private List <ReviewTeam> ParseReviewTeams()
            List <ReviewTeam> reviewTeams = new List <ReviewTeam>();

            string[] reviewTeamKeys = Request.Form.AllKeys.Where(k => k.Contains("reviewTeam_")).ToArray();
            foreach (string reviewTeamKey in reviewTeamKeys)
                int reviewerId = 0;
                Int32.TryParse(reviewTeamKey.Split('_')[1], out reviewerId);

                //skip bad apples
                if (reviewerId == 0)

                //Loop through each review item.  Review items are contained within the form value separated
                //by underscores (_)
                string   reviewItems = Request.Form[reviewTeamKey];
                string[] itemPieces  = reviewItems.Split('_');
                foreach (string item in itemPieces)
                    int authorId = 0;
                    Int32.TryParse(item, out authorId);
                    if (authorId > 0)
                        ReviewTeam activeTeam = new ReviewTeam();
                        activeTeam.ReviewTeamID = reviewerId;
                        activeTeam.AuthorTeamID = authorId;
        public ActionResult Grade(int assignmentID, int authorTeamID, bool resubmission = false)
            WebClient      client     = new WebClient();
            Assignment     assignment = db.Assignments.Find(assignmentID);
            AssignmentTeam at         = GetAssignmentTeam(assignment, ActiveCourseUser);
            ReviewTeam     reviewTeam = null;

            if (at != null)
                reviewTeam = (from rt in assignment.ReviewTeams
                              where rt.ReviewTeamID == at.TeamID
                              rt.AuthorTeamID == authorTeamID
                              select rt).FirstOrDefault();

            //Send off to Annotate if we have exactly one deliverable and that deliverable is a PDF document
            if (assignment.Deliverables.Count == 1 && assignment.Deliverables[0].DeliverableType == DeliverableType.PDF)
                AnnotateApi api = new AnnotateApi(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AnnotateUserName"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AnnotateApiKey"]);

                AnnotateResult uploadResult = api.UploadDocument((int)assignment.ID, authorTeamID, resubmission);
                if (uploadResult.Result == ResultCode.OK)
                    AnnotateResult createResult = api.CreateAccount(CurrentUser);
                    if (createResult.Result == ResultCode.OK)
                        //instructors get to see everyone, regardless of CR settings
                        CriticalReviewSettings settings = new CriticalReviewSettings();
                        settings.AnonymizeComments = false;
                        api.SetDocumentAnonymity(CurrentUser, uploadResult.DocumentCode, uploadResult.DocumentDate, settings);
                        api.GiveAccessToDocument(CurrentUser, uploadResult.DocumentCode, uploadResult.DocumentDate);

                        //log the user in to annotate
                        string loginString = api.GetAnnotateLoginUrl(CurrentUser, uploadResult.DocumentCode, uploadResult.DocumentDate);

                        //load the annotate url for the view
                        ViewBag.AnnotateUrl = loginString;
                return(RedirectToRoute(new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", area = "" }));

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Used in annotate to build a unique string for each document in OSBLE
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assignmentID">The assignment on which the submission took place (NOT THE CRITICAL REVIEW)</param>
        /// <param name="authorTeamID">The team that submitted the document</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GetAnnotateDocumentName(int assignmentID, int authorTeamID)
            using (OSBLEContext db = new OSBLEContext())
                Assignment     assignment     = db.Assignments.Find(assignmentID);
                AssignmentTeam assignmentTeam = new AssignmentTeam();
                ReviewTeam     reviewTeam     = new ReviewTeam(); //needed for anchored discussion
                string         fileName;

                if (assignment.Type == AssignmentTypes.AnchoredDiscussion)
                    reviewTeam = (from rt in db.ReviewTeams
                                  where rt.AssignmentID == assignment.ID
                                  rt.AuthorTeamID == authorTeamID
                                  select rt

                    fileName = string.Format(
                    assignmentTeam = (from at in db.AssignmentTeams
                                      where at.AssignmentID == assignment.ID
                                      at.TeamID == authorTeamID
                                      select at

                    fileName = string.Format(

        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a PDF for critical review
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assignmentID"></param>
        /// <param name="authorTeamID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult Review(int assignmentID, int authorTeamID)
            WebClient      client       = new WebClient();
            Assignment     CRassignment = db.Assignments.Find(assignmentID);
            AssignmentTeam at           = GetAssignmentTeam(CRassignment, ActiveCourseUser);
            ReviewTeam     reviewTeam   = null;

            if (at != null)
                reviewTeam = (from rt in CRassignment.ReviewTeams
                              where rt.ReviewTeamID == at.TeamID
                              rt.AuthorTeamID == authorTeamID
                              select rt).FirstOrDefault();
            bool canAccessReview = false;

