Example #1
        private async Task CheckReactions(RestUserMessage sm, RoleSelector rsm, bool dupchecker = false)
            for (int i = 0; i < sm.Reactions.Count; i++)
                var rd = sm.Reactions.ElementAt(i);

                var t = await sm.GetReactionUsersAsync(rd.Key, 100).FlattenAsync();

                if (!rd.Value.IsMe)
                    foreach (var bb in t)
                        await sm.RemoveReactionAsync(rd.Key, bb);
                else if (!dupchecker)
                    var p = rsm.roles.Where(s => s.EmoteCheckCompare(rd.Key.Name)).ToList();
                    if (p.Count == 0)
                        foreach (var bb in t)
                            await sm.RemoveReactionAsync(rd.Key, bb);

            if (!dupchecker)
                await GetEmotes(sm, rsm);
Example #2
 internal static Tuple <IUser, Emote> GetFirstReaction(RestUserMessage msg, List <Emote> emotes, ulong expectedUser = 0)
     foreach (Emote emote in emotes)
         IReadOnlyCollection <IUser> reactions = null;
         if (expectedUser == 0)
             reactions = msg.GetReactionUsersAsync(emote).Result;
             reactions = msg.GetReactionUsersAsync(emote, 100, expectedUser).Result;
         for (int i = 0; i < reactions.Count; ++i)
             IUser reactor = reactions.ElementAt(i);
             if (!reactor.IsBot)
                 return(new Tuple <IUser, Emote>(reactor, emote));
Example #3
        private async Task <bool> AskNeinJa(int num, RestUserMessage message)
            int choice = -1;

                for (int i = 0; i < VoteNeinJa.Length; i++)
                    var arr = (await message.GetReactionUsersAsync(VoteNeinJa[i], 2)
                    if (arr.Length > 1)
                        choice = i;
            }while (choice == -1);
            Console.WriteLine($"{PlayerName(num)} just voted {(DEBUG ? (choice == 1 ? "Ja" : "Nein") : "")}.");
            return(choice == 1);
        private static async Task CheckReactions(this Event.Instance self, Event evt, RestUserMessage message, IEmote emote, int index)
            IEnumerable <IUser> checkedUsers = await message.GetReactionUsersAsync(emote, 99).FlattenAsync();

            if (!checkedUsers.Contains(Program.DiscordClient.CurrentUser))
                await message.AddReactionAsync(emote);

            foreach (IUser user in checkedUsers)
                if (user.Id == Program.DiscordClient.CurrentUser.Id)

                evt.SetAttendeeStatus(user.Id, index);

                SocketUser socketUser = Program.DiscordClient.GetUser(user.Id);
                await message.RemoveReactionAsync(emote, socketUser);
Example #5
        // General Role Select Refresh
        public static async Task RefreshChannelConfiguration()
            var inputs = new List <string>();

            // Get last 100 messages currently in the channel
            var msgs = await Channel_Config.GetMessagesAsync(100).FlattenAsync();

            // Delete useless messages, add content of remaining ones for processing
            foreach (var msg in msgs)
                var content = msg.Content;
                if (content.Contains(@"Template: Name | #channel | @role | :emoji:. Use !Refresh to update changes."))
                else if (ChannelSelectController.InputMessageFormatValid(content))
                    await msg.DeleteAsync();

            // Refresh the configurations
            var processMsg = ChannelSelectController.RefreshChannelList(inputs);

            await LogMessage(processMsg);

            // Generate Embed Message
            var embeddedMessage = await GenerateEmbeddedMessage();

            // Get all messages in the select channel and delete everything except the last message which should be Pneumas
            var configmsgs = await Channel_Select.GetMessagesAsync(100).FlattenAsync();

            RestUserMessage lastMsg = null;

            foreach (var msg in configmsgs)
                if (msg == configmsgs.Last() && msg.Author.Id == Client.CurrentUser.Id)
                    lastMsg = (RestUserMessage)msg;
                    await msg.DeleteAsync();

            // Edit if the last message exists and is Pneuma's, else delete and create a new one
            if (lastMsg == null)
                lastMsg = await Channel_Select.SendMessageAsync(null, false, embeddedMessage);
                await lastMsg.ModifyAsync(x => x.Embed = embeddedMessage);
            MainMessage = lastMsg;

            // Verify all emojis exist on message
            foreach (var selection in ChannelSelectController.ChannelList)
                var emoji = await Guild.GetEmoteAsync(selection.EmojiId);

