"]     = "int";
                dataRow["is_null"]    = 0;
                dataRow["isidentity"] = 1;
            base.ViewBag.PrimaryKeyList = list;
            base.ViewBag.IsAddTable     = flag;
            base.ViewBag.tableName      = empty2;
            if (collection != null)
                if (dBConnection2 == null)
                    base.ViewBag.ClientScript = "alert('未找到数据连接!');";
                string[]      array         = (base.Request.Form["f_name"] ?? "").Split(',');
                string        text          = base.Request.Form["tablename"];
                string        oldtablename  = base.Request.Form["oldtablename"];
                string        text2         = base.Request.Form["delfield"] ?? "";
                StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                string        text3         = "temp_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
                if (systemDataTables.Find((string p) => p.Equals(oldtablename, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) != null)
                    base.ViewBag.ClientScript = "alert('您不能修改系统表!');";
                if (flag)
                    stringBuilder.Append("CREATE TABLE `" + text + "` (`" + text3 + "` varchar(255) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL);");
                    oldtablename = text;
                stringBuilder.Append("ALTER TABLE `" + oldtablename + "` ");
                if (list.Count > 0)
                    stringBuilder.Append("DROP PRIMARY KEY,");
                string[] array2 = text2.Split(',');
                foreach (string text4 in array2)
                    if (!MyExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(text4))
                        stringBuilder.Append("DROP COLUMN `" + text4 + "`,");
                array2 = array;
                foreach (string text5 in array2)
                    string text6  = base.Request.Form[text5 + "_name1"];
                    string text7  = base.Request.Form[text5 + "_type"];
                    string text8  = base.Request.Form[text5 + "_length"];
                    string b      = base.Request.Form[text5 + "_isnull"];
                    string text9  = base.Request.Form[text5 + "_isidentity"];
                    string b2     = base.Request.Form[text5 + "_primarykey"];
                    string text10 = base.Request.Form[text5 + "_defaultvalue"];
                    string b3     = base.Request.Form[text5 + "_isadd"];
                    if (!MyExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(text6) && !MyExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(text7))
                        string text11 = string.Empty;
                        switch (text7)
                        case "varchar":
                            text11 = text7 + "(" + ((!MyExtensions.IsInt(text8)) ? "255" : ((MyExtensions.ToInt(text8) <= -1) ? "255" : text8)) + ")";

                        case "char":
                            text11 = text7 + "(" + (MyExtensions.IsInt(text8) ? text8 : "255") + ")";

                        case "datetime":
                        case "text":
                        case "longtext":
                        case "int":
                        case "float":
                            text11 = text7;

                        case "decimal":
                            text11 = text7 + "(" + (MyExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(text8) ? "18,2" : text8) + ")";
                        string text12 = ("1" == b) ? " NULL" : " NOT NULL";
                        string text13 = ("1" == text9) ? " AUTO_INCREMENT" : "";
                        string text14 = MyExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(text10) ? "" : (" DEFAULT " + text10);
                        bool   flag2  = "1" == b3;
                        if (flag2)
                            stringBuilder.Append("ADD COLUMN `" + text6 + "` " + text11 + text13 + text12 + ",");
                        else if (!MyExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(text9))
                            stringBuilder.Append("MODIFY COLUMN `" + text6 + "` " + text11 + text13 + text12 + text14 + ",");
                        else if (!flag2 && !text5.Equals(text6, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                            stringBuilder.Append("CHANGE COLUMN `" + text5 + "` `" + text6 + "` " + text11 + text13 + text12 + text14 + ",");
                            stringBuilder.Append("MODIFY COLUMN `" + text5 + "` " + text11 + text13 + text12 + text14 + ",");
                        if ("1" == b2)
                            stringBuilder.Append("ADD PRIMARY KEY (`" + text5 + "`),");
                if (!text.Equals(oldtablename, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                    stringBuilder.Append("RENAME TABLE `" + oldtablename + "` TO `" + text + "`,");
                if (flag)
                    stringBuilder.Append("DROP COLUMN `" + text3 + "`,");
                string text15 = stringBuilder.ToString().TrimEnd(',') + ";";
                bool   flag3  = dBConnection.TestSql(dBConnection2, text15, false);
                string str    = "TableEdit_MySql?dbconnid=" + empty + "&tablename=" + text + "&connid=" + empty + "&appid=" + base.Request.QueryString["appid"] + "&tabid=" + base.Request.QueryString["tabid"] + "&s_Name=" + base.Request.QueryString["s_Name"];
                if (flag3)
                    RoadFlow.Platform.Log.Add("修改表结构成功-" + dBConnection2.Name + "-" + oldtablename, text15, RoadFlow.Platform.Log.Types.数据连接);
                    base.ViewBag.ClientScript = "alert('保存成功!');window.location='" + str + "';";
                RoadFlow.Platform.Log.Add("修改表结构失败-" + dBConnection2.Name + "-" + oldtablename, text15, RoadFlow.Platform.Log.Types.数据连接);
                base.ViewBag.ClientScript = "alert('保存失败!');window.location='" + str + "';";
        public ActionResult TableEdit_SqlServer(FormCollection collection)
            string empty  = string.Empty;
            string empty2 = string.Empty;