            //Determine whether or not the current user can access the document
            if (CRassignment.Type == AssignmentTypes.CriticalReview)
                //is the user a reviewer?
                if (reviewTeam != null)
                    canAccessReview = true;

                //or, is the user an instructor?
                else if (ActiveCourseUser.AbstractRole.CanGrade)
                    canAccessReview = true;

                //or, has the review been published and the current user is the author of the docment?
                else if (CRassignment.IsCriticalReviewPublished == true)
                    reviewTeam = (from rt in CRassignment.ReviewTeams
                                  where rt.AuthorTeamID == authorTeamID
                                  select rt
                    if (reviewTeam != null)
                        TeamMember tm = reviewTeam.AuthorTeam.TeamMembers.Where(t => t.CourseUserID == ActiveCourseUser.ID).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (tm != null)
                            canAccessReview = true;

            if (canAccessReview)
                //Send off to Annotate if we have exactly one deliverable and that deliverable is a PDF document
                if (CRassignment.PreceedingAssignment.Deliverables.Count == 1 && CRassignment.PreceedingAssignment.Deliverables[0].DeliverableType == DeliverableType.PDF)
                    AnnotateApi    api          = new AnnotateApi(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AnnotateUserName"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AnnotateApiKey"]);
                    AnnotateResult uploadResult = api.UploadDocument((int)CRassignment.PrecededingAssignmentID, authorTeamID);
                    if (uploadResult.Result == ResultCode.OK)
                        AnnotateResult createResult = api.CreateAccount(CurrentUser);
                        if (createResult.Result == ResultCode.OK)
                            //instructors get to see everyone, regardless of CR settings
                            CriticalReviewSettings settings = CRassignment.CriticalReviewSettings;
                            if (ActiveCourseUser.AbstractRoleID == (int)CourseRole.CourseRoles.Instructor)
                                settings.AnonymizeComments = false;

                            api.SetDocumentAnonymity(CurrentUser, uploadResult.DocumentCode, uploadResult.DocumentDate, settings);
                            api.GiveAccessToDocument(CurrentUser, uploadResult.DocumentCode, uploadResult.DocumentDate);

                            //log the user in to annotate
                            string loginString = api.GetAnnotateLoginUrl(CurrentUser, uploadResult.DocumentCode, uploadResult.DocumentDate);

                            //load the annotate url for the view
                            ViewBag.AnnotateUrl = loginString;
                    return(RedirectToRoute(new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", area = "" }));
Example #5
        public ActionResult Create(int?id, IEnumerable <HttpPostedFileBase> files, int?authorTeamID = null)
            if (id != null)
                Assignment assignment = db.Assignments.Find(id);

                //submit event to the eventlog
                    if (assignment != null)
                        var sub = new SubmitEvent
                            AssignmentId = id.Value,
                            SenderId     = CurrentUser.ID,
                            SolutionName = assignment.AssignmentName,
                            CourseId     = assignment.CourseID,
                        int eventLogId = Posts.SaveEvent(sub);
                        if (eventLogId == -1)
                            throw new Exception("Failed to log submit event to the eventlog table -- Posts.SaveEvent returned -1");
                            if (DBHelper.InterventionEnabledForCourse(assignment.CourseID ?? -1))
                                //process suggestions if interventions are enabled for this course.
                                using (EventCollectionController ecc = new EventCollectionController())

                                    string authKey = Request.Cookies["AuthKey"].Value.Split('=').Last();
                                    ecc.NotifyNewSuggestion(CurrentUser.ID, assignment.CourseID ?? 0, authKey);
                        var sub = new SubmitEvent
                            AssignmentId = id.Value,
                            SenderId     = CurrentUser.ID,
                            SolutionName = "NULL ASSIGNMENT",
                        int eventLogId = Posts.SaveEvent(sub);

                        if (eventLogId == -1)
                            throw new Exception("Failed to log submit event to the eventlog table -- Posts.SaveEvent returned -1 -- Assignment is null");
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new Exception("Failed to log submit event to the eventlog table: ", e);

                if (assignment != null && (assignment.HasDeliverables == true ||
                                           assignment.Type == AssignmentTypes.CriticalReview ||
                                           assignment.Type == AssignmentTypes.AnchoredDiscussion))
                    List <Deliverable> deliverables;
                    if (assignment.Type == AssignmentTypes.CriticalReview)
                        deliverables = new List <Deliverable>((assignment.PreceedingAssignment).Deliverables);
                    else if (assignment.Type == AssignmentTypes.AnchoredDiscussion)
                        //TODO: need to keep deliverables if no changes have been made.
                        //need to remove old deliverables
                        deliverables = new List <Deliverable>((assignment).Deliverables);
                        List <string> deliverableNames = new List <string>();