                // Verify if Pneuma has done the emote
                var emojiUses = await MainMessage.GetReactionUsersAsync(emoji, 100).FlattenAsync();

                if (!emojiUses.Any(u => u.Id == Client.CurrentUser.Id))
                    await MainMessage.AddReactionAsync(emoji);
Example #6
        private async Task ReactionAwait(RestUserMessage msg, string nameMsg, List <string> pageContent)
            int    page            = 0;
            var    userId          = Context.User.Id;
            IEmote reactionBack    = new Emoji("⬅️");
            IEmote reactionForward = new Emoji("➡️");
            await msg.AddReactionAsync(reactionBack).ConfigureAwait(false);

            await msg.AddReactionAsync(reactionForward).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var sw = new Stopwatch();


            while (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds < 30_000)
                var collectorBack = await msg.GetReactionUsersAsync(reactionBack, 100).FlattenAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                var collectorForward = await msg.GetReactionUsersAsync(reactionForward, 100).FlattenAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                IUser?UserReactionBack    = collectorBack.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == userId && !x.IsBot);
                IUser?UserReactionForward = collectorForward.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == userId && !x.IsBot);

                if (UserReactionBack != null && page > 0)
                    var embedBack = new EmbedBuilder {
                        Color = Color.DarkBlue
                    }.AddField(x =>
                        x.Name     = nameMsg;
                        x.Value    = pageContent[page];
                        x.IsInline = false;
                    }).WithFooter(x =>
                        x.IconUrl = "https://i.imgur.com/nXNBrlr.png";
                        x.Text    = $"Page {page + 1 } of {pageContent.Count}";

                    await msg.RemoveReactionAsync(reactionBack, UserReactionBack);

                    await msg.ModifyAsync(msg => msg.Embed = embedBack).ConfigureAwait(false);

                else if (UserReactionForward != null && page < pageContent.Count - 1)
                    var embedForward = new EmbedBuilder {
                        Color = Color.DarkBlue
                    }.AddField(x =>
                        x.Name     = nameMsg;
                        x.Value    = pageContent[page];
                        x.IsInline = false;
                    }).WithFooter(x =>
                        x.IconUrl = "https://i.imgur.com/nXNBrlr.png";
                        x.Text    = $"Page {page + 1} of {pageContent.Count}";

                    await msg.RemoveReactionAsync(reactionForward, UserReactionForward);

                    await msg.ModifyAsync(msg => msg.Embed = embedForward).ConfigureAwait(false);

            await msg.DeleteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
Example #7
        private async Task FilterWalletsByReactions(RestUserMessage message)
            Dictionary <ulong, List <IEmote> > reactionsPerUser = new Dictionary <ulong, List <IEmote> >();
            List <ulong> invalidUsers = new List <ulong>();

            foreach (var emote in message.Reactions.Keys)
                Emote guildEmote = emote as Emote;
                    var usersReacted = await message.GetReactionUsersAsync(emote.Name + ":" + guildEmote.Id);

                    foreach (IUser user in usersReacted)
                        if (!reactionsPerUser.ContainsKey(user.Id))
                            reactionsPerUser[user.Id] = new List <IEmote>();

                catch (Exception e)
                    _logger.LogCritical(e.Message, e);

            foreach (var walletPair in _wallets)
                var user = walletPair.Key;
                if (!reactionsPerUser.ContainsKey(user.Id))
                    await user.SendMessageAsync($"Oh my, you did not react to the rain announcement post with {_requiredReactions[user.Id]}! No shells for you...");

                    _logger.LogWarning($"Filtered {user.Username} - {walletPair.Value.Address}: NO REACTION");
                else if (!reactionsPerUser[user.Id].Any(e => e.Name == _requiredReactions[user.Id].Name))
                    await user.SendMessageAsync($"Oh my, you did not react to the rain announcement post with {_requiredReactions[user.Id]}! No shells for you...");

                    _logger.LogWarning($"Filtered {user.Username} - {walletPair.Value.Address}: WRONG REACTION");
                else if (reactionsPerUser[user.Id].Count > 1)
                    await user.SendMessageAsync($"Oh my, you reacted to the rain announcement post with **more** than {_requiredReactions[user.Id]}! No shells for you...");

