Example #1
        public void ObtainAndRecycle()
            object expected = null;
              Action<object> initialize = s =>
                                    if (expected != null)
                                      Assert.AreSame(expected, s);
              Action<object> uninitialize = s =>
                                      if (expected != null)
                                        Assert.AreSame(expected, s);

              var resourcePool = new ResourcePool<object>(() => new object(), initialize, uninitialize);
              object item1 = resourcePool.Obtain();
              object item2 = resourcePool.Obtain();

              expected = item2;
              object item3 = resourcePool.Obtain();
              Assert.AreEqual(item2, item3);
 public async override Task Load(ResourcePool pool, CancellationToken token)
     buffer = await pool.GetBuffer();
     var loader = new SpriteLoader(BufferUsageHint.DynamicDraw, buffer);
     tileSet.LoadTileMap(loader, mapIndices, depth);
     sprites = loader.Load();
Example #3
        public CollisionManager()
            _listPool = new ResourcePool<List<ICollidable>>();
            _candidatePairs = new Dictionary<ICollidable, List<ICollidable>>();
            _empty = new List<ICollidable>();

            _sweep = new SelectiveSweep();
            _sweep.Collision += CollisionHandler;
        public void NewElementCell_ShouldCreate()
            var user = new User("User");
            var newElement = new ResourcePool(user, "CMRP")

            var newField = newElement.AddField("Field", ElementFieldDataType.String);

Example #5
 //simple singleton, has to actually be placed
 private void Awake()
     if (_inst != null)
         _inst = this;
Example #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an instance of the <see cref="ArcSegment2F"/> class. (This method reuses a
 /// previously recycled instance or allocates a new instance if necessary.)
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>
 /// A new or reusable instance of the <see cref="ArcSegment2F"/> class.
 /// </returns>
 /// <remarks>
 /// <para>
 /// This method tries to obtain a previously recycled instance from a resource pool if resource
 /// pooling is enabled (see <see cref="ResourcePool.Enabled">ResourcePool.Enabled</see>). If no
 /// object is available, a new instance is automatically allocated on the heap.
 /// </para>
 /// <para>
 /// The owner of the object should call <see cref="Recycle"/> when the instance is no longer
 /// needed.
 /// </para>
 /// </remarks>
 public static ArcSegment2F Create()
     if (_pool == null)
         _pool = new ResourcePool <ArcSegment2F>(
             () => new ArcSegment2F(), // Create
             null,                     // Initialize
             null);                    // Uninitialize
Example #7
 public void Add(Type type)
     if (ResourcePool.IsPooledResource(type))
         Add(type, -1);
         if (m_MyTypes.IndexOf(typeof(CommodityDeed)) == -1)
             Add(typeof(CommodityDeed), 0);
Example #8
 public static AllocationCapabilities GetAllocationCapabilities(ResourcePool ResourcePool)
     // TODO: refactor this for general usage
          .Cast <ElementCapabilities>()
          .Where((ec) => string.Compare(ec.ManagedElement.Path, ResourcePool.Path.Path, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0)
          .Select((ec) => new AllocationCapabilities(ec.Capabilities))
Example #9
        public void Preparation()
            container = MockHelper.InitializeContainer(new[] { typeof(IProjectionsCollector).Assembly, typeof(Element).Assembly }, new Type[0]);
            var pool   = new ResourcePool();
            var writer = new TestWriter();

            container.GetExportedValue <ICacheServicing>().Initialize();
Example #10
        public static T GetOrCreate <T>(this ResourcePool <T> pool) where T : new()
            T instance = pool.Get();

            if (instance == null)
                instance = new T();

Example #11
        public Level1Activator()
            container = MockHelper.InitializeContainer(AssembliesWhichShouldProvideExport, ExportedTypes);
            var pool = new ResourcePool();

            Transporter            = container.GetExportedValue <TransporterToLevel2>();
            Transporter._activator = this;
            container.GetExportedValue <ICacheServicing>().Initialize();
Example #12
        public void ResourceHandle_should_return_instance_to_pool_upon_disposal_even_if_not_fully_obtained()
            using (var pool = new ResourcePool <IDisposable>(new InstanceHolder().CreateInstance, 1))
                using (var handle = pool.CreateHandle())
                { var _ = handle.ObtainAsync(); }

                using (var handle2 = pool.CreateHandle())
                    Assert.DoesNotThrowAsync(() => handle2.ObtainAsync(new CancellationTokenSource(1000).Token));
Example #13
        public void NewUserElementFieldIndex_ShouldCreate()
            var user = new User("User", "*****@*****.**");

            var resourcePool = new ResourcePool(user, "CMRP");

