/// <summary>Generates a large object and places it on the specified map and tile.</summary>
            /// <param name="index">The parent sheet index (a.k.a. object ID) of the object type to spawn.</param>
            /// <param name="location">The GameLocation where the large object should be spawned.</param>
            /// <param name="tile">The x/y coordinates of the tile where the ore should be spawned.</param>
            public static bool SpawnLargeObject(int index, GameLocation location, Vector2 tile)
                Monitor.VerboseLog($"Spawning large object. ID: {index}. Location: {tile.X},{tile.Y} ({location.Name}).");

                ResourceClump clump;

                if (index == 190 || index == 254 || index == 276) //if this should be a GiantCrop
                    clump = new GiantCrop(index, tile);
                else //if this should be a ResourceClump
                    clump = new ResourceClump(index, 2, 2, tile);

                if (location is Farm farm)
                    farm.resourceClumps.Add(clump); //spawn the specified resource clump
                else if (location is MineShaft mine)
                    mine.resourceClumps.Add(clump); //spawn the specified resource clump
                else //if this is not a farm or mine, which generally means it lacks a "resourceClumps" list
                    location.largeTerrainFeatures.Add(new LargeResourceClump(clump)); //spawn a wrapped version of the specified resource clump

Example #2
 static void Prefix(ref ResourceClump __instance, Tool t, int damage, Vector2 tileLocation, GameLocation location)
     if (t is Axe && t.UpgradeLevel == 5 && (__instance.parentSheetIndex.Value == 600 || __instance.parentSheetIndex.Value == 602))
         __instance.health.Value = 0;
Example #3
        private static void ResourceClumpPostfix(ResourceClump __instance)
            var instanceName       = $"{AlternativeTextureModel.TextureType.ResourceClump}_{GetResourceClumpName(__instance)}";
            var instanceSeasonName = $"{instanceName}_{Game1.GetSeasonForLocation(__instance.currentLocation)}";

            if (AlternativeTextures.textureManager.DoesObjectHaveAlternativeTexture(instanceName) && AlternativeTextures.textureManager.DoesObjectHaveAlternativeTexture(instanceSeasonName))
                var result = Game1.random.Next(2) > 0 ? AssignModData(__instance, instanceSeasonName, true) : AssignModData(__instance, instanceName, false);
                if (AlternativeTextures.textureManager.DoesObjectHaveAlternativeTexture(instanceName))
                    AssignModData(__instance, instanceName, false);

                if (AlternativeTextures.textureManager.DoesObjectHaveAlternativeTexture(instanceSeasonName))
                    AssignModData(__instance, instanceSeasonName, true);

            AssignDefaultModData(__instance, instanceSeasonName, true);
Example #4
        private static bool DrawPrefix(ResourceClump __instance, float ___shakeTimer, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 tileLocation)
            if (__instance.modData.ContainsKey("AlternativeTextureName"))
                var textureModel = AlternativeTextures.textureManager.GetSpecificTextureModel(__instance.modData["AlternativeTextureName"]);
                if (textureModel is null)

                var textureVariation = Int32.Parse(__instance.modData["AlternativeTextureVariation"]);
                if (textureVariation == -1 || AlternativeTextures.modConfig.IsTextureVariationDisabled(textureModel.GetId(), textureVariation))

                Vector2 position = __instance.tile.Value * 64f;
                if (___shakeTimer > 0f)
                    position.X += (float)Math.Sin(Math.PI * 2.0 / (double)___shakeTimer) * 4f;

                var       textureOffset = textureModel.GetTextureOffset(textureVariation);
                Rectangle sourceRect    = new Rectangle(0, textureOffset, 32, 32);

                spriteBatch.Draw(textureModel.GetTexture(textureVariation), Game1.GlobalToLocal(Game1.viewport, position), sourceRect, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, (__instance.tile.Y + 1f) * 64f / 10000f + __instance.tile.X / 100000f);


