Example #1
 public RestApiException(HttpResponseStatusCode statusCode, string reasonPhrase, RestApiErrorJsonModel errorModel)
     : base(GetErrorMessage(statusCode, reasonPhrase, errorModel))
     StatusCode   = statusCode;
     ReasonPhrase = reasonPhrase;
     ErrorModel   = errorModel;
        private async ValueTask <Stream> InternalExecuteAsync(FormattedRoute route, IRestRequestContent content, IRestRequestOptions options)

            var request = new DefaultRestRequest(route, content, options);

            var defaultOptions = options as DefaultRestRequestOptions;


            await RateLimiter.EnqueueRequestAsync(request).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var response = await request.WaitForCompletionAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            defaultOptions?.HeadersAction?.Invoke(new DefaultRestResponseHeaders(response.HttpResponse.Headers));

            var responseStream = await response.HttpResponse.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            var statusCode = (int)response.HttpResponse.Code;

            if (statusCode > 199 && statusCode < 300)

            if (statusCode > 499 && statusCode < 600)
                throw new RestApiException(response.HttpResponse.Code, response.HttpResponse.ReasonPhrase, null);

            RestApiErrorJsonModel errorModel = null;

                errorModel = Serializer.Deserialize <RestApiErrorJsonModel>(responseStream);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.LogError(ex, "An exception occurred while attempting to deserialize the error model.");
                await responseStream.DisposeAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            throw new RestApiException(response.HttpResponse.Code, response.HttpResponse.ReasonPhrase, errorModel);
Example #3
        private static string GetMessage(HttpResponseStatusCode statusCode, RestApiErrorJsonModel errorModel)
            // We create an easily readable exception message, example:
            // HTTP: 400 BadRequest. Error message: Invalid Form Body
            var message = $"HTTP: {(Enum.IsDefined(statusCode) ? $"{(int) statusCode} {statusCode}" : statusCode)}. Error message: {errorModel.Message}";

            // We check if Discord provided more detailed error messages.
            if (errorModel.ExtensionData.TryGetValue("errors", out var errors) && errors is IJsonObject errorsObject)
                // We extract the errors from the structure shown below.
                var extracted = ExtractErrors(errorsObject);

                // We append the errors the message created above, example:
                // embed.fields[0].name: "Must be 256 or fewer in length."
                // embed.fields[1].value: "This field is required"
                message += $"\n{string.Join('\n', extracted.Select(x => $"{x.Key}: {x.Value ?? "unknown error"}"))}";
Example #4
 public RestApiException(HttpResponseStatusCode statusCode, RestApiErrorJsonModel errorModel)
     : base($"HTTP {(Enum.IsDefined(statusCode) ? $"{(int) statusCode} {statusCode}" : statusCode)}. Error message: {errorModel.Message}")
     StatusCode = statusCode;
     ErrorModel = errorModel;
Example #5
 public RestApiException(HttpResponseStatusCode statusCode, RestApiErrorJsonModel errorModel)
     : base(GetMessage(statusCode, errorModel))
     StatusCode = statusCode;
     ErrorModel = errorModel;