            RoadFlow.Platform.DBConnection dBConnection = new RoadFlow.Platform.DBConnection();
            DataTable     dataTable    = new DataTable();
            IDbConnection dbConnection = null;
            List <string> list         = new List <string>();

            RoadFlow.Data.Model.DBConnection dBConnection2 = null;
            bool          flag             = false;
            List <string> systemDataTables = RoadFlow.Utility.Config.get_SystemDataTables();

            empty  = base.Request.QueryString["dbconnid"];
            empty2 = base.Request.QueryString["tablename"];
            if (MyExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(empty2))
                empty2 = "NEWTABLE_" + Tools.GetRandomString(5);
                flag   = true;
            if (MyExtensions.IsGuid(empty) && !MyExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(empty2))
                dBConnection2 = dBConnection.Get(MyExtensions.ToGuid(empty));
                if (dBConnection2 != null)
                    dbConnection = dBConnection.GetConnection(dBConnection2);
                    if (dbConnection != null)
                        if (dbConnection.State != ConnectionState.Open)
                        dataTable = dBConnection.GetTableSchema(dbConnection, empty2, dBConnection2.Type);
                        list      = dBConnection.GetPrimaryKey(dBConnection2, empty2);
            if (flag)
                empty2 = "";
            if (dataTable.Rows.Count == 0)
                DataRow dataRow = dataTable.NewRow();
                dataRow["f_name"]     = "ID";
                dataRow["t_name"]     = "int";
                dataRow["is_null"]    = 0;
                dataRow["isidentity"] = 1;
            base.ViewBag.PrimaryKeyList = list;
            base.ViewBag.IsAddTable     = flag;
            base.ViewBag.tableName      = empty2;
            if (collection != null)
                if (dBConnection2 == null)
                    base.ViewBag.ClientScript = "alert('未找到数据连接!');";
                string[]      array          = (base.Request.Form["f_name"] ?? "").Split(',');
                string        text           = base.Request.Form["tablename"];
                string        oldtablename   = base.Request.Form["oldtablename"];
                string        text2          = base.Request.Form["delfield"] ?? "";
                StringBuilder stringBuilder  = new StringBuilder();
                StringBuilder stringBuilder2 = new StringBuilder();
                if (systemDataTables.Find((string p) => p.Equals(oldtablename, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) != null)
                    base.ViewBag.ClientScript = "alert('您不能修改系统表!');";
                string[] array2;
                if (flag)
                    stringBuilder.Append("CREATE TABLE [" + text + "] (");
                    oldtablename = text;
                    foreach (string constraint in dBConnection.GetConstraints(dBConnection2, oldtablename))
                        stringBuilder.Append("ALTER TABLE [" + oldtablename + "] DROP CONSTRAINT [" + constraint + "];");
                    StringBuilder stringBuilder3 = new StringBuilder();
                    array2 = text2.Split(',');
                    foreach (string text3 in array2)
                        if (!MyExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(text3) && dataTable.Select("f_name='" + text3 + "'").Length != 0)
                            stringBuilder3.Append("[" + text3 + "],");
                    if (stringBuilder3.Length > 0)
                        stringBuilder.Append("ALTER TABLE [" + oldtablename + "] DROP COLUMN " + stringBuilder3.ToString().TrimEnd(',') + ";");
                List <string> list2 = new List <string>();
                array2 = array;
                foreach (string text4 in array2)
                    string text5 = base.Request.Form[text4 + "_name1"];
                    string text6 = base.Request.Form[text4 + "_type"];
                    string text7 = base.Request.Form[text4 + "_length"];
                    string b     = base.Request.Form[text4 + "_isnull"];
                    string b2    = base.Request.Form[text4 + "_isidentity"];
                    string b3    = base.Request.Form[text4 + "_primarykey"];
                    string text8 = base.Request.Form[text4 + "_defaultvalue"];
                    string b4    = base.Request.Form[text4 + "_isadd"];
                    if (!MyExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(text5) && !MyExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(text6))
                        string text9 = string.Empty;
                        switch (text6)
                        case "varchar":
                        case "nvarchar":
                            text9 = text6 + "(" + ((!MyExtensions.IsInt(text7)) ? "50" : ((MyExtensions.ToInt(text7) == -1) ? "MAX" : text7)) + ")";