Example #5
        static ValMap ToMap(ResourceClump clump)
            if (clump == null)
            var result = new ValMap();

            result.map[_type] = new ValString("Clump");
            string name;

            switch (clump.parentSheetIndex.Value)
            case ResourceClump.boulderIndex: name = "Boulder"; break;

            case ResourceClump.hollowLogIndex: name = "Hollow Log"; break;

            case ResourceClump.meteoriteIndex: name = "Meteorite"; break;

            case ResourceClump.mineRock1Index:
            case ResourceClump.mineRock2Index:
            case ResourceClump.mineRock3Index:
            case ResourceClump.mineRock4Index: name = "Mine Rock"; break;

            case ResourceClump.stumpIndex: name = "Stump"; break;

            default: name = "#" + clump.parentSheetIndex.Value; break;
            result.map[_name]   = new ValString(name);
            result.map[_health] = new ValNumber(clump.health.Value);
Example #6
        /// <summary>Get the resource clump which covers a given tile, if any.</summary>
        /// <param name="location">The location to check.</param>
        /// <param name="tile">The tile to check.</param>
        /// <param name="player">The current player.</param>
        /// <param name="applyTool">Applies a tool to the resource clump.</param>
        protected ResourceClump GetResourceClumpCoveringTile(GameLocation location, Vector2 tile, Farmer player, out Func <Tool, bool> applyTool)
            Rectangle tileArea = this.GetAbsoluteTileArea(tile);

            // normal resource clumps
            foreach (ResourceClump clump in this.GetNormalResourceClumps(location))
                if (clump.getBoundingBox(clump.tile.Value).Intersects(tileArea))
                    applyTool = tool => this.UseToolOnTile(tool, tile, player, location);

            // FarmTypeManager resource clumps
            if (this.HasFarmTypeManager)
                foreach (LargeTerrainFeature feature in location.largeTerrainFeatures)
                    if (feature.GetType().FullName == "FarmTypeManager.LargeResourceClump" && feature.getBoundingBox(feature.tilePosition.Value).Intersects(tileArea))
                        ResourceClump clump = this.Reflection.GetField <Netcode.NetRef <ResourceClump> >(feature, "Clump").GetValue().Value;
                        applyTool = tool => feature.performToolAction(tool, 0, tile, location);

            applyTool = null;
Example #7
        private bool CheckIfTileBelongToResourceClump(int ResourceClumpIndex, Vector2 tile)
            TerrainFeature check;

            if (Game1.currentLocation.terrainFeatures.TryGetValue(tile, out check))
                if (check is ResourceClump)
                    ResourceClump RC = (ResourceClump)check;
                    if (RC.parentSheetIndex == ResourceClumpIndex)

            Vector2 tileToLeft = new Vector2(tile.X - 1, tile.Y);

            if (Game1.currentLocation.terrainFeatures.TryGetValue(tileToLeft, out check))
                if (check is ResourceClump)
                    ResourceClump RC = (ResourceClump)check;
                    if (RC.parentSheetIndex == ResourceClumpIndex)

            Vector2 tileToTopLeft = new Vector2(tile.X - 1, tile.Y - 1);

            if (Game1.currentLocation.terrainFeatures.TryGetValue(tileToTopLeft, out check))
                if (check is ResourceClump)
                    ResourceClump RC = (ResourceClump)check;
                    if (RC.parentSheetIndex == ResourceClumpIndex)

            Vector2 tileToTop = new Vector2(tile.X, tile.Y - 1);

            if (Game1.currentLocation.terrainFeatures.TryGetValue(tileToTop, out check))
                if (check is ResourceClump)
                    ResourceClump RC = (ResourceClump)check;
                    if (RC.parentSheetIndex == ResourceClumpIndex)

