Example #1
        public void ResourceNotFoundWithContextTest()
            var resourceManager = new ResourceManager("resources.pri.standalone");

            resourceManager.ResourceNotFound += (sender, args) =>
                if (args.Name == "abc")
                    String value;
                    if (args.Context.QualifierValues[KnownResourceQualifierName.Language].StartsWith("en-US"))
                        value = "USValue";
                    else if (args.Context.QualifierValues[KnownResourceQualifierName.Language].StartsWith("en-GB"))
                        value = "GBValue";
                        value = "OtherValue";
                    var candidate = new ResourceCandidate(ResourceCandidateKind.String, value);

            var resourceContext = resourceManager.CreateResourceContext();

            resourceContext.QualifierValues[KnownResourceQualifierName.Language] = "en-US";
            var resourceMap       = resourceManager.MainResourceMap.GetSubtree("resources");
            var resourceCandidate = resourceMap.GetValue("abc", resourceContext);
            var resource          = resourceCandidate.ValueAsString;

            Assert.AreEqual(resource, "USValue");
            Assert.AreEqual(resourceCandidate.QualifierValues[KnownResourceQualifierName.Language], "en-US");

            resourceContext.QualifierValues[KnownResourceQualifierName.Language] = "en-GB";
            resourceCandidate = resourceMap.GetValue("abc", resourceContext);
            resource          = resourceCandidate.ValueAsString;
            Assert.AreEqual(resource, "GBValue");
            Assert.AreEqual(resourceCandidate.QualifierValues[KnownResourceQualifierName.Language], "en-GB");

            resourceCandidate = resourceMap.TryGetValue("abc", resourceContext);
            resource          = resourceCandidate.ValueAsString;
            Assert.AreEqual(resource, "GBValue");
            Assert.AreEqual(resourceCandidate.QualifierValues[KnownResourceQualifierName.Language], "en-GB");

            resourceContext.QualifierValues[KnownResourceQualifierName.Language] = "fr-FR";
            resourceCandidate = resourceMap.GetValue("abc", resourceContext);
            resource          = resourceCandidate.ValueAsString;
            Assert.AreEqual(resource, "OtherValue");
            Assert.AreEqual(resourceCandidate.QualifierValues[KnownResourceQualifierName.Language], "fr-FR");

            var ex = Assert.ThrowsException <Exception>(() => resourceMap.GetValue("xyz", resourceContext));

            Assert.AreEqual((uint)ex.HResult, 0x80073b17); // HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_MRM_NAMED_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND)

            resourceCandidate = resourceMap.TryGetValue("xyz", resourceContext);
        /// <summary>
        /// Invoked when the application is launched normally by the end user.  Other entry points
        /// will be used such as when the application is launched to open a specific file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Details about the launch request and process.</param>
        protected override void OnLaunched(Microsoft.UI.Xaml.LaunchActivatedEventArgs args)
            m_resourceLoader  = new ResourceLoader();
            m_resourceManager = new ResourceManager();

            // Fall back to other resource loaders if the resource is not found in MRT, in this case .net.
            // This enables carrying forward existing assets without the need to convert them.
            m_resourceManager.ResourceNotFound += (sender, args) =>
                var candidate = new ResourceCandidate(
                    LegacyResources.ResourceManager.GetString(args.Name, LegacyResources.Culture));


            m_window = new MainWindow(m_resourceLoader, m_resourceManager);

            //Get the Window's HWND
            var windowNative = m_window.As <IWindowNative>();

            m_window.Title = "MRT Core C# sample";

            // The Window object doesn't have Width and Height properties in WInUI 3 Desktop yet.
            // To set the Width and Height, you can use the Win32 API SetWindowPos.
            // Note, you should apply the DPI scale factor if you are thinking of DPI instead of pixels.
            SetWindowSize(windowNative.WindowHandle, 550, 500);
Example #3
        public void ResourceNotFoundTest()
            var resourceManager = new ResourceManager("resources.pri.standalone");

            resourceManager.ResourceNotFound += (sender, args) =>
                if (args.Name == "abc")
                    var candidate = new ResourceCandidate(ResourceCandidateKind.String, "abcValue");
            var resourceMap       = resourceManager.MainResourceMap.GetSubtree("resources");
            var resourceCandidate = resourceMap.GetValue("abc");
            var resource          = resourceCandidate.ValueAsString;

            Assert.AreEqual(resource, "abcValue");
            resource = resourceMap.TryGetValue("abc").ValueAsString;
            Assert.AreEqual(resource, "abcValue");

            var ex = Assert.ThrowsException <Exception>(() => resourceMap.GetValue("xyz"));

            Assert.AreEqual((uint)ex.HResult, 0x80073b17); // HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_MRM_NAMED_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND)
            resourceCandidate = resourceMap.TryGetValue("xyz");
Example #4
        public void NoResourceFileTest()
            var resourceManager  = new ResourceManager("NoSuchFile.pri");
            var resourceMap      = resourceManager.MainResourceMap;
            var resourceChildMap = resourceMap.GetSubtree("anyname");
            var resourceContext  = resourceManager.CreateResourceContext();


            // No resource file, and not handled by fallback
            var resourceCandidate = resourceMap.GetValue("abc");