            .AddField("Field", ElementFieldDataType.Decimal, true)
Example #14
    void SetupPools()
        var totalTilesInWorld = (int)(Settings.GetWorldSize().x *Settings.GetWorldSize().y);

        GroundTilePool   = new ResourcePool(totalTilesInWorld, GroundTile);
        EndpointTilePool = new ResourcePool(Settings.GetNumberOfConsumers() + Settings.GetNumberOfProducers(), EndpointTile);

        ConsumerPool = new ResourcePool(Settings.GetNumberOfConsumers(), ConsumerBuilding);
        ProducerPool = new ResourcePool(Settings.GetNumberOfProducers(), ProducerBuilding);

        VehiclePool = new ResourcePool(Settings.GetNumberOfVehicles(), Vehicle);
Example #15
        /*public*/ void IStateClientManager.ConfigInit(SessionStateSectionHandler.Config config, SessionOnEndTarget onEndTarget)
            int hr;

            try {
                 * stateConnection string has the following format:
                 *     "tcpip=<server>:<port>"
                string [] parts = config._stateConnectionString.Split(new char[] { '=' });
                if (parts.Length != 2 || parts[0] != "tcpip")
                    throw new ArgumentException();

                parts = parts[1].Split(new char[] { ':' });
                if (parts.Length != 2)
                    throw new ArgumentException();

                s_server         = parts[0];
                s_port           = (int)System.UInt16.Parse(parts[1]);
                s_networkTimeout = config._stateNetworkTimeout;

                // At v1, we won't accept server name that has non-ascii characters
                foreach (char c in s_server)
                    if (c > 0x7F)
                        throw new ArgumentException();
            catch {
                throw new ConfigurationException(
                          HttpRuntime.FormatResourceString(SR.Invalid_value_for_sessionstate_stateConnectionString, config._stateConnectionString),
                          config._configFileName, config._stateLine);

            string appId  = HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppIdInternal;
            string idHash = MachineKey.HashAndBase64EncodeString(appId);

            s_uribase = "/" + appId + "(" + idHash + ")/";
            s_rpool   = new ResourcePool(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5), int.MaxValue);

            hr = UnsafeNativeMethods.SessionNDConnectToService(s_server);
            if (hr != 0)
                throw new HttpException(HttpRuntime.FormatResourceString(SR.Cant_connect_to_session_service), hr);
        public RendererWithResourcePool(Func <ITemplateRenderer> creater, int maxParallelism)
            _rendererPool = ResourcePool.Create(creater, maxParallelism);

            using var lease = _rendererPool.Rent();
            var inner = lease.Resource;

            Raw          = inner.Raw;
            Dependencies = inner.Dependencies;
            Path         = inner.Path;
            Name         = inner.Name;
Example #17
        public Level(ICore core)
            if (core == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(core));

            _core = core;
            _resourcePool = new ResourcePool();
Example #18
        public async Task DuplicateClientsAreTheSameObject()
            var capacity = 2;
            var context  = new Context(TestGlobal.Logger);
            var pool     = new ResourcePool <Key, Resource>(context, maxResourceCount: capacity, maxAgeMinutes: 1, resourceFactory: _ => new Resource());

            using var obj0 = await pool.CreateAsync(new Key (0));

            using var obj1 = await pool.CreateAsync(new Key (0));

            Assert.Same(obj0.Value, obj1.Value);
            public Machine(Simulation env, string name, MachineBrands brand, ResourcePool repairman)
                : base(env)
                Brand     = brand;
                Name      = name;
                PartsMade = 0;
                Broken    = false;