Example #8
        public override bool Apply(Vector2 tile, SObject tileObj, TerrainFeature tileFeature, SFarmer who, Tool tool, Item item, GameLocation location)
            if (this.Config.CutDebris && tileObj?.Name == "Stone")
                return(this.UseToolOnTile(tool, tile));

            if (tileFeature is HoeDirt dirt)
                if (this.Config.ClearDirt && dirt.crop == null)
                    return(this.UseToolOnTile(tool, tile));

                if (this.Config.CutDeadCrops && dirt.crop.dead)
                    return(this.UseToolOnTile(tool, tile));

            if (this.Config.ClearBouldersAndMeteor)
                ResourceClump rc = this.ResourceClumpCoveringTile(location, tile);
                if (rc != null && this.ResourceUpgradeNeeded.ContainsKey(rc.parentSheetIndex) && tool.upgradeLevel >= this.ResourceUpgradeNeeded[rc.parentSheetIndex])
                    this.UseToolOnTile(tool, tile);
        public static bool DoDamage_Prefix(ref MeleeWeapon __instance, GameLocation location, int x, int y, int facingDirection, int power, Farmer who)
            // Add functionality to be able to damage resource clumps with mattocks.
            if (__instance is Mattock mattock)
                if (who.IsLocalPlayer)
                    Vector2   tileLocation3 = Vector2.Zero;
                    Vector2   tileLocation2 = Vector2.Zero;
                    Rectangle areaOfEffect  = __instance.getAreaOfEffect(x, y, facingDirection, ref tileLocation3, ref tileLocation2, who.GetBoundingBox(), who.FarmerSprite.currentAnimationIndex);

                    foreach (Vector2 v in Utility.removeDuplicates(Utility.getListOfTileLocationsForBordersOfNonTileRectangle(areaOfEffect)))
                        ResourceClump[] clumpCopy = new ResourceClump[location.resourceClumps.Count];
                        location.resourceClumps.CopyTo(clumpCopy, 0);
                        foreach (ResourceClump resourceClump in clumpCopy)
                            if (mattock.struckFeatures.Contains(resourceClump))

                            if (resourceClump.occupiesTile((int)v.X, (int)v.Y))
                                Tool standinTool = null;
                                switch (resourceClump.parentSheetIndex.Get())
                                // Stumps
                                case 600:
                                case 602:
                                    standinTool = mattock.asAxe();

                                // Boulders
                                case 622:
                                case 672:
                                case 752:
                                case 754:
                                case 756:
                                case 758:
                                    standinTool = mattock.asPickaxe();

                                if (standinTool != null)
                                    if (resourceClump.performToolAction(standinTool, 1, resourceClump.tile.Get(), location))
Example #10
 private static void SeasonUpdatePostfix(ResourceClump __instance, bool onLoad)
     if (__instance.modData.ContainsKey("AlternativeTextureName") && __instance.modData.ContainsKey("AlternativeTextureSeason") && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(__instance.modData["AlternativeTextureSeason"]))
         __instance.modData["AlternativeTextureSeason"] = Game1.GetSeasonForLocation(__instance.currentLocation);
         __instance.modData["AlternativeTextureName"]   = String.Concat(__instance.modData["AlternativeTextureOwner"], ".", $"{AlternativeTextureModel.TextureType.ResourceClump}_{GetResourceClumpName(__instance)}_{__instance.modData["AlternativeTextureSeason"]}");
Example #11
 public Forest(Map map, string name) : base(map, name)
     this.marniesLivestock = new List <FarmAnimal>();
     this.marniesLivestock.Add(new FarmAnimal("Dairy Cow", MultiplayerUtility.getNewID(), -1L));
     this.marniesLivestock.Add(new FarmAnimal("Dairy Cow", MultiplayerUtility.getNewID(), -1L));
     this.marniesLivestock[0].position = new Vector2((float)(98 * Game1.tileSize), (float)(20 * Game1.tileSize));
     this.marniesLivestock[1].position = new Vector2((float)(101 * Game1.tileSize), (float)(20 * Game1.tileSize));
     this.log = new ResourceClump(602, 2, 2, new Vector2(1f, 6f));
Example #12
 public Forest(string map, string name)
     : base(map, name)
     marniesLivestock.Add(new FarmAnimal("Dairy Cow", Game1.multiplayer.getNewID(), -1L));
     marniesLivestock.Add(new FarmAnimal("Dairy Cow", Game1.multiplayer.getNewID(), -1L));
     marniesLivestock[0].Position = new Vector2(6272f, 1280f);
     marniesLivestock[1].Position = new Vector2(6464f, 1280f);
     log = new ResourceClump(602, 2, 2, new Vector2(1f, 6f));
Example #13
 public CustomResourceClump(ResourceClump rc) : base(rc.parentSheetIndex.Value, rc.width.Value, rc.height.Value,
     parentSheetIndex.Value = rc.parentSheetIndex.Value;
     width.Value            = rc.width.Value;
     height.Value           = rc.height.Value;
     currentTileLocation    = rc.currentTileLocation;
     health.Value           = rc.health.Value;
        /// <summary>Apply the tool to the given tile.</summary>
        /// <param name="tile">The tile to modify.</param>
        /// <param name="tileObj">The object on the tile.</param>
        /// <param name="tileFeature">The feature on the tile.</param>
        /// <param name="player">The current player.</param>
        /// <param name="tool">The tool selected by the player (if any).</param>
        /// <param name="item">The item selected by the player (if any).</param>
        /// <param name="location">The current location.</param>
        public override bool Apply(Vector2 tile, SObject tileObj, TerrainFeature tileFeature, SFarmer player, Tool tool, Item item, GameLocation location)
            // break stones
            if (this.Config.ClearDebris && tileObj?.Name == "Stone")
                return(this.UseToolOnTile(tool, tile));

