protected void RegisterUserButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FullAddress        = txtStreet.Text + "," + txtCity.Text + "," + txtState.Text + "," + txtZip.Text;
            FullBillingAddress = txtBillingStreet.Text + "," + txtBillingCity.Text + "," + txtBillingState.Text + "," + txtBillingZip.Text;
            string CustomerFirstName       = txtFirstName.Text;
            string CustomerLastName        = txtLastName.Text;
            string CustomerPhoneNumber     = txtPhoneNumber.Text;
            string CustomerEmail           = txtEmail.Text;
            string CustomerPassword        = txtPassword.Text;
            string CustomerDeliveryAddress = FullAddress;
            string CustomerBillingAddress  = FullBillingAddress;

            string RestaurantEmail       = txtEmail.Text;
            string RestaurantPassword    = txtPassword.Text;
            string RestaurantFirstName   = txtFirstName.Text;
            string RestaurantLastName    = txtLastName.Text;
            string RestaurantCuisine     = ddlCuisine.SelectedValue.ToString();
            string RestaurantImgUrl      = txtImgUrl.Text;
            string RestaurantLocation    = FullAddress;
            string restaurantName        = txtRestuarantName.Text;
            string RestaurantPhoneNumber = txtPhoneNumber.Text;

            string SecurityQuestion = txtSecurityQuestion.Text;
            string SecurityAnswer   = txtAnswer.Text;


            if ((UserRegistrationError.Count == 0) && (ddlUserTypeID.SelectedValue == "Customer"))
                //Check if email already exist
                String  UserEmail = txtEmail.Text;
                Boolean flag      = CheckIfCustomerExists(UserEmail);
                if (flag == true)
                    Response.Write("Email already exist");
                    Merchant m12  = new Merchant();
                    APIKey   w12  = new APIKey();
                    VWHolder VW12 = new VWHolder();

                    VW12.Name          = txtFirstName.ToString() + "" + txtLastName.ToString();
                    VW12.Password      = txtPassword.ToString();
                    VW12.Email         = txtEmail.ToString();
                    VW12.AccountNumber = "12345679023";

                    string test = ExecuteCallToWebAPI(VW12, m12, w12);

                    Customer newCustomer = new Customer
                        FirstName        = CustomerFirstName,
                        LastName         = CustomerLastName,
                        PhoneNumber      = CustomerPhoneNumber,
                        Email            = CustomerEmail,
                        Password         = CustomerPassword,
                        DeliveryAddress  = CustomerDeliveryAddress,
                        BillingAddress   = CustomerBillingAddress,
                        SecurityAnswer   = SecurityAnswer,
                        SecurityQuestion = SecurityQuestion,
                        VWID             = test

                    var ResponseReceived = newCustomer.AddCustomer();
                    if (ResponseReceived == true)
                        //User Registered
                        //Save UserEmail in Session Called UserEmail
                        Session.Add("userEmail", txtEmail.Text.ToString());
                        Session.Add("userPassword", txtPassword.Text.ToString());
                        Session.Add("userVWID", test);
                        RegisterUserDetails.Visible = false;
                        PreferencesDiv.Visible      = true;
                        Response.Write("Error Occured on the DATABASE");
            if ((UserRegistrationError.Count == 0) && (ddlUserTypeID.SelectedValue == "Restaurant"))
                //Check if email already exist
                String  UserEmail = txtEmail.Text;
                Boolean flag      = CheckIfRestaurantExists(UserEmail);
                if (flag == true)
                    Response.Write("Email already exist");
                    Merchant m12  = new Merchant();
                    APIKey   w12  = new APIKey();
                    VWHolder VW12 = new VWHolder();

                    VW12.Name          = txtFirstName.ToString() + "" + txtLastName.ToString();
                    VW12.Password      = txtPassword.ToString();
                    VW12.Email         = txtEmail.ToString();
                    VW12.AccountNumber = "12345679023";

                    string test = ExecuteCallToWebAPI(VW12, m12, w12);

                    Restaurants newRestaurants = new Restaurants
                        Email            = RestaurantEmail,
                        Password         = RestaurantPassword,
                        FirstName        = RestaurantFirstName,
                        LastName         = RestaurantLastName,
                        Cuisine          = RestaurantCuisine,
                        ImgURL           = RestaurantImgUrl,
                        PhoneNumber      = RestaurantPhoneNumber,
                        RestaurantName   = restaurantName,
                        Location         = RestaurantLocation,
                        SecurityAnswer   = SecurityAnswer,
                        SecurityQuestion = SecurityQuestion,
                        VWID             = test

                    var ResponseReceived = newRestaurants.AddAddRestaurant();
                    if (ResponseReceived == true)
                        //User Registered
                        //Save UserEmail in Session Called UserEmail
                        Session.Add("userEmail", txtEmail.Text.ToString());
                        Session.Add("userPassword", txtPassword.Text.ToString());
                        Session.Add("userVWID", test);
                        RegisterUserDetails.Visible = false;
                        PreferencesDiv.Visible      = true;

                        Email  objEmail   = new Email();
                        String strTO      = txtEmail.Text.ToString();
                        String strFROM    = "*****@*****.**";
                        String strSubject = "Thank you for signing up to our website!";
                        String strMessage = "We hope that you are able to find many customers!";


                            objEmail.SendMail(strTO, strFROM, strSubject, strMessage);
                            Response.Write("The email was sent.");

                        catch (Exception ex)

                            Response.Write("The email wasn't sent because one of the required fields was missing.");
                        Response.Write("Error Occured on the DATABASE");
                for (int i = 0; i < UserRegistrationError.Count; i++)
                    Response.Write(UserRegistrationError[i] + "<br/>");