                // Start "working" and "break_machine" processes for this machine.
                Process = env.Process(Working(repairman));
 public BlockingStream()
     pool = new ResourcePool<ReusableMemoryStream>(chunksInPool, () => new ReusableMemoryStream(chunkSize));
     chunks = new Queue<IReleasable<ReusableMemoryStream>>();
     doneWriting = new ManualResetEvent(false);
     dataAvailable = new ManualResetEvent(false);
     events = new WaitHandle[] { dataAvailable, doneWriting };
     doneWritingHandleIndex = Array.FindIndex(events, handle => handle == doneWriting);
     lockForAll = new object();
     lockForRead = new object();
     canWrite = true;
 public void NewUserElementFieldIndex_ShouldCreate()
     var user = new User("Email");
     var resourcePool = new ResourcePool(user, "CMRP");
     var newIndex = resourcePool
         .AddField("Field", ElementFieldDataType.Boolean, true)
         .AddUserRating(user, 0);
Example #22
 public static bool PutIfType <T>(this ResourcePool <T> pool, object item)
     if (item is T)
Example #23
 protected override void Awake()
     cube                = ResourcePool.RentDisplay <RoundedPlaneResource>(transform);
     cube.Radius         = 3f;
     cube.Layer          = LayerType.IgnoreRaycast;
     cube.ShadowsEnabled = false;
     cube.Metallic       = 1f;
     cube.Smoothness     = 1f;
     //BackgroundColor = Color.blue;
     //CaptionColor = Color.white;
Example #24
        public void NewUserElementFieldIndex_ShouldCreate()
            var user = new User("User", "*****@*****.**");

            var resourcePool = new ResourcePool(user, "CMRP");

            var newIndex = resourcePool
                           .AddField("Field", ElementFieldDataType.Boolean, true)
        public void Get_resource_from_resource_pool()
            var resource1 = new Resource("Resource1");
            var avaliable = new List <Resource>()
            var respurcePool = new ResourcePool(null, avaliable);

            Assert.Equal(1, respurcePool.GetAllocatedResourceCount());
Example #26
        public GenericBuyInfo(Type type)
            if (!ResourcePool.IsPooledResource(type))
                throw new Exception(type.FullName + " is not a pooled resource.");
            m_Type = type;             // will load all props dynamically from ResourcePool

            m_MinAmount = 20;
            m_MaxAmount = 100;
            m_Amount    = restock_amount = 20;
Example #27
        public ActionResult ExportTable(string tableBodyJson)
            return(ActionUtils.Json(() =>
                var table = tableBodyJson.ToDataTable();

                var ms = ExcelUtils.ToExcelMemoryStream(table, "TaskTable.xlsx", CurrentUserName);
                var resource = ResourcePool.RegisterMemoryStream(CurrentUserName, "TaskTable.xlsx", ms);

                return ActionUtils.Success(resource.Guid);
Example #28
 private static Task _Load(Scene scene, ResourcePool pool)
     PendingScene pendingScene;
     lock (loadedScenes) {
         if (loadedScenes.TryGetValue(scene, out pendingScene)) {
             return pendingScene.task;
         else {
             return (loadedScenes[scene] = new PendingScene(scene, pool)).task;
Example #29
        /// <summary>
        /// TheadSafe and no locks internally
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key"></param>
        /// <param name="eventType">Should contain one type i.e. should not be used as a flag.
        /// Every EventType should be executed from another thread</param>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        /// <param name="oldItem"></param>
        /// <param name="reason"></param>
        /// <param name="notifyAsync"></param>
        internal void RaiseGeneralCacheNotification(string key, EventType eventType, EventCacheItem item,
                                                    EventCacheItem oldItem, CacheItemRemovedReason reason, bool notifyAsync)
                object[] registeredDiscriptors = null;

                ResourcePool eventPool = GetEventPool(eventType);
                if (eventPool != null)
                    registeredDiscriptors = eventPool.GetAllResourceKeys();

                if (registeredDiscriptors != null && registeredDiscriptors.Length > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < registeredDiscriptors.Length; i++)
                        CacheEventDescriptor discriptor = registeredDiscriptors[i] as CacheEventDescriptor;

                        if (discriptor == null)

                        var arg = CreateCacheEventArgument(discriptor.DataFilter, key, _cacheName, eventType, item, oldItem,
                        arg.Descriptor = discriptor;