            // add fallback handler
            resourceManager.ResourceNotFound += (sender, args) =>
                if (args.Name == "abc")
                    var candidate = new ResourceCandidate(ResourceCandidateKind.String, "abcValue");

            resourceCandidate = resourceMap.GetValue("abc");
            Assert.AreEqual(resourceCandidate.Kind, ResourceCandidateKind.String);
            Assert.AreEqual(resourceCandidate.ValueAsString, "abcValue");

            resourceCandidate = resourceMap.GetValue("xyz");
        public static async Task WriteCodeFile(this IMatrixProject project, StorageFolder folder, IBuildService buildService)
            // ***
            // *** Get the template from the resource file.
            // ***
            buildService.FireBuildEvent(BuildEventArgs.BuildEventType.Information, "Reading code template.");
            ResourceContext   resourceContext = ResourceContext.GetForViewIndependentUse();
            ResourceMap       resourceMap     = ResourceManager.Current.MainResourceMap.GetSubtree("CodeBuilder/Code");
            ResourceCandidate resourceValue   = resourceMap.GetValue("cpp", resourceContext);
            string            template        = resourceValue.ValueAsString;

            // ***
            // *** Fill in the template parameters.
            // ***
            string contents = String.Format(template, project.Name,

            // ***
            // *** Write the file.
            // ***
            buildService.FireBuildEvent(BuildEventArgs.BuildEventType.Information, $"Writing C++ code file '{project.CppFileName()}'.");
            StorageFile file = await folder.CreateFileAsync(project.CppFileName(), CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);

            await FileIO.WriteTextAsync(file, contents, Windows.Storage.Streams.UnicodeEncoding.Utf8);
        private async void tsLocation_Toggled(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            _settings.IsLocationActivated = tsLocation.IsOn;

            if (tsLocation.IsOn && _geo == null)
                // Initialise GeoLocator
                var access = await Geolocator.RequestAccessAsync();

                switch (access)
                case GeolocationAccessStatus.Allowed:
                    _geo = new Geolocator();
                    _geo.DesiredAccuracy = PositionAccuracy.Default;

                    tblLocationError.Text = "";

                    // There was a problem initialising GeoLocator
                    // Show an error to the user
                    ResourceCandidate resource = ResourceManager.Current.MainResourceMap.GetValue("Resources/uidLocationError", ResourceContext.GetForCurrentView());
                    tblLocationError.Text = resource.ValueAsString;

                    // Turn off location toggle
                    tsLocation.IsOn = false;

            // Update settings file
Example #7
        static void Main()

            var resourceManager = new ResourceManager("winforms_unpackaged_app.pri");

            // Fall back to other resource loaders if the resource is not found in MRT, in this case .net.
            // This enables carrying forward existing assets without the need to convert them.
            resourceManager.ResourceNotFound += (sender, args) =>
                var candidate = new ResourceCandidate(
                    LegacyResources.ResourceManager.GetString(args.Name, LegacyResources.Culture));


            var resourceLoader = new ResourceLoader();

            // Create a custom resource context. Set the language to German.
            var overrideResourceContext = resourceManager.CreateResourceContext();

            overrideResourceContext.QualifierValues["Language"] = "de-DE";

            // The resource manager and the resource loader do disk I/O and should be centrally cached.
            // Since both end up loading the same file, ideally an app should only use one.
            // The resource manager is a superset of the resource loader in terms of functionality.
            Application.Run(new AppForm(resourceManager, resourceLoader, overrideResourceContext));
Example #8
        private TaskItem ProcessContentItem(ITaskItem asset, Func <ResourceCandidate, string> resourceToTargetPath, Func <string, string> pathEncoder)
            if (
                !asset.MetadataNames.OfType <string>().Contains("Link") &&
                !asset.MetadataNames.OfType <string>().Contains("DefiningProjectDirectory")
                Log.LogMessage($"Skipping '{asset.ItemSpec}' because 'Link' or 'DefiningProjectDirectory' metadata is not set.");

            var fullPath     = asset.GetMetadata("FullPath");
            var relativePath = asset.GetMetadata("Link");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(relativePath))
                relativePath = fullPath.Replace(asset.GetMetadata("DefiningProjectDirectory"), "");

            if (IsImageAsset(asset.ItemSpec))
                var resourceCandidate = ResourceCandidate.Parse(fullPath, relativePath);

                if (!UseHighDPIResources && int.TryParse(resourceCandidate.GetQualifierValue("scale"), out var scale) && scale > HighDPIThresholdScale)
                    Log.LogMessage($"Skipping '{asset.ItemSpec}' of scale {scale} because {nameof(UseHighDPIResources)} is false.");

                var targetPath = resourceToTargetPath(resourceCandidate);

                if (targetPath == null)
                    Log.LogMessage($"Skipping '{asset.ItemSpec}' as it's not supported on {TargetPlatform}.");

                Log.LogMessage($"Retargeting image '{asset.ItemSpec}' to '{targetPath}'.");
                return(new TaskItem(
                           new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "LogicalName", targetPath },
                    { "AssetType", "image" }
                var encodedRelativePath = pathEncoder(relativePath);