                        foreach (var file in files)
                            deliverables.Add(new Deliverable
                                Assignment      = assignment,
                                AssignmentID    = assignment.ID,
                                DeliverableType = DeliverableType.PDF,
                                Name            = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.FileName),

                        foreach (Deliverable d in deliverables)
                        db.Entry(assignment).State = System.Data.EntityState.Modified;
                        deliverables = new List <Deliverable>((assignment).Deliverables);

                    if (assignment.CourseID == ActiveCourseUser.AbstractCourseID && (ActiveCourseUser.AbstractRole.CanSubmit == true || ActiveCourseUser.AbstractRole.CanUploadFiles == true))
                        AssignmentTeam assignmentTeam = GetAssignmentTeam(assignment, ActiveCourseUser);

                        int i = 0;

                        //the files variable is null when submitting an in-browser text submission
                        if (files != null)
                            int anchoredDiscussionDocumentCount = 0;
                            foreach (var file in files)
                                if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0)
                                    DeliverableType type = (DeliverableType)deliverables[i].Type;

                                    //jump over all DeliverableType.InBrowserText as they will be handled separately
                                    while (type == DeliverableType.InBrowserText)
                                        type = (DeliverableType)deliverables[i].Type;
                                    string fileName        = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);
                                    string extension       = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName).ToLower();
                                    string deliverableName = string.Format("{0}{1}", deliverables[i].Name, extension);

                                    string[] allowFileExtensions = GetFileExtensions(type);

                                    if (allowFileExtensions.Contains(extension))
                                        if (assignment.Type == AssignmentTypes.CriticalReview || assignment.Type == AssignmentTypes.AnchoredDiscussion)
                                            //TODO: clean this up
                                            AssignmentTeam authorTeam = new AssignmentTeam();
                                            ReviewTeam     reviewTeam = new ReviewTeam();

                                            if (assignment.Type == AssignmentTypes.AnchoredDiscussion)
                                                authorTeam = new AssignmentTeam
                                                    Assignment   = assignment,
                                                    AssignmentID = assignment.ID,
                                                    Team         = null,
                                                    TeamID       = anchoredDiscussionDocumentCount,

                                                reviewTeam = new ReviewTeam
                                                    Assignment   = assignment,
                                                    AssignmentID = assignment.ID,
                                                    //AuthorTeam = null,
                                                    AuthorTeamID = anchoredDiscussionDocumentCount,
                                                    //ReviewingTeam = null,
                                                    ReviewTeamID = ActiveCourseUser.AbstractCourse.ID,
                                                //db.Entry(assignment).State = System.Data.EntityState.Modified;
                                                authorTeam = (from at in db.AssignmentTeams
                                                              where at.TeamID == authorTeamID &&
                                                              at.AssignmentID == assignment.PrecededingAssignmentID
                                                              select at).FirstOrDefault();

                                                reviewTeam = (from tm in db.TeamMembers
                                                              join t in db.Teams on tm.TeamID equals t.ID
                                                              join rt in db.ReviewTeams on t.ID equals rt.ReviewTeamID
                                                              where tm.CourseUserID == ActiveCourseUser.ID &&
                                                              rt.AssignmentID == assignment.ID
                                                              select rt).FirstOrDefault();

                                            //MG&MK: file system for critical review assignments is laid out a bit differently, so
                                            //critical review assignments must use different file system functions

                                            //remove all prior files
                                            OSBLE.Models.FileSystem.AssignmentFilePath fs =
                                                    ActiveCourseUser.AbstractCourseID, assignment.ID);
                                            fs.Review(authorTeam.TeamID, reviewTeam.ReviewTeamID)