            // break flooring & paths
            if (this.Config.ClearFlooring && tileFeature is Flooring)
                return(this.UseToolOnTile(tool, tile));

            // break objects
            if (this.Config.ClearObjects && tileObj != null)
                return(this.UseToolOnTile(tool, tile));

            // clear twigs & weeds
            if (this.Config.ClearWeeds && this.IsWeed(tileObj))
                return(this.UseToolOnTile(tool, tile));

            // handle dirt
            if (tileFeature is HoeDirt dirt)
                // clear tilled dirt
                if (this.Config.ClearDirt && dirt.crop == null)
                    return(this.UseToolOnTile(tool, tile));

                // clear dead crops
                if (this.Config.ClearDeadCrops && dirt.crop != null && dirt.crop.dead.Value)
                    return(this.UseToolOnTile(tool, tile));

            // clear boulders / meteorites
            // This needs to check if the axe upgrade level is high enough first, to avoid spamming
            // 'need to upgrade your tool' messages. Based on ResourceClump.performToolAction.
            if (this.Config.ClearBouldersAndMeteorites)
                ResourceClump clump = this.GetResourceClumpCoveringTile(location, tile);
                if (clump != null && (!this.ResourceUpgradeLevelsNeeded.TryGetValue(clump.parentSheetIndex.Value, out int requiredUpgradeLevel) || tool.UpgradeLevel >= requiredUpgradeLevel))
                    return(this.UseToolOnTile(tool, tile));

 private static bool IsResourceClumpBoulderAt(ResourceClump resourceClump, int x, int y)
     return(resourceClump.occupiesTile(x, y) &&
            (resourceClump.parentSheetIndex.Value == ResourceClump.meteoriteIndex ||
             resourceClump.parentSheetIndex.Value == ResourceClump.boulderIndex ||
             resourceClump.parentSheetIndex.Value == ResourceClump.mineRock1Index ||
             resourceClump.parentSheetIndex.Value == ResourceClump.mineRock2Index ||
             resourceClump.parentSheetIndex.Value == ResourceClump.mineRock3Index ||
             resourceClump.parentSheetIndex.Value == ResourceClump.mineRock4Index));
Example #16
 public static bool performToolAction(ref ResourceClump __instance, ref Tool t, ref int damage,
                                      ref Vector2 tileLocation, ref GameLocation location)
     if (__instance.parentSheetIndex.Value == 622)
         monitor.Log("Found a Meteor.");
Example #17
        /// <summary>Apply the tool to the given tile.</summary>
        /// <param name="tile">The tile to modify.</param>
        /// <param name="tileObj">The object on the tile.</param>
        /// <param name="tileFeature">The feature on the tile.</param>
        /// <param name="player">The current player.</param>
        /// <param name="tool">The tool selected by the player (if any).</param>
        /// <param name="item">The item selected by the player (if any).</param>
        /// <param name="location">The current location.</param>
        public override bool Apply(Vector2 tile, SObject tileObj, TerrainFeature tileFeature, SFarmer player, Tool tool, Item item, GameLocation location)
            // clear twigs & weeds
            if (this.Config.ClearDebris && (tileObj?.Name == "Twig" || tileObj?.Name.ToLower().Contains("weed") == true))
                return(this.UseToolOnTile(tool, tile));