                Log.LogMessage($"Retargeting generic '{asset.ItemSpec}' to '{encodedRelativePath}'.");
                return(new TaskItem(
                           new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "LogicalName", encodedRelativePath },
                    { "AssetType", "generic" }
Example #9
    private void OnUseContext(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        ResourceMap       map       = _resourceManager.MainResourceMap;
        ResourceCandidate candidate = map.TryGetValue("Resources/GoodEvening", _resourceContext);

        textGoodEvening.Text = candidate.ValueAsString;
        private IEnumerable <ITaskItem> GetResourcesForItem(ITaskItem resource)
            this.Log().Info("Resources file found : {0}".InvariantCultureFormat(resource.ItemSpec));

            var resourceCandidate = ResourceCandidate.Parse(resource.ItemSpec, resource.ItemSpec);

            var language = resourceCandidate.GetQualifierValue("language");

            if (language == null)
                // TODO: Add support for resources without a language qualifier
                this.Log().Info("No language found, resources ignored");
                yield break;

            this.Log().Info("Language found : {0}".InvariantCultureFormat(language));

            var resourceFile        = resource.ItemSpec;
            var sourceLastWriteTime = new FileInfo(resourceFile).LastWriteTimeUtc;
            var resources           = WindowsResourcesReader.Read(resourceFile);
            var comment             = CommentPattern.InvariantCultureFormat(this.GetType().Name, resourceFile);

            this.Log().Info("{0} resources found".InvariantCultureFormat(resources.Count));

            if (TargetPlatform == "android")
                yield return(GenerateAndroidResources(language, sourceLastWriteTime, resources, comment));
            else if (TargetPlatform == "ios")
                yield return(GenerateiOSResources(language, sourceLastWriteTime, resources, comment));

            yield return(GenerateUnoPRIResources(language, sourceLastWriteTime, resources, comment));
        // Obtains a resource string given the name of the string resource, and optional starting
        // and neutral resource cultures (e.g. "de-DE").

        // Thread-safe provided that the call to Initialize() happened only once on one thread
        // and has already completed successfully, and that the WinRT APIs called below
        // continue to be thread-safe.

        // Throws exceptions
        public override String GetString(String stringName,
                                         String startingCulture, String neutralResourcesCulture)
            Debug.Assert(stringName != null);
            Debug.Assert(_resourceMap != null); // Should have been initialized by now

            ResourceCandidate resourceCandidate = null;

            stringName = UriUtility.UriEncode(stringName);

            if (startingCulture == null && neutralResourcesCulture == null)
#pragma warning disable 618
                resourceCandidate = _resourceMap.GetValue(stringName);
#pragma warning restore 618
                Debug.Assert(_clonedResourceContext != null);                 // Should have been initialized by now
                Debug.Assert(_clonedResourceContextFallBackList != null);     // Should have been initialized by now
                Debug.Assert(s_globalResourceContextFallBackList != null);    // Should have been initialized by now
                Debug.Assert(s_globalResourceContextFallBackList.Length > 0); // Should never be empty

                // We need to modify the culture fallback list used by the Modern Resource Manager
                // The starting culture has to be looked up first, and neutral resources culture has
                // to be looked up last.

                string newResourceFallBackList = null;

                newResourceFallBackList =
                    (startingCulture == null ? "" : startingCulture + ";") +
                    s_globalResourceContextFallBackList +    // Our tests do not test this line of code, so be extra careful if you modify or move it.
                    (neutralResourcesCulture == null ? "" : ";" + neutralResourcesCulture);

                lock (_clonedResourceContext)
                    // s_globalResourceContextFallBackList may have changed on another thread by now.
                    // We cannot prevent that from happening because it may have happened on a native
                    // thread, and we do not share the same lock mechanisms with native code.
                    // The worst that can happen is that a string is unexpectedly missing
                    // or in the wrong language.

                    if (!String.Equals(newResourceFallBackList, _clonedResourceContextFallBackList, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        _clonedResourceContext.Languages   = StringToReadOnlyList(newResourceFallBackList);
                        _clonedResourceContextFallBackList = newResourceFallBackList;

                    resourceCandidate = _resourceMap.GetValue(stringName, _clonedResourceContext);

            if (resourceCandidate != null)

Example #12
        public override bool Execute()
            LogExtensionPoint.AmbientLoggerFactory.AddProvider(new TaskLoggerProvider(Log));

            this.Log().Info("Generating resources for platform : {0}".InvariantCultureFormat(TargetPlatform));

