private static void Poster() { string[] blockedImages = File.ReadAllLines("./blockedimages.txt"); string[] captions = File.ReadAllLines("./captions.txt"); string[] r34endpoints = File.ReadAllLines("./r34endpoints.txt"); string[] endpoints = File.ReadAllLines("./endpoints.txt"); string[] accountsToScrape = File.ReadAllLines("./accountstoscrape.txt"); try { ITweet tweet; string caption = captions[rng.Next(captions.Length)]; string endpoint = endpoints[rng.Next(endpoints.Length)]; int rngForR34 = rng.Next(4); if (rngForR34 == 3) { string newEndpoint = r34endpoints[rng.Next(r34endpoints.Length)]; Console.WriteLine(newEndpoint); string url = $"{newEndpoint}"; XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); xmlDocument.LoadXml(client.DownloadString(url)); XmlNodeList nodes = xmlDocument.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("post"); XmlNode node = nodes[rng.Next(nodes.Count)]; string fileUrl = node.Attributes["file_url"].Value; string[] URLSplit = fileUrl.Split('/').Last().Split('.'); string fileName = URLSplit[0]; string fileExtension = URLSplit[1]; string fullFileName = $"{fileName}.{fileExtension}"; client.DownloadFile(fileUrl, $"./hentai/r34items/{newEndpoint}/{fullFileName}"); byte[] bytesToUpload = File.ReadAllBytes($"./hentai/r34items/{newEndpoint}/{fullFileName}"); IMedia mediaToUpload; if (fileExtension == "mp4") { mediaToUpload = Upload.UploadBinary(new UploadParameters { Binary = bytesToUpload, MediaType = MediaType.VideoMp4 }); } else { mediaToUpload = Upload.UploadBinary(new UploadParameters { Binary = bytesToUpload, MediaType = MediaType.Media }); } List <IMedia> medias = new List <IMedia> { mediaToUpload }; tweet = Tweet.PublishTweet($"{caption}\n\n{hashtags}", new PublishTweetOptionalParameters { Medias = medias }); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Selected endpoint: {endpoint}"); i++; if (i == 10) { i = 0; WriteStats(); } if (endpoint == "scrape") { } else { string jsonString = client.DownloadString(APIURL + endpoint); ReturnInfomation returnInfomation = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ReturnInfomation>(jsonString); string URL = returnInfomation.URL; string[] URLSplit = URL.Split('/').Last().Split('.'); string fileName = URLSplit[0]; string fileExtension = URLSplit[1]; string fullFileName = $"{fileName}.{fileExtension}"; if (!File.Exists($"./hentai/{endpoint}/{fullFileName}")) { client.DownloadFile(URL, $"./hentai/{endpoint}/{fullFileName}"); } foreach (string blockedImage in blockedImages) { if (fullFileName == blockedImage) { Console.WriteLine($"Was going to tweet blocked image: {blockedImage}"); Poster(); return; } } byte[] bytesToUpload = File.ReadAllBytes($"./hentai/{endpoint}/{fullFileName}"); IMedia mediaToUpload; if (fileExtension == "mp4") { mediaToUpload = Upload.UploadBinary(new UploadParameters { Binary = bytesToUpload, MediaType = MediaType.VideoMp4 }); } else { mediaToUpload = Upload.UploadBinary(new UploadParameters { Binary = bytesToUpload, MediaType = MediaType.Media }); } List <IMedia> medias = new List <IMedia> { mediaToUpload }; tweet = Tweet.PublishTweet($"{caption}\n\n{hashtags}", new PublishTweetOptionalParameters { Medias = medias }); } } Console.WriteLine("Tweeted"); Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(CalculateMetrics)); thread.Start(); FollowerInteraction(); Console.WriteLine("Waiting 1 minute\n"); Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)); Poster(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); Poster(); } }
private static void Poster() { string caption = captions[rng.Next(captions.Length)]; Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromTicks(2)); // This is to reset the Random system. Which runs off system time. string endpoint = endpoints[rng.Next(endpoints.Length)]; Console.WriteLine($"Caption: {caption}\nEndpoint: {endpoint}"); try // Because shit happens. { string jsonString = client.DownloadString(APIURL + endpoint); // Downloading JSON. client.Dispose(); // Because memory leaks. ReturnInfomation returnInfomation = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ReturnInfomation>(jsonString); // Parsing JSON data into the ReturnInfomation class earlier. string URL = returnInfomation.URL; // Getting the URL. string[] URLSplit = URL.Split('/').Last().Split('.'); // Splitting the URL into parts for below. // All these are as said. string fileName = URLSplit[0]; string fileExtension = URLSplit[1]; string fullFileName = $"{fileName}.{fileExtension}"; byte[] bytesToUpload; if (blockedImages.Contains(fullFileName)) { return; } if (saveToDedicatedFolders) // If you are saving to dedicated folders. If not change saveToDedicatedFolders to false on line 29. DO NOT DELETE THIS. { // This is all just saving the file and then getting the bytes. if (!File.Exists($"{imageBaseDirectory}/{endpoint}/{fullFileName}")) { client.DownloadFile(URL, $"{imageBaseDirectory}/{endpoint}/{fullFileName}"); bytesToUpload = File.ReadAllBytes($"{imageBaseDirectory}/{endpoint}/{fullFileName}"); } else { bytesToUpload = File.ReadAllBytes($"{imageBaseDirectory}/{endpoint}/{fullFileName}"); } } else { if (!File.Exists($"{imageBaseDirectory}/{fullFileName}")) { client.DownloadFile(URL, $"{imageBaseDirectory}/{fullFileName}"); bytesToUpload = File.ReadAllBytes($"{imageBaseDirectory}/{fullFileName}"); } else { bytesToUpload = File.ReadAllBytes($"{imageBaseDirectory}/{fullFileName}"); } } IMedia mediaToUpload; // Creating the twitter media if (fileExtension == "mp4") // Checking if the file is a .mp4 { mediaToUpload = Upload.UploadBinary(new UploadParameters // Uploading { Binary = bytesToUpload, MediaType = MediaType.VideoMp4 }); } else { mediaToUpload = Upload.UploadBinary(new UploadParameters // Uploading { Binary = bytesToUpload, MediaType = MediaType.Media }); } List <IMedia> medias = new List <IMedia> { mediaToUpload }; ITweet tweet = Tweet.PublishTweet($"{caption}\n\n{hashtags}", new PublishTweetOptionalParameters // Publishing... Finally! { Medias = medias }); } catch (Exception ex) // Shit probably happened. { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine($"Tweeted. Waiting 5 minutes."); Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)); // Wait a minute to not spam twitters API and get rate limited. Poster(); // To make this recursive without threadlocking. }