            // check terrain feature
            switch (tileFeature)
            // cut non-fruit tree
            case Tree tree:
                if (tree.tapped ? this.Config.CutTappedTrees : this.Config.CutTrees)
                    return(this.UseToolOnTile(tool, tile));

            // cut fruit tree
            case FruitTree _:
                if (this.Config.CutFruitTrees)
                    return(this.UseToolOnTile(tool, tile));

            // clear crops
            case HoeDirt dirt when dirt.crop != null:
                if (this.Config.ClearDeadCrops && dirt.crop.dead)
                    return(this.UseToolOnTile(tool, tile));
                if (this.Config.ClearLiveCrops && !dirt.crop.dead)
                    return(this.UseToolOnTile(tool, tile));

            // clear stumps
            // This needs to check if the axe upgrade level is high enough first, to avoid spamming
            // 'need to upgrade your tool' messages. Based on ResourceClump.performToolAction.
            if (this.Config.ClearDebris)
                ResourceClump clump = this.GetResourceClumpCoveringTile(location, tile);
                if (clump != null && this.ResourceUpgradeLevelsNeeded.ContainsKey(clump.parentSheetIndex) && tool.upgradeLevel >= this.ResourceUpgradeLevelsNeeded[clump.parentSheetIndex])
                    this.UseToolOnTile(tool, tile);

Example #18
 public override bool performToolAction(Tool t, int tileX, int tileY)
     if (log != null && log.getBoundingBox(log.tile).Contains(tileX * 64, tileY * 64))
         if (log.performToolAction(t, 1, log.tile, this))
             log = null;
     return(base.performToolAction(t, tileX, tileY));
Example #19
 public override bool performToolAction(Tool t, int tileX, int tileY)
     if (this.log == null || !this.log.getBoundingBox(this.log.tile).Contains(tileX * Game1.tileSize, tileY * Game1.tileSize))
         return(base.performToolAction(t, tileX, tileY));
     if (this.log.performToolAction(t, 1, this.log.tile, (GameLocation)null))
         this.log = (ResourceClump)null;
Example #20
 private void ClearResourceClump(IList <ResourceClump> input, Vector2 tile)
     for (int i = 0; i < input.Count; i++)
         ResourceClump RC = input[i];
         if (RC.tile.Value == tile)
Example #21
 public override bool performToolAction(Tool t, int tileX, int tileY)
     if (this.log != null && this.log.getBoundingBox(this.log.tile).Contains(tileX * Game1.tileSize, tileY * Game1.tileSize))
         if (this.log.performToolAction(t, 1, this.log.tile, null))
             this.log = null;
     return(base.performToolAction(t, tileX, tileY));
Example #22
        /// <summary>Apply the tool to the given tile.</summary>
        /// <param name="tile">The tile to modify.</param>
        /// <param name="tileObj">The object on the tile.</param>
        /// <param name="tileFeature">The feature on the tile.</param>
        /// <param name="player">The current player.</param>
        /// <param name="tool">The tool selected by the player (if any).</param>
        /// <param name="item">The item selected by the player (if any).</param>
        /// <param name="location">The current location.</param>
        public override bool Apply(Vector2 tile, SObject tileObj, TerrainFeature tileFeature, SFarmer player, Tool tool, Item item, GameLocation location)
            // break stones
            if (tileObj?.Name == "Stone")
                return(this.UseToolOnTile(tool, tile));