                GeneratedFiles = Resources
                                 // TODO: Add support for other resources file names
                                 .Where(resource => resource.ItemSpec?.EndsWith("Resources.resw") ?? false)
                                 // TODO: Merge duplicates (based on file name and qualifiers)
                                 .Select(resource =>
                    this.Log().Info("Resources file found : {0}".InvariantCultureFormat(resource.ItemSpec));

                    var resourceCandidate = ResourceCandidate.Parse(resource.ItemSpec, resource.ItemSpec);

                    var language = resourceCandidate.GetQualifierValue("language");
                    if (language == null)
                        // TODO: Add support for resources without a language qualifier
                        this.Log().Info("No language found, resources ignored");

                    this.Log().Info("Language found : {0}".InvariantCultureFormat(language));

                    var resourceFile        = resource.ItemSpec;
                    var sourceLastWriteTime = new FileInfo(resourceFile).LastWriteTimeUtc;
                    var resources           = WindowsResourcesReader.Read(resourceFile);
                    var comment             = CommentPattern.InvariantCultureFormat(this.GetType().Name, resourceFile);

                    this.Log().Info("{0} resources found".InvariantCultureFormat(resources.Count));

                    if (TargetPlatform == "android")
                        return(GenerateAndroidResources(language, sourceLastWriteTime, resources, comment));
                    else if (TargetPlatform == "ios")
                        return(GenerateiOSResources(language, sourceLastWriteTime, resources, comment));


            catch (Exception ex)
                this.Log().Error($"Failed to generate resources. Details: {ex.Message}");

Example #13
        public void When_Parse(string relativePath, string logicalPath, string scale, string language, string custom)
            var resourceCandidate = ResourceCandidate.Parse(null, relativePath);

            Assert.AreEqual(logicalPath, resourceCandidate.LogicalPath);
            Assert.AreEqual(scale, resourceCandidate.GetQualifierValue("scale"));
            Assert.AreEqual(language, resourceCandidate.GetQualifierValue("language"));
            Assert.AreEqual(custom, resourceCandidate.GetQualifierValue("custom"));
Example #14
		public override bool Execute()
			LogExtensionPoint.AmbientLoggerFactory.AddProvider(new TaskLoggerProvider(Log));

			this.Log().Info($"Retargeting UWP assets to {TargetPlatform}.");

			Func<ResourceCandidate, string> resourceToTargetPath;
			switch (TargetPlatform)
				case "ios":
					resourceToTargetPath = resource => iOSResourceConverter.Convert(resource, DefaultLanguage);
				case "android":
					resourceToTargetPath = resource => AndroidResourceConverter.Convert(resource, DefaultLanguage);
					this.Log().Info($"Skipping unknown platform {TargetPlatform}");
					return true;

			Assets = ContentItems.Where(content => IsAsset(content.ItemSpec)).ToArray();
			RetargetedAssets = Assets
				.Select(asset =>
					if (!asset.MetadataNames.Contains("Link"))
						this.Log().Info($"Skipping '{asset.ItemSpec}' because 'Link' metadata is not set.");
						return null;

					var fullPath = asset.GetMetadata("FullPath");
					var relativePath = asset.GetMetadata("Link");

					var resourceCandidate = ResourceCandidate.Parse(fullPath, relativePath);

					if (!UseHighDPIResources && int.TryParse(resourceCandidate.GetQualifierValue("scale"), out var scale) && scale > HighDPIThresholdScale)
						this.Log().Info($"Skipping '{asset.ItemSpec}' of scale {scale} because {nameof(UseHighDPIResources)} is false.");
						return null;

					var targetPath = resourceToTargetPath(resourceCandidate);

					if (targetPath == null)
						this.Log().Info($"Skipping '{asset.ItemSpec}' as it's not supported on {TargetPlatform}.");
						return null;
					this.Log().Info($"Retargeting '{asset.ItemSpec}' to '{targetPath}'.");
					return new TaskItem(asset.ItemSpec, new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "LogicalName", targetPath } });

			return true;
Example #15
 public string LocalizedStringOf(string key)
         ResourceCandidate resource = ResourceManager.Current.MainResourceMap.GetValue("Resources/" + key + "/text", ResourceContext.GetForCurrentView());
     catch (Exception) { return("[" + key + "]"); }
Example #16
        public MainPage()

            ResourceCandidate rc =
            string foreground = rc.ValueAsString;

                //try to set the user name from local settings
                ApplicationDataContainer localSettings = ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings;
                if (localSettings.Values["usrName"] != null)
                    App.usrName = (String)localSettings.Values["usrName"];
                //if not saved, user name defaults to User Name
                    App.usrName = "User Name";
                    localSettings.Values["usrName"] = App.usrName;
                //same as above, but with difficulty setting
                if (localSettings.Values["difficulty"] != null)
                    App.gmDifficulty = (int)localSettings.Values["difficulty"];
                //if not saved, user name defaults to User Name
                    App.gmDifficulty = 4;
                    localSettings.Values["difficulty"] = App.gmDifficulty;
            catch (Exception settingNotFound)
                //user name defaults to "User Name"
                string errMsg = settingNotFound.Message;
                App.usrName      = "User Name";
                App.gmDifficulty = 4;
            //loading the sources of the card images into memory
            App.posCard  = new BitmapImage(new Uri(base.BaseUri, "/Resources/CardPos.png"));
            App.negCard  = new BitmapImage(new Uri(base.BaseUri, "/Resources/CardNeg.png"));
            App.deckCard = new BitmapImage(new Uri(base.BaseUri, "/Resources/DeckCard.png"));

            //populate the card pool
            Card[] pool = createCardPool();

            //create new AI and user objects
            en = new SkyNet(pool, "AI");
            pl = new User(pool, App.usrName);
        public static string Translate(this string src)
            Contract.Requires(src != null);

