//Khi thanh toán Ngan Luong XOng public ActionResult confirm_orderPaymentOnline() { String Token = Request["token"]; RequestCheckOrder info = new RequestCheckOrder(); info.Merchant_id = nganluongInfo.Merchant_id; info.Merchant_password = nganluongInfo.Merchant_password; info.Token = Token; APICheckoutV3 objNLChecout = new APICheckoutV3(); ResponseCheckOrder result = objNLChecout.GetTransactionDetail(info); if (result.errorCode == "00") { String codeOrder = Session["OrderId"].ToString(); var OrderInfo = db.Orders.OrderByDescending(m => m.code == codeOrder).FirstOrDefault(); OrderInfo.StatusPayment = 1; db.Entry(OrderInfo).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); ViewBag.paymentStatus = OrderInfo.StatusPayment; ViewBag.Methodpayment = OrderInfo.deliveryPaymentMethod; return(View("oderComplete", OrderInfo)); } else { ViewBag.status = false; } return(View("confirm_orderPaymentOnline")); }
public ActionResult ConfirmOrder() { string token = Request["token"]; RequestCheckOrder info = new RequestCheckOrder(); info.Merchant_id = _merchantId; info.Merchant_password = _merchantPassword; info.Token = token; APICheckoutV3 objNLChecout = new APICheckoutV3(); ResponseCheckOrder result = objNLChecout.GetTransactionDetail(info); if (result.errorCode == "00") { //update status order _orderService.UpdateStatus(int.Parse(result.order_code)); _orderService.Save(); ViewBag.IsSuccess = true; ViewBag.Result = "Thanh toán thành công. Chúng tôi sẽ liên hệ lại sớm nhất."; } else { ViewBag.IsSuccess = true; ViewBag.Result = "Có lỗi xảy ra. Vui lòng liên hệ admin."; } return(View()); }
public ActionResult PaymentReturn(string token, string key, int type = 0) { string result; //DEBUG //Logger.GetInstance().Write("Payment Return URL:"); //Logger.GetInstance().Write(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToString()); if (type == ReturnType.Cancel.GetHashCode() || type == ReturnType.Timeout.GetHashCode() || string.IsNullOrEmpty(key) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(token)) { result = DbContext.CancelUrl(key); return(Redirect(result)); } var db = new DbContext(); var details = db.GetDetails(key); if (details != null && details.ProviderTransRefId == token) { var info = new RequestCheckOrder(); info.Merchant_id = ConfigCode.GetInstance().MerchantID; info.Merchant_password = ConfigCode.GetInstance().MerchantPassword; info.Token = token; var objApiCheckout = new APICheckoutV3(); ResponseCheckOrder checkOrderRs = objApiCheckout.GetTransactionDetail(info); //DEBUG //Logger.GetInstance().Write("Transaction details:"); // Logger.GetInstance().Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(checkOrderRs)); switch (checkOrderRs.transactionStatus) { case "00": details.PaymentStatus = EnumPaymentStatus.Paid.GetHashCode(); break; case "01": details.PaymentStatus = EnumPaymentStatus.Pending.GetHashCode(); break; case "02": details.PaymentStatus = EnumPaymentStatus.Unpaid.GetHashCode(); break; } var updateRs = db.SetDetails(key, details); // Build the success url and redirect back to Arcadier result = DbContext.SuccessUrl(key, ""); return(Redirect(result)); } else { // Build the failure url and redirect back to Arcadier result = DbContext.CancelUrl(key); return(Redirect(result)); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { String Token = Request["token"]; RequestCheckOrder info = new RequestCheckOrder(); info.Merchant_id = "24338"; info.Merchant_password = "******"; info.Token = Token; APICheckoutV3 objNLChecout = new APICheckoutV3(); ResponseCheckOrder result = objNLChecout.GetTransactionDetail(info); result_NL.Text = result.errorCode + result.payerName; }