                                            if (assignment.Type != AssignmentTypes.AnchoredDiscussion) // handle assignments that are not anchored discussion
                                                //We need to remove the zipfile corresponding to the authorTeamId being sent in as well as the regularly cached zip.
                                                AssignmentTeam precedingAuthorAssignmentTeam = (from at in assignment.PreceedingAssignment.AssignmentTeams
                                                                                                where at.TeamID == authorTeamID
                                                                                                select at).FirstOrDefault();
                                                FileSystem.RemoveZipFile(ActiveCourseUser.AbstractCourse as Course, assignment, precedingAuthorAssignmentTeam);
                                                FileSystem.RemoveZipFile(ActiveCourseUser.AbstractCourse as Course, assignment, assignmentTeam);
                                            else //anchored discussion type TODO: this does nothing right now, fix!
                                                //We need to remove the zipfile corresponding to the authorTeamId being sent in as well as the regularly cached zip.
                                                AssignmentTeam precedingAuthorAssignmentTeam = (from at in assignment.AssignmentTeams
                                                                                                where at.TeamID == authorTeamID
                                                                                                select at).FirstOrDefault();
                                                FileSystem.RemoveZipFile(ActiveCourseUser.AbstractCourse as Course, assignment, precedingAuthorAssignmentTeam);
                                                FileSystem.RemoveZipFile(ActiveCourseUser.AbstractCourse as Course, assignment, assignmentTeam);
                                            //add in the new file
                                            //authorTeamID is the deliverable file counter, and reviewTeamID is the courseID
                                            fs.Review(authorTeam.TeamID, reviewTeam.ReviewTeamID)
                                            .AddFile(deliverableName, file.InputStream);

                                            //unzip and rezip xps files because some XPS generators don't do it right
                                            if (extension.ToLower().CompareTo(".xps") == 0)
                                                //XPS documents require the actual file path, so get that.
                                                OSBLE.Models.FileSystem.FileCollection fileCollection =
                                                        ActiveCourseUser.AbstractCourseID, assignment.ID)
                                                    .Review(authorTeam.TeamID, reviewTeam.ReviewTeamID)
                                                string path = fileCollection.FirstOrDefault();

                                                string extractPath = Path.Combine(FileSystem.GetTeamUserSubmissionFolderForAuthorID(true, ActiveCourseUser.AbstractCourse as Course, (int)id, assignmentTeam, authorTeam.Team), "extract");
                                                using (ZipFile oldZip = ZipFile.Read(path))
                                                    oldZip.ExtractAll(extractPath, ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently);
                                                using (ZipFile newZip = new ZipFile())
                                            //If a submission of any extension exists delete it.  This is needed because they could submit a .c file and then a .cs file and the teacher would not know which one is the real one.
                                            string submission = FileSystem.GetDeliverable(ActiveCourseUser.AbstractCourse as Course, assignment.ID, assignmentTeam, deliverables[i].Name, allowFileExtensions);
                                            if (submission != null)
                                                FileInfo oldSubmission = new FileInfo(submission);

                                                if (oldSubmission.Exists)
                                            FileSystem.RemoveZipFile(ActiveCourseUser.AbstractCourse as Course, assignment, assignmentTeam);
                                            string path = Path.Combine(FileSystem.GetTeamUserSubmissionFolder(true, ActiveCourseUser.AbstractCourse as Course, (int)id, assignmentTeam), deliverables[i].Name + extension);

                                            //unzip and rezip xps files because some XPS generators don't do it right
                                            if (extension.ToLower().CompareTo(".xps") == 0)
                                                string extractPath = Path.Combine(FileSystem.GetTeamUserSubmissionFolder(true, ActiveCourseUser.AbstractCourse as Course, (int)id, assignmentTeam), "extract");
                                                using (ZipFile oldZip = ZipFile.Read(path))
                                                    oldZip.ExtractAll(extractPath, ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently);
                                                using (ZipFile newZip = new ZipFile())

                                        DateTime?dueDate = assignment.DueDate;
                                        if (dueDate != null)
                                        {   //TODO: add case for anchored discussion assignment
                                            (new NotificationController()).SendFilesSubmittedNotification(assignment, assignmentTeam, deliverables[i].Name);
                                        //The submission view handles incorrect extension types, so this area of code is unlikely to be reached. In the case that it does a occur,
                                        //we will ineloquently redirect them to assignment index without feedback.
                                        Cache["SubmissionReceived"] = false;
                                        return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Assignment"));

                        // Creates the text files from text boxes
                        int    j = 0;
                        string delName;
                            if (Request != null)
                                //delName = Request.Params["desiredName[" + j + "]"];
                                delName = Request.Unvalidated.Form["desiredName[" + j + "]"];
                            else //TODO: change this to releveant string
                                delName = null;

                            if (delName != null)
                                string inbrowser;
                                if (Request != null)
                                    //inbrowser = Request.Params["inBrowserText[" + j + "]"];
                                    inbrowser = Request.Unvalidated.Form["inBrowserText[" + j + "]"];