                        if (notifyAsync)
                            discriptor.CacheDataNotificationCallback.BeginInvoke(key, arg, asyn, null);
                            TaskFactory factory = new TaskFactory();
                            Task        task    = factory.StartNew(() => discriptor.CacheDataNotificationCallback(key, arg));
                            discriptor.CacheDataNotificationCallback.Invoke(key, arg);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (_logger != null && _logger.IsErrorEnabled)
Example #30
        /// <summary>
        /// TheadSafe and no locks internally
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key"></param>
        /// <param name="eventType">Should contain one type i.e. should not be used as a flag.
        /// Every EventType should be executed from another thread</param>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        /// <param name="oldItem"></param>
        /// <param name="reason"></param>
        /// <param name="_notifyAsync"></param>
        /// <param name="eventhandle"></param>
        internal void RaiseSelectiveCacheNotification(string key, EventType eventType, EventCacheItem item,
                                                      EventCacheItem oldItem, CacheItemRemovedReason reason, bool _notifyAsync, EventHandle eventhandle,
                                                      EventDataFilter dataFilter)
                ResourcePool poolID = null;

                CacheEventArg arg = null;

                if ((eventType & EventType.ItemUpdated) != 0)
                    poolID = _selectiveUpdateEventIDPool;
                else if ((eventType & EventType.ItemRemoved) != 0)
                    poolID = _selectiveRemoveEventIDPool;

                arg = CreateCacheEventArgument(dataFilter, key, _cacheName, eventType, item, oldItem, reason);

                if (poolID == null)

                CacheDataNotificationCallback callback =
                    poolID.GetResource((short)eventhandle.Handle) as CacheDataNotificationCallback;

                if (callback == null)

                if (_notifyAsync)
                                                                  new object[] { callback, key, arg });
                    callback.Invoke(key, arg);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (_logger != null && _logger.IsErrorEnabled)
 public TMXLoader(IBindableVertexBuffer buffer, ResourcePool pool, string fileName)
     : base(BufferUsageHint.DynamicDraw, buffer)
     textures = new Dictionary<int,Texture>();
     this.pool = pool;
     Layers = new Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<Sprite>>();
    _lazyTileMap = 
         new Lazy<TiledMap>(
             () => (new TiledReader()).Read(fileName));
     _lazyLayers = 
         new Lazy<Dictionary<string, TiledLayer>>(
             () => TileMap.Layers.ToDictionary(ts => ts.Name, ts => ts));            
Example #32
        public void AddField_SortOrder_ShouldCalculate()
            // Arrange
            var user    = new User("User", "*****@*****.**");
            var element = new ResourcePool(user, "CMRP")

            // Act
            var secondField = element.AddField("Second field after default Name field", ElementFieldDataType.String);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsTrue(secondField.SortOrder == 2);
Example #33
        public async Task CreateFailsAfterDispose()
            var capacity = 2;
            var context  = new Context(TestGlobal.Logger);
            var pool     = new ResourcePool <Key, Resource>(context, maxResourceCount: capacity, maxAgeMinutes: 1, resourceFactory: _ => new Resource());


            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <ObjectDisposedException>(async() =>
                using var obj1 = await pool.CreateAsync(new Key(0));
Example #34
        public void TestPoolThrowsExceptionIfResourcesInUse()
            var resources   = 0;
            var factoryMock = new Mock <IStringFactory>();

            factoryMock.Setup(x => x.GetString())
            .Returns(() => resources++ < 5 ? Guid.NewGuid().ToString() : null);

            var pool = new ResourcePool <string>(x => factoryMock.Object.GetString());
            var item = pool.GetItem();

            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => pool.Dispose());
Example #35
    private void InitializeBulletResourcePool()
        pool = new ResourcePool(bullet, poolSize);

        string bulletsContainerName = "Bullets";

        bulletObjContainer = GameObject.Find(bulletsContainerName);

        if (bulletObjContainer == null)
            bulletObjContainer = new GameObject(bulletsContainerName);
Example #36
        public async Task Pool_should_accept_preset_instances_and_allow_controlling_their_disposal(bool shouldDispose)
            var holder    = new InstanceHolder();
            var instances = Enumerable.Range(0, 5).Select(x => holder.CreateInstance()).ToArray();

            using (var pool = new ResourcePool <IDisposable>(instances, shouldDispose))
                await RunTasks(pool, instances.Length * 3);

            foreach (var instance in holder.Instances)
                instance.Verify(x => x.Dispose(), Times.Exactly(shouldDispose ? 1 : 0));
        public void AddField_SortOrder_ShouldCalculate()
            // Arrange
            var user = new User("User");
            var element = new ResourcePool(user, "CMRP")