public CheckPackageModel CheckPackageOrder(string barcode) { CheckPackageModel retVal = null; using (var client = new WebClient()) { try { client.Headers.Add("Token", Utils.TOKEN); string URL = string.Format("{0}{1}?OrderNumber={2}", Utils.BASE_PATH, Utils.POST_ORDERS, barcode); var response = client.DownloadString(URL); ResponseCheckOrder order = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ResponseCheckOrder>(response); retVal = order.Data; } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } } return(retVal); }
public ActionResult NLCallback(String Token) { AnperoService ws = new AnperoService(); PaymentConfig[] pc = ws.GetPaymentAPIConfig(StoreID, TokenKey); if (pc != null && pc.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < pc.Length; i++) { if (pc[i].Name.ToUpper() == "NL") { RequestCheckOrder info = new RequestCheckOrder(); //for test //info.Merchant_id = "24338"; //info.Merchant_password = "******"; info.Merchant_id = pc[i].MerchantId; info.Merchant_password = pc[i].MerchantPassword; info.Token = Token; APICheckoutV3 objNLChecout = new APICheckoutV3(); ResponseCheckOrder result = objNLChecout.GetTransactionDetail(info); string rs = "Giao dịch Thành công, đơn hàng của quý khách đang được xử lý nhanh chóng"; rs += result.description; rs += "<br>"; rs += "Số tiền thanh toán: " + result.paymentAmount; rs += "<br>"; rs += "Mã giao dịch Ngân Lượng: " + result.transactionId; rs += "<br>"; rs += "Mã đơn hàng: " + result.order_code; rs += "<br>"; rs += "Tên người thanh toán: " + result.payerName; //update and add cash book ws.UpdateOrderStatus(StoreID, TokenKey, Convert.ToInt32(result.order_code), Convert.ToInt32(result.paymentAmount), "Ngân Lượng (Mã giao dịch Ngân Lượng " + result.transactionId + ")<br />" + rs); ViewBag.Msg = rs; } } } return(View("Index")); }
public ActionResult Success() { var order = new tbl_HoaDon(); String Token = Request["token"]; if (Token != null) { long orderID = long.Parse(Request["Order_code"]); RequestCheckOrder info = new RequestCheckOrder(); info.Merchant_id = MerchantID; info.Merchant_password = MerchantPassword; info.Token = Token; APICheckoutV3 objNLChecout = new APICheckoutV3(); ResponseCheckOrder result = objNLChecout.GetTransactionDetail(info); ViewBag.Message = result.errorCode + result.payerName; order.ID = orderID; order.iStatus = 1; order.iMaTrangThai = 1; new HoaDonDAO().Update(order); } return(View()); }
//Khi thanh toán Ngan Luong XOng public ActionResult confirm_orderPaymentOnline() { String Token = Request["token"]; RequestCheckOrder info = new RequestCheckOrder(); info.Merchant_id = nganluongInfo.Merchant_id; info.Merchant_password = nganluongInfo.Merchant_password; info.Token = Token; APICheckoutV3 objNLChecout = new APICheckoutV3(); ResponseCheckOrder result = objNLChecout.GetTransactionDetail(info); if (result.errorCode == "00") { var cart = Session[SessionCart]; var list = new List <Cart_item>(); ViewBag.cart = (List <Cart_item>)cart; Session["SessionCart"] = null; var OrderInfo = db.Orders.OrderByDescending(m => m.ID).FirstOrDefault(); ViewBag.name = OrderInfo.deliveryname; ViewBag.email = OrderInfo.deliveryemail; ViewBag.address = OrderInfo.deliveryaddress; ViewBag.code = OrderInfo.code; ViewBag.phone = OrderInfo.deliveryphone; OrderInfo.StatusPayment = 1; db.Entry(OrderInfo).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); ViewBag.paymentStatus = OrderInfo.StatusPayment; ViewBag.Methodpayment = OrderInfo.deliveryPaymentMethod; return(View("payment")); } else { ViewBag.status = false; } return(View("confirm_orderPaymentOnline")); }
