public static ACG.Order MapAmazonOrder(Order order, long customerId, ref int?invoiceNo) { var nameSplit = order.ShippingAddress.Name.Split(' '); invoiceNo += 1; ACG.Order acgOrder = new ACG.Order() { BillingAddress = order.ShippingAddress.AddressLine1, BillingAddress2 = (order.ShippingAddress.IsSetAddressLine2() ? order.ShippingAddress.AddressLine2 : "") + (order.ShippingAddress.IsSetAddressLine3() ? order.ShippingAddress.AddressLine3 : ""), BillingCity = order.ShippingAddress.City, BillingCountry = order.ShippingAddress.CountryCode, BillingFirstName = nameSplit[0], BillingLastName = string.Join(" ", nameSplit.Except(new[] { nameSplit[0] })), BillingEmail = order.BuyerEmail, BillingPhoneNumber = order.ShippingAddress.Phone == null ? "111-111-1111" : order.ShippingAddress.Phone, BillingState = order.ShippingAddress.StateOrRegion, BillingZipCode = order.ShippingAddress.PostalCode, BillingOnLinePayment = false, BillingPaymentMethodID = "50", BillingPaymentMethod = "Purchase Order", UserID = "storeadmin1", PONo = order.AmazonOrderId, CustomerID = customerId, OrderAmount = Convert.ToDouble(order.OrderTotal.Amount), OrderDate = order.PurchaseDate, InvoiceNumberPrefix = "ACGA-", InvoiceNumber = invoiceNo, Referer = "", SalesPerson = "", CardNumber = "-1", CardName = "Amazon Items", OrderStatusID = 1, CustomerComments = order.AmazonOrderId, OrderID = 0, ShipmentList = new List <ACG.Shipment> { new ACG.Shipment() { ShipmentAddress = order.ShippingAddress.AddressLine1, ShipmentAddress2 = (order.ShippingAddress.IsSetAddressLine2() ? order.ShippingAddress.AddressLine2 : "") + (order.ShippingAddress.IsSetAddressLine3() ? order.ShippingAddress.AddressLine3 :""), ShipmentCity = order.ShippingAddress.City, ShipmentCountry = order.ShippingAddress.CountryCode, ShipmentEmail = order.BuyerEmail, ShipmentFirstName = nameSplit[0], ShipmentLastName = string.Join(" ", nameSplit.Except(new [] { nameSplit[0] })), ShipmentPhone = order.ShippingAddress.Phone ?? "111-111-1111", // SAM: This is tobe shipped By date. we may need a field for this. ShipmentShippedDate = order.LatestShipDate.ToLongDateString(), ShipmentState = order.ShippingAddress.StateOrRegion, ShipmentZipCode = order.ShippingAddress.PostalCode } }, OrderItemList = new List <ACG.OrderItem>() }; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(acgOrder.BillingLastName)) { acgOrder.BillingLastName = acgOrder.BillingFirstName; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(acgOrder.ShipmentList[0].ShipmentLastName)) { acgOrder.ShipmentList[0].ShipmentLastName = acgOrder.ShipmentList[0].ShipmentFirstName; } foreach (var item in order.OrderItem) { // ** SAM: Make sure we have AmazonOrderItemID stored in some table for every order item // ** SAM: From Amazon, find Manufacturer Part no for this ASIN. Then use that MPN to map our part no. // Search our ASIN table, if the needed, insert this row. Or update. // SAM: It will be better if we can capture the SKU (new) coming back from Amazon - Can put it in ASIN table. // OR - simply map ASIN with our ASIN table and get the part no. var orderItem = ProductDAL.FindOrderFromASIN(ConfigurationHelper.ConnectionString, item.ASIN, item.SellerSKU); if (orderItem == null || orderItem.catalogid == null || orderItem.ItemId == null) { MandrillMail.SendEmail(ConfigurationHelper.MandrilAPIKey, "Order Has to be processed manually. ", "Order Has to be processed manually. OrderItem ASIN information is null. The order no is:" + order.AmazonOrderId, "*****@*****.