            // Act
            var secondField = element.AddField("Second field after default Name field", ElementFieldDataType.String);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsTrue(secondField.SortOrder == 2);
Example #38
        void UpdateElementFieldComputedFields(ResourcePool resourcePool)
            var list = ElementFieldStore.AllLiveIncluding(field => field.UserElementFieldSet)
                       .Where(field => field.Element.ResourcePool.Id == resourcePool.Id &&

            foreach (var field in list)
                field.IndexRatingTotal = field.UserElementFieldSet.Sum(userElementField => userElementField.Rating);
                field.IndexRatingCount = field.UserElementFieldSet.Count();
Example #39
    public void CreatePool(AssetID id, out IPool pool)
        //IPool pool = null;
        pool = new ResourcePool(id);  //赋值策略
        //TODO 通过资源管理器加载后赋值 并加入到总池 这里不回调
        Object res = Resources.Load(id.AssetName) as Object;

        pool.Strategy = defaultStrategy;
        AddPool(pool, res);
        //return pool;
        public void NewUserElementCell_ShouldCreate()
            var newUser = new User("Email");

            var newElement = new ResourcePool(newUser, "CMRP")

            var newField = newElement.AddField("Field", ElementFieldDataType.Integer, false);

Example #41
    public static GameObject LoadResource(string resourceName)
        if (resourcePools == null)
            resourcePools = new Dictionary<string, ResourcePool>();
        ResourcePool rpool;
        if(!resourcePools.TryGetValue(resourceName,out rpool))
            rpool = new ResourcePool(resourceName);
            resourcePools.Add(resourceName, rpool);

        return rpool.getResource();
Example #42
 public static void AddResourcePool(ResourcePool pool)
     if (_resourcePools == null)
         _resourcePools = new Dictionary<GameObject, ResourcePool>();
     _resourcePools.Add(pool.Prefab, pool);
Example #43
 public MatchMaker(int maxPoolItemReuse)
     replies = new Dictionary<short, ReplyBucket>(32);
     idPool = new ResourcePool<short>(new ResourcePool<short>.BuildItemDelegate(GetNextMessageId), maxPoolItemReuse);
     replyLock = new MsReaderWriterLock(System.Threading.LockRecursionPolicy.NoRecursion);		
Example #44
        public EntityCollisionManager()
            _collidableMap = new Dictionary<Entity, ICollidable>();
            _entityMap = new Dictionary<ICollidable, Entity>();

            _listPool = new ResourcePool<List<Entity>>();
            _candidatePairs = new Dictionary<Entity, List<Entity>>();
            _empty = new List<Entity>();

            _sweep = new SelectiveSweep();
            _sweep.Collision += CollisionHandler;
 /* event handlers */
 protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
     UseGraphicsMode(new Texturing2DMode());
     var pool = new ResourcePool(
         new Pool<Texture>(Texture.Allocate),
         new Pool<VertexBuffer>(VertexBuffer.Allocate)
     rootState = new GameState(this, pool);
     Debug.Assert(mainWindow == null);
     mainWindow = this;
        public ResourcePool CreateDefaultResourcePool(User user, string resourcePoolName, bool useFixedResourcePoolRate, string mainElementName, bool addDirectIncomeField, bool addMultiplierField, bool addImportanceIndex, int numberOfItems)
            // Resource pool, main element, fields
            var resourcePool = new ResourcePool(user, resourcePoolName);

            if (useFixedResourcePoolRate)
                resourcePool.UseFixedResourcePoolRate = true;

            // Main element
            var element = resourcePool.AddElement(mainElementName);
            element.IsMainElement = true;

            // Resource pool field
            if (addDirectIncomeField)
                element.AddField("Direct Income", ElementFieldDataType.DirectIncome, true);

            // Multiplier field
            if (addMultiplierField)
                element.AddField("Multiplier", ElementFieldDataType.Multiplier);

