public static Resists Clone(this Resists resists)
     return(new Resists
         Physical = resists.Physical,
         Fire = resists.Fire,
         Cold = resists.Cold,
         Poison = resists.Poison,
         Energy = resists.Energy,
 public static void Add(this Resists baseResists, params Resists[] bonuses)
     foreach (var bonus in bonuses)
         baseResists.Physical += bonus.Physical;
         baseResists.Fire     += bonus.Fire;
         baseResists.Cold     += bonus.Cold;
         baseResists.Poison   += bonus.Poison;
         baseResists.Energy   += bonus.Energy;
        public ArmorEvaluatorService(Armor armor, int maxResistBonus)
            if (armor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(armor));

            PhysicalLowest = armor.CurrentResists.Physical <= armor.CurrentResists.Fire &&
                             armor.CurrentResists.Physical <= armor.CurrentResists.Cold &&
                             armor.CurrentResists.Physical <= armor.CurrentResists.Poison &&
                             armor.CurrentResists.Physical <= armor.CurrentResists.Energy;
            FireLowest = armor.CurrentResists.Fire <= armor.CurrentResists.Physical &&
                         armor.CurrentResists.Fire <= armor.CurrentResists.Cold &&
                         armor.CurrentResists.Fire <= armor.CurrentResists.Poison &&
                         armor.CurrentResists.Fire <= armor.CurrentResists.Energy;
            ColdLowest = armor.CurrentResists.Cold <= armor.CurrentResists.Fire &&
                         armor.CurrentResists.Cold <= armor.CurrentResists.Physical &&
                         armor.CurrentResists.Cold <= armor.CurrentResists.Poison &&
                         armor.CurrentResists.Cold <= armor.CurrentResists.Energy;
            PoisonLowest = armor.CurrentResists.Poison <= armor.CurrentResists.Fire &&
                           armor.CurrentResists.Poison <= armor.CurrentResists.Cold &&
                           armor.CurrentResists.Poison <= armor.CurrentResists.Physical &&
                           armor.CurrentResists.Poison <= armor.CurrentResists.Energy;
            EnergyLowest = armor.CurrentResists.Energy <= armor.CurrentResists.Fire &&
                           armor.CurrentResists.Energy <= armor.CurrentResists.Cold &&
                           armor.CurrentResists.Energy <= armor.CurrentResists.Poison &&
                           armor.CurrentResists.Energy <= armor.CurrentResists.Physical;
            _baseArmor      = armor;
            _maxResistBonus = maxResistBonus;
            _maxImbueables  = new Resists
                Physical = armor.BaseResists.Physical + maxResistBonus,
                Fire     = armor.BaseResists.Fire + maxResistBonus,
                Cold     = armor.BaseResists.Cold + maxResistBonus,
                Poison   = armor.BaseResists.Poison + maxResistBonus,
                Energy   = armor.BaseResists.Energy + maxResistBonus,
        private void btn_ImportFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                var importerService = new ImporterService();
                var fileText        = importerService.ReadFile(FileToImport);
                var lines           = importerService.SplitString(fileText, '\n');

                var dict         = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                var easyUoRecord = new EasyUoRecord();
                var actualtype   = easyUoRecord.GetType();
                foreach (var propertyInfo in actualtype.GetProperties())
                    foreach (ColumnNumber columnNumber in propertyInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ColumnNumber), false))
                        dict.Add(propertyInfo.Name, columnNumber.Value);

                var armors = new List <Armor>();
                foreach (var line in lines)
                    var data      = importerService.SplitString(line, '.');
                    var dataArray = data?.ToArray();
                    if (data == null || dataArray.Length == 0)

                    // Check for Resource based on Color
                    var itemColor = int.Parse(dataArray[dict[nameof(easyUoRecord.Color)]]);
                    var resource  = _resources.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Color == itemColor);
                    if (resource == null)
                        var result = MessageBox.Show($@"Unable find known color for '{itemColor}'." +
                                                     "\r\n\r\nWould you like to skip the record?",
                                                     @"Unknown Color", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                        if (result == DialogResult.Yes)

                    // This tells us the Base Resists for this item
                    var itemType     = dataArray[dict[nameof(easyUoRecord.ItemType)]];
                    var armorRecords = _knownItemTypes[itemType];
                    var baseArmor    = armorRecords.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Color == itemColor);
                    if (baseArmor == null)
                        // Type to Color is a one to many relationship
                        var result = MessageBox.Show($@"Unable find Type '{itemType}' with Color '{itemColor}'." +
                                                     "\r\n\r\nWould you like to skip the record?",
                                                     @"Unexpected item Type/Color combination", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                        if (result == DialogResult.Yes)

                    // Fetch the basics
                    var currentResists = new Resists
                        Physical = int.Parse(dataArray[dict[nameof(easyUoRecord.Physical)]]),
                        Fire     = int.Parse(dataArray[dict[nameof(easyUoRecord.Fire)]]),
                        Cold     = int.Parse(dataArray[dict[nameof(easyUoRecord.Cold)]]),
                        Poison   = int.Parse(dataArray[dict[nameof(easyUoRecord.Poison)]]),
                        Energy   = int.Parse(dataArray[dict[nameof(easyUoRecord.Energy)]]),
                    var armor = new Armor
                        CurrentResists = currentResists,
                        Slot           = baseArmor.Slot,
                    armor.Id = dataArray[dict[nameof(armor.Id)]];

                    // Set it's minimums
                    armor.BaseResists = _resistConfigurations[baseArmor.BaseResistConfigurationId];

                    // Check if it's imbued already

                    // Add the bonus to the base if it it's not the default color
                    if (itemColor != baseArmor.Color)
                        var resourceResists = _resistConfigurations[resource.BonusResistConfigurationId];
                        armor.NeedsBonus = true;


                _armorPieces = armors;
                MessageBox.Show($@"Imported '{_armorPieces.Count}' records.");
                btn_MakeSuit.Enabled = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
Example #5
 public void incraseResist(Resists index, int value)
     _resists[index].baseValue += value;
     _resists[index].currentValue += value;
Example #6
 public int currentResist(Resists index)
     return _resists[index].currentValue;
Example #7
 public int baseResist(Resists index)
     return _resists[index].baseValue;