**"); //todo: SAM: Query 3d cart API if catalogid is null. Map "CK_"+CK_ASIN.ItemId with SKU of 3D Cart continue; } //** SAM Need to check failure condition that orderItem may be null // *** Also these set of SKU's are new and probably we need a new field in the product table for this. acgOrder.OrderItemList.Add(new ACG.OrderItem { ItemQuantity = Convert.ToDouble(item.QuantityOrdered), ItemUnitPrice = Convert.ToDouble(item.ItemPrice.Amount) / Convert.ToDouble(item.QuantityOrdered), //ItemOptionPrice = Convert.ToDouble(item.ItemPrice.Amount), ItemID = orderItem.ItemId, CatalogID = orderItem.catalogid, ItemOptions = orderItem.VariantId, ItemDescription = item.Title, // ItemWeight = Convert.ToDouble(item., ItemAdditionalField1 = orderItem.ResourceCode, ChannelOrderItemId = item.OrderItemId, // //Order_Items Table : Add extra field additionalField4 > //ResourceCode and Message }); } var orderRes = RestHelper.AddRecord(acgOrder, "Orders", ConfigurationHelper.PrivateKey, ConfigurationHelper.Token, ConfigurationHelper.Store); if (orderRes.Status == ACG.ActionStatus.Failed) { MandrillMail.SendEmail(ConfigurationHelper.MandrilAPIKey, "Order Has to be processed manually", "Order Has to be processed manually. The order no is:" + order.AmazonOrderId + Environment.NewLine + "Error: " + orderRes.Description, "*****@*****.**"); return(null); } var orderId = Convert.ToInt32(orderRes.ResultSet); acgOrder.OrderID = orderId; var orderList = OrderDAL.Map_n_Add_ExtOrders(ConfigurationHelper.ConnectionString, "", new List <ACG.Order>() { acgOrder }); // SAM: No need to sync orders - just place it to CK var autoCarOpConfig = new AutoCarOperations.Model.ConfigurationData() { ConnectionString = ConfigurationHelper.ConnectionString, CKOrderFolder = ConfigurationHelper.CKOrderFolder, MandrilAPIKey = ConfigurationHelper.MandrilAPIKey, FTPAddress = ConfigurationHelper.FTPAddress, FTPUserName = ConfigurationHelper.FTPUserName, FTPPassword = ConfigurationHelper.FTPPassword, }; if (order.OrderItem[0].ASIN == "B00JFEU78W" && order.OrderItem.Count == 1) // Avoid uploading Drawstring bag orders { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Drawstring Bag, M4I98, ASIN B00JFEU78W - handle manually")); } else { OrderDAL.UploadOrderToCK(autoCarOpConfig, true, true, orderList); } //mark the above orders as Submitted in local table OrderDAL.UpdateStatus(ConfigurationHelper.ConnectionString, orderList); // Sep 5, 2018 - Write new order in AmazonOpenOrders.csv file String currentAppPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); String fileName = currentAppPath + "\\..\\..\\..\\3dCartImportConsole\\bin\\Debug\\AmazonOpenOrders.csv"; // @"D:\test\ACG\ACGConsole_2018\3dCartImportConsole\bin\Debug\"+"AmazonOpenOrders.csv"; Console.WriteLine(String.Format("\r\n*** Appending new order to {0} ", fileName)); // CSV structure: Order Date,Amazon Order,Ship By,ASIN,Name,ACG Order,CK Order No,Status,Ship Agent,Ship Service,Tracking No,Status Date DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(acgOrder.OrderDate.ToString()); string strOrderLineforCSV = string.Format("{0},{1},{2},,{3} {4},{5}{6},,,,,,{7}", dt.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm"), acgOrder.PONo, order.LatestShipDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm"), acgOrder.BillingFirstName, acgOrder.BillingLastName, acgOrder.InvoiceNumberPrefix, acgOrder.InvoiceNumber, DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm")); File.AppendAllText(fileName, strOrderLineforCSV + Environment.NewLine); return(acgOrder); }