            // Importance field
            ElementField importanceField = null;
            if (addImportanceIndex)
                importanceField = element.AddField("Importance Field", ElementFieldDataType.Decimal, false);

            // Items, cells, user cells
            for (var i = 1; i <= numberOfItems; i++)
                var itemName = string.Format("Item {0}", i);

                var item = element.AddItem(itemName);

                if (addDirectIncomeField)
                    item.AddCell(element.DirectIncomeField).SetValue(100M); // Default value

                if (addMultiplierField)

                if (addImportanceIndex)

            // Return
            return resourcePool;
        public void OnInitialise(InitialiseMessage msg)
            // Initialise scene manager
            Console.WriteLine("Initialising scene manager...");

            // Initialise messages
            queuemsg = new PopulateRenderQueue();
            queuemsg.SceneManager = this;
            cameramsg = new PopulateCameraList();
            cameramsg.Cameras = new OrderedList<Camera>(new CameraComparer());
            cameramsg.ShadowCasters = new HashSet<ShadowCaster>();
            lightmsg = new PopulateLightList();
            lightmsg.Lights = new OrderedList<Light>(new LightComparer());
            psysmsg = new PopulateParticleSystemList();
            psysmsg.ParticleSystems = new List<ParticleSystem>();

            // Create render queue
            workitempool = new ResourcePool<RenderWorkItem>();
            renderqueue = new OrderedList<RenderWorkItem>(new RenderWorkItemComparer());
            effectqueue = new OrderedList<PostProcessEffect>(new PostProcessEffectComparer());

            // Setup GBuffer
            Renderer renderer = Owner.GetComponent<Renderer>();
            gbuffer = renderer.CreateRenderTarget(1, "GBuffer");
            gbuffer.ClearColour = new Color4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            gbuffer_colour = gbuffer.AddTextureComponent();
            gbuffer_normal = gbuffer.AddTextureComponent(SlimDX.DXGI.Format.R32G32B32A32_Float);
            gbuffer_position = gbuffer.AddTextureComponent(SlimDX.DXGI.Format.R32G32B32A32_Float);
            gbuffer_material = gbuffer.AddTextureComponent(SlimDX.DXGI.Format.R32G32B32A32_Float);

            // Setup light accumulation buffer
            lightaccum = renderer.CreateRenderTarget(1, "LightAccum");
            lightaccum.ClearColour = new Color4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            lightaccum_diffuse = lightaccum.AddTextureComponent(SlimDX.DXGI.Format.R32G32B32A32_Float);
            lightaccum_specular = lightaccum.AddTextureComponent(SlimDX.DXGI.Format.R32G32B32A32_Float);

            // Setup particle accumulation buffer
            particleaccum = renderer.CreateRenderTarget(1, "ParticleAccum");
            particleaccum.ClearColour = new Color4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            particleaccum_colour = particleaccum.AddTextureComponent();

            // Setup swap buffers
            swapA = renderer.CreateRenderTarget(1, "SwapA");
            swapA_colour = swapA.AddTextureComponent();
            swapB = renderer.CreateRenderTarget(1, "SwapB");
            swapB_colour = swapB.AddTextureComponent();

            // Setup materials
            MaterialSystem matsys = Owner.GetComponent<MaterialSystem>();
            mat_blit = matsys.CreateMaterial("blit", "blit");
            mat_blit.SetParameter("smpTexture", renderer.Sampler_Clamp);
            mat_blitlight = matsys.CreateMaterial("blit_light", "blit_light");
            mat_blitlight.SetParameter("smpTexture", renderer.Sampler_Clamp);
            mat_blitlight.SetParameter("texColour", gbuffer.GetTexture(gbuffer_colour));
            mat_blitlight.SetParameter("texDiffuseLight", lightaccum.GetTexture(lightaccum_diffuse));
            mat_blitlight.SetParameter("texSpecularLight", lightaccum.GetTexture(lightaccum_specular));