                        case "char":
                            text9 = text6 + "(" + (MyExtensions.IsInt(text7) ? text7 : "50") + ")";

                        case "datetime":
                        case "text":
                        case "uniqueidentifier":
                        case "int":
                        case "money":
                        case "float":
                            text9 = text6;

                        case "decimal":
                            text9 = text6 + "(" + (MyExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(text7) ? "18,2" : text7) + ")";
                        string text10 = ("1" == b) ? " NULL" : " NOT NULL";
                        string text11 = ("1" == b2) ? " IDENTITY(1,1)" : "";
                        bool   flag2  = "1" == b4;
                        if ("1" == b3)
                        if (flag)
                            stringBuilder.Append("[" + text5 + "] ");
                            stringBuilder.Append(" " + text10);
                            stringBuilder.Append(" " + text11);
                            if (!MyExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(text8))
                                stringBuilder.Append(" DEFAULT " + text8);
                            if (!text4.Equals(array.Last(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                            if (!flag2 && MyExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(text11) && dataTable.Select("f_name='" + text4 + "' and isidentity=1").Length != 0)
                                stringBuilder.Append("ALTER TABLE [" + oldtablename + "] DROP COLUMN [" + text4 + "];");
                                stringBuilder.Append("ALTER TABLE [" + oldtablename + "] ADD [" + text5 + "] " + text9 + text11 + text10 + ";");
                            else if (!MyExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(text11) && !flag2)
                                stringBuilder.Append("ALTER TABLE [" + oldtablename + "] DROP COLUMN [" + text4 + "];ALTER TABLE [" + oldtablename + "] ADD [" + text5 + "] int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1);");
                                if (flag2)
                                    stringBuilder.Append("ALTER TABLE [" + oldtablename + "] ADD [" + text5 + "] " + text9 + text11 + text10 + ";");
                                    stringBuilder.Append("ALTER TABLE [" + oldtablename + "] ALTER COLUMN [" + text4 + "] " + text9 + text11 + text10 + ";");
                                if (!flag2 && !text4.Equals(text5, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                                    stringBuilder.Append("EXEC sp_rename N'[" + oldtablename + "].[" + text4 + "]', N'" + text5 + "', 'COLUMN';");
                            if (!MyExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(text8))
                                stringBuilder.Append("ALTER TABLE [" + oldtablename + "] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_" + text + "_" + text4 + "] DEFAULT (" + text8 + ") FOR [" + text4 + "];");
                if (flag)
                    if (list2.Count > 0)
                        stringBuilder.Append(", PRIMARY KEY (");
                        foreach (string item in list2)
                            stringBuilder.Append("[" + item + "]");
                            if (!item.Equals(list2.Last()))
                    if (list2.Count > 0)
                        stringBuilder2.Append("ALTER TABLE [" + text + "] ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_" + text + "] PRIMARY KEY (");
                        foreach (string item2 in list2)
                            stringBuilder2.Append("[" + item2 + "]");
                            if (!item2.Equals(list2.Last()))
                    if (!text.Equals(oldtablename, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                        stringBuilder.Append("EXEC sp_rename '" + oldtablename + "', '" + text + "';");
                string text12 = stringBuilder.ToString();
                string msg;
                bool   flag3 = dBConnection.TestSql(dBConnection2, text12, out msg, false);
                if (flag3 && stringBuilder2.Length > 0)
                    flag3 = dBConnection.TestSql(dBConnection2, stringBuilder2.ToString(), out msg, false);
                string text13 = "TableEdit_SqlServer?dbconnid=" + empty + "&tablename=" + text + "&connid=" + empty + "&appid=" + base.Request.QueryString["appid"] + "&tabid=" + base.Request.QueryString["tabid"] + "&s_Name=" + base.Request.QueryString["s_Name"];
                if (flag3)
                    RoadFlow.Platform.Log.Add("修改表结构成功-" + dBConnection2.Name + "-" + oldtablename, text12, RoadFlow.Platform.Log.Types.数据连接);
                    base.ViewBag.ClientScript = "alert('保存成功!');window.location='" + text13 + "';";
                RoadFlow.Platform.Log.Add("修改表结构失败-" + dBConnection2.Name + "-" + oldtablename, text12, RoadFlow.Platform.Log.Types.数据连接);
                base.ViewBag.ClientScript = "alert('保存失败-" + msg.Replace("'", "") + "!');window.location='" + text13 + "';";