            // break flooring & paths
            if (tileFeature is Flooring)
                return(this.BreakFlooring && this.UseToolOnTile(tool, tile));

            // handle dirt
            if (tileFeature is HoeDirt dirt)
                // clear tilled dirt
                if (dirt.crop == null)
                    return(this.ClearDirt && this.UseToolOnTile(tool, tile));

                // clear dead crops
                if (dirt.crop?.dead == true)
                    return(this.UseToolOnTile(tool, tile));

            // clear boulders / meteorites
            // This needs to check if the axe upgrade level is high enough first, to avoid spamming
            // 'need to upgrade your tool' messages. Based on ResourceClump.performToolAction.
                Rectangle     tileArea = this.GetAbsoluteTileArea(tile);
                ResourceClump stump    =
                        from clump in this.GetResourceClumps(location)
                        clump.getBoundingBox(clump.tile).Intersects(tileArea) &&
                        this.ResourceUpgradeLevelsNeeded.ContainsKey(clump.parentSheetIndex) &&
                        tool.upgradeLevel >= this.ResourceUpgradeLevelsNeeded[clump.parentSheetIndex]
                        select clump
                if (stump != null)
                    this.UseToolOnTile(tool, tile);

 static void ClearResourceClump(IList <ResourceClump> input, Vector2 RCLocation)
     for (int i = 0; i < input.Count; i++)
         ResourceClump RC = input[i];
         if (RC.tile.Value == RCLocation)
 public static bool BreakStump(Player player, Rectangle bb, ResourceClump clump)
     if (CanBreakBigObject(player, bb, clump))
         clump.health = 0;
         clump.performToolAction(player.CurrentTool, 1, clump.tile, player.currentLocation);
 public static void ResourceClump_performToolAction_Postfix(ResourceClump __instance, Tool t)
     if (__instance.health.Value <= 0f)
         if (__instance.parentSheetIndex.Value is 672 or 752 or 754 or 756 or 758)
             if (t is not null && t.getLastFarmerToUse() is not null)
Example #26
 private void onClumpRemoved(ResourceClump value)
     if (value.parentSheetIndex == ResourceClump.meteoriteIndex)
         Random r = new Random((int)value.tile.X * 1000 + (int)value.tile.Y);
         Game1.createMultipleObjectDebris(StardewValley.Object.stone, (int)value.tile.X, (int)value.tile.Y, 75 + r.Next(175));
         Game1.createMultipleObjectDebris(StardewValley.Object.coal, (int)value.tile.X, (int)value.tile.Y, 20 + r.Next(55));
         Game1.createMultipleObjectDebris(StardewValley.Object.iridium, (int)value.tile.X, (int)value.tile.Y, 50 + r.Next(100));
         Game1.createMultipleObjectDebris(535, (int)value.tile.X, (int)value.tile.Y, 7 + r.Next(15));
         Game1.createMultipleObjectDebris(536, (int)value.tile.X, (int)value.tile.Y, 7 + r.Next(15));
         Game1.createMultipleObjectDebris(537, (int)value.tile.X, (int)value.tile.Y, 7 + r.Next(15));
         Game1.createMultipleObjectDebris(749, (int)value.tile.X, (int)value.tile.Y, 3 + r.Next(9));
        /// <summary>Apply the tool to the given tile.</summary>
        /// <param name="tile">The tile to modify.</param>
        /// <param name="tileObj">The object on the tile.</param>
        /// <param name="tileFeature">The feature on the tile.</param>
        /// <param name="player">The current player.</param>
        /// <param name="tool">The tool selected by the player (if any).</param>
        /// <param name="item">The item selected by the player (if any).</param>
        /// <param name="location">The current location.</param>
        public override bool Apply(Vector2 tile, SObject tileObj, TerrainFeature tileFeature, SFarmer player, Tool tool, Item item, GameLocation location)
            // clear twigs
            if (tileObj?.Name == "Twig")
                return(this.UseToolOnTile(tool, tile));

