public void GetByIdTest() { ModifyDataResultEnum operationResult; Assert.AreNotEqual(0, testObj.GetById(2, out operationResult).Length); Assert.AreEqual(ModifyDataResultEnum.Success, operationResult); Assert.IsNull(testObj.GetById(10, out operationResult)); Assert.AreEqual(ModifyDataResultEnum.ErrNotFound, operationResult); }
public void AddResources(TimeSpan timeSpan, int villageId) //budova si pamata resource { using (var uow = UnitOfWorkProvider.Create()) { buildingListQuery.Filter = new BuildingFilter { VillageId = villageId, WorkersAssigned = true }; IEnumerable <BuildingDTO> buildings = buildingListQuery.Execute(); Resource[] resources = new Resource[buildings.Count()]; for (int i = 0; i < buildings.Count(); ++i) { resourceListQuery.Filter = new ResourceFilter { VillageId = villageId, ResourceType = buildings.ElementAt(i).ResourceType }; resources[i] = resourceRepository.GetById(resourceListQuery.Execute().SingleOrDefault().ID, r => r.ResourceType, r => r.Village); if (resources == null) { throw new NullReferenceException("Resource Service - AddResources(...) resource cant be null"); } resources[i].Amount += buildings.ElementAt(i).WorkersAssigned *buildings.ElementAt(i).ProductionPerWorker *timeSpan.Seconds; resourceRepository.Update(resources[i]); uow.Commit(); } } }
public bool BuildHut(int villageId, int amount) { using (var uow = UnitOfWorkProvider.Create()) { var village = villageRepository.GetById(villageId, s => s.Player); if (village == null) { throw new NullReferenceException("Building service - BuildHut(...) village cant be null"); } resourceListQuery.Filter = new ResourceFilter { ResourceType = "Wood", VillageId = villageId }; var wood = resourceRepository.GetById(resourceListQuery.Execute().SingleOrDefault().ID, r => r.ResourceType, r => r.Village); /*if (wood == null) * { * throw new NullReferenceException("Building Service - BuildHut(...) wood cant be null"); * }*/ resourceListQuery.Filter = new ResourceFilter { ResourceType = "Stone", VillageId = villageId }; var stone = resourceRepository.GetById(resourceListQuery.Execute().SingleOrDefault().ID, r => r.ResourceType, r => r.Village); /*if (stone == null) * { * throw new NullReferenceException("Building Service - BuildHut(...) stone cant be null"); * }*/ if ((wood.Amount < (village.Huts * 100 + 100) * amount) || (stone.Amount < (village.Huts * 60 + 60) * amount)) { return(false); } wood.Amount -= (village.Huts * 100 + 100) * amount; stone.Amount -= (village.Huts * 60 + 60) * amount; village.Huts += amount; village.AvailableWorkers = village.AvailableWorkers += 4 * amount; resourceRepository.Update(wood); resourceRepository.Update(stone); villageRepository.Update(village); uow.Commit(); return(true); } }
public void GetReward(AdventureType adventureType, int villageID) { string[] splittedRes = adventureType.ResourcesReward.Split(null); //zisti ci je dost sur Resource[] resources = new Resource[splittedRes.Count() / 2]; using (var uow = UnitOfWorkProvider.Create()) { for (int i = 0; i < splittedRes.Count() / 2; ++i) { resourceListQuery.Filter = new ResourceFilter { VillageId = villageID, ResourceType = splittedRes[2 * i] }; resources[i] = resourceRepository.GetById(resourceListQuery.Execute().SingleOrDefault().ID, r => r.ResourceType, r => r.Village); if (resources[i] == null) { throw new NullReferenceException("Adventure Service - GetReward(...) resource cant be null"); } } for (int i = 0; i < splittedRes.Count() / 2; ++i) { resources[i].Amount += Int32.Parse(splittedRes[2 * i + 1]); resourceRepository.Update(resources[i]); } string[] splittedProd = adventureType.ProductsReward.Split(null); //zisti ci je dost sur Product[] products = new Product[splittedProd.Count() / 2]; for (int i = 0; i < splittedProd.Count() / 2; ++i) { productListQuery.Filter = new ProductFilter { VillageId = villageID, ProductType = splittedProd[2 * i] }; products[i] = productRepository.GetById(productListQuery.Execute().SingleOrDefault().ID, p => p.ProductType, p => p.Village); if (products[i] == null) { throw new NullReferenceException("Adventure Service - GetReward(...) product cant be null"); } } for (int i = 0; i < splittedProd.Count() / 2; ++i) { products[i].Amount += Int32.Parse(splittedProd[2 * i + 1]); productRepository.Update(products[i]); } uow.Commit(); } }
