Example #1
        public void AddResultSetMapping(ResultSetMappingDefinition sqlResultSetMapping)
            string name = sqlResultSetMapping.Name;

            if (resultSetMappings.ContainsKey(name))
                throw new DuplicateMappingException("resultSet", name);
            resultSetMappings[name] = sqlResultSetMapping;
Example #2
        private void AddResultSetMappingDefinitions(HbmMapping mappingSchema)
            var binder = new ResultSetMappingBinder(Mappings);

            foreach (HbmResultSet resultSetSchema in mappingSchema.ResultSets)
                // Do not inline this variable or the anonymous method will not work correctly.
                HbmResultSet tempResultSetSchema = resultSetSchema;

                    ResultSetMappingDefinition definition = binder.Create(tempResultSetSchema);
Example #3
        public ISQLQuery SetResultSetMapping(string name)
            ResultSetMappingDefinition mapping = Session.Factory.GetResultSetMapping(name);

            if (mapping == null)
                throw new MappingException("Unknown SqlResultSetMapping [" + name + "]");
            INativeSQLQueryReturn[] returns = mapping.GetQueryReturns();
            int length = returns.Length;

            for (int index = 0; index < length; index++)
        private ResultSetMappingDefinition Create(string name, object[] items)
            ResultSetMappingDefinition definition = new ResultSetMappingDefinition(name);

            int count = 0;

            foreach (object item in items ?? new object[0])
                count += 1;
                INativeSQLQueryReturn queryReturn = CreateQueryReturn(item, count);

                if (queryReturn != null)

Example #5
        /// <summary> Constructs a SQLQueryImpl given a sql query defined in the mappings. </summary>
        /// <param name="queryDef">The representation of the defined sql-query. </param>
        /// <param name="session">The session to which this SQLQueryImpl belongs. </param>
        /// <param name="parameterMetadata">Metadata about parameters found in the query. </param>
        internal SqlQueryImpl(NamedSQLQueryDefinition queryDef, ISessionImplementor session, ParameterMetadata parameterMetadata)
            : base(queryDef.QueryString, queryDef.FlushMode, session, parameterMetadata)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryDef.ResultSetRef))
                ResultSetMappingDefinition definition = session.Factory.GetResultSetMapping(queryDef.ResultSetRef);
                if (definition == null)
                    throw new MappingException("Unable to find resultset-ref definition: " + queryDef.ResultSetRef);
                queryReturns = new List <INativeSQLQueryReturn>(definition.GetQueryReturns());
                queryReturns = new List <INativeSQLQueryReturn>(queryDef.QueryReturns);

            querySpaces = queryDef.QuerySpaces;
            callable    = queryDef.IsCallable;
Example #6
        private IDictionary <string, HibernateException> CheckNamedQueries()
            IDictionary <string, HibernateException> errors = new Dictionary <string, HibernateException>();

            // Check named HQL queries
            log.Debug("Checking " + namedQueries.Count + " named HQL queries");
            foreach (var entry in namedQueries)
                string queryName        = entry.Key;
                NamedQueryDefinition qd = entry.Value;
                // this will throw an error if there's something wrong.
                    log.Debug("Checking named query: " + queryName);
                    //TODO: BUG! this currently fails for named queries for non-POJO entities
                    queryPlanCache.GetHQLQueryPlan(qd.QueryString.ToQueryExpression(), false, new CollectionHelper.EmptyMapClass <string, IFilter>());
                catch (QueryException e)
                    errors[queryName] = e;
                catch (MappingException e)
                    errors[queryName] = e;

            log.Debug("Checking " + namedSqlQueries.Count + " named SQL queries");
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, NamedSQLQueryDefinition> entry in namedSqlQueries)
                string queryName           = entry.Key;
                NamedSQLQueryDefinition qd = entry.Value;
                // this will throw an error if there's something wrong.
                    log.Debug("Checking named SQL query: " + queryName);
                    // TODO : would be really nice to cache the spec on the query-def so as to not have to re-calc the hash;
                    // currently not doable though because of the resultset-ref stuff...
                    NativeSQLQuerySpecification spec;
                    if (qd.ResultSetRef != null)
                        ResultSetMappingDefinition definition = sqlResultSetMappings[qd.ResultSetRef];
                        if (definition == null)
                            throw new MappingException("Unable to find resultset-ref definition: " + qd.ResultSetRef);
                        spec = new NativeSQLQuerySpecification(qd.QueryString, definition.GetQueryReturns(), qd.QuerySpaces);
                        spec = new NativeSQLQuerySpecification(qd.QueryString, qd.QueryReturns, qd.QuerySpaces);
                catch (QueryException e)
                    errors[queryName] = e;
                catch (MappingException e)
                    errors[queryName] = e;
