        // GET: /Resource/

        public ActionResult Resource()
            var DataSource = ResourceDataSource.GetData();

            ViewBag.datasource = DataSource;
            var Resources = ResourceList.GetData();

            ViewBag.resources = Resources;
Example #2
    // We override this to assign a WebSession to the WebUIComponent,
    // before it goes live. The component will go live after Start.
    protected override void Awake()
        if ( Application.isEditor )

        if ( !webUI )

        // Get or create an in-memory WebSession.
        if ( session == null )
            session = WebCore.CreateWebSession( new WebPreferences() { SmoothScrolling = true } );
            UnityEngine.Debug.Log( "Created In-Memory Session" );

        if ( session.GetDataSource( "media" ) == null )
            // Create and add a ResourceDataSource. This will be used to load assets
            // from the resources assembly (AwesomiumSampleResources) available with this sample.
            ResourceDataSource dataSource = new ResourceDataSource(
                typeof( AwesomiumSampleResources.Loader ).Assembly );
            session.AddDataSource( "media", dataSource );

            UnityEngine.Debug.Log( "Added DataSource" );

        // Assign the WebSession to the WebUIComponent.
        webUI.WebSession = session;
        UnityEngine.Debug.Log( String.Format( "WebSession Assigned to {0}.", barType ) );