public static long CreateCustomer(Order order) { //check if customer already exist var customerOld = CustomerDAL.FindCustomer(ConfigurationHelper.ConnectionString, cus => cus.billing_address == order.ShippingAddress.AddressLine1 && cus.billing_zip == order.ShippingAddress.PostalCode); if (customerOld != null) { return(customerOld.customer_id); } var nameSplit = order.ShippingAddress.Name.Split(' '); var customer = new ACG.Customer { Email = order.BuyerEmail, Password = "******" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("d").Substring(1, 8), BillingCompany = "", BillingFirstName = nameSplit[0], BillingLastName = string.Join(" ", nameSplit.Except(new[] { nameSplit[0] })), BillingAddress1 = order.ShippingAddress.AddressLine1, BillingAddress2 = (order.ShippingAddress.IsSetAddressLine2() ? order.ShippingAddress.AddressLine2 : "") + (order.ShippingAddress.IsSetAddressLine3() ? order.ShippingAddress.AddressLine3 : ""), BillingCity = order.ShippingAddress.City, BillingState = order.ShippingAddress.StateOrRegion, BillingZipCode = order.ShippingAddress.PostalCode, BillingCountry = order.ShippingAddress.CountryCode, // order.BuyerCounty BillingPhoneNumber = order.ShippingAddress.Phone, //BillingTaxID= order.BuyerTaxInfo.,todo: Sam to check //ShippingCompany= "Amazon", ShippingFirstName = nameSplit[0], ShippingLastName = string.Join(" ", nameSplit.Except(new[] { nameSplit[0] })), ShippingAddress1 = order.ShippingAddress.AddressLine1, ShippingAddress2 = (order.ShippingAddress.IsSetAddressLine2() ? order.ShippingAddress.AddressLine2 : "") + (order.ShippingAddress.IsSetAddressLine3() ? order.ShippingAddress.AddressLine3 : ""), ShippingCity = order.ShippingAddress.City, ShippingState = order.ShippingAddress.StateOrRegion.Trim(), ShippingZipCode = order.ShippingAddress.PostalCode, ShippingCountry = order.ShippingAddress.CountryCode.ToUpper(), ShippingPhoneNumber = order.ShippingAddress.Phone, //ShippingAddressType= 0, Enabled = true, MailList = false, NonTaxable = true, DisableBillingSameAsShipping = true, CustomerGroupID = 13, // Amazon //Comments= "string", //AdditionalField1= "string", //AdditionalField2= "string", //AdditionalField3= "string", TotalStoreCredit = "" }; // check for US States if ((customer.ShippingCountry == "US" || customer.ShippingCountry == "USA") && customer.ShippingState.Length > 2) { customer.ShippingState = OrderDAL.GetStateCodeForUS(customer.ShippingState); } if ((customer.BillingCountry == "US" || customer.BillingCountry == "USA") && customer.BillingState.Length > 2) { customer.BillingState = OrderDAL.GetStateCodeForUS(customer.BillingState); } var recordInfo = RestHelper.AddRecord(customer, "Customers", ConfigurationHelper.PrivateKey, ConfigurationHelper.Token, ConfigurationHelper.Store); if (recordInfo.Status == ACG.ActionStatus.Failed) { MandrillMail.SendEmail(ConfigurationHelper.MandrilAPIKey, "Order Has to be processed manually. ", "Order Has to be processed manually. Could not create customer. The order no is:" + order.AmazonOrderId, "*****@*****.**"); return(0); } var customerId = Convert.ToInt32(recordInfo.ResultSet); customer.CustomerID = customerId; CustomerDAL.AddCustomers(ConfigurationHelper.ConnectionString, new List <ACG.Customer>() { customer }, new List <ACG.CustomerGroup>()); return(customerId); }