            ResourceCandidate res = ResourceMap.GetValue(src, ResourceContext);

            if (res == null)

            return(res.IsMatchAsDefault ? res.ValueAsString.ToPseudo() : res.ValueAsString);
        public void When_Convert(string expectedPath, string logicalPath, int?scale, string language, string custom)
            var qualifiers = new List <ResourceQualifier>
                new ResourceQualifier("scale", scale?.ToString()),
                new ResourceQualifier("language", language),
                new ResourceQualifier("custom", custom)

            var resourceCandidate = new ResourceCandidate(qualifiers, null, logicalPath);
            var actualPath        = AndroidResourceConverter.Convert(resourceCandidate, DefaultLanguage);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedPath, actualPath);
Example #19
        public void ResourceNotFoundWithContextTest()
            var resourceManager = new ResourceManager("resources.pri.standalone");

            resourceManager.ResourceNotFound += (sender, args) =>
                if (args.Name == "abc")
                    String value;
                    if (args.Context.QualifierValues[KnownResourceQualifierName.Language].StartsWith("en-US"))
                        value = "USValue";
                    else if (args.Context.QualifierValues[KnownResourceQualifierName.Language].StartsWith("en-GB"))
                        value = "GBValue";
                        value = "OtherValue";
                    var candidate = new ResourceCandidate(ResourceCandidateKind.String, value);

            var resourceContext = resourceManager.CreateResourceContext();

            resourceContext.QualifierValues[KnownResourceQualifierName.Language] = "en-US";
            var resourceMap       = resourceManager.MainResourceMap.GetSubtree("resources");
            var resourceCandidate = resourceMap.GetValue(resourceContext, "abc");
            var resource          = resourceCandidate.ValueAsString;

            Assert.AreEqual(resource, "USValue");
            Assert.AreEqual(resourceCandidate.QualifierValues[KnownResourceQualifierName.Language], "en-US");

            resourceContext.QualifierValues[KnownResourceQualifierName.Language] = "en-GB";
            resourceCandidate = resourceMap.GetValue(resourceContext, "abc");
            resource          = resourceCandidate.ValueAsString;
            Assert.AreEqual(resource, "GBValue");
            Assert.AreEqual(resourceCandidate.QualifierValues[KnownResourceQualifierName.Language], "en-GB");

            resourceContext.QualifierValues[KnownResourceQualifierName.Language] = "fr-FR";
            resourceCandidate = resourceMap.GetValue(resourceContext, "abc");
            resource          = resourceCandidate.ValueAsString;
            Assert.AreEqual(resource, "OtherValue");
            Assert.AreEqual(resourceCandidate.QualifierValues[KnownResourceQualifierName.Language], "fr-FR");
Example #20
        public void ResourceNotFoundTest()
            var resourceManager = new ResourceManager("resources.pri.standalone");

            resourceManager.ResourceNotFound += (sender, args) =>
                if (args.Name == "abc")
                    var candidate = new ResourceCandidate(ResourceCandidateKind.String, "abcValue");
            var resourceMap       = resourceManager.MainResourceMap.GetSubtree("resources");
            var resourceCandidate = resourceMap.GetValue("abc");
            var resource          = resourceCandidate.ValueAsString;

            Assert.AreEqual(resource, "abcValue");
Example #21
        public static async Task WriteInstructionsFile(this IMatrixProject project, StorageFolder folder, IBuildService buildService)
            buildService.FireBuildEvent(BuildEventArgs.BuildEventType.Information, "Reading instructions template.");
            ResourceContext   resourceContext = ResourceContext.GetForViewIndependentUse();
            ResourceMap       resourceMap     = ResourceManager.Current.MainResourceMap.GetSubtree("CodeBuilder/Code");
            ResourceCandidate resourceValue   = resourceMap.GetValue("instructions", resourceContext);

            string template = resourceValue.ValueAsString;
            string contents = String.Format(template, project.CppFileName(),

            buildService.FireBuildEvent(BuildEventArgs.BuildEventType.Information, $"Writing instructions file '{project.InstructionsFileName()}'.");
            StorageFile file = await folder.CreateFileAsync(project.InstructionsFileName(), CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);

            await FileIO.WriteTextAsync(file, contents, Windows.Storage.Streams.UnicodeEncoding.Utf8);
Example #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Invoked when the application is launched normally by the end user.  Other entry points
        /// will be used such as when the application is launched to open a specific file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Details about the launch request and process.</param>
        protected override void OnLaunched(Microsoft.UI.Xaml.LaunchActivatedEventArgs args)
            m_resourceLoader  = new ResourceLoader();
            m_resourceManager = new ResourceManager();

            // Fall back to other resource loaders if the resource is not found in MRT, in this case .net.
            // This enables carrying forward existing assets without the need to convert them.
            m_resourceManager.ResourceNotFound += (sender, args) =>
                var candidate = new ResourceCandidate(
                    LegacyResources.ResourceManager.GetString(args.Name, LegacyResources.Culture));


            m_window = new MainWindow(m_resourceLoader, m_resourceManager);
Example #23
        private async void ReadCredentials()
            ResourceContext rc = ResourceContext.GetForViewIndependentUse();
            ResourceMap map = ResourceManager.Current.MainResourceMap;
            ResourceCandidate resource = map.GetValue("Files/Assets/api_credentials.json", rc);
            Debug.WriteLine("I am in the constructor!!");

