Example #1
        internal async Task <TcpClient> GetClientAsync(bool noTransportErrors = false)
            if (_closed)
                throw new ApplicationException("Attempt to reuse connection which is not supposed to be used anymore");

            //EtwTrace.Log.ConnectionWaitingForLock(_host, _port);
            await _connectionLock.WaitAsync();

            //EtwTrace.Log.ConnectionGotLock(_host, _port);

                if (_client != null && !_client.Connected)
                    _log.Debug("Replacing closed connection {0}:{1} with a new one", _host, _port);
                    EtwTrace.Log.ConnectionReplaceClosedClient(_host, _port);
                    _client = null;

                if (_client == null)
                    _client = new TcpClient();
                    EtwTrace.Log.ConnectionConnecting(_host, _port);
                    await _client.ConnectAsync(_host, _port);

                    EtwTrace.Log.ConnectionConnected(_host, _port);

                    var currentClient = _client;
                    Correlation = new ResponseCorrelation(async e =>
                        await MarkSocketAsFailed(currentClient);
                        if (_onError != null && !noTransportErrors)
                    }, _host + ":" + _port + " conn object hash: " + GetHashCode());

                    // If there was a prior connection and loop task, cancel them before creating a new one.
                    if (_loopTask != null && _loopTaskCancel != null)
                        _loopTask = null;

                    _loopTaskCancel = new CancellationTokenSource();

                    // Close connection in case of any exception. It is important, because in case of deserialization exception,
                    // we are out of sync and can't continue.
                    _loopTask = Correlation.CorrelateResponseLoop(_client, _loopTaskCancel.Token)
                                .ContinueWith(async t =>
                        _log.Debug("CorrelationLoop completed with status {0}. {1}", t.Status, t.Exception == null?"": string.Format("Closing connection because of error. {0}", t.Exception.Message));
                        await _connectionLock.WaitAsync();    //.ConfigureAwait(false);
                            if (_client != null)
                                EtwTrace.Log.ConnectionDisconnected(_host, _port);
                        // ReSharper disable once EmptyGeneralCatchClause
                        catch {}
                            _client = null;

            catch (Exception e)
                // some exception getting a connection, clear what we have for next time.
                _client = null;
                if (_onError != null && !noTransportErrors)
                //EtwTrace.Log.ConnectionLockRelease(_host, _port);

Example #2
        internal async Task<TcpClient> GetClientAsync(bool noTransportErrors=false)
            if (_closed)
                throw new ApplicationException("Attempt to reuse connection which is not supposed to be used anymore");

            //EtwTrace.Log.ConnectionWaitingForLock(_host, _port);
            await _connectionLock.WaitAsync();
            //EtwTrace.Log.ConnectionGotLock(_host, _port);

                if (_client != null && !_client.Connected)
                    _log.Debug("Replacing closed connection {0}:{1} with a new one", _host, _port);
                    EtwTrace.Log.ConnectionReplaceClosedClient(_host, _port);
                    _client = null;

                if (_client == null)
                    _client = new TcpClient();
                    EtwTrace.Log.ConnectionConnecting(_host, _port);
                    await _client.ConnectAsync(_host, _port);
                    EtwTrace.Log.ConnectionConnected(_host, _port);

                    var currentClient = _client;
                    Correlation = new ResponseCorrelation(async e => 
                        await MarkSocketAsFailed(currentClient);
                        if(_onError != null && !noTransportErrors)
                    }, _host+":"+_port+" conn object hash: " + GetHashCode());
                    // If there was a prior connection and loop task, cancel them before creating a new one.
                    if (_loopTask != null && _loopTaskCancel != null)
                        _loopTask = null;

                    _loopTaskCancel = new CancellationTokenSource();

                    // Close connection in case of any exception. It is important, because in case of deserialization exception,
                    // we are out of sync and can't continue.
                    _loopTask = Correlation.CorrelateResponseLoop(_client, _loopTaskCancel.Token)
                        .ContinueWith(async t => 
                            _log.Debug("CorrelationLoop completed with status {0}. {1}", t.Status, t.Exception==null?"": string.Format("Closing connection because of error. {0}",t.Exception.Message));
                            await _connectionLock.WaitAsync();//.ConfigureAwait(false);
                                if (_client != null)
                                        EtwTrace.Log.ConnectionDisconnected(_host, _port);
                            // ReSharper disable once EmptyGeneralCatchClause
                            catch {}
                                _client = null;

                    return _client;
            catch(Exception e)
                // some exception getting a connection, clear what we have for next time.
                _client = null;
                if (_onError != null && !noTransportErrors)
                //EtwTrace.Log.ConnectionLockRelease(_host, _port);

            return _client;