Example #1
        protected void res_Resized(object sender, ResizeHandler.ResizedEventArgs e)
            // Calculating width/height - "extras"...
            int width = Math.Max(e.Width - 20, 500);
            int height = Math.Max(e.Height - 20, 400);

            // Creating effects to animate window...
            new EffectSize(wndTop, 200, -1, width)
                    new EffectSize(pnlLeft, 200, height - 150, -1),
                    new EffectSize(pnlMid, 200, height - 150, -1),
                    new EffectSize(pnlRight, 200, height - 150, -1),
                    new EffectMove(wndRight, 200, width - 210, int.Parse(wndRight.Style[Styles.top].Replace("px", ""))),
                    new EffectSize(wndMid, 200, -1, width - 430)

            // Setting top window size
            wndTop.Style["width"] = string.Format("{0}px", width);

            // Setting left window size
            pnlLeft.Style["height"] = string.Format("{0}px", height - 150);

            // Setting center window size
            pnlMid.Style["height"] = string.Format("{0}px", height - 150);
            wndMid.Style["width"] = string.Format("{0}px", width - 430 /* 215x2 width of left and right combined */);

            // Setting right window position
            pnlRight.Style["height"] = string.Format("{0}px", height - 150);
            wndRight.Style["left"] = string.Format("{0}px", width - 210);
Example #2
        public Form1()

            // create day selection buttons for day view
            rightDayButton = new Button();
            leftDayButton  = new Button();

            rightDayButton.Height    = 36;
            rightDayButton.Width     = 80;
            rightDayButton.Margin    = new Padding(0);
            rightDayButton.Text      = "Next";
            rightDayButton.Font      = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 10);
            rightDayButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat;
            rightDayButton.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlLightLight;
            rightDayButton.FlatAppearance.BorderColor        = SystemColors.ControlDark;
            rightDayButton.FlatAppearance.MouseDownBackColor = Color.FromArgb(153, 98, 107);
            rightDayButton.FlatAppearance.MouseOverBackColor = Color.FromArgb(205, 169, 169);
            rightDayButton.Visible  = false;
            rightDayButton.Location = new Point(0, 0);
            leftDayButton.Height    = 36;
            leftDayButton.Width     = 80;
            leftDayButton.Margin    = new Padding(0);
            leftDayButton.Text      = "Previous";
            leftDayButton.Font      = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 10);
            leftDayButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat;
            leftDayButton.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlLightLight;
            leftDayButton.FlatAppearance.BorderColor        = SystemColors.ControlDark;
            leftDayButton.FlatAppearance.MouseDownBackColor = Color.FromArgb(153, 98, 107);
            leftDayButton.FlatAppearance.MouseOverBackColor = Color.FromArgb(205, 169, 169);
            leftDayButton.Visible  = false;
            leftDayButton.Location = new Point(0, 0);


            dayLabels        = new Label[] { mondayLabel, tuesdayLabel, wednesdayLabel, thursdayLabel, fridayLabel };
            selectedDayLabel = dayLabels[0];

            // hide day labels until they are fully loaded

            // configure and add day change buttons to the dayLabelPanel for easier positioning
            leftDayButton.Top    = selectedDayLabel.Top;
            leftDayButton.Click += new EventHandler(LeftDayButton_Click);
            rightDayButton.Top    = selectedDayLabel.Top;
            rightDayButton.Click += new EventHandler(RightDayButton_Click);

            // set PopulateCalendars as the handler of the RefreshCalendarsEvent
            RefreshCalendars.RefreshCalendarsEvent += new Action(PopulateCalendars);

            // set ResizeDayLabels as the handler of the ResizeHandler of both calendar views
            ResizeHandler handler = new ResizeHandler(ResizeDayLabels);

            calendarWeekView1.ResizeEvent += handler;
            calendarDayView1.resizeEvent  += handler;
Example #3
 private void EnsureNoResizeHandler()
     if (_ResizeHandler)
     _ResizeHandler = null;
Example #4
 private void EnsureResizeHandler()
     if (!_ResizeHandler)
         _ResizeHandler = _Target.GetComponent <ResizeHandler>();
         if (!_ResizeHandler)
             _ResizeHandler = _Target.gameObject.AddComponent <ResizeHandler>();
Example #5
        async void InitializeSplitGutter()
            await JSRunTime.InvokeVoidAsync("splitterLib.createSplit", ".gutter-col-1");

            await ResizeHandler.InitializeHandler();
 protected void re_Resized(object sender, ResizeHandler.ResizedEventArgs e)
     lbl.Text = string.Format("New size width {0}px and height {1}px", e.Width, e.Height);
     new EffectHighlight(lbl, 400).Render();