public bool Produce(int productId, int amount) { using (var uow = UnitOfWorkProvider.Create()) { var product = productRepository.GetById(productId, p => p.ProductType, p => p.Village); if (product == null) { throw new NullReferenceException("Product service - Produce(...) product cant be null"); } string[] splitted = product.ProductType.Cost.Split(null); Resource[] resources = new Resource[splitted.Count() / 2]; for (int i = 0; i < splitted.Count() / 2; ++i) { resourceListQuery.Filter = new ResourceFilter { VillageId = product.Village.ID, ResourceType = splitted[2 * i] }; resources[i] = resourceRepository.GetById(resourceListQuery.Execute().SingleOrDefault().ID, r => r.ResourceType, r => r.Village); if (resources[i] == null) { throw new NullReferenceException("Product service - Produce(...) resource cant be null"); } if (resources[i].Amount < Int32.Parse(splitted[2 * i + 1]) * amount) { return(false); //skonci fciu ak neni dost niektorej sur } } for (int i = 0; i < splitted.Count() / 2; i++) { resources[i].Amount -= Int32.Parse(splitted[2 * i + 1]) * amount; resourceRepository.Update(resources[i]); } product.Amount += amount; productRepository.Update(product); uow.Commit(); return(true); } }
public void ResourceUpdate() { var resource = new Resource() { Name = "Account", ResourceDocs = new List<ResourceDoc>() { new ResourceDoc() { Language = "en", Summary = "This is the default English summary" }, new ResourceDoc() { Language = "fr", Summary = "This is the French summary" } } }; var docs = new List<ResourceDoc>(resource.ResourceDocs); using (var repository = new ResourceRepository()) { repository.Add(resource); repository.SaveChanges(); resource = repository.GetById(resource.Id); resource.Name = "NewName"; docs[1].Summary = "New Summary for New Name"; repository.Save(resource); repository.SaveChanges(); } using (var connection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[""].ConnectionString)) { connection.Open(); using (var command = new SqlCommand("SELECT Id, Name FROM Resources", connection)) { using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { Assert.IsTrue(reader.Read()); Assert.AreEqual(resource.Name, reader.GetString(1)); Assert.IsFalse(reader.Read()); } } using (var command = new SqlCommand("SELECT Id, ResourceId, Language, Summary FROM ResourceDocs", connection)) { using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { int i = 0; while (reader.Read()) { Assert.AreEqual(resource.Id, reader.GetGuid(1)); Assert.AreEqual(docs[i].Language, reader.GetString(2)); Assert.AreEqual(docs[i].Summary, reader.GetString(3)); i++; } Assert.AreEqual(i, resource.ResourceDocs.Count); } } } }
public void ResourceRead() { var resource = new Resource() { Name = "Account", ResourceDocs = new List<ResourceDoc>() { new ResourceDoc() { Language = "en", Summary = "This is the default English summary" }, new ResourceDoc() { Language = "fr", Summary = "This is the French summary" } } }; using (var repository = new ResourceRepository()) { repository.Add(resource); repository.SaveChanges(); var actual = repository.GetById(resource.Id); Assert.AreEqual(resource.Name, actual.Name); Assert.AreEqual(resource.ResourceDocs.Count, actual.ResourceDocs.Count); var docs = new List<ResourceDoc>(resource.ResourceDocs); var actualDocs = new List<ResourceDoc>(actual.ResourceDocs); for (int i = 0; i < docs.Count; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(docs[i].Language, actualDocs[i].Language); Assert.AreEqual(docs[i].Summary, actualDocs[i].Summary); } } }