                                    if (inbrowser.Length > 0)
                                        var path = Path.Combine(FileSystem.GetTeamUserSubmissionFolder(true, ActiveCourseUser.AbstractCourse as Course, (int)id, assignmentTeam), CurrentUser.LastName + "_" + CurrentUser.FirstName + "_" + delName + ".txt");
                                        System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path, inbrowser);
                        } while (delName != null);
                        Cache["SubmissionReceived"]             = true;
                        Cache["SubmissionReceivedAssignmentID"] = assignment.ID;
                        if (authorTeamID != null)
                            Cache["SubmissionForAuthorTeamID"] = authorTeamID;
                        if (assignment.Type == AssignmentTypes.AnchoredDiscussion)
                            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "AnchoredDiscussionController"));

        public override DynamicDictionary BuildHeader(Assignment assignment)
            dynamic header = Builder.BuildHeader(assignment);

            header.Assignment = assignment;
            header.CRdownload = new DynamicDictionary();

            header.CRdownload.hasPublished    = assignment.IsCriticalReviewPublished;
            header.CRdownload.publishedDate   = assignment.CriticalReviewPublishDate;
            header.CRdownload.hasRubricToView = false;

            //get student's team

            AssignmentTeam assignmentTeam = null;

            assignmentTeam                      = OSBLEController.GetAssignmentTeam(assignment.PreceedingAssignment, Student);
            header.CRdownload.teamID            = assignmentTeam.TeamID;
            header.CRdownload.hasRecievedReview = false;

            //PDF reviews don't get sent to the file system (they get sent to annotate)
            //so we can't check the file system for review items.
            //yc: but we can check to see if the file has been submitted into annotate
            //dbo.annotatedocumentreferences has a field osbledocumentcode, and we have the date it was "uploaded"
            //it follows the format:#-#-#-filename.PDF == courseID-PreviousAssignmentid-teamthatisreviewingreviewing-filename.PDF
            //we also have dbo.reviewteams that show if some one has reviewed your assignment
            Assignment previousAssignment = assignment.PreceedingAssignment;
            //yc: locate all reivew teams
            ReviewTeam reviewers          = null;
            bool       foundAnnotateEntry = false;

            using (OSBLEContext db = new OSBLEContext())
                if (assignmentTeam != null)
                    reviewers = (from rte in db.ReviewTeams
                                 where rte.AuthorTeamID == assignmentTeam.TeamID
                                 select rte).FirstOrDefault();

                if (reviewers != null)
                    //if a review team exists, determin if the annoation exisits
                    string lookup = assignment.CourseID.ToString() + "-" + previousAssignment.ID.ToString() + "-" +
                                    assignmentTeam.TeamID.ToString() + "-";
                    AnnotateDocumentReference d = (from adr in db.AnnotateDocumentReferences
                                                   where adr.OsbleDocumentCode.Contains(lookup)
                                                   select adr).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (d != null && (assignment.DueDate < DateTime.Now || assignment.IsCriticalReviewPublished))
                        foundAnnotateEntry = true;
            if (foundAnnotateEntry)//(
            //&& previousAssignment.Deliverables[0].DeliverableType == DeliverableType.PDF
            //&& previousAssignment.Deliverables.Count == 1
                header.CRdownload.hasRecievedReview = true;
                if (assignmentTeam != null)
                    //get list of all teams reviewing student
                    List <AssignmentTeam> reviewersOfStudent = (from rt in assignment.ReviewTeams
                                                                join at in assignment.AssignmentTeams
                                                                on rt.ReviewTeamID equals at.TeamID
                                                                where rt.AuthorTeamID == assignmentTeam.TeamID
                                                                select at).ToList();
                    //check each team for a submission
                    foreach (AssignmentTeam at in reviewersOfStudent)
                        //if(at.GetSubmissionTime() != null)
                        if (FileSystem.GetSubmissionTime(at, assignmentTeam.Team) != null)
                            header.CRdownload.hasRecievedReview = true;

                //check if there is at one student rubric that has been filled out for the current user
                if (assignment.HasStudentRubric)
                    using (OSBLEContext db = new OSBLEContext())
                        header.CRdownload.hasRubricToView = (from e in db.RubricEvaluations
                                                             where e.AssignmentID == assignment.ID &&
                                                             e.RecipientID == assignmentTeam.TeamID &&
                                                             e.Evaluator.AbstractRoleID == (int)CourseRole.CourseRoles.Student &&
                                                             e.DatePublished != null
                                                             select e.ID).Count() > 0;
            header.CRdownload.student      = Student;
            header.CRdownload.assignmentID = assignment.ID;