            // cut non-fruit tree
            if (tileFeature is Tree)
                return(this.CutTrees && this.UseToolOnTile(tool, tile));

            // cut fruit tree
            if (tileFeature is FruitTree)
                return(this.CutFruitTrees && this.UseToolOnTile(tool, tile));

            // clear crops
            if (tileFeature is HoeDirt dirt && dirt.crop != null && (dirt.crop.dead || this.ClearCrops))
                return(this.UseToolOnTile(tool, tile));

            // clear stumps
            // This needs to check if the axe upgrade level is high enough first, to avoid spamming
            // 'need to upgrade your tool' messages. Based on ResourceClump.performToolAction.
                Rectangle     tileArea = this.GetAbsoluteTileArea(tile);
                ResourceClump stump    =
                        from clump in this.GetResourceClumps(location)
                        clump.getBoundingBox(clump.tile).Intersects(tileArea) &&
                        this.ResourceUpgradeLevelsNeeded.ContainsKey(clump.parentSheetIndex) &&
                        tool.upgradeLevel >= this.ResourceUpgradeLevelsNeeded[clump.parentSheetIndex]
                        select clump
                if (stump != null)
                    this.UseToolOnTile(tool, tile);

Example #28
        public static void Prefix(ResourceClump __instance, Tool t)
            if (t.UpgradeLevel != 6)   // Mythicite

            int[] axeIds     = new int[] { 600, 602 };
            int[] pickaxeIds = new int[] { 622, 672, 752, 754, 756, 758 };

            if (t is Axe && axeIds.Contains(__instance.parentSheetIndex.Value) ||
                t is Pickaxe && pickaxeIds.Contains(__instance.parentSheetIndex.Value))
                __instance.health.Value = 0;
        public static bool performToolAction(ref ResourceClump __instance, ref Tool t, ref int damage,
                                             ref Vector2 tileLocation, ref GameLocation location)
            ResourceClump rc = __instance;

            //Start checking ParentSheetIndexes for the ResourceClumps
            if (rc.health.Value > 0.0)

            if (rc.parentSheetIndex.Value == 600)

            //Everything else failed. The original Method runs.
        public static bool performToolAction_Prefix(ref ResourceClump __instance, Tool t, int damage, Vector2 tileLocation, GameLocation location, ref bool __result)
            // Gotta have the original method available for mattock stand-ins.
            if (performToolActionOriginal == null)

            // If the tool is a mattock and this object is one that requires a specific type of tool that is supported,
            // run the function with a stand-in tool instead.
            if (t is Mattock mattock && !mattock.struckFeatures.Contains(__instance))
                switch (__instance.parentSheetIndex.Get())
                case 600:                         // Stump
                case 602:                         // Log
                    // Treat the mattock as an axe for stumps.
                    Axe standinAxe = mattock.asAxe();
                    __result = (bool)performToolActionOriginal.Invoke(__instance, new object[] { __instance, standinAxe, damage, tileLocation, location });

                case 622:                         // Iridium meteorite
                case 672:                         // Boulder 1
                case 752:                         // Boulder 2
                case 754:                         // Boulder 3
                case 756:                         // Icy Boulder 1
                case 758:                         // Icy Boulder 2
                    // Treat the mattock as a pickaxe for boulders.
                    Pickaxe standinPickaxe = mattock.asPickaxe();
                    //standinPickaxe.DoFunction(location, (int)(__instance.currentTileLocation.X * 64), (int)(__instance.currentTileLocation.Y * 64), 1, Game1.player);
                    __result = (bool)performToolActionOriginal.Invoke(__instance, new object[] { __instance, standinPickaxe, damage, tileLocation, location });

            // Otherwise, just do the default functionality.