                    _logger.LogWarning($"Filtered {user.Username} - {walletPair.Value.Address}: TOO MANY REACTIONS");
                    _logger.LogInformation($"Wallet OK: {user.Username} - {walletPair.Value.Address}");

            foreach (var invalidUser in invalidUsers)
                TurtleWallet unused;
                _wallets.TryRemove(_discord.GetUser(invalidUser), out unused);
        public static async Task Giveaway(IGuild guild, IMessage message, uint timeInHours, uint money, IRole role = null)
            await message.DeleteAsync();

            string reward = "";

            var emoji = new Emoji("🎊");
            var coin  = Messages.coin;

            if (money == 0 && role == null)
            if (money == 0 && role != null)
                reward = $"👤 {role.Mention}";
            if (money != 0 && role == null)
                reward = $"{coin} {money}";
            if (money != 0 && role != null)
                reward = $"{coin} {money}\n👤 {role.Mention}";

            var   GuildAccount      = GuildAccounts.GetAccount(guild);
            var   ContextGuild      = guild as SocketGuild;
            ulong GiveawayChannelID = GuildAccount.GiveawayChannelID;
            var   GiveawayChannel   = ContextGuild.GetChannel(GiveawayChannelID) as IMessageChannel;

            uint TimeInMilisecs = timeInHours * 3600000;

            var time  = DateTime.Now;
            var time2 = time.AddHours(TimeInMilisecs);
            var time3 = time2.ToString("HH:mm");

            EmbedBuilder eb = new EmbedBuilder();

            eb.WithDescription($"**Nagroda:**\n {reward}\n\n**Wyniki o:** {time3}");
            eb.WithFooter("👇 ZAREAGUJ ABY WZIĄĆ UDZIAŁ!");

            RestUserMessage msg = (RestUserMessage)await GiveawayChannel.SendMessageAsync("@everyone", false, eb.Build());

            Global.GiveawayMessageID = msg.Id;
            await msg.AddReactionAsync(emoji);

            await Task.Delay(Convert.ToInt32(TimeInMilisecs));

            await msg.UpdateAsync();

            var    UsersThatReacted = (await msg.GetReactionUsersAsync(emoji)).Where(u => u.IsBot == false).ToArray();
            Random rand             = new Random();
            var    randomuser       = UsersThatReacted[rand.Next(UsersThatReacted.Length)];
            await GiveawayChannel.SendMessageAsync($":confetti_ball: GRATULACJE :confetti_ball:\n{randomuser.Mention} wygrywa.");

                var UserToAddRole = ContextGuild.GetUser(randomuser.Id);
                await UserToAddRole.AddRoleAsync(role);
            catch { }
                var UserAccount = UserAccounts.GetAccount(randomuser);
                UserAccount.MoneyAccount += money;
            catch { }
Example #9
        private async Task HandleEventAsync(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> cache, ISocketMessageChannel channel, SocketReaction reaction, RestUserMessage message, bool reactionAdded)
            var           em     = message.Embeds.First();
            var           fields = em.Fields;
            List <string> att    = new List <string>();
            List <string> nAtt   = new List <string>();

            // Iterate over fields and grab data needed
            int    maxParticipants = 0;
            string dateTime        = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count(); i++)
                if (fields[i].Name == "When?")
                    dateTime = fields[i].Value;
                if (fields[i].Name == "Max Participants")
                    maxParticipants = Int32.Parse(fields[i].Value);

            // Refresh both 'Attending' and 'Not attending' lists
            var attending = message.GetReactionUsersAsync(new Emoji("\u2705"), 100);

            attending.ForEach(users => {
                for (int i = 0; i < users.Count(); i++)
                    if (!users.ElementAt(i).IsBot)
            var notAttending = message.GetReactionUsersAsync(new Emoji("\u274C"), 100);

            notAttending.ForEach(users => {
                for (int i = 0; i < users.Count(); i++)
                    if (!users.ElementAt(i).IsBot)

            // If reaction was added
            if (reactionAdded)
                // Check if max participants have been reached
                if (att.Count > maxParticipants && maxParticipants != 0)
                    await message.RemoveReactionAsync(new Emoji("\u2705"), reaction.User.Value);


