public async Task <List <GitRepository> > GetRepositoriesWithRetryAsync(string project)
            List <GitRepository> repos = await RetryHelper.SleepAndRetry(this.retryAfter, this.logger, async() =>
                this.logger.LogInformation($"Retrieving repostiories for project {project}");
                List <GitRepository> repos = await this.GetRepositoriesAsync(project);
                this.logger.LogInformation($"Retrieved {repos.Count} repositories for project {project}");

        public async IAsyncEnumerable <List <BuildDefinition> > GetFullBuildDefinitionsWithRetryAsync(string projectName)
            IPagedList <BuildDefinition> currentDefinitions;
            string continuationToken = null;

                currentDefinitions = await RetryHelper.SleepAndRetry(VssClientHelper.GetRetryAfter(this.LastResponseContext), this.logger, async() =>
                    this.logger.LogInformation($"Retrieving full build definitions from Azure DevOps for project {projectName}");
                    IPagedList <BuildDefinition> retrievedBuildDefs = await this.GetFullDefinitionsAsync2(project: projectName, top: 2000, queryOrder: DefinitionQueryOrder.LastModifiedAscending, continuationToken: continuationToken);
                    this.logger.LogInformation($"Done Retrieving {retrievedBuildDefs.Count} build definitions");

                continuationToken = currentDefinitions.ContinuationToken;
                yield return(currentDefinitions.ToList());
            }while (continuationToken != null);
        public async Task <List <GitCommitRef> > GetCommitsAsync(Guid repositoryId, string branchName, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, int top = 100, int?skip = null)
            GitQueryCommitsCriteria searchCriteria = new GitQueryCommitsCriteria
                FromDate    = fromDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("o"),
                ToDate      = toDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("o"),
                ItemVersion = new GitVersionDescriptor
                    Version     = branchName,
                    VersionType = GitVersionType.Branch

            List <GitCommitRef> commitRefs = await RetryHelper.SleepAndRetry(this.retryAfter, this.logger, async() =>
                return(await this.GetCommitsAsync(repositoryId, searchCriteria, skip, top));

        public async Task <List <BuildDefinitionReference> > GetBuildDefinitionsAsync(string projectName)
            this.logger.LogInformation($"Retrieving build definitions from Azure DevOps for project {projectName}...");

            List <BuildDefinitionReference> buildDefinitionReferences = await RetryHelper.SleepAndRetry(VssClientHelper.GetRetryAfter(this.LastResponseContext), this.logger, async() =>
                List <BuildDefinitionReference> buildDefinitionReferences = new List <BuildDefinitionReference>();
                IPagedList <BuildDefinitionReference> currentDefinitionReferences;
                    currentDefinitionReferences = await this.GetDefinitionsAsync2(project: projectName);
                }while (!currentDefinitionReferences.ContinuationToken.IsNullOrEmpty());


            this.logger.LogInformation($"Done retrieving {buildDefinitionReferences.Count} build definitions");
        /// <summary>
        /// Query all pull requests from today until min creation date where min creation date is in the past (inclusive)
        /// </summary>
        public IEnumerable <List <GitPullRequest> > GetPullRequestsWithRetry(string projectName, DateTime minDate, PullRequestStatus status)
            if (minDate > Helper.UtcNow)
                throw new ArgumentException("minDate must be less than today's date, all in UTC");

            List <GitPullRequest> currentSetOfPullRequests = new List <GitPullRequest>();
            int skip = 0;
            int top  = 100;

            GitPullRequestSearchCriteria searchCriteria = new GitPullRequestSearchCriteria
                Status = status,

                this.logger.LogInformation($"Retrieving {status} pull requests for project {projectName} from {minDate} to {Helper.UtcNow}");

                // The last pull request is the where we want to check before stopping
                if (status == PullRequestStatus.Completed && currentSetOfPullRequests.Count > 0 && currentSetOfPullRequests.Last().ClosedDate < minDate)
                    this.logger.LogInformation($"No more pull requests found before {minDate}");
                else if (status == PullRequestStatus.Active && currentSetOfPullRequests.Count > 0 && currentSetOfPullRequests.Last().CreationDate < minDate)
                    this.logger.LogInformation($"No more pull requests found before {minDate}");
                else if (status == PullRequestStatus.Abandoned && currentSetOfPullRequests.Count > 0 && currentSetOfPullRequests.Last().ClosedDate < minDate)
                    this.logger.LogInformation($"No more pull requests found before {minDate}");

                // Get pull requests from VSTS
                currentSetOfPullRequests = RetryHelper.SleepAndRetry(this.retryAfter, this.logger, async() =>
                        return(await this.GetPullRequestsByProjectAsync(projectName, searchCriteria, skip: skip, top: top));
                    catch (VssServiceException ex)
                        // VSTS service fails to access a repo once in a while. It looks like an exception that we
                        // don't have control over so we'll catch it and move on.
                        // Sample exception: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Common.VssServiceException: TF401019: The Git
                        // repository with name or identifier C50B9441-B35B-4F42-BDA9-9A01386B968F does not exist or you
                        // do not have permissions for the operation you are attempting.
                        if (ex.Message.Contains("TF401019"))
                            Console.WriteLine($"Warning: Ignore this error due to external VSTS service. {ex}");


                // VSO returns a chunk each time, filter out the ones that meet minDate requirements
                if (status == PullRequestStatus.Completed || status == PullRequestStatus.Abandoned)
                    currentSetOfPullRequests = currentSetOfPullRequests.Where(v => v.ClosedDate > minDate).ToList();
                else if (status == PullRequestStatus.Active)
                    currentSetOfPullRequests = currentSetOfPullRequests.Where(v => v.CreationDate > minDate).ToList();

                // Return a batch of requests at a time
                this.logger.LogInformation($"Retrieved {currentSetOfPullRequests.Count} pull requests");
                yield return(currentSetOfPullRequests);

                // Next set
                skip = skip + top;
            }while (currentSetOfPullRequests.Count > 0);