public ActionResult DonationComplete() { try { //check exist DonatedInfo Session if (Session["DonatedInfo"] == null) { return(null); } else { //Get data in session and transactiondetail and return to view var newDonate = (DonationDTO)Session["DonatedInfo"]; newDonate.DonatedDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm dd/MM/yy"); RequestCheckOrder info = new RequestCheckOrder(); info.Merchant_id = "48283"; info.Merchant_password = "******"; info.Token = newDonate.TradeCode; APICheckoutV3 objNLChecout = new APICheckoutV3(); ResponseCheckOrder result = objNLChecout.GetTransactionDetail(info); using (var db = new DonationDAL()) { db.AddNewDonation(newDonate); } using (var db = new EventDAL()) { newDonate.EventName = db.GetEventNameById(newDonate.EventId); } Session.Remove("DonatedInfo"); return(PartialView("~/Views/Donation/_DonationDone.cshtml", newDonate)); } } catch (Exception) { return(PartialView("~/Views/Error/_Error.cshtml")); } }
public ActionResult ThanhToanThanhCong() { int orderId = 0; var model = new ThanhToanVeXeModel(); var _token = Request["token"]; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_token)) { RequestCheckOrder info = new RequestCheckOrder(); info.Merchant_id = CommonHelper.Merchant_Id; info.Merchant_password = CommonHelper.Merchant_Password; info.Token = _token; APICheckoutV3 objNLChecout = new APICheckoutV3(); ResponseCheckOrder result = objNLChecout.GetTransactionDetail(info); if (result.errorCode == "00") { orderId = Convert.ToInt32(result.order_code); model.HinhThucThanhToan = result.paymentMethod; if (result.paymentMethod != "CHONVE") { var _order = _orderService.GetOrderById(orderId); if (result.transactionStatus == "00") { _order.PaymentStatusId = (int)PaymentStatus.Paid; } else { _order.PaymentStatusId = (int)PaymentStatus.Authorized; } _orderService.UpdateOrder(_order); var phoives = _phoiveService.GetPhoiVeByOrderId(orderId); foreach (var item in phoives) { item.TrangThaiId = (int)ENTrangThaiPhoiVe.DaThanhToan; _phoiveService.UpdatePhoiVe(item); } } else { //update trang thai phoi vé về chưa thanh toán } } } //thiet dat thong tin noi nhan var countries = new List <Nop.Core.Domain.Directory.Country>(); countries.Add(_countryService.GetCountryById(NhaXesController.CountryID)); var diachigiaohang = _workContext.CurrentCustomer.ShippingAddress; if (_workContext.CurrentCustomer.Addresses.Count > 0) { diachigiaohang = _workContext.CurrentCustomer.Addresses.First(); } model.diachigiaohang.PrepareModel( address: diachigiaohang, excludeProperties: false, addressSettings: _addressSettings, localizationService: _localizationService, stateProvinceService: _stateProvinceService, diachiService: _diachiService, addressAttributeFormatter: _addressAttributeFormatter, loadCountries: () => countries); //lay thong tin ve xe var phoive = _phoiveService.GetPhoiVeByCustomer(_workContext.CurrentCustomer.Id); for (int i = 0; i < phoive.Count(); i++) { orderId = phoive[i].OrderId; } model.phoiveinfos = _phoiveService.GetPhoiVeByOrderId(orderId); //cho thanh toan qua lau, nen het han giu cho ve if (model.phoiveinfos.Count == 0) { return(RedirectToRoute("HomePage")); } model.nguonvexeinfo = _vexeService.GetNguonVeXeById(model.phoiveinfos[0].NguonVeXeId.GetValueOrDefault(0)); model.nhaxeinfo = _nhaxeService.GetNhaXeById(model.nguonvexeinfo.NhaXeId); model.NgayDi = model.phoiveinfos[0].NgayDi; model.NgayDi = model.NgayDi.AddHours(model.nguonvexeinfo.ThoiGianDi.Hour).AddMinutes(model.nguonvexeinfo.ThoiGianDi.Minute); model.NgayVe = model.NgayDi.AddHours(Convert.ToDouble(model.nguonvexeinfo.LichTrinhInfo.SoGioChay)); model.TongTien = decimal.Zero; model.KyHieuGhe = ""; foreach (var pv in model.phoiveinfos) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.KyHieuGhe)) { model.KyHieuGhe = pv.sodoghexequytac.Val; } else { model.KyHieuGhe += "," + pv.sodoghexequytac.Val; } model.TongTien += pv.GiaVeHienTai; } ViewBag.OrderId = orderId; return(View(model)); }