            // Setup lights
            mat_lights = new Dictionary<LightType, Material>();
            mat_lights.Add(LightType.Ambient, matsys.CreateMaterial("light_ambient", "light_ambient"));
            mat_lights.Add(LightType.Directional, matsys.CreateMaterial("light_directional", "light_directional"));
            mat_lights.Add(LightType.Point, matsys.CreateMaterial("light_point", "light_point"));
            foreach (Material mat in mat_lights.Values)
                mat.SetParameter("texNormal", gbuffer.GetTexture(gbuffer_normal));
                mat.SetParameter("texPosition", gbuffer.GetTexture(gbuffer_position));
                mat.SetParameter("texMaterial", gbuffer.GetTexture(gbuffer_material));
                mat.SetParameter("smpTexture", renderer.Sampler_Clamp);

            // Setup meshes
            mesh_fs = MeshBuilder.BuildFullscreenQuad();
            mesh_skybox = MeshBuilder.BuildCube();
Example #48
 public void ShouldBeRegistered()
     var resourcePool = new ResourcePool<object>(() => new object(), null, null);
Example #49
 public static Task Load(Scene scene, ResourcePool pool)
     return Task.Run(() => _Load(scene, pool).Wait());
Example #50
 public void ConstructorShouldThrowWhenNull()
     var resourcePool = new ResourcePool<object>(null, null, null);
 public override Task Load(ResourcePool pool, CancellationToken token)
     return Task.WhenAll(scenes.Select((scene) => scene.Load(pool, token)));
Example #52
 public PendingScene(Scene s, ResourcePool p)
     pool = p.Copy();
     task = s.Load(pool, cancelSource.Token);
		/// <summary>
		/// Start listening for connections.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="connectionWhiteList">An optional <see cref="ConnectionWhitelist"/>
		/// used to evaluate whether incoming and existing connections are
		/// whitelisted.</param>
		public void Start(ConnectionWhitelist connectionWhiteList)
			if (isRunning)
				if (log.IsWarnEnabled)
					log.Warn("Attempt to start already running socket server on port " + this.portNumber);

			this.connectionWhitelist = connectionWhiteList;



			if (log.IsInfoEnabled)
				log.InfoFormat("Using a memory stream pool with an initial size of {0} bytes, reusing buffers {1} times. Reusing connectionstates {2} times. Using {3} sync threads and {4} one way threads",
				config.InitialMessageSize, config.BufferPoolReuses, config.ConnectionStateReuses, SyncThreads, OnewayThreads);

			bufferPool = new MemoryStreamPool(config.InitialMessageSize, config.BufferPoolReuses);

			if (countersInitialized)
				bufferPool.AllocatedItemsCounter = this.allocatedBuffers;

			buildConnectionStateDelegate = new ResourcePool<ConnectionState>.BuildItemDelegate(BuildConnectionState);
			resetConnectionStateDelegate = new ResourcePool<ConnectionState>.ResetItemDelegate(ResetConnectionState);

			connectionStatePool = new ResourcePool<ConnectionState>(buildConnectionStateDelegate, resetConnectionStateDelegate);
			connectionStatePool.MaxItemReuses = config.ConnectionStateReuses;

			listener = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);

			connections = new ConnectionList(socketCountCounter);
			connectionCheckInterval = config.ConnectionCheckIntervalSeconds * 1000;
			connectionWatcher = new Timer(new TimerCallback(CheckConnections), null, connectionCheckInterval, connectionCheckInterval);

			int currentWorker, currentCompletion, oldWorker, oldCompletion;
			ThreadPool.GetAvailableThreads(out currentWorker, out currentCompletion);
			oldWorker = currentWorker;
			oldCompletion= currentCompletion;
			if (config.MaximumWorkerThreads > 0) currentWorker = config.MaximumWorkerThreads;
			if (config.MaximumCompletionPortThreads > 0) currentCompletion = config.MaximumCompletionPortThreads;
			bool maxSet = ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(currentWorker, currentCompletion);

			if (config.MaximumWorkerThreads > 0 || config.MaximumCompletionPortThreads > 0)
				if (maxSet == false)
					if (log.IsWarnEnabled)
						log.WarnFormat("FAILED to change max ThreadPool threads from ({0}worker/{1}completion) to ({2}worker/{3}completion)", oldWorker, oldCompletion, currentWorker, currentCompletion);
					if (log.IsInfoEnabled) log.InfoFormat("Successfully changed max ThreadPool threads from ({0}worker/{1}completion) to ({2}worker/{3}completion)", oldWorker, oldCompletion, currentWorker, currentCompletion);

