private Vector3 CoordinateForRoadWithAbstractRoadInfos(Intersection intersection, Road connectedRoad, RightOrLeft rtlt,
                                                           AbstractWayInfo[] infos)
        infos = AbstractWayInfo.sortAbstractWayInfos(infos);

        // convert the road to an abstract way info
        AbstractWayInfo info = new AbstractWayInfo(IntersectionMath.getOutgoingVector(intersection, connectedRoad).normalized,
        // TODO : CHECK FOR nonexistent index
        int index = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < infos.Length; i++)
            if (infos[i] == info)
                index = i;

        Vector3[] vertices = MeshVerticesForAbstractWayInfos(infos);

        switch (rtlt)
        case RightOrLeft.LEFT:
            return(vertices[index - 1 < 0 ? infos.Length - 1 : index - 1]);

        case RightOrLeft.RIGHT:
        Debug.LogError("Semantics Error, please check");

 private Vector3 CoordinateForMultiwayIntersection(Intersection intersection, Road connectedRoad, RightOrLeft rtlt)
     AbstractWayInfo[] infos = AbstractWayInfosForMultiwayIntersection(intersection, intersection.getConnectedRoads());
     return(CoordinateForRoadWithAbstractRoadInfos(intersection, connectedRoad, rtlt, infos));
    private Vector3 CoordinateForOneWayIntersection(Intersection intersection, Road connectedRoad, RightOrLeft rtlt)
        Vector3 outVec   = getOutgoingVectorForOneWayIntersection(intersection, connectedRoad);
        Vector3 rightVec = Quaternion.Euler(0, 90, 0) * outVec;
        Vector3 leftVec  = Quaternion.Euler(0, -90, 0) * outVec;

        switch (rtlt)
        case RightOrLeft.LEFT:

        case RightOrLeft.RIGHT:

        Debug.LogError("Semantics Error, please check");
    private Vector3 CoordinateForTwoWayIntersection(Intersection intersection, Road connectedRoad, RightOrLeft rtlt)
        switch (GetTwoWayIntersectionType(intersection))
        case TwoWayIntersectionType.SKEW:
        case TwoWayIntersectionType.TRANSITION:
            AbstractWayInfo[] infos = AbstractWayInfosForTwoWayIntersection(intersection, intersection.getConnectedRoads()[0],
            return(CoordinateForRoadWithAbstractRoadInfos(intersection, connectedRoad, rtlt, infos));

        case TwoWayIntersectionType.SMOOTH:
            // basically it is the same as one way

            return(CoordinateForOneWayIntersection(intersection, connectedRoad, rtlt));

        Debug.LogError("Semantics Error, please check");
     * @brief Returns the coordinate for the left edge and right edge of the road.
     * The behavior is undefined when road is not attached to the intersection.
     * Right or left is regarding the direction going out from intersection
     * @param intersection the subject intersection
     * @param road which road to test
     * @param rtlt: Right : the point on the right of the outgoing vector <br>
     *              Left : the point on the left of the outgoing vector <br>
     *              Note: This direction is the reverse of what traditionally known as left or right
    public Vector3 coordinateForRoadAtIntersection(Intersection intersection, Road road, RightOrLeft rtlt)
        Road[] roads = intersection.getConnectedRoads();
        // no intersection if no roads
        switch (GetIntersectionType(intersection))
        case IntersectionType.NONE:

        case IntersectionType.ONE_WAY:
            return(CoordinateForOneWayIntersection(intersection, road, rtlt));

        case IntersectionType.TWO_WAY:
            return(CoordinateForTwoWayIntersection(intersection, road, rtlt));

        case IntersectionType.MULTI_WAY:
            return(CoordinateForMultiwayIntersection(intersection, road, rtlt));
        Debug.LogError("Semantics Error, please check");
