Example #1
 static LdapControl()
     RegisteredControls = new RespControlVector();
        /// <summary> Instantiates an LdapControl.  We search through our list of
        /// registered controls.  If we find a matchiing OID we instantiate
        /// that control by calling its contructor.  Otherwise we default to
        /// returning a regular LdapControl object
        /// </summary>
        private LdapControl controlFactory(System.String oid, bool critical, sbyte[] value_Renamed)
//			throw new NotImplementedException();
            RespControlVector regControls = LdapControl.RegisteredControls;

                 * search through the registered extension list to find the
                 * response control class
                System.Type respCtlClass = regControls.findResponseControl(oid);

                // Did not find a match so return default LDAPControl
                if (respCtlClass == null)
                    return(new LdapControl(oid, critical, value_Renamed));

                /* If found, get LDAPControl constructor */
                System.Type[]    argsClass = new System.Type[] { typeof(System.String), typeof(bool), typeof(sbyte[]) };
                System.Object[]  args      = new System.Object[] { oid, critical, value_Renamed };
                System.Exception ex        = null;
                    System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo ctlConstructor = respCtlClass.GetConstructor(argsClass);

                        /* Call the control constructor for a registered Class*/
                        System.Object ctl = null;
//						ctl = ctlConstructor.newInstance(args);
                        ctl = ctlConstructor.Invoke(args);
                    catch (System.UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                        ex = e;
                    catch (System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException e)
                        ex = e;
                    catch (System.Exception e)
                        // Could not create the ResponseControl object
                        // All possible exceptions are ignored. We fall through
                        // and create a default LDAPControl object
                        ex = e;
                catch (System.MethodAccessException e)
                    // bad class was specified, fall through and return a
                    // default LDAPControl object
                    ex = e;
            catch (System.FieldAccessException e)
                // No match with the OID
                // Do nothing. Fall through and construct a default LDAPControl object.
            // If we get here we did not have a registered response control
            // for this oid.  Return a default LDAPControl object.
            return(new LdapControl(oid, critical, value_Renamed));
Example #3
 static LdapControl()
     registeredControls = new RespControlVector(5, 5);