                // Check for and handle double reactions
                if (reaction.Emote.Equals(new Emoji("\u2705")))
                    foreach (string n in nAtt)
                        if (n == reaction.User.Value.Mention)
                            await message.RemoveReactionAsync(new Emoji("\u274C"), reaction.User.Value);

                if (reaction.Emote.Equals(new Emoji("\u274C")))
                    foreach (string n in att)
                        if (n == reaction.User.Value.Mention)
                            await message.RemoveReactionAsync(new Emoji("\u2705"), reaction.User.Value);


            var embed = await EmbedHandler.UpdateEventEmbed(em.Title, em.Description, maxParticipants, dateTime, em.Footer.Value.ToString(), att, nAtt);

            await message.ModifyAsync(q => {
                q.Embed = embed;
Example #10
        private async Task FilterWalletsByReactions(RestUserMessage message)
            var reactionsPerUser = new Dictionary <ulong, List <IEmote> >();
            var invalidUsers     = new List <ulong>();

            var embed = new EmbedBuilder()
                        .WithColor(new Color(114, 137, 218))
                        .WithTitle($"REGISTRATION CLOSED! LET'S SEE WHO WAS A GOOD TURTLE")
            await message.ModifyAsync(m => m.Embed = embed);

            foreach (var emote in message.Reactions.Keys)
                var guildEmote = emote as Emote;
                    var usersReacted = await message.GetReactionUsersAsync(emote.Name + ":" + guildEmote.Id);

                    foreach (var user in usersReacted)
                        if (!reactionsPerUser.ContainsKey(user.Id))
                            reactionsPerUser[user.Id] = new List <IEmote>();

                catch (Exception e)
                    _logger.LogCritical(e.Message, e);

            await message.RemoveAllReactionsAsync();

            foreach (var walletPair in _wallets)
                var user = walletPair.Key;
                if (!reactionsPerUser.ContainsKey(user.Id))
                    await user.SendMessageAsync($"Oh my, you did not react to the rain announcement post with {_requiredReactions[user.Id]}! No shells for you...");

                    _logger.LogWarning($"Filtered {user.Username} - {walletPair.Value.Address}: NO REACTION");
                else if (reactionsPerUser[user.Id].All(e => e.Name != _requiredReactions[user.Id].Name))
                    await user.SendMessageAsync($"Oh my, you did not react to the rain announcement post with {_requiredReactions[user.Id]}! No shells for you...");

                    _logger.LogWarning($"Filtered {user.Username} - {walletPair.Value.Address}: WRONG REACTION");
                else if (reactionsPerUser[user.Id].Count > 1)
                    await user.SendMessageAsync($"Oh my, you reacted to the rain announcement post with **more** than {_requiredReactions[user.Id]}! No shells for you...");

                    _logger.LogWarning($"Filtered {user.Username} - {walletPair.Value.Address}: TOO MANY REACTIONS");
                    _logger.LogInformation($"Wallet OK: {user.Username} - {walletPair.Value.Address}");

            foreach (var invalidUser in invalidUsers)
                TurtleWallet unused;
                _wallets.TryRemove(_discord.GetUser(invalidUser), out unused);
Example #11
        private async void Timer_SendNextMessageEvent(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
            if (Waiting)
                if (KickLast > 0)

                var usersReac = (await Message.GetReactionUsersAsync(Emote, 100).FlattenAsync()).Select(x => x.Id).ToHashSet();
                var users     = Role.Members.Where(x => !usersReac.Contains(x.Id)).ToList();

                Waiting = false;

                if (await LostUsers(this, users))

            var rnd = new Random();
            int x   = rnd.Next(3);

            KickLast = Role.Members.Count();
            if (KickLast > 20)
                KickLast = KickLast / 10 + x;
            else if (KickLast > 5)
                KickLast = x;
                KickLast = x - 1 >= 0 ? x - 1 : 0;

            int emoteCount = 4;
            var emotes     = BanroyaleUtil.DrawEmotes(emoteCount);
            int r          = rnd.Next(emoteCount);

            Emote = emotes[r];

            Message = await Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Role.Mention}", embed : new EmbedBuilderPrepared($"Click the {Emote} reaction to stay in the game!\n" +
                                                                                                         $"{(KickLast > 0 ? $"Last **{KickLast}** participants to react will lose!" : "")}")

            foreach (var emote in emotes)
                _ = Message.AddReactionAsync(emote);

            await BanroyaleMessageDb.AddMessage(new BanroyaleMessage
                Active      = true,
                BanroyaleId = Banroyale.Id,
                MessageId   = Message.Id,
                EmoteId     = Emote.Id

            if (KickLast > 0)
                BanroyaleMessageDict.Add(Message.Id, this);

            Waiting = true;

            double interval = new Random().Next(Banroyale.MaxFrequency - Banroyale.MinFrequency) + Banroyale.MinFrequency;

            Timer.Interval = interval * 1000;