            Stream file = (await resource.GetValueAsStreamAsync()).AsStreamForRead();
            file.Position = 0;
            byte[] bytes = new byte[file.Length];
            Debug.WriteLine("File Length is : " + file.Length);
            file.Read(bytes, 0, (int)file.Length);
            String json = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);
            int index = json.IndexOf('{');
            json = json.Substring(index);
            JsonObject creds = JsonObject.Parse(json);
            clientID = creds.GetNamedString("clientID");
            clientSecret = creds.GetNamedString("clientSecret");
Example #24
        private void AppStartup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e)
            m_resourceLoader  = new ResourceLoader();
            m_resourceManager = new ResourceManager();

            // Fall back to other resource loaders if the resource is not found in MRT, in this case .net.
            // This enables carrying forward existing assets without the need to convert them.
            m_resourceManager.ResourceNotFound += (sender, args) =>
                var candidate = new ResourceCandidate(
                    LegacyResources.ResourceManager.GetString(args.Name, LegacyResources.Culture));


            m_window = new MainWindow(m_resourceLoader, m_resourceManager);

Example #25
        public void NoResourceFileTest()
            var resourceManager  = new ResourceManager("NoSuchFile.pri");
            var resourceMap      = resourceManager.MainResourceMap;
            var resourceChildMap = resourceMap.GetSubtree("anyname");
            var resourceContext  = resourceManager.CreateResourceContext();


            // No resource file, and not handled by fallback
            var ex = Assert.ThrowsException <Exception>(() => resourceMap.GetValue("abc"));

            Assert.AreEqual((uint)ex.HResult, 0x80070490); // HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_FOUND)
            var resourceCandidate = resourceMap.TryGetValue("abc");


            // add fallback handler
            resourceManager.ResourceNotFound += (sender, args) =>
                if (args.Name == "abc")
                    var candidate = new ResourceCandidate(ResourceCandidateKind.String, "abcValue");

            resourceCandidate = resourceMap.GetValue("abc");
            Assert.AreEqual(resourceCandidate.Kind, ResourceCandidateKind.String);
            Assert.AreEqual(resourceCandidate.ValueAsString, "abcValue");

            resourceCandidate = resourceMap.TryGetValue("abc");
            Assert.AreEqual(resourceCandidate.Kind, ResourceCandidateKind.String);
            Assert.AreEqual(resourceCandidate.ValueAsString, "abcValue");

            ex = Assert.ThrowsException <Exception>(() => resourceMap.GetValue("xyz"));
            Assert.AreEqual((uint)ex.HResult, 0x80070490); // HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_FOUND)
            resourceCandidate = resourceMap.TryGetValue("xyz");
        private IEnumerable <ITaskItem> GetResourcesForItem(ITaskItem resource)
            Log.LogMessage($"Resources file found : {resource.ItemSpec}");

            var resourceCandidate = ResourceCandidate.Parse(resource.ItemSpec, resource.ItemSpec);

            var language = resourceCandidate.GetQualifierValue("language");

            if (language == null)
                // TODO: Add support for resources without a language qualifier
                Log.LogMessage("No language found, resources ignored");
                yield break;

            Log.LogMessage($"Language found : {language}");

            var resourceFile        = resource.ItemSpec;
            var sourceLastWriteTime = new FileInfo(resourceFile).LastWriteTimeUtc;
            var resources           = WindowsResourcesReader.Read(resourceFile);
            var comment             = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, CommentPattern, this.GetType().Name, resourceFile);

            Log.LogMessage($"{resources.Count} resources found");

            if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(resource.ItemSpec).Equals("Resources", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                if (TargetPlatform == "android")
                    yield return(GenerateAndroidResources(language, sourceLastWriteTime, resources, comment, resource));
                else if (TargetPlatform == "ios")
                    yield return(GenerateiOSResources(language, sourceLastWriteTime, resources, comment));

            yield return(GenerateUnoPRIResources(language, sourceLastWriteTime, resources, comment, resource));
        // Adapted from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/maps-and-location/display-poi#add-a-mapicon
        private void AddPointsToMap()
            ResourceCandidate resource = ResourceManager.Current.MainResourceMap.GetValue("Resources/uidPhoto", ResourceContext.GetForCurrentView());

            int i = 0;

            // Create a MapIcon for each Geopoint in list
            foreach (Geopoint point in _coordinates)
                MapIcon mapIcon = new MapIcon();
                mapIcon.Location = point;
                mapIcon.NormalizedAnchorPoint = new Point(0.5, 1.0);
                mapIcon.ZIndex = 0;
                mapIcon.Title  = resource.ValueAsString + " " + (i + 1);

