private void AddFrag_ProductHandler(object sender, OnCreateProductEvent e) { var client = new RestClient(""); RestReader reader = new RestReader(); RestInserter inserter = new RestInserter(); // Toast.MakeText(this, "Userprices might be null " + userPrices.Length, ToastLength.Short).Show(); Prices price = new Prices { Id = CurrentUserSignedInId, ProductId = (userPrices.Length == 0) ? 0 : userPrices[userPrices.Length - 1].ProductId + 1, Name = e.Name, Price = e.Price, Picture = "none", IdNavigation = null, Ingredients = null }; try { inserter.InsertPrice(price, client, CurrentUserSignedInId); } catch (Exception) { Toast.MakeText(this.ApplicationContext, "Exception at insertion attempt! (activity)", ToastLength.Short).Show(); } }
public async Task ReadDataFromNBP() { var reader = new RestReader(); var ret = await reader.ReadDataAsync <NBPCurrencyResponse>(_url); Assert.That(ret, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That(ret.Code.ToLower(), Is.EqualTo("EUR".ToLower())); }
public void TestGetPropertyList() { if (bSkipMe) { Assert.IsTrue(true); EnqueueTestComplete(); return; } RestReader md = new RestReader(); string[] urls = new string[1]; urls[0] = GetUrl("hd_ui_treeview_access"); md.OnEvent += (sender, e) => { try { switch (e.status) { case DownloadStatus.CompleteOne_Success: //// element //Dictionary<string, string> l = mp.GetPropertyList(, "hd_ui_treeview_access", "name"); //Assert.IsTrue(l != null); //Assert.IsTrue(l.Count == 4); //Assert.IsTrue(l["2"] == "test2"); //// element.attribute //Dictionary<string, string> l2 = mp.GetPropertyList(, "hd_ui_treeview_access", "role.identifier"); //Assert.IsTrue(l2 != null); //Assert.IsTrue(l2.Count == 4); //Assert.IsTrue(l2["2"] == "HDTestRoleA"); //// negative test //Dictionary<string, string> l3 = mp.GetPropertyList(, "hd_ui_treeview_access", ""); //Assert.IsTrue(l3 == null); break; case DownloadStatus.CompleteAll_Success: EnqueueTestComplete(); break; default: Assert.Fail("error msg:" +; EnqueueTestComplete(); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail(ex.Message); } }; md.Start(urls, 3, 5, "a"); }
private async void ListView_ItemClick(object sender, AdapterView.ItemClickEventArgs e) { var client = new RestClient(""); RestReader reader = new RestReader(); Toast.MakeText(this, "Loading. . ." + CurrentUserId, ToastLength.Short).Show(); Prices[] prices = await reader.GetPrices(client, ListedUsers[e.Position].Id); var intent = new Intent(this, typeof(BarContent)); string serializedPrices = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(prices); intent.PutExtra("priceString", serializedPrices); intent.PutExtra("userId", CurrentUserId); StartActivity(intent); }
public async void OptionsList_ItemClick(object sender, AdapterView.ItemClickEventArgs e) { switch (e.Position) { case 0: { //Add product var client = new RestClient(""); RestReader reader = new RestReader(); userPrices = await reader.GetPrices(client); AddProductFrag addFrag = new AddProductFrag(CurrentUserSignedInId); addFrag.ProductHandler += AddFrag_ProductHandler; FragmentTransaction transaction = FragmentManager.BeginTransaction(); addFrag.Show(transaction, "CreateProductFrag"); break; } case 1: { //Delete product var client = new RestClient(""); RestReader reader = new RestReader(); userPrices = await reader.GetPrices(client, CurrentUserSignedInId); EditProductFrag deleteFrag = new EditProductFrag(userPrices); FragmentTransaction transaction = FragmentManager.BeginTransaction(); deleteFrag.Show(transaction, "CreateProductFrag"); break; } case 2: { //Delete profile Toast.MakeText(this.ApplicationContext, "Delete Profile - To be implemented!", ToastLength.Short).Show(); break; } } }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { base.OnCreate(savedInstanceState); RequestWindowFeature(Android.Views.WindowFeatures.NoTitle); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.Main); usernameEdit = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.userNameTextEdit); passwordEdit = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.passwordTextEdit); signIn = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.signInButton); createProfile = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.createProfileButton); signInGuest = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.signInAsGuestButton); bar = FindViewById <ProgressBar>(Resource.Id.loadingBarMain); bar.Visibility = Android.Views.ViewStates.Invisible; reader = new RestReader(); inserter = new RestInserter(); signIn.Click += SignIn_Click; createProfile.Click += CreateProfileClick; signInGuest.Click += SignInGuest_Click; }