			//kick off CCR
			OnewayDispatcher = new Dispatcher(OnewayThreads, ThreadPriority.Normal, true, "Socket Server OneWay:" + portNumber.ToString());
			SyncDispatcher = new Dispatcher(SyncThreads, ThreadPriority.AboveNormal, true, "Socket Server Sync:" + portNumber.ToString());
			OnewayMessageQueue = new DispatcherQueue("Socket Server " + portNumber.ToString() + " one way", OnewayDispatcher, TaskExecutionPolicy.ConstrainQueueDepthThrottleExecution, config.OnewayQueueDepth);
			SyncMessageQueue = new DispatcherQueue("Socket Server " + portNumber.ToString() + " sync", SyncDispatcher, TaskExecutionPolicy.ConstrainQueueDepthThrottleExecution, config.SyncQueueDepth);

				Arbiter.Receive<ProcessState>(true, OnewayMessagePort, delegate(ProcessState state) { ProcessCall(state); }));

				Arbiter.Receive<ProcessState>(true, SyncMessagePort, delegate(ProcessState state) { ProcessCall(state); }));

			listener.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, this.portNumber));


			isRunning = true;

			listener.BeginAccept(acceptCallBack, listener);

			timerThread = new Thread(TimerStart);
			timerThread.IsBackground = true;

			if (log.IsInfoEnabled)
				log.Info("MySpace SocketTransport Server started on port " + this.portNumber);
Example #54
			public void Update(DX11RenderContext context)
				ResourcePool resourcePool;
				lock (FTexturePoolLock)
					if (!FTexturePool.ContainsKey(context))
						resourcePool = new ResourcePool(context, FWidth, FHeight);
						FTexturePool.Add(context, resourcePool);
						resourcePool = FTexturePool[context];
					Resource[context] = resourcePool.GetTexture(Index);
 public void NewUserResourcePool_ShouldCreate()
     var user = new User("Email");
     var resourcePool = new ResourcePool(user, "CMRP")
         .AddUserResourcePool(user, 0);
Example #56
 public abstract Task Load(ResourcePool pool, CancellationToken token);
Example #57
    #region Creation & Cleanup

    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Skeleton"/> class.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="boneParents">
    /// The bone parents. This list contains one entry per bone. The list element is the 
    /// parent bone index for each bone. If a bone has no parent, the array should contain -1.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="boneNames">
    /// The bone names. This list contains one entry per bone. The list element is the name
    /// of the bone or <see langword="null"/> if the bone is unnamed.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="bindPosesRelative">
    /// The bind poses. This list contains one entry per bone. The list element is the bone
    /// pose transformation relative to the parent bone.
    /// </param>
    /// <remarks>
    /// The bone data must be specified in lists. The index in the list is the bone index. The
    /// bones must be sorted so that parent bones come before their child bones.
    /// </remarks>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
    /// <paramref name="boneParents"/>, <paramref name="boneNames"/> or 
    /// <paramref name="bindPosesRelative"/> is <see langword="null"/>.
    /// </exception>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">
    /// Either the given lists are empty, have different length, or the 
    /// <paramref name="boneParents"/> are invalid (parent bones must come be before their child 
    /// bones).
    /// </exception>
    public Skeleton(IList<int> boneParents, IList<string> boneNames, IList<SrtTransform> bindPosesRelative)
      Initialize(boneParents, boneNames, bindPosesRelative);

      // If skeleton has been initialized successfully, create resource pools 
      // used by SkeletonPoses.
      SkeletonPosePool = new ResourcePool<SkeletonPose>(
        () => new SkeletonPose(this),

      SkeletonBoneAccessorPool = new ResourcePool<SkeletonBoneAccessor>(
        () => new SkeletonBoneAccessor(),

      AnimatableBoneTransformsPool = new ResourcePool<AnimatableBoneTransform[]>(
        () =>
          var animatableBoneTransforms = new AnimatableBoneTransform[NumberOfBones];
          for (int i = 0; i < animatableBoneTransforms.Length; i++)
            animatableBoneTransforms[i] = new AnimatableBoneTransform(i);

          return animatableBoneTransforms;