                // Add the MapIcon to the map


            MapControl.MapElementClick += MapControl_MapElementClick;
Example #28
        public string GetLocalizedValue(object value, string suffix, CultureIdentifier culture, params object[] args)
            if (value == null)
                return("<!! NULL !!>");
            ILocalizable localizableValue = value as ILocalizable;
            string       localizedValue;
            object       valueKey = Tuple.Create(value, suffix);

            if (!localizedValueMap.TryGetValue(valueKey, out localizedValue))
                string valueType = value.GetType().Name;
                string valueName = value.ToString();
                Enum   enumValue = value as Enum;
                bool   isFlags   = enumValue != null && enumValue.GetType().GetTypeInfo().GetCustomAttributes <FlagsAttribute>().Any();
                if (isFlags && ((int)value) != 0)
                    List <string> localizedEnumParts = new List <string>();
                    foreach (var flag in Enum.GetValues(enumValue.GetType()))
                        if (((int)flag != 0) && enumValue.HasFlag((Enum)flag))
                            localizedEnumParts.Add(GetRawLocalizedValue(flag, culture));

                    localizedValue = string.Join(", ", localizedEnumParts);
                else if (localizableValue != null)
                    // If it's localized, then we'll let them determine
                    // the appropriate way to get the raw localized value
                    localizedValue = localizableValue.ToString(this);
                    string localizedValueKey = string.Format("{0}_{1}", valueType, valueName);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(suffix))
                        localizedValueKey = localizedValueKey + "_" + suffix;

                    ResourceContext context = new ResourceContext();
                    context.Languages = new string[] { ResolveCulture(culture).ToString() };
                    ResourceCandidate localizedCandidate = map.GetValue(localizedValueKey, context);

                    if (localizedCandidate == null)
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Unable to find localized value {localizedValueKey}");

                    localizedValue = localizedCandidate?.ValueAsString ?? "!! Missing Resource for " + localizedValueKey + " !!";
                    localizedValue = this.ResourceLoader.GetString(localizedValueKey, ResolveCulture(culture)) ?? "!! Missing Resource for " + localizedValueKey + " !!";
                localizedValueMap[valueKey] = localizedValue;
            if (localizableValue != null)
                args = args == null || args.Length == 0 ? localizableValue.LocalizedContext : args;
            if (args != null && args.Length > 0)
                return(string.Format(localizedValue, args));
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides an implementation of the AppDomain.AssemblyResolve handler that
        /// will attempt to lookup .NET Satellite Assemblies that have been re-packaged
        /// as MRT Resource Packs.
        /// Note that if you already use the AssemblyResolve handler to perform other
        /// assembly look-up tasks, you will need to incorporate this code into your
        /// existing handler
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Unused</param>
        /// <param name="args">Information about the assembly that failed to load</param>
        /// <returns>The newly-loaded assembly, or null if it can't be found</returns>
        internal static Assembly AssemblyResolveHandler(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args)
            Debug.WriteLine("---- Begin AssemblyResolve event handler ----");
            Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Requested Assembly='{0}'", args.Name));

            // First, we need to get the base filename and language from the full assembly name string.
            // It's of the form "AssemblyName, Version=a.b.c.d, Culture=xx-yy, PublicKeyToken=xxxx, etc."
            // We don't need to parse it by hand; the AssemblyName class will do it for us
            AssemblyName fullAssemblyName    = new AssemblyName(args.Name);
            string       desiredAssemblyName = fullAssemblyName.Name;
            string       desiredCulture      = fullAssemblyName.CultureName;

            Debug.WriteLine("Requested Assembly Name='{0}', language='{1}'", desiredAssemblyName, desiredCulture);

            // The only expected exceptions are for use in a non-AppX context (when the app is sharing
            // code with (eg) a Windows 7 desktop app) or for missing fallback resources.
                // A ResourceContext includes things like the current language, scale factor etc.
                // In a normal UWP you would use GetForCurrentView(), but this is a Win32 app
                // and it doesn't have 'views'. We will use the generic context instead
                ResourceContext resourceContext = ResourceContext.GetForViewIndependentUse();

                // Override whatever the context's language is with the language requested by .NET
                // This would cover the case where (eg) .NET code had explicitly set a different
                // culture from the user's preferred culture.
                resourceContext.Languages = new[] { desiredCulture };

                // Get the current WinRT ResourceManager instance. Note this would require a
                // 'using' alias if we were trying to mix and match .NET resource code and
                // WinRT resource code in the same file, since they both have a type with this name.
                ResourceManager resourceManager = ResourceManager.Current;

                // The resource manager groups together different resources types under different sub-trees.
                // All files are under the "Files" subtree, so we retrieve that
                // (This is optional - we could prepend "files/" to the resource name instead)
                ResourceMap fileResources = resourceManager.MainResourceMap.GetSubtree("Files");

                // TODO: Add your own naming conventions here, if necessary
                // This is the filename as it appeared on-disk when the package was created. At a minimum, you
                // need to add ".dll" on the end, but you might also need to prepend a folder name or do other
                // modifications to match your configuration.
                string targetFileName = string.Format(@"{0}.dll", desiredAssemblyName);

                // From all the resources available, we want to look for the one with the target filename
                NamedResource desiredResource = fileResources[targetFileName];

                // Print out the list of candidates and their qualifiers, in sorted order
                // Useful if something isn't resolving the way you expect. See MSDN for more information
                // on the properties being used.
                int i = 0;
                Debug.WriteLine(" Candidates:");
                foreach (ResourceCandidate candidate in desiredResource.ResolveAll(resourceContext))
                    Debug.WriteLine("  {0}: {1}, Match={2}, Default={3}", i,
                                    candidate.ValueAsString, candidate.IsMatch, candidate.IsDefault);
                    Debug.WriteLine("   Qualifiers:");
                    foreach (var qualifier in candidate.Qualifiers)
                        Debug.WriteLine("    {0}={1}, Match={2}, Default={3}",
                                        qualifier.QualifierName, qualifier.QualifierValue,
                                        qualifier.IsMatch, qualifier.IsDefault);

                // Get the best-matching candidate (filename) to load as an assembly
                // NOTE: If this throws the following exception:
                //   The ResourceMap or NamedResource has an item that does not have default or neutral
                //   resource. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80073B0C)
                // then double-check your MakePRI command and ensure it didn't complain about missing files:
                //   MakePRI: warning 0xdef01051: No default or neutral resource given for '<filename>'.
                //   The application may throw an exception for certain user configurations when
                //   retrieving the resources.
                ResourceCandidate bestCandidate = desiredResource.Resolve(resourceContext);

                // Candidates have various properties, but we really only need the value at this point
                string absoluteFileName = bestCandidate.ValueAsString;

                // Now we have the filename, we should be able to do this:
                //   Assembly resourceAssembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(absoluteFileName);
                // but due to a limitation with .NET and Windows resource packages, we need
                // to use an "Unsafe" load operation. To make sure we don't accidentally load
                // assemblies that really are unsafe (eg, from the network) we use this helper
                // function to validate the input first.
                // In this scenario the extra protections are uneccessary, but for anyone who copies
                // this code into a broader context, it will be useful.
                Assembly resourceAssembly = LoadAssemblyFromPackageGraph(absoluteFileName, Package.Current);

                Debug.WriteLine("Resolved Assembly Name='{0}', language='{1}'",
                                absoluteFileName, resourceAssembly.GetName().CultureName);

                // Finally, return the assembly we have loaded
            catch (Exception ex)
                // This is expected to fail for non-AppX contexts.
                if (ex.HResult == KnownMrtFailureCodes.MrtNeedsAppXPackagedApp)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Info: MRT only works for AppX packaged apps; returning null.");

                // This happens if you are missing a fallback file, but might not be fatal.
                // See comment above about MakePRI warnings
                if (ex.HResult == KnownMrtFailureCodes.MissingDefaultOrNeutralResource)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Error: No neutral resource supplied; returning null.");

                // Otherwise, something else went wrong that needs to be looked at.
                Console.WriteLine("Excpetion while trying to find assembly: {0}\r\n{1}", ex.Message, ex.ToString());
                Debug.WriteLine("---- End AssemblyResolve event handler   ----");
Example #30
        public void NoResourceFileWithContextTest()
            var resourceManager  = new ResourceManager("NoSuchFile.pri");
            var resourceMap      = resourceManager.MainResourceMap;
            var resourceChildMap = resourceMap.GetSubtree("anyname");
            var resourceContext  = resourceManager.CreateResourceContext();


            // No resource file, and not handled by fallback
            var resourceCandidate = resourceMap.GetValue("abc");


            // add fallback handler
            resourceManager.ResourceNotFound += (sender, args) =>
                if (args.Name == "abc")
                    String value;
                    if (args.Context.QualifierValues.ContainsKey(KnownResourceQualifierName.Language))
                        if (args.Context.QualifierValues[KnownResourceQualifierName.Language].StartsWith("en-US"))
                            value = "USValue";
                        else if (args.Context.QualifierValues[KnownResourceQualifierName.Language].StartsWith("en-GB"))
                            value = "GBValue";
                            value = "OtherValue";
                        value = "UnknownValue";
                    var candidate = new ResourceCandidate(ResourceCandidateKind.String, value);

            resourceContext.QualifierValues[KnownResourceQualifierName.Language] = "en-US";
            resourceCandidate = resourceMap.GetValue(resourceContext, "abc");
            Assert.AreEqual(resourceCandidate.Kind, ResourceCandidateKind.String);
            Assert.AreEqual(resourceCandidate.ValueAsString, "USValue");
            Assert.AreEqual(resourceCandidate.QualifierValues[KnownResourceQualifierName.Language], "en-US");

            resourceContext.QualifierValues[KnownResourceQualifierName.Language] = "en-GB";
            resourceCandidate = resourceMap.GetValue(resourceContext, "abc");
            Assert.AreEqual(resourceCandidate.Kind, ResourceCandidateKind.String);
            Assert.AreEqual(resourceCandidate.ValueAsString, "GBValue");
            Assert.AreEqual(resourceCandidate.QualifierValues[KnownResourceQualifierName.Language], "en-GB");

            resourceContext.QualifierValues[KnownResourceQualifierName.Language] = "fr-FR";
            resourceCandidate = resourceMap.GetValue(resourceContext, "abc");
            Assert.AreEqual(resourceCandidate.Kind, ResourceCandidateKind.String);
            Assert.AreEqual(resourceCandidate.ValueAsString, "OtherValue");
            Assert.AreEqual(resourceCandidate.QualifierValues[KnownResourceQualifierName.Language], "fr-FR");

            resourceCandidate = resourceMap